ARMY MIL-R-48878-1975 RDX ESTANE (PBX 0280) MOLDING POWDER (FOR USE IN AMMUNITION)《旋风炸药 埃斯坦(PBX 0280)成型粉(军需品)》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-R-48878-1975 RDX ESTANE (PBX 0280) MOLDING POWDER (FOR USE IN AMMUNITION)《旋风炸药 埃斯坦(PBX 0280)成型粉(军需品)》.pdf_第1页
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ARMY MIL-R-48878-1975 RDX ESTANE (PBX 0280) MOLDING POWDER (FOR USE IN AMMUNITION)《旋风炸药 埃斯坦(PBX 0280)成型粉(军需品)》.pdf_第2页
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ARMY MIL-R-48878-1975 RDX ESTANE (PBX 0280) MOLDING POWDER (FOR USE IN AMMUNITION)《旋风炸药 埃斯坦(PBX 0280)成型粉(军需品)》.pdf_第3页
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ARMY MIL-R-48878-1975 RDX ESTANE (PBX 0280) MOLDING POWDER (FOR USE IN AMMUNITION)《旋风炸药 埃斯坦(PBX 0280)成型粉(军需品)》.pdf_第4页
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ARMY MIL-R-48878-1975 RDX ESTANE (PBX 0280) MOLDING POWDER (FOR USE IN AMMUNITION)《旋风炸药 埃斯坦(PBX 0280)成型粉(军需品)》.pdf_第5页
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1、MIL-R-48878 13 9Ob 0325132 8 m 7 s -37-;/ MIL-R-48878 (PA) 4 December 1975 MILITARY SPECIFICATION RDX/ESTANE (PBX-0280) MOLDING POWDER (FOR USE IN AMMUNITION) This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. . SCOPE 1.1 Scope .-This specificatio

2、n covers a high-energy solid explosive composed of RDX and a polyurethane resin which acts as a binder and desensitizer for the RDX (see 6.3). shall be of the following types, as specified (see 6.1); 1.2 Classification.-The RDX/Polyurethane molding powder Type I - Coarse Type II- Fine 2. APPLICABLE

3、DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS MILITARY MIL-R-398 - RDX MIL-A-48078- Ammunition, Standard Quality Assurance Provisions, General Speci

4、fication for STANDARDS MILITARY MIL-STD-650 - Explosive: Sampling Inspection and Y Testing FSC: i376 -. -: .-. - THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS / PAGES. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-48878 13 777706 0325113 T MIL-R-48878 (PA) DRAWINGS

5、 U.S. ARMY 7548644 - Box, Packing for High Explosives Assembly, DetaiJs, Packing and Marking 7548645 - Carton, Packing, Reusable, Collapsible for High Explosives (Copies of standards, specifications, drawings and publications required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions

6、should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the Contracting Officer). 2.2 Other publications.-The following document forms a I part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the Lissue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request fo

7、r proposal shall apply. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS ASTM Procedure E300 - Recommended Practice for (Application for copies of ASTM Standards should be addressed to the American Society for Testing and Materials, i916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,. i9103) Sampling Industrial

8、 Chemicals 3. REQUIREMENTS . i 3.1 Materials.-The molding powder shall be a free-flowing off-white to light brown material in the form of small agglom- erates consisting of grains of RDX (complying with Type II of MIL-R-398, three parts Class 7 to one part Class 5) surrounded and held together by a

9、rubber-like binder (see 6.4). sha de t 3.2 Bulk densit .-The bulk density of the molding powder .11 be - 0.75 grams g) per cubic centimeter (cc), minimum, when ermived as specified in 4.5.1. 3.3 Volatiles.-The moisture and other volatiles content of the molding powder shall be 010 percent., maximum,

10、 when determined as specified in 4.5.2. 2 Y Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-rlLL-R-qBB8 33 9999906 03253114 3 -1 3.4 Composition.-The composition of the molding powder shall be as specified in TABLE I, when determihed as specified in

11、appli- cable paragraphs of 4.5.3. TABLE I Constituent RDX Binder Percent by Weight Applicable Paragraphs 95.0 + 0.5 5.0 7 - 0.5 3.5 Vacuum Stability Test (12O0C).-Tbe volume of gas evolved from 5 grams of the molding powder heated at 12OoC for 40 hours in the 12OOC Vacuum Stability T

12、est shall not exceed 0.8 milliliter, when determined as specified in 4.5.4. 3.6 Granulation.-The granulation of the applicable type of molding powder shall be as specified in TABLE II, when determined as specified in 4.5.5, TABLE II U.S. Standard Sieve No. Cumulative Percent Retained Type 1 Type II

13、4 18 30 50 60 80 - O 5 max. 98 min. 99 min. - O 50 max. 95 min, 99 min. - - 3.7 Workmanship.-The material shall be free from metal or wooden particles, paper and other foreign mate a d 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-i MIL-R-4B874 1

14、3 9779706 0325117 O _ MIL-R-48878 (PA) 4.4.3 Sampling for test 4.5.1 through 4.5.5.-Approximately 500 grams of Molding powder shall be selected from each batch to be sampled using ASTM Procedure E300 for solids. shall be selected for inspection in accordance with MIL-STD-1235, CSP-1 Plan, AQL 6.5 pe

15、rcent using a batch as a unit of product. If any sample fails to meet. any test requirement the batch re- presented by the sample shall be rejected. All batches produced between the time that the last batch was tested and accepted and the batch which failed shall be tested in accordance with the app

16、licable methods given in paragraph 4,5. fail to meet any of the test requirements, that batch shall also -be rejected. In addition, after any failure of a batch the con- tractor will return to 100 percent inspection until “i“ successive batches are accepted as required by MIL-STD-1235. The classific

17、ation of defects shall be as given in Table III. Samples If any of these batches TABLE 111 CLASSIFICATION OF*DEFECTS Cat e gory Defec t Bulk Density Volatiles . Composition Vacuum Stability Test Granulation Major B Major B Major B Major B Major B 4.4.4 Inspection Equipment ,-The- government reserves

18、 right to inspect the contractors equipment and determine that the he has available and utilizes correctly, measuring and test equipment of khe required accuracy and precision and that the instruments are of the proper type and range to make measure- ments of the required accuracy. Commercial inspec

19、tion equipment, shall be employed where applicable for all tests and examinations specified In 4,4 and 4,5. assuring proper calibration procedures are followed. Government approval of all inspection equipment is required prior to its use for acceptance purposes (see 6.5). The contractor is responsib

20、le for 4.5 Test Methods and Procedures (see 6.6) 4.5.1 Bulk density,-The bulk density. of the molding powder shall be determined in accordance with Method 201.3 of the latest revision of MIL-STD-650, 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

21、flIL-R-4dd74 13 m f777iOb 0325120 7 MIL-R-48878 (PA) 4.5.2 Volatiles.-Transfer approximately 30 grams of the sample to a pre-dried accurately weighed.100 mm by i5 mm Petri dish and determine the weight of the dish and contents to the nearest milligram. Place the dish in a vacuum oven maintained at 1

22、00C and heat under vacuum for two hours. Place the dish in a desiccator and let it cool to room temperature, Weigh the dish and determine the 105s in weight(1). Calculate the volatiles content as follows : Percent volatiles = Where : A = loss in weight, B = original weight A x 100 B in grams, to the

23、 nearest milligram of the sample, in grams, to the nearest milligram (I) Save the dried sample for use in the composition determination 4.5.3 Composition RDX Content Reagent,-Prepare RDX-saturated chloroform by adding excess RDX to reagent grade chloroform; stirring the resultant s

24、lurry at least two hours at room temperature. The chloroform is stored over the excess RDX and filtered before use. Procedure.-Place approximately 5 grams of dried sample, weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg, into a 250 ml beaker and add 150 ml of saturated chloroform. minutes. Rinse down the wa

25、ll of the beaker and stir for fifteen addstional minutes, Remove stirrer, washing off any residue with 10 ml of saturated chloroform. Transfer the slurry into a tared medium porosity Gooch crucible which has beenconnected to a vacuum filtering flask. Carefully rinse any residue re- maining in the be

26、aker into the crucible, using three 5 ml portions of the saturated solvent. Wash the residue on crucible with three 20 ml portions of saturated chloroform. Remove the crucible from the filtering flask and wash all discernable re- sidue from beneath the frit with unsaturated chloroform. - Dry for one

27、 hour in a vacuum oven at 60 5 2OC, then cool in a desiccator. Weigh the crucible and its contents and calculate the percentage of RDX as follows: Stir for thirty Y 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-VIL-R-48878 13 9999706 0325323 9 MI

28、L- R- 4 8 87 8 (PA ) X RDX = 100 (A - B) w Where : A = Weight of crucible and residue, in grams B = Tare weight of crucible, in grams W = Weight of sample, in grams This analysis tu911 be run in triplicate. three determinations will be reported as percent RDX. Binder Content.-Subtract the va

29、lue reported as percent RDX from 100 to obtain the percent binder. 4.5.4 Vacuum Stability Test .-The vacuum stability test at 12OoC shall be determined in accordance with Method 503.1 of the latest revision of MIL-STD-650. shall be determined in accordance with Method 204.1 of the latest revision of

30、 MIL-STD-650 The average of the 4.5.5 Granulation.-The granulation of the molding powder 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Packing 5.1.1 Level A,-Packing shall be in accordance with 5.1.2 Level B and C.-Packing shall be in accordance with Drawing 754- specified for PBX. Drawing 7548645 as specified fo

31、r PBX, 5.2 Marking.-Marking shall be in accordance with Drawings 7548644 am645 as applicable. . 6. NOTES 6.1 Ordering data,-Procurement documents shall specify the following : a. Type requi-red (see 1.2) b. Title, number and date of this document. C, Description sheets shall be prepared for each lot

32、 in d, Provisions for submission of first article samples. accordance with MIL-STD-1171. ii 10 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-48878 33 m 4974906 0325322 O MIL-R-48878 (PA) 6.2 Inspection code numbers.-The five digit code number

33、s assigned to the inspection herein are to facilitate future data collection and analysis by the Government. 6,3 Intended use.-The material covered in this specification is intended to be used for application as an explosive where high energy and good thermal stability are needed in ammunition items

34、. 6.4 A binder which has been found satisfactory for this composit;ion is Estane 5703F1. This product is manufactured by the B. F. Goodrich Chemical Company. The material is a poly (ester- urethane) elastomer. Material to be used in the manufacture of this explosive shall conform to Los Alamos Scien

35、tific Laboratory Specification 13Y101Q31. Use of any other materials shall require prior approval of Picatinny Arsenal, ATTN: SARPA-&A-A-P. 6.5 Submission of Inspection Equipment Designs for Approval.- See MIL-A-48078, Submit equipment designs, as required, to Commander Picatinny Arsenal, ATTN: SARP

36、A-QA-T, Dover, New Jersey 07801. 6.6 Prior approval of the Contracting Officer is required . for use of equivalent test methods. method should be submitted thru the Contracting Officer to: Commander. ATTN: SARPA-&A-A-P, Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, New Jersey 0.7801, This description should .include bu

37、t not be limited to the procedures used, the accuracy and precision of the method, test data to demonstrate the accuracy and precision and drawings of any special equipment required. A description of the proposed Custodbhn: Army-PA Preparing Activity: Army-PA Project Number: 1376-AO57. U 11 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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