ASHRAE LV-11-013-2011 A Methodology for the Comprehensive Evaluation of the Indoor Climate Based on the Human Body Response-Part 1 Environment and Man-Theoretical Principles.pdf

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ASHRAE LV-11-013-2011 A Methodology for the Comprehensive Evaluation of the Indoor Climate Based on the Human Body Response-Part 1 Environment and Man-Theoretical Principles.pdf_第5页
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1、2011 ASHRAE 801ABSTRACTThe primary purpose of any building design should be toachieve the desired parameters of the indoor environment.However this is not the outcome in all cases. Therefore, as partof every design, a comprehensive evaluation of the indoormicroclimate should be conducted. The evalua

2、tion should bebased on two criteria. The first, the physical-physiological thatenables the indoor environment to be evaluated from the view-point of the physiology of the human organism and the second,the physical-psychological that makes it possible to evaluatethe impact of the environment on the p

3、sychological impact ofthe individual components of the environment.The impetus for this work were difficulties that arose fromthe application of optimal operative temperatures based onPredicted Mean Vote (PMV) in order to derive credible valuesfor new or revised standards, namely the proposed Europe

4、anStandard prEN 4666:2009, Aerospace Series, Aircraft Inte-grated Air Quality and Pressure Standards, Criteria and Deter-mination Methods. The need to revise the GovernmentDirective No.361/2007 Code of the Czech Republic led directlyto the commissioning of research, the results of which arereported

5、in this paper. Part 1 contains the theoretical basis.INTRODUCTIONTo create the desired indoor environment that serves thebuildings purpose is the main aim of every architectural struc-ture. But it is not successful in all cases. Thus, an evaluationof the indoor microclimate at the project stage shou

6、ld beconducted, which can also be the basis for the design of the“intelligent building” system.But, additionally, this study can be useful in solving theproblems of the so-called sick building syndrome (SBS),which usually manifests itself with headaches and symptomsassociated with colds of occupants

7、 of modern buildings.Therefore, according to medical opinion, SBS should becalled, more precisely, building related illness (BRI). SBS, orBRI, could be the reason for the interruption of work on build-ings even of the highest architectural value.SBS is typical for modern buildings; in older building

8、s, itis a rare occurrence. According to a survey conducted by aGerman trade union for banks and insurance (HBV) (Weber1995), almost one-third (27.1%) of employees complainedabout the hygrothermal microclimate, 13.5% about noise,10.6% about illumination, 10.2% about tobacco smoke, and9.9% about the l

9、ack of space. It is the environment (with71.3% of workers complaints) that dominates discomfort inthe workplace. They do not complain as much about overtime(8.9%), their supervisors (4.0%), or their colleagues (2.9%)(Figure 1).The HBV survey was confirmed byINFRATEST_INQUIRY, published by the Associ

10、ation ofEcological Research Institutes (Weber 1995), from which it isadditionally evident that the majority of complaints arise inair-conditioned spaces (Figure 2). Most often they complain ofbeing cold (19%), muscular membrane irritation (16.5%),overall irritability (12.8%), headaches (11.6%), fati

11、gue(11.4%), rheumatism (9%), lack of concentration (8.3%), anddazed state (4.2%). There was a noted remarkable decrease incomplaints in spaces without air conditioning.From NASA research (Rohles 1971; Jokl 1989) it isevident that optimal environmentwithout SBSis achievedwhen all its components are a

12、t an optimal level, i.e., hygro-thermal, odor, toxic, aerosol, microbial, ionising, electrostatic,electromagnetic, electronic, acoustic, and psychicalA Methodology for the Comprehensive Evaluation of the Indoor Climate Based on the Human Body ResponsePart 1: Environment and ManTheoretical Principles

13、Miloslav V. Jokl, PhD, DScMiloslav V. Jokl is a full-time professor in the Department of Microenvironmental and Building Services Engineering, Czech TechnicalUniversity, Prague, Czechia. LV-11-0132011. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (

14、Published in ASHRAE Transactions, Volume 117, Part 1. For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAES prior written permission.802 ASHRAE Transactions(Figure 3). Rohles (1971) introduced for them the termc

15、onstituents, e.g., odor microclimate can be called the odorconstituent.Therefore, it is advantageous to conduct an evaluation ofthe microclimate, and the possible level of all its individualcomponents, as part of every architectural project. The follow-ing also influence the quality of the indoor en

16、vironment: odor,toxic, aerosol, microbial, and electronic components. In office and residential buildings, the dominant and deci-sive constituents are hygrothermal, odor, and acoustic(Figures 1 and 2). They affect both mans psychology, impact-ing his mental activities, and mans physiology.THE IMPACT

17、 OF THE ENVIRONMENT ON MANS PSYCHOLOGYThe impact of the environment on mans psychology isdescribed by the Weber-Fechner law (WFL). The WFL statesthat the intensity of the perception of brightness, warmth, pres-sure, etc., is directly proportional to the logarithm of the inten-sity of the stimulus, e

18、xpressed as a multiple of the smallestperceived (threshold) stimulus, i.e., human body response R isproportional (k = coefficient of proportionality) to the loga-rithm of the stimulus S.(1)Response R depends on the stress theory by Selye (1974):the response to each constituent is caused by one type

19、of stressof the human body, and only by agencies or complex of agen-cies of this type of stress. It is the physical criterion of the inter-action between mans psychology and his environment; kdepends on the threshold value and limit of stimulus, and Sdepends on the environmental differential equatio

20、n (EDE)(only agents resulting in flows affecting the human organismcan be taken into account) (Jokl 1989). It is the physical crite-rion of interaction between mans physiology and his environ-ment.At the threshold of this millennium, the exponential func-tion was accepted as reflecting most phenomen

21、a (von Baeyer2000). Its course rises from low values that show an almosthorizontal trend and then change into an almost vertical rise,therefore perfectly representing, for example, populationexplosions, the spread of the AIDS virus, and similar phenom-ena. The reciprocal of the exponential curve des

22、cribes radio-active decay and also the fading peal church bells. However, it is evident that there are disciplinescosmol-ogy, embryology, information science, and others, all of whichwill be of great significance in the coming decadesthat arepoorly described by the exponential function. However, the

23、reis another, similar function that can helpthe natural loga-rithm. Mathematically, the natural logarithm is the functionalinverse of the exponential, as its graph makes clear: the loga-rithm is the mirror image, reflected across a diagonal, of theexponential. The logarithm cannot only help us find

24、our placein the universe, but seems the right way to describe how humanbeings evaluate data coming in through the various sensorychannels. Also, according to eminent physicists, logarithmsmay help further the understanding of quantum mechanics.Like the exponential function, the logarithm always rise

25、s.But whereas the exponential roars unchecked to infinity at anever-increasing rate of slope, the rise of the logarithmic func-tion is accompanied by a slope that gets continuously flatter.And whereas the exponential approaches the horizontal axis toFigure 1 Strain on man in buildings with and witho

26、ut airconditioning.Rk Slog=Figure 2 Strain on man in building interior with and withoutair conditioning.2011 ASHRAE 803the left of the origin, the logarithm plunges precipitouslythrough the horizontal axis to negative infinity, hugging thevertical axis ever more closely, though never quite reaching

27、it.At their extremities, the exponential and logarithmic curvesdiverge dramatically, but near the origin they approach eachother, even running in parallel. Together they resemble thegraceful outline of an hourglass.The usefulness of the logarithm is its ability to representnumerical excesses in comp

28、rehensible terms. To see how itworks, consider the logarithm to the base 10, the so-calleddecadal logarithm (log natural = 2.302585 log decadal). Formultiples of ten, the log simply counts zeros, recording themas positive when they appear in the numerator, and negativewhen they appear in the denomin

29、ator.Thus, the log of 1000 is 3, whereas the log of 1/100 is2. A plot of the log has remarkable properties. On a sheetof graph paper that is divided into one-centimeter squares,a point on the curve that is a mere eleven centimeters, orhalf a page, above the horizontal axis lies 100 billion centi-met

30、ers to the right, reaching past the orbit of the moon.Conversely, eight centimeters bellow the origin, the curvehas moved to within one 100-millionth of a centimeter, oran atoms diameter, from the vertical axis.Scientists long ago made use of the “powers of ten” nota-tion. One hundred billion is wri

31、tten 1011, one 100-millionth,108. The superscripts, of course, are just the logs of the orig-inal numbers. At first, the powers of ten notation appears to bemore of a shorthand; albeit a marvelously convenient one. Itprevents errors and saves space. Imagine just writing out in fullthe values of the

32、Planck constant (1043second) and Plancklength (1035meter) with their combined total seventy-sixzeros after the decimal pointa virtually impossible feat ofpatience and care. Computations are further simplifiedbecause multiplication and division by ten amounts to simplyadding and subtracting powers.Bu

33、t the logarithmic function has more profound implica-tions. It is an effective analytical tool for understanding theworld, a way of looking at things that might be called “loga-rithmic thinking” or, simply, “power thinking.”Power thinking began in the second century BC, when theGreek astronomer Hipp

34、archus divided the stars into six cate-gories of brightness. The giant star Antares, for instance, wasbright enough to be classified within the first magnitude ofbrightness. Polaris, visibly dimmer, but not by much, wasdeemed to be a second-magnitude star. And so on. (Themodern scale of visual stell

35、ar magnitudes has been extendedanother 30 steps in one direction to include the sun, and 24 inthe opposite direction to capture the faintest object recordedby the Hubble space telescope.) Of course, Hipparchus had noway of determining brightness objectively, but his subjectiveclassification turned o

36、ut to be intrinsically logarithmic: asrecorded by a detector that measures the intensity of light,Antares is 2.5 times as bright as Polaris, which is 2.5 timesbright as a third magnitude star.Hipparchuss scale illustrates an old phenomenon: thehuman senses perceive the world in a roughly logarithmic

37、 way.The eye, for example, cannot distinguish much more then sixdegrees of brightness. The range covered by six degrees is2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5, as for human perceptions. The ear, too, perceives approximately logarithmically.The physical intensity of sound, in terms of energy carriedthrough the air, v

38、aries by a factor of one trillion (1012), fromFigure 3 The most common constituents of the environmenttypes of microclimate in building interiors.804 ASHRAE Transactionsthe barely audible to the threshold of pain. But because neitherthe ear nor the brain can resolve equal differences equallyacross s

39、o immense a gamut, they convert the unimaginablemultiplicative factors into a comprehensive additive scale. Theear, in other words, relays the physical intensity of the soundas logarithmic ratios of loudness. Thus, a normal conversationmay seem three times as loud as a whisper, whereas itsmeasured i

40、ntensity is actually 1000 (103) times greater. It is nocoincidence that the loudness scale invented by the telephonepioneer Alexander Graham Bell is logarithmic: a noise thatregisters as 80 decibels is 100 times louder than a 60-decibelsound.If the sensory perceptions of brightness and loudnessboth

41、interpret physical stimuli logarithmically, do they hint atsome deeper, more fundamental law? For a century-and-a-half, that question has been at the frontier of psychophysics,the science in which psychology and physics overlap. One ofthe founders of the discipline was the 19th-century Germanbiologi

42、st and physicist Gustav Theodor Fechner. Fechner hadgrappled for some time with the relation between stimulus andresponse, and while still in bed on the morning of October 22,1850 (or so the story goes), he came up with a solution to theconundrum.The Weber-Fechner law allows to define criteria thatc

43、haracterize the interaction of a mans psychological state andhis environment, i.e., the impact of individual constituents onhis psychology so enabling to describe the feelings producedby the given component.THE IMPACT OF ENVIRONMENT ON MANS PHYSIOLOGYThe impact of the environment on mans physiology

44、isdescribed by a differential equation; for full details see Jokl(1974, 1989). In its simplest form it can be expressed as(2)where= N/(A t) (am2s1ain2s1) agent flow intensity;N = agent, homogenous component of the physical reality creating flows (e.g., warmth) and directly or potentially exposing th

45、e subject, a;A = area perpendicular to the agent flow direction, m2(in2);T =time, s;*=N/V (am3ain3) agent concentration, density; andV = volume of transfer field, m3(in3).This differential equation makes it possible to estimatephysical criteria characterizing the interaction between mansphysiology a

46、nd his environment, e.g., hygrothermal, odor, andacoustic. Applied to the hygrothermal constituent (for heat energyexpressed by enthalpy) we get (am3ain3) = h (Jm3Btuin3) = cp To(Jm3Btuin3) , (3)whereh =cp To = enthalpy, Jkg1(Btulb1);cp= specific heat at constant pressure, Jkg1C1(Btulb1F1);To= opera

47、tive temperature, C (F); and= specific mass of heat transfer field, kgm3(lbin3).The physical criterion of the interaction between a mansphysiology and hygrothermal constituents is the product ofenthalpy and specific mass. If specific mass is constant,enthalpy remains the sole criterion. If specific

48、heat is constant,then only operative temperature remains as the criterion.Applied to the acoustic constituent (dimensional analysisapplied), we get the following: (am3ain3) = (Jm3Btuin3) = (Nmm3lbinin3) = (Nm2lbin2) (4)The physical criterion of interaction between a mansphysiology and the acoustic c

49、onstituent is the acoustic pres-sure.CONCLUSIONIt is evident from the theoretical discussion that two crite-ria for an evaluation of the environment are necessary: psycho-logical, expressed by a physical value, and physiological, alsoexpressed by a physical value.The criteria are summed up in Table 1.While for the acoustic constituent, the criteria are estab-lished and in common use, for the hygrothermal and odorconstituent, the criteria are the subject of th


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