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1、2005年 11月北京成人本科学位英语真题试卷及答案与解析 一、 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the

2、corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1 Languages are remarkably complex and wonderfully complicated organs of culture. (76) They contain the quickest and the most efficient means of communicating within their respective culture. To learn a foreign language

3、is to learn another culture. In the words of a poet and philosopher, “As many languages as one speaks, so many lives one lives.“ A culture and its language are as necessary as brain and body: while one is a part of the other, neither can function without the other. In learning a foreign language, th

4、e best beginning would be starting with the non-language elements of the language: its gestures, its body language, etc. Eye contact is extremely important in English. Direct eye contact leads to understanding, or, as the English saying goes, seeing eye-to-eye. We can never see eye to-eye with a nat

5、ive speaker of English until we have learned to look directly into his eyes. 1 The best title for this passage is _. ( A) Organs of Culture ( B) Brain and Body ( C) Looking into His Eyes ( D) Language and Culture 2 According to this passage, the best way to learn a foreign language is _. ( A) to rea

6、d the works of poets and philosophers ( B) to find a native speaker and look directly into his eyes ( C) to begin by learning its body language ( D) to visit a country where you can study 3 According to this passage, gestures are _. ( A) spoken words ( B) a non-language element ( C) pictures in a la

7、nguage ( D) written language 4 “As many languages as one speaks, so many lives.“ means _. ( A) if one learns many foreign languages, one will have a better understanding of his own language ( B) life is richer and more interesting if one knows several languages ( C) no matter how many languages one

8、knows, one can never know more than ones own culture ( D) if a person speaks only one language, he will live a very happy life 5 Which of the following doesnt share the same meaning with the others? ( A) Signs. ( B) Gestures. ( C) Efficient. ( D) Body language. 6 Trees are useful to man in three ver

9、y important ways: they provide him with wood and other products; they give him shade; and they help to prevent droughts (干旱 ) and floods. Unfortunately, man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important. Two thousand years ago a rich and powerful country cut down its trees

10、to build war ships, with which to gain itself an empire. It gained the empire, but, without its trees, its soil became hard and poor. When the empire fell to pieces, the home-country found itself faced by flood and starvation. (77) Even though a government realizes the importance of a plentiful supp

11、ly of trees, it is difficult for it to persuade villagers to see this. The villagers want wood to cook their food with; and they can earn money by selling wood. They are usually too lazy to plant and look after the trees. (78) So, unless the government has a good system of control, or can educate th

12、e people, the forests will slowly disappear. This does not only mean that the villagers children and grandchildren will have fewer trees. The results are even more serious, for where there are trees their roots break the soil up allowing the rain to sink in and also bind the soil, thus preventing it

13、s being washed away easily but where there are no trees, the rain falls on hard ground and flows away from the surface, causing flood. 6 What is the most important function of trees? ( A) Providing fuel. ( B) Offering shade. ( C) Preventing natural disaster. ( D) Providing wood. 7 What eventually ha

14、ppened to the empire in the second paragraph? ( A) Its people died of hunger. ( B) It fell to pieces. ( C) It became a giant empire. ( D) It built many ships with wood. 8 It is implied in the passage that the villagers ( A) want a plentiful supply of trees ( B) want firewood badly ( C) just want to

15、get money ( D) dont realize the importance of trees 9 The role of trees is to _. ( A) loosen soil ( B) keep soil in position ( C) harden soil ( D) both A and B 10 What is the passage mainly concerned withy ( A) The benefits of trees. ( B) Trees and soil protection. ( C) The various uses of trees. (

16、D) Different attitudes toward trees. 11 Adam Smith was the first person to see the importance of the division of the labor. He gave us an example of the process by which pins were made in England. “One man draws out the wire, another strengthens it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, and a fifth g

17、ives it a head. Just to make the head requires two or three different operations. The work of making pins is divided into about eighteen different operations, which in some factories are all performed by different people, though in others the same man will sometimes perform two or three of them. Ten

18、 men, Smith said, in this way, turned out twelve pounds of pins a day or about 4 800 pins a worker. (79) But if all of them had worked separately and independently without division of labor, they certainly could not have made twenty pins in a day and not even one. There can be no doubt that division

19、 of labor is an efficient way of organizing work. Fewer people can make more pins. Adam Smith saw this, (80) but he also took it for granted that division of labor is itself responsible for economic growth and development and it accounts for the difference between expanding economies and those that

20、stand still. But division of labor adds nothing new, it only enables people to produce more of what they already have. 11 According to the passage, Adam Smith was the first person to _. ( A) take advantage of the physical labor ( B) introduce the division of labor into England ( C) understand the ef

21、fects of the division of labor ( D) explain the bad causes of the division of labor 12 Adam Smith saw that the division of labor _. ( A) enabled each worker to design pins more quickly ( B) increased the possible output per worker ( C) increased the number of people employed in factories ( D) improv

22、ed the quality of pins produced 13 Adam Smith mentioned the number 4 800 in order to _. ( A) show the advantages of the old labor system ( B) stress how powerful the individual worker was ( C) show the advantages of the division of labor ( D) stress the importance of increased production 14 Accordin

23、g to the writer, Adam Smiths mistake was in believing that the division of labor _. ( A) was an efficient way of organizing work ( B) was an important development in methods of production ( C) finally led to economic development ( D) increased the production of existing goods 15 According to the wri

24、ter, which one of the following is NOT true? ( A) Division of labor can enable fewer people to make more pins. ( B) Division of labor helps people to produce more of what they already have. ( C) Division of labor is by no means responsible for economic growth. ( D) Division of labor is an efficient

25、way of organizing work. 二、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30%) Directions: In this part, there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet

26、 with a single line through the center. 16 He spent _ collecting materials for his article. ( A) a half year ( B) half year ( C) half a year ( D) half of a year 17 To succeed in a scientific experiment, _. ( A) one needs being patient person ( B) patience is to need ( C) one needs to be patient ( D)

27、 patience is what needed 18 English is used by more people than is _ language except Chinese. ( A) any ( B) any other ( C) other ( D) all other 19 The dish _ terrible! I dont like it at all. ( A) tastes ( B) tasted ( C) will taste ( D) is tasted 20 She _ be iii because I saw her playing tennis just

28、now. ( A) cant ( B) couldnt ( C) mustnt ( D) may not 21 Sorry, officer. I _ at 80 miles but I didnt see any sign in the area telling people how fast they can drive. ( A) should not drive ( B) shouldnt have driven ( C) mustnt drive ( D) cant drive 22 Why not _ Professor Li for help? He is kind-hearte

29、d and willing to help. ( A) ask ( B) you ask ( C) to ask ( D) your asking 23 It is not easy _ the answer to the difficult math problem. ( A) to figure out ( B) figuring out ( C) figure out ( D) being figured out 24 The tsunami (海啸 ) _ over 160 000 people were killed was a terrible disaster for human

30、 beings. ( A) of that ( B) among which ( C) during that ( D) in which 25 Take the medicine now. I believe it will _ your pain. ( A) release ( B) relive ( C) reject ( D) relieve 26 How can you _ her offer? Im afraid she will feel hurt. ( A) turn out ( B) turn up ( C) turn down ( D) turn away 27 She a

31、pologized for _ to attend the meeting. ( A) her being not able ( B) her to be not able ( C) her not to be able ( D) her not being able 28 This new coat cost me _ the last one I bought two years ago. ( A) three times ( B) three times as much as ( C) three times as much ( D) three times much as 29 Eac

32、h term our professors would _ a list of books for us to read. ( A) hand in ( B) give away ( C) pass out ( D) write out 30 I _ my wallet when I was shopping in the store. ( A) must have dropped ( B) should have dropped ( C) could drop ( D) ought to have dropped 31 I believe you have _ your purse in t

33、he living-room. ( A) left alone ( B) left behind ( C) left off ( D) left out 32 The results of the survey are interesting and they _ more questions than they can answer. ( A) bring about ( B) prohibit ( C) project ( D) benefit from 33 He abandoned a career that _ to his becoming one of the most infl

34、uential people in the world. ( A) could have led ( B) would lead ( C) should have led ( D) must lead 34 The doctors advice was that the patient _ at once. ( A) to be operated ( B) being operated ( C) be operated ( D) operated 35 _ by the look on her face, she didnt catch what I meant. ( A) Judging (

35、 B) Judged ( C) Judge ( D) To judge 36 By no means _ our mistakes. ( A) we ought ignore ( B) we ought to ignore ( C) ought we ignore ( D) ought we to ignore 37 The teacher has his students _ a composition every other week. ( A) to write ( B) written ( C) writing ( D) write 38 Give the books to _ nee

36、ds them for the English class and the writing class. ( A) whomever ( B) whom ( C) who ( D) whoever 39 A solid is different from a liquid _ the solid has its definite shape. ( A) in that ( B) in which ( C) in what ( D) because of which 40 It is because he is kind and modest _ he wins the respect of o

37、thers. ( A) what ( B) which ( C) why ( D) that 41 Your mother told me that you overslept this morning, _? ( A) didnt she ( B) didnt you ( C) did she ( D) did you 42 _, he felt tired out after the long journey for eight hours. ( A) Strong as he is ( B) The stronger he is ( C) Strong man that he is (

38、D) For he is strong 43 They have agreed that they will _ to the policy and will not change it. ( A) commit ( B) stick ( C) combine ( D) fall 44 The company has to _ the benefits against the costs in the last three months. ( A) boast ( B) blame ( C) block ( D) balance 45 Weve _ paper and ink. Ask Mrs

39、. Edward to lend us some. ( A) run away with ( B) run out of ( C) run off ( D) run down 三、 Part III Identification (10%) Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one that is not correct. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer

40、Sheet with a single line through the center. 46 How (could) you make (such) a little child (to help) you (carry) the big box? ( A) could ( B) such ( C) to help ( D) carry 47 (As soon) as (weve finished) supper, (well all) go (to) downtown to see the Sound of Music. ( A) As soon ( B) weve finished (

41、C) well all ( D) to 48 I really (appreciate) (you recommended) me to (that) company (in time). ( A) appreciate ( B) you recommended ( C) that ( D) in time 49 He (will not do) it (had he known) how (serious) the outcome (would be). ( A) will not do ( B) had he known ( C) serious ( D) would be 50 Her

42、name (sounds) familiar (with) me but I (cant) tell (who) she is at the moment. ( A) sounds ( B) with ( C) cant ( D) who 51 Rice (has been) a (basically) food for (millions of) people for (hundreds of) years. ( A) has been ( B) basically ( C) millions of ( D) hundreds of 52 The (director) and (manage

43、r) of the department (are) very strict (with) the employees. ( A) director ( B) manager ( C) are ( D) with 53 (Research shows) that employees (whose) obtain (satisfaction) from their jobs are more (productive). ( A) Research shows ( B) whose ( C) satisfaction ( D) productive 54 (Looking) from anothe

44、r (angle), the painting (would) show (something) different. ( A) Looking ( B) angle ( C) would ( D) something 55 “(Never) (I have heard) such (a thing) in my life“, (said) the old man. ( A) Never ( B) I have heard ( C) a thing ( D) said 四、 Part IV Cloze (10%) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the f

45、ollowing passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fit into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 56 In every cultivated language there ar

46、e two great classes of words, which makes up the whole vocabulary. First, there are those words 【 B1】 which we become familiar in daily conversation, which we 【 B2】 , that is to say, from the 【 B3】 of our own family and from our friends, and 【 B4】 we should know and use 【 B5】 we could not read or wr

47、ite. They 【 B6】 the common things of life with all the people who 【 B7】 the language. Such words may be called “popular“, since they belong to the people 【 B8】 and are not excluded 【 B9】 a limited class. On the other hand, our language 【 B10】 a large number of words which are comparatively 【 B11】 us

48、ed in ordinary conversation. Their meanings are known to every educated person, but there is little 【 B12】 to use them at home or in the market-place. Our 【 B13】 acquaintance (熟悉 ) with them comes not from our mothers 【 B14】 or from the talk of our schoolmates, 【 B15】 from books that we read, lectur

49、es that we 【 B16】 , or the more 【 B17】 conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular 【 B18】 in a style properly higher above the habitual 【 B19】 of everyday life. Such words are called “learned“, and the 【 B20】 between them and the “popular“ words is of great importance to a right understanding of language study process. 56 【 B1】 ( A)


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