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1、2018年在职申硕(同等学力)英语真题试卷及答案与解析 Section A Directions: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue.Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER S

2、HEET. 0 A. How about you? B. Wanna join us? C. It s a long weekend. Tina: Im so glad the weekend s finally here. Lewis: Me too. Imagine!【 D1】 _ We ve got three days in a row. Tina: So, where re you going? Lewis: I dont have any plan yet. Ill just play it by ear.【 D2】 _ Tina: We re going to go hiking

3、 and camping in the mountains. Lewis: That sounds exciting! Tina: 【 D3】 _ Lewis: Hmm, let me think about it. Ill let you know later. 1 【 D1】 2 【 D2】 3 【 D3】 3 A. And I d like the cheapest flight available. B. What is your destination? C. And when will you be returning? Travel Agent: Freedom Travel.

4、How can I help you? Caller: Yes, Id like to make a flight reservation for the twenty-third of this month. Travel Agent: Okay.【 D4】 _ Caller: Well. I m flying to Helsinki, Finland. Travel Agent: Okay. Let me check what flights are available.【 D5】 _ Caller: Uh, well, I d like to catch a return flight

5、on the twenty-ninth.【 D6】 _ Travel Agent: Okay. Let me see. Urn, that s flight 1070 from Salt Lake City to New York, Kennedy Airport, transferring to flight 90 from Kennedy to Helsinki. It s only $980. Caller: Alright, let s go with that. 4 【 D4】 5 【 D5】 6 【 D6】 Section B Directions: In this section

6、 there is one incomplete interview which has four blanks and four choices A,B,C and D,taken from the interview.Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the interview and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. 6 A. I think the big difference is, B. What have you done to make this

7、 yours? C. how they look in the Oval Office. D. you don t need so much heart. On Donald Trump s 100th day as U. S. president, he spoke with “Face the Nation“ host and Chief Washington Correspondent John Dickerson. Dickerson: What s the difference between negotiating in Washington versus negotiating

8、in business? Trump: Well,【 D7】 _ for what we re doing here, Washington, you really need heart, because you re talking about a lot of people. Whereas business,【 D8】 _ You want to make a good deal. Dickerson: Every president makes the Oval Office theirs.【 D9】 _ Trump: Well, a lot of things. We had the

9、se incredible flags including the American flags. The Coast Guard flag over here. And I said, “Well, let s see【 D10】 _So the flags were up. The picture of Thomas Jefferson I put up. The picture of Andrew Jackson I put up because they said his campaign and my campaign tended to mirror each other. So

10、we did a lot ofactually we did a lot of work. It sit s a much differentlook than it was previously. 7 【 D7】 8 【 D8】 9 【 D9】 10 【 D10】 Section A Directions: In this section there are 10 sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D that bes

11、t keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 11 According to the minister, measures are being taken to introduce more diversity into the education system. ( A) difference ( B) adversity ( C)

12、 unity ( D) variety 12 He would once in a while lose his temper when he found himself involved in an argument. ( A) rarely ( B) often ( C) occasionally ( D) seldom 13 Intuition is something that cannot be proven, but many people believe in it and use it for decision making. ( A) Instinct ( B) Intell

13、igence ( C) Rationality ( D) Experience 14 A global company must be sensitive to the cultures and customs of the countries where it operates. ( A) patient ( B) generous ( C) emotional ( D) responsive 15 At last John Smith stepped down as the company s CEO and returned to his roots in software resear

14、ch. ( A) retired ( B) resigned ( C) revived ( D) reacted 16 Immersed in their experiment, they had no idea what happened just outside their lab. ( A) Concentrated ( B) Addicted ( C) Absorbed ( D) Committed 17 Last month the government initiated a public debate on the future direction of the sport po

15、licy. ( A) transmitted ( B) followed ( C) promoted ( D) launched 18 My beard started to grow, and I unwillingly complied with the order to shave it off. ( A) considered ( B) questioned ( C) supported ( D) observed 19 As the fighting intensified, the chances of any peace deal diminished. ( A) decreas

16、ed ( B) changed ( C) disappeared ( D) expanded 20 However superficially appealing such an idea might appear, it was irrational and reckless. ( A) possibly ( B) seemingly ( C) apparently ( D) practically 一、 Reading Comprehension Directions: There are 5 passages in this part. Each passage is followed

17、by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 20 Alice Paul Tapper was on a fourth-grade field trip last year

18、 when she noticed something that bothered her. The girls were standing in the back of the room, listening politely as the guide spoke. The boys crowded together in the front. They raised their hands to respond to questions, even if they didn t know the answer. Alice, 10, often doesn t raise her hand

19、 in class, even if she s pretty sure she knows the answer. She s nervous shell get it wrong and feel embarrassed. On that field trip, she figured a lot of other girls were probably keeping quiet, too. Alice told her mom what she saw. They talked about how girls are often told to be quiet and polite,

20、 while boys are encouraged to be bold and assertive. Alice and her mom talk about that kind of thing a lot. She wants boys and girls to have the same opportunities. “Girls are important, and their ideas are important,“ Alice says. “They should be heard. “ Alice s mom is the leader of Alice s Girl Sc

21、out troop, in Washington, D. C. She and Alice brought the issue up at their next Girl Scout meeting. Alice found she was right. The other girls said they, too, sometimes hesitated to raise their hands, and they worried that this could hold them back in life. Alice wanted to change that. “If a girl r

22、aises her hand, it s one step toward becoming a great leader,“ she says. Alice s troop decided to ask the Girl Scouts organization to create a new patch. The new patch was introduced in October 2017. It is called the Raise Your Hand patch. To earn it, a girl has to do three things. She must pledge t

23、o raise her hand in class when she thinks she knows the answereven if she s not 100% sure. She must recruit three girls to make the same pledge. And she must talk about how raising her hand makes her feel. So far, more than 5 ,400 girls have earned the Raise Your Hand patch. They live in every state

24、 in the U. S. , plus Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Ireland. “Girls are powerful,“ Alice says. “They should raise their hands so they can release the power inside them. “ 21 What bothered Alice on her field trip last year? ( A) The guide was impolite to the girls. ( B) There were more bo

25、ys than girls. ( C) The boys made trouble as the guide spoke. ( D) The girls were less responsive than the boys. 22 Girls often dont raise their hands in class because they_. ( A) dont know the answer pretty well ( B) dont want to get too much attention ( C) are taught to be quiet and polite ( D) ar

26、e given fewer chances than boys 23 The Raise Your Hand patch was created to_. ( A) encourage girls to speak up ( B) improve girls talent for organization ( C) call for more support from girls ( D) highlight the importance of girls 24 The Raise Your Hand patch_. ( A) has helped girls become leaders (

27、 B) is popular in some states in the U. S. ( C) is spreading all over the world ( D) has attracted thousands of girls 25 Which of the following can be the best title of the passage? ( A) A Show of Hands ( B) A Campaign for Equality ( C) The Girl Scouts Organization ( D) The Story of a New Patch 25 S

28、tephen Hawking was born on 8 January, 1942 and grew up in St Albans, the eldest of four brothers and sisters. His father was a research biologist and his mother a medical research secretary, so it was not surprising that he was interested in science. As a student he was drawn to physics and maths as

29、 he believed they offered the most fundamental insights into the world. But nothing marked him out as special from his classmates or in his first term at Oxford University. Stephen got first in Physics from Oxford, and started a PhD at Cambridge. His own private universe expanded when he proposed to

30、 his future wife. Jane was also from St Albans, and was a modern languages undergraduate. She had met Hawking at a New Year s party, before his diagnosis. The couple decided to marry quickly, because they did not know how long Stephen had to live. As Stephen s health deteriorated, he took to walking

31、 with stick. Hawking escaped the limits of his disability by training his mind to work in a new way. As he started to lose the use of his limbs, he developed a way of visualizing problems in his mind to reach a solution instead of by writing equations. Some of his colleagues have suggested that this

32、 way of thinking has led to his greatest discoveries. Hawking was now working on one of science s most bizarre ideasblack holes, an extreme prediction of Einstein s general theory of relativity. Hawking s work on black holes helped prove the idea of a “ Big Bang“ at the birth of the Universe. Develo

33、ped in the 1940s, Big Bang theory was still not accepted by all scientists. Working with mathematician Roger Penrose, Hawking realized that black holes were like the Big Bang in reverseand that meant the maths he d used to describe black holes also described the Big Bang. It was a key moment in show

34、ing the Big Bang really happened. As his body deteriorated, Hawking s career was taking off. 26 Hawking developed an early interest in science because_. ( A) his brothers and sisters loved it ( B) he took related lessons as a kid ( C) he excelled in maths and physics ( D) his parents influenced him

35、27 What can be learned about Hawking s wife Jane? ( A) She and Hawking came from the same place. ( B) She and Hawking went to the same school. ( C) She married Hawking on New Year s Day. ( D) She didn t know of his disease before their marriage. 28 Hawking s self-trained way of working_. ( A) helped

36、 the recovery of his health ( B) required a lot of equation writing ( C) relied heavily on mental images ( D) was copied by his colleagues 29 The following statements about the Big Bang theory are true EXCEPT_. ( A) Hawking was its founder ( B) it was connected with black holes ( C) Hawking s resear

37、ch supported it ( D) not all scientists agreed with it 30 As a leading figure in science, Hawking_. ( A) lived for fifty-five years ( B) wrote many best-selling novels ( C) led some organizations for the disabled ( D) fought against his disease most of his life 30 Imagine that you re a fly. You re j

38、ust looking for a place to rest, when you see a nice pink leaf. That looks like a nice place to land. As you rest your feet on the leaf, you notice something strange. This leaf is hairy. You begin to make your move, but you trigger the plant s reaction. Snap! In one-tenth of a second, you are caught

39、 in the Venus flytrap. You will be digested in five to twelve days. Out of about 391,000 plant species in the world, only 600 or so are carnivorous. We call them this because they attract, trap, and eat bugs. Like other plants, they get energy from the sun. But unlike other plants, they get their nu

40、trients from their prey(猎物 ). Carnivorous plants live in places where the soil lacks nutrients. Most plants get nutrients from the soil. Carnivorous plants have turned to other sources. Pitcher plants trick their prey into landing on them. They offer nectar(花蜜 )bribes to the foolish insects that wou

41、ld take them. True to their name, pitcher plants have deep chambers. Their landing surface is slippery. They have inward pointing hairs, making it hard to escape. The fly lands on the pitcher plant to eat, but slips into a pit filled with digestive fluids. Corkscrew plants have inviting stems. Curve

42、d hairs line the inside of these stems. These hairs allow insects to go up the stems, but not back. Going forward leads to the plant s stomach. Bugs who wander into the corkscrew plant find that they are unable to escape. They must march to their own death. And then there are the bladderworts. They

43、live in water and float near the surface. Their traps are like small bladders(囊状物 )hidden beneath the water. Only their flowers are visible from the surface. When bugs swim into the trigger hairs, the plant reacts. The bladder sucks up the prey and the water surrounding it. The prey will be digested

44、 within hours. 31 The word “carnivorous“(Para. 2)is closest in meaning to “_“. ( A) nutritious ( B) bug-eating ( C) plant-ating ( D) attractive 32 Which statement would the author most likely agree with? ( A) There are too many species of carnivorous plants. ( B) There are too few plant species in t

45、he world. ( C) Only a small number of plant species are carnivorous. ( D) The majority of plants are carnivorous. 33 Carnivorous plants get their nutrients mainly from_. ( A) other plants ( B) the soil ( C) the sun ( D) their prey 34 Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the third p

46、aragraph? ( A) There are many studies of carnivorous plants. ( B) The pitcher plant tricks bugs into its stomach. ( C) The pitcher plant kills its prey in various ways. ( D) Some plants attract bugs by offering them nectar. 35 As can be inferred, the corkscrew s chamber for digestion is located_. (

47、A) somewhere towards its root ( B) somewhere towards its top ( C) inside its flowers ( D) inside its leaves 35 Serenity(宁静 )is difficult to find in today s fast-paced world. A moment of complete calm seems to be a rare and wonderful find. For me, those precious moments occur on a boat. As legendary

48、sailor Vito Dumas once said: “It s out there at sea that you are really yourself. “ On deck, enjoying awe-inspiring views, the cares of everyday life blown away on the sea breeze, you can appreciate his point. Flying is a misery. From airport chaos to the confined space of an aircraft, nothing about

49、 commercial aviation appeals to my sense of adventureor comfort. Favouring boat travel isn t just about managing flight fear, though. Whether I m on a short ferry crossing or a cruise, the sea provides a true sense of travel, from the impressive physical shift of a ship leaving port to its navigation of the open water. “ We are tied to the ocean,“ John F. Kennedy said. As my ship steers towards an exciting new destination


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