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1、BEC商务英语(中级)写作模拟试卷 117及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 You are Head of Research for an international car manufacturer. You have to make an urgent trip tomorrow to visit Pierre Blanco, a colleague who works for a subsidiary. Write a memo to your secretary: telling her who you are going to see and when asking her

2、to book flight tickets and accommodation telling her what work you would like her to do in your absence. Write 40-45 words. 二、 PART TWO 2 You recently attended a one-day training course on health and safety. You were disappointed with the course and you have decided to write a letter of complaint to

3、 the training company.Read the advertisement below, which gives details of the course. You have already made some notes on the advertisement.Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your letter to Moira Geddings at GBG Certification Services.Do not include postal addresses.Write 120-140 words.B

4、EC商务英语(中级)写作模拟试卷 117答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【正确答案】 Memorandum To: Miss. Anny, the secretary From: Brown Smith, Head of Research Date: 15 May, 2010 Subject: A trip tomorrow to visit Pierre Blance I need to have an urgent meeting with Pierre Blanco of our Paris office tomorrow. Please book a return ticket

5、 to Paris and a hotel room for me as soon as possible. During my absence, please keep me informed about the progress of the project. If there is anything urgent, give me a phone call. 【试题解析】 本文是对商务便函的 考查,是给自己秘书的留言,内容主要是告知秘书会见的人和时间,让秘书预订机票和酒店,告知秘书在自己外出时需要做的工作。写作时注意是上级写给下级的便函,语言组织要简洁,因是上级写给下级的便函,注意语气与

6、措辞。 二、 PART TWO 2 【正确答案】 Dear Mrs. Geldings, I write regarding a training course on health and safety which I attended on 27 November. When I booked the course, I chose your company as it was highly recommended and the courses seemed to be of high standards. I was also promised an experienced traine

7、r. Unfortunately, he was sick and the replacement was not as good as expected. Moreover, the information packs turned out to be only a bunch of photocopies, which was not what was promised. Besides, the class size was supposed to be only 8 but mine turned out to be 15. Finally, I should make it clea

8、r that the class started 1 hour late, and the lunch served, was cold. I am sure you can understand my disappointment. I would therefore appreciate it if you could investigate this matter. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours Sincerely, Lisa Kostevska Cabin Attendant 【试题解析】 本文是对商务信件的 考查,内容要求是:因对培训课程失望写给一封培训机构的抱怨信。内容方面,主要是对所给广告所进行标注的质疑进行投诉,主要包括:对培训员、培训资料、参训人员数量、参训时间和提供午餐的质量 5个方面。阐述出自己的实际经历与广告的差距,进而提出自己的要求。结构方面,按照投诉事由一投诉理由一提出要求的步骤完成写作即可。


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