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1、BEC商务英语(高级)写作模拟试卷 126及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 The bar chart below shows the average numbers of conference attendees in three categories at three different conferences organised by the Central Business Centre.Using the information from the chart, write a short report describing and comparing the attendan

2、ce patterns at the conferences.Write 120-140 words.二、 PART TWO 2 You work in your companys head office and you have recently visited one of the companys retail outlets. Your line manager has asked you to write a report on your visit. Write the report for your line manager, including the following in

3、formation: a brief description of the store you visited an assessment of the performance and attitude of the staff a suggestion for improving the store. 3 Your company uses an external transport company to distribute its products. However, there have recently been some problems, and you are consider

4、ing changing to another company. Your boss has asked you to contact a possible new distribution company. Write a letter to the distribution company: outlining what your company does describing your transport requirements explaining how you expect your transport requirements to change in the next few

5、 years giving details of the information you would like to receive from the distribution company. 4 The management board of your company is considering closing its three small offices in the city centre and relocating to different premises outside the city. You have been asked to submit a proposal t

6、o the board concerning the possible relocation. Write your proposal for the board: explaining why you think the company needs to relocate giving a brief description of the type of premises that will be required assessing the possible impact of the move on staff assessing the possible impact of the m

7、ove on the companys business. BEC商务英语(高级)写作模拟试卷 126答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【正确答案】 Introduction The aim of this report is to describe and compare the average numbers of conference attendees in three categories, which are individuals, small companies and large organisations. The observed conferences are “

8、Successful Communication“, “Internet Selling“ and “Marketing Today“. Successful Communication To start with successful communication, the bar chart represents that 50 individuals and 60 visitors from small companies attended this conference, whereas 120 people were from a large organisation. Interne

9、t Selling We can see that this conference was mostly visited by individuals with 100 people, followed by visitors from small companies. However, the smallest group of visitors were people from large organisations with a number of 60. Marketing Today The bar chart shows that there was a good mix of v

10、isitors. There were 80 individuals, followed by 90 people from large organisations. However, the best group were visitors from small companies with totally 100 people. To sum up, individuals were mostly interested in Internet selling, whereas people from small companies mostly attended marketing tod

11、ay. However, staff from large organisations preferred the conference “Successful Communication“. 二、 PART TWO 2 【正确答案】 Report: The outcomes of the visit to Outlet 1 Introduction: The aim of this report is to show the outcomes of the visit made by staff members from the head office to Outlet 1 last we

12、ek, analyse its performance and suggest improvements to this retail outlet. Feedback The store was with only a few costumers at the moment of the visit but staff members informed us that is common to get busy. It was noticed that some light bulbs were flashing and the staff room door broken. The clo

13、thes were well organized and the staff seemed very happy and friendly. However, despite being aware of the visit, none of them were wearing the uniform provided by the company. It was also noticed the lack of knowledge by the sales staff about the range of products specially about the new shoes line

14、. Suggestions It is strongly suggested the repair of the structural problems noticed, such as the light bulbs and the door. And it is also of enourmous importance that the staff receive training on how to describe and sell products: and is also important that a special training is given in order to

15、cover their lack of knowledge in the range of products. 3 【正确答案】 Dear Ladys and Gentlemen I am writting you to inform you that our company is looking for a new distribution company. We are a well-known food company, which produces convinience food and which sells our products to retailers e.g. to “S

16、par“ or “Biller“. We have to handle very carefully with our products, so the transport to distribute our products Has to be very carefully too. Whereas other companys want to decrease their sale figures, we are very interested in high quality and in this case, the transport has to be fast, the produ

17、cts, which are frozen, have to arrive frozen by our retailers too, so it must be added that the transport vehicles need a freezer too. Our company is looking for a changement in transport requirements in the next few years i.t. an extraordinary puncuallity too. If it is possible I would like to rece

18、ive detailed information about your distribution company, for example which high standart of transport you want to achieve, in which part of the country you are not able to deliver and if it is possible to transport our products to our retailers on sunday afternoon too? For every additional service,

19、 your company can offer to us, our company would be able to pay a speciall fee too. I hope, that you are interested in our company, so that we can arrange a meeting. Sincerely 4 【正确答案】 Proposal for relocating Purpose: The aim of this proposal is to outline the reasons for relocating our offices to d

20、ifferent premises outside the city. It also describes the premises we would require and shows the impacts of the relocation on our staff and on the companys business. Reasons for relocating: The main reason that has to be pointed out, is the fact that the rent for office spaces in the city centre ha

21、s been rising constantly over the last five years and just wont go in line with our budget plans for the future. Whats more, as we consider to recruit more staff, there is not enough office space available in the city centre. Description of premises that will be required: Our new office spaces shoul

22、d be reachable comfortably by public transportation. The main target, I suggest is that we bring all employees from the three small offices in the city together on one floor. So well have to look for ideally a whole building, where it is also possible for us to Have enough office space for our new h

23、ired employees in future. What is also required is a canteen, as our staff will not have the possibility to go for lunch in the city because of the longer distance. Possible impact on staff: For some of our employees it might be a problem as I know that they live in the city with their family and re

24、ally enjoyed their short way to the office. But a positive aspect would be that if all employees work in the same building it will strengthen their team spirit and gives them the opportunity to know each other better, which was not possible before. Possible impact on the companys business In the lig

25、ht of the mentioned financial reasons, we would save a lot of money which we could spend more on the educational side. That will motivate and educate our employees and increase the profitability of our company. Plan of action: I suggest that we agree on relocating our business, proceed in finding appropriate locations and take further steps such as informing our clients and staff.


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