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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 588及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 The American Family Well learn the American families from the following five aspects; 1. Family structure

3、s 1) Immediate family, consisting of parents and children 2) (1) _family consisting of parents, children , uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc. 2. The emphasis on individual freedom The primary purpose of a family is to (2) , the happiness of individual members. Family name and honor are (3)_importan

4、t. 3. The role of the child Emphasis on the individual may affect children in two ways: Children may get more attention and more power; Children may not get enough attention due to the fact that both parents are (4)_. 4. (5)_in the family 5. Family values 1) clearly traditional values respecting one

5、s (6)_ being (7)_for ones actions having faith in God respecting authority married to (8)_for life leaving the world in better shape 2) newer values giving (9)_ to other members of the family respecting people for themselves developing greater skill in communicating ones feelings respecting ones chi

6、ldren living up to ones (10)_as an individual SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer

7、 each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 According to the news, most poor people cannot do all of the following EXCEPT ( A) growing enough food. ( B) feeding their families. ( C) buying enough necessities. ( D) feeding their fowl. 12 The reason for the 800 million peopl

8、e going to bed hungry is that ( A) there is no enough food for everyone. ( B) they have no access to grow or buy food. ( C) they are lazy and dont want to grow food. ( D) they are used to receiving others aid. 13 Which of the following is NOT a task of WFP as a humanitarian relief organization? ( A)

9、 Communicate with donors. ( B) Assess the beneficiaries needs. ( C) Get food to the right people. ( D) Contact regional authorities. 14 According to Ms. Bertini, in the mission to end hunger, women play ( A) a decisive role. ( B) a minor role. ( C) an important role. ( D) no role at all. 15 The grea

10、test challenge in delivering food to people who need it is to ( A) raise the resources and delivering food to poor people. ( B) convince people to contribute more food and money. ( C) help people improve their well-being over the long term. ( D) devote more energy to those who are still most at risk

11、. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 It is reported that the video tapes in the shops show _. ( A)

12、a suspect placing the suspected poisonous drinks on the shelves ( B) a suspect stealing bottles of drinks ( C) a suspect robbing a man of his drinks ( D) a suspect drinking the poisonous drinks 16 The town itself is dreary; not much is there except the cotton mill, the two-room houses where the work

13、ers live, a few peach trees, a church with two colored windows, and a miserable main street only a hundred yards long. On Saturdays the tenants from the near-by farms come in for a day of talk and trade. Otherwise the town is lonesome, sad, and like a place that is far off and estranged from all oth

14、er places in the world. The nearest train stop is Society City, and the Greyhound and White Bus Lines use the Forks Falls Road which is three miles away. The winters here are short and raw, the summers white with glare and fiery hot. If you walk along the main street on an August afternoon there is

15、nothing whatsoever to do. The largest building, in the very center of the town, is boarded up completely and leans so far to the right that it seems bound to collapse at any minute. The house is very old. There is about it a curious, cracked look that is very puzzling until you suddenly realize that

16、 at one time, and long ago, the right side of the front porch had been painted, and part of the wall but the painting was left unfinished and one portion of the house is darker and dingier than the other. The building looks completely deserted. Nevertheless, on the second floor there is one window w

17、hich is not boarded) sometimes in the late afternoon when the heat is at its worst a hand will slowly open the shutter and a face will look down on the town. It is a face like the terrible dim faces known in dreams sexless and white, with two gray crossed eyes which are turned inward so sharply that

18、 they seem to be exchanging with each other one long and secret gaze of grief. The face lingers at the window for an hour or so, then the shutters are closed once more, and as likely as not there will not be another soul to be seen along the main street. These August afternoons when your shift is fi

19、nished there is absolutely nothing to do; you might as well walk down to the Forks Falls Road and listen to the chain gang. However, here in this very town there was once a cafe. And this old boarded-up house was unlike any other place for many miles around. There were tables with cloths and paper n

20、apkins, colored streamers from the electric fans, great gatherings on Saturday nights. The owner of the place was Miss Amelia Evans. But the person most responsible for the success and gaiety of the place was a hunchback called Cousin Lymon. One other person had a part in the story of this cafe he w

21、as the former husband of Miss Amelia, a terrible character who returned to the town after a long term in the penitentiary, caused ruin, and then went on his way again. The cafe has long since been closed, but it is still remembered. The place was not always a cafe. Miss Amelia inherited the building

22、 from her father, and it was a store that carried mostly feed, guano, and staples such as meal and snuff. Miss Amelia was rich. In addition to the store she operated a still three miles back in the swamp, and ran out the best liquor in the county. She was a dark, tall woman with bones and muscles li

23、ke a man. Her hair was cut short and brushed back from the forehead, and there was about her sunburned face a tense, haggard quality. She might have been a handsome woman if, even then, she was not slightly cross-eyed. There were those who would have courted her, but Miss Amelia cared nothing for th

24、e love of men and was a solitary person. Her marriage had been unlike any other marriage ever contracted in this county it was a strange and dangerous marriage, lasting only for ten days, that left the whole town wondering and shocked. Except for this queer marriage, Miss Amelia had lived her life a

25、lone. Often she spent whole nights back in her shed in the swamp, dressed in overalls and gum boots, silently guarding the low fire of the still. 17 The town can be described with all the following words EXCEPT ( A) desolate. ( B) disgusting. ( C) insipid. ( D) melancholy. 18 Which of the following

26、statements is INCORRECT about the town? ( A) The town seems to be in a terribly run-down state. ( B) The weather of the town is agreeable in winter. ( C) The largest building is on the brink of collapse. ( D) In summer, people can see a figure in the largest building. 19 It can be inferred from the

27、passage that ( A) the cafe attracted a lot of people to go there. ( B) the cafe was the place where men met and talked. ( C) the cafe was the largest building in the past. ( D) Cousin Lymon was Amelia Evans ex-husband. 20 According to the passage, Miss Amelia was ( A) a woman of handsome countenance

28、. ( B) negligent of other mens courtship. ( C) hurt badly by the marriage that failed. ( D) ambitious to become famous and rich. 21 Which of the following adjectives best depicts the characteristics of Miss Amelia? ( A) Perseverant. ( B) Eccentric. ( C) Sinister. ( D) Seclusive. 一、 PART III GENERAL

29、KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Directions: There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 22 The United States lies between two oceans,_to its east and_to its west. ( A) the Pacific Ocean; the Atlantic Ocean ( B) the Atlantic Ocean; the Pacific Ocean ( C) the I

30、ndian Ocean; the Atlantic Ocean ( D) the Pacific Ocean; the Indian Ocean 23 Australias best known national park Kakadu National Park is in_. ( A) Northern territory ( B) Tasmania ( C) Victoria ( D) Western Australia 24 Who was the leader of Federalists in the early history of United States? ( A) Jef

31、ferson ( B) Hamilton ( C) Washington ( D) Lincoln 25 Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of Modernism? ( A) To elevate the individual and inner being over the social being. ( B) To put the stress on traditional values. ( C) To portray the distorted and alienated relationships between man

32、 and his environment. ( D) To advocate a conscious break with the past. 26 The founder of the American drama is _. ( A) Arthur Miller ( B) Eugene O Neill ( C) Tennesee Williams ( D) Clifford Odets 27 The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries and other political units ( A

33、) that have lived under the British law and government. ( B) that have a large number of British immigrants. ( C) that have close relations with Britain. ( D) that have fought on the side of Britain in the two world wars. 29 _ is written by Fitzgerald. ( A) Tender Is the Night ( B) A Farewell to Arm

34、s ( C) The Grapes of Wrath ( D) The Sound and the Fury 30 New Deal was the program of social and economic reforms introduced by President_. ( A) L.B.Johnson ( B) Franklin.D.Roosevelt ( C) Eisenhower ( D) Gerald R. Ford 31 A typical feature of the English Victorian literature is that writers became s

35、ocial and moral _, exposing all kinds of social evils. ( A) revolutionaries ( B) idealists ( C) critics ( D) defenders 二、 PART IV PROOFREADING family structures, the emphasis on individual freedom, the role of the child, equality in the family, and family values. First, family structures. What are t

36、he typical American families like? If Americans are asked to name the members of their families, family structure becomes clear. Married American adults will name their husband or wife and their children, if they have any, as their “immediate family“. If they mention their father, mother, sisters, o

37、r brothers, they will define them as separate units, usually living in separate households. (1) Aunts, uncles. cousins, and grandparents are considered “ extended family. “ Traditionally, the American family has been a nuclear family, consisting of a husband, wife and their children, and living in a

38、 house or apartment. Grandparents rarely live in the same home with their married sons or daughters, and uncles and aunts almost never do. Second, the emphasis on individual freedom. (2) Americans view the family as a group whose primary purpose is to advance the happiness of individual members. The

39、 result is that the needs of each individual take priority in the life of the family. In contrast to that of many other cultures, the primary responsibility of the American family member is not to advance the family as a group, either socially or economically, nor is it to bring honor to the family

40、name. This is partly because the United States is not an aristocratic society. (3) Family name and honor are less important than in aristocratic societies, since equality of opportunity regardless of birth is considered a basic American value. Moreover, there is less emphasis on the family as an eco

41、nomic unit because the American family is rarely self-supporting. Relatively few families maintain self-supporting family farms or businesses for more than one generation. A farmers son, for example, is very likely to go to a college, leave the family farm, and take an entirely different job in a di

42、fferent location. The American desire for freedom from outside control clearly extends to the family. Americans do not like to have controls placed on them by other family members. They want to make independent decisions and not be told what to do by grandparents or uncles or aunts. For example, bot

43、h American men and women expect to decide what job is best for them as individuals. Indeed, young Americans are encouraged by their families to make such independent career decisions. What would be best for the family is not considered to be as important as what would be best for the individual. Thi

44、rd, the role of the child. The American emphasis on the individual, rather than the group, affects children in a contradictory way. On the one hand, it may cause them to get more attention and even have more power than they should. On the other hand, (4) because most children have mothers who are wo

45、rking outside the home, they may not get enough attention from either parent. Worse yet, parents who feel guilty for not having enough time with their children may give them more material things to compensate for the lack of attention. Studies show that both parents are now spending less time with t

46、heir children, due to work habits and a busy lifestyle. In general, American families tend to place more emphasis on the needs and desires of the child and less on the childs social and family responsibilities. In the years after World War II , so much stress has been placed on the psychological nee

47、ds of children that the number of experts in this field has increased enormously. Some Americans believe that the emphasis on the psychological needs of the individual child have been carried too far by parents and experts alike. Although Americans may not agree on how best to nurture and discipline

48、 their children, they still hold the basic belief that the major purpose of the family is the development and welfare of each of its members as individuals. The next point Id like to talk about is equality in the family. Along with the American emphasis on individual freedom, the belief in equality

49、has had a strong effect on the family. There is much more social equality between parents and children than in most aristocratic societies or societies ruled by centuries of tradition. This can be witnessed in arguments between parents and their children, and in the considerable independence granted to teenagers. Children are given a lot of freedom and equality in the family so that they will grow up to be independent, self-reliant adults. Last, the family


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