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1、专业英语四级模拟试卷 16 及答案与解析 一、 PART I DICTATION (15 MIN) Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage

2、 will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minute SECTION A CONVERSATIONS Directions: In this section you will hear several conver

3、sations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 2 What happened in the morning? ( A) The roof of the toilet started leaking. ( B) The woman phoned to remind her husband about the call. ( C) The man was too busy to answer the phone. ( D) The woman was having

4、a shower when the man called. 3 What was the man doing when they had a fight? ( A) Having a shower. ( B) Making a phone call. ( C) Watching TV. ( D) Listening to music. 4 What do we know about the woman? ( A) She is supposed to call the plumber. ( B) She is wasting her breath talking to her husband.

5、 ( C) She gave way after the fight. ( D) She will not call the plumber. 5 The student is having a talk with Professor Smith because she wants to_. ( A) know how to change her major ( B) stop majoring in Computer Technology ( C) know whether she should change her major ( D) major in Computer Programm

6、ing 6 What does the professor suggest the student do? ( A) Have a good talk with her parents. ( B) Find out about the major requirements. ( C) Find out if the new major promises good job opportunities. ( D) Make decisions on her own. 7 What will the student probably do next? ( A) Pursue the career s

7、he likes most. ( B) Try a few courses in Computer Technology. ( C) Try courses in Computer Programming immediately. ( D) Stick at her current major. 8 What is the conversation mainly about? ( A) How to care for precious metals. ( B) A standard unit for measuring weight. ( C) The value of precious me

8、tals. ( D) Using the metric system. 9 How was the weight used? ( A) To check the accuracy of scales. ( B) To calculate the density of other metals. ( C) To observe changes in the atmosphere. ( D) To measure amounts of rainfall. 10 Why was it necessary to replace the old standard weight? ( A) Someone

9、 spilled water on it. ( B) Someone lost it. ( C) It was made of low quality metal. ( D) The standard for measuring had changed. 11 What does Dr. Thomas probably think about the cost of the new weight? ( A) It is a small amount to pay for so much precious metal. ( B) It is difficult to judge the valu

10、e of such an object. ( C) It is reasonable for an object with such an important function. ( D) It is too high for such a light weight. SECTION B PASSAGES Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 12 Accord

11、ing to the narrator, which kind of dogs is thought to have a sense of humor? ( A) St Bernards. ( B) Great Danes. ( C) Dachshunds. ( D) Shepherd dogs. 13 Which of the following statements is NOT true? ( A) A dog needs to be small to be fond of joke. ( B) It is better to let a dog know that he is funn

12、y. ( C) Some dogs have a sense of humor while others havent. ( D) The merits of dogs outweigh their faults. 14 Dachshunds are funny in their _. ( A) shape ( B) head ( C) habit ( D) mischief 15 According to the passage, an ideal marriage life _. ( A) requires considerable sacrifice on both partners (

13、 B) requires that the couple be emotionally involved ( C) allows for the growth of the husband and wife as a couple and as two individuals ( D) is only an illusion in todays society 16 In the speakers opinion, a divorce is not an evil act _. ( A) if the marital life is imperfect ( B) if it leads to

14、a more worthwhile life for the two person ( C) if the couple later get married again and find real love ( D) if the couple live far away from each other 17 The speaker believes the real cause for the increase of divorces today is that _. ( A) people have too many sources of entertainment ( B) people

15、 have less internal restraints ( C) people no longer enjoy family life as they did before ( D) people do not want to be confined by marital ties 18 What is the main topic of the passage? ( A) Indoor sports. ( B) Cultural expectations, ( C) Conversation skills. ( D) Japanese psychology. 19 According

16、to the passage, what is the goal of a Western-style conversation? ( A) An extended exchange of opinions. ( B) A polite expression of support. ( C) The defeat of ones partner. ( D) A practical solution to a problem. 20 In a Japanese-style conversation, when a speaker should start depends on all EXCEP

17、T _. ( A) age ( B) position ( C) skill ( D) relationship 21 What is more likely to occur in a Western-style conversation? ( A) Encouragement. ( B) Agreement. ( C) A pause. ( D) An interruption. 22 What was Israeli diplomat, Josef Hassine charged with? ( A) Forcing the government to follow anti-Israe

18、li policies. ( B) Attacking Indian governments order. ( C) Interfering in Indian affairs. ( D) Making ill comments about Indian External Affairs Ministry. 23 When should Mr. Hassine leave India according to the order? ( A) Within 24 hours. ( B) In 12 hours. ( C) Within 36 hours. ( D) Within 48 hours

19、. 24 How long had Pope John Paul been leading the Roman Catholic Church? ( A) For more than 84 years. ( B) For more than 26 years. ( C) For more than 60 years. ( D) For more than 30 years. 25 Pope John Paul was born in _. ( A) Poland ( B) Finland ( C) England ( D) Italy 26 Pope John Paul did all the

20、 following EXCEPT _. ( A) traveled to many countries to minister to others ( B) spoke out forcefully in favor of the poor and oppressed ( C) asked people to believe that he was the only pope they should know ( D) built bridges to other faiths and confessions 27 _ have died in the flood. ( A) About 5

21、0 people ( B) At least 15 people ( C) At least 51 people ( D) About 15 people 28 _ have fallen in the past three days. ( A) As much as 60 centimeters of rain ( B) As much as 60 meters of rain ( C) As much as 16 meters of rain ( D) As much as 16 centimeters of rain 29 Flooding has _. ( A) destroyed m

22、any buildings ( B) destroyed many cars ( C) destroyed many villages ( D) destroyed electric power lines and cut rail and road traffic 30 Afghanistans Taliban factions have agreed to free Iranian prisoners in exchange for _. ( A) Taliban capital held by Iran and the Afghan opposition ( B) Taliban mem

23、bers held by Iran and the Afghan opposition ( C) Taliban cities held by Iran and the Afghan opposition ( D) Taliban territories held by Iran and the Afghan opposition 31 Who made the promise in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar Wednesday? ( A) The Taliban leader. ( B) The UN special envoy. ( C) T

24、he Iranian officials. ( D) The Afghan opposition. 32 The Taliban said it is willing to hold talks with the Iranian officials in Saudi Arabia in a further bid _. ( A) to reach an agreement ( B) to exchange prisoners ( C) to increase cooperation ( D) to reduce tension 二、 PART III CLOZE (15 MIN) Direct

25、ions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. 32 People thinking about the origin of language for the first time usually arrive at the conclusion that it developed gradually as a sy

26、stem of grunts, hisses and cries and【 C1】_ a very simple affair in the beginning.【 C2】 _ ,when we observe the language behaviour of【 C3】 _ we regard as primitive cultures, we find it【 C4】_ complicated. It was believed that an Eskimo must have at the tip of his tongue a vocabulary of more than 10 000

27、 words【 C5】 _ to get along reasonably well, much larger than rite active vocabulary of an average businessman who speaks English.【 C6】 _ ,these Eskimo words are 【 C7】 _ more highly inflected than【 C8】 _ of any of the well-known European languages, for a【 C9】 _ noun can be spoken or written in【 C10】

28、_ hundred different forms, each【 C11】 _ a precise meaning different from that of any other. The【 C12】_ of the verbs are ever more【 C13】 _ .The Eskimo language is, therefore, one of the most difficult in the world to learn,【 C14】 _ the result that almost no traders or explorers have【 C15】 _ tried to

29、learn it.【 C16】 _ ,there【 C17】 _ grown up, in communication between Eskimos and whites, a jargon.【 C18】 _ to the pidgin English used in Old China, with a vocabulary of from 300 to 600 uninflected words. Most of them are derived from Eskimo【 C19】 _ some are derived from English, Danish, Spanish, Hawa

30、iian and other languages. It is this jargon that is usually 【 C20】 _ by travelers as “the Eskimo language“. 33 【 C1】 ( A) must be ( B) must have been ( C) ought to be ( D) should be 34 【 C2】 ( A) However ( B) Therefore ( C) Probably ( D) Undoubtedly 35 【 C3】 ( A) whose ( B) that ( C) which ( D) what

31、 36 【 C4】 ( A) conspicuously ( B) usually ( C) surprisingly ( D) sufficiently 37 【 C5】 ( A) so as ( B) so that ( C) as such ( D) as well as 38 【 C6】 ( A) However ( B) Moreover ( C) Though ( D) Therefore 39 【 C7】 ( A) too ( B) far ( C) much ( D) over 40 【 C8】 ( A) the others ( B) all others ( C) thes

32、e ( D) those 41 【 C9】 ( A) single ( B) singular ( C) plural ( D) compound 42 【 C10】 ( A) some ( B) several ( C) various ( D) varied 43 【 C11】 ( A) getting ( B) causing ( C) having ( D) owning 44 【 C12】 ( A) shapes ( B) patterns ( C) conventions ( D) forms 45 【 C13】 ( A) endless ( B) multiple ( C) un

33、countable ( D) numerous 46 【 C14】 ( A) with ( B) for ( C) owing to ( D) as 47 【 C15】 ( A) still ( B) indeed ( C) just ( D) ever 48 【 C16】 ( A) Consequently ( B) However ( C) Moreover ( D) Nevertheless 49 【 C17】 ( A) is ( B) was ( C) has ( D) have 50 【 C18】 ( A) alike ( B) similar ( C) related ( D) r

34、elevant 51 【 C19】 ( A) and ( B) but ( C) as well as ( D) yet 52 【 C20】 ( A) referred to ( B) talked about ( C) spoken ( D) told 三、 PART IV GRAMMAR hed have to fix it himself. The kids would all be screaming for something to eat, clean clothes and more bus fare money. Once he quieted the kids, hed ha

35、ve to clean the house, go shopping, make sure that kids got a bath, and fix lunches for the next day. Once the kids were down for the night, he might be able to crawl into an unmade bed and try to read the morning newspaper. No, I dont think many males are going to volunteer for the job. I know I do

36、nt want it. So, thanks, mom! Ill do what I can to create a national holiday for housewives. It could be appropriately called Wonder Woman Day. 91 The main idea of the passage is about_. ( A) housewives, the wonder women ( B) what would happen if housewives went on strike ( C) the replacement of wome

37、n by men as housewives ( D) the setting up of a national holiday for housewives 92 The authors attitude toward housewives work is_. ( A) critical ( B) indifferent ( C) ironical ( D) appreciative 93 If a housewife went on strike, which one of the following statements is NOT true? ( A) Children would

38、scream for something to eat. ( B) No meals would appear on the table. ( C) The scout troops would have a wonderful time. ( D) The man of the house wouldnt be able to take over. 94 In the authors opinion,_. ( A) many males are going to volunteer for housewives work ( B) housewives deserve a national

39、holiday named Wonder Woman Day ( C) the man of the house would be able to take over the housewives work ( D) housewives are second-class citizens or something similar 94 WHATS INVOLVED IN RAPID READING Investigations of eye movements have shown that the rapid readers eyes move rapidly across the lin

40、es, pausing briefly two or three times on each line, picking up an “eyeful“ of words at each pause, while the eyes of the poor reader pause on every word or on small word units. It is the mind, of course, that controls the eye movements. The great value of eyemovement investigations is that they fur

41、nish us a picture of the different ways in which the mind works in perceiving reading symbols. They tell us that the mind of the poor reader loafs along, picking up very small units at a time, while the eyes of the excellent reader race over the lines, gathering an entire, meaningful idea at a glanc

42、e. Cultivating the habit of reading for ideas not only increases speed, but also increases understanding. A person who reads one word at a time thinks in terms of the meanings of these separate words and thus “cant see the woods for the trees.“ The first and most important instruction is, “Read for

43、Ideas!“ If you can cultivate the habit of rapidly picking up one complete thought unit after another, the eye movements will take care of themselves. 95 Most important in rapid reading is_. ( A) keeping the eyes moving ( B) reading for ideas ( C) keeping the lips still ( D) keeping the head still. 9

44、6 How do rapid readers move their eyes in reading? ( A) They pause two or three times per line. ( B) They never pause while reading. ( C) They look primarily at the first words on a line. ( D) They look primarily at the last words on a line. 97 What controls eye movements? ( A) The body. ( B) The ey

45、es themselves. ( C) The hand. ( D) The mind. 98 A habit of reading, good or bad, might NOT affect_. ( A) the speed ( B) the comprehension ( C) the eye-movement ( D) word symbols 99 The author of the selection believes that eye-movement investigations are_. ( A) valuable because they provide a picture of the ways the mind works in perceiving word symbols ( B) worthless because eye movements have nothing to do with skillful reading


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