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1、专业英语四级(形容词、副词与主谓一致)模拟试卷 1及答案与解析 一、 PART IV GRAMMAR I never imagined that she could walk _far. ( A) as ( B) such ( C) that ( D) very 3 “How dark your brothers hair is!“ “Its_mine when I was at his age.“ ( A) no darker than ( B) no more darker as ( C) not dark more than ( D) not darker as 4 The harder

2、 the shrub is to grow,_. ( A) the higher price it is ( B) the higher price it would have ( C) the higher the price is ( D) the higher is the price 5 “Do you regret paying fifty dollars for the dog?“ “No, I would gladly pay_for him.“ ( A) as much twice ( B) twice so much ( C) much twice ( D) twice as

3、 much 6 I understand_preparation that staff must put in under pressure to meet the deadline. ( A) more than the enormous amount of ( B) better than most the enormous number of ( C) better than most the enormous amount of ( D) fewer than the number of 7 In computer programming, this model is_to any o

4、f the others we have ever had. ( A) more superior ( B) the more superior ( C) the most superior ( D) superior 8 He is_boy to do such a thing. ( A) such an honest ( B) too honest ( C) too honest a ( D) so honest a 9 He thought he had lost his_for good. However, he found his pillow already taken by th

5、e dog when he entered the room. ( A) beautiful yellow little dog ( B) yellow beautiful little dog ( C) little yellow beautiful dog ( D) beautiful little yellow dog 10 More than a year later he arrived back in America_. ( A) ill, tired and unhappy ( B) with ill, tired and unhappy ( C) felt ill, tired

6、 and unhappy ( D) he felt ill, tired and unhappy 11 Advertising media like direct mail, radio, television and newspapers_to increase the sales of industrial products. ( A) have been used ( B) will be used ( C) is being used ( D) has been used 12 Bread and butter_liked by Westerners. ( A) is ( B) are

7、 ( C) were ( D) be 13 My friend and adviser_to lend me his money. ( A) have agreed ( B) has agreed ( C) agreed ( D) are agreed 14 A series of robberies_recently. ( A) has been reported ( B) has reported ( C) have been reported ( D) have reported 15 Nothing but some chairs_in the room. ( A) has found

8、 ( B) had found ( C) were found ( D) was found 16 More than one company_involved in this transaction. ( A) was ( B) were ( C) to be ( D) / 17 Most environmental problems exist because adequate measures for preventing them_ taken in the past. ( A) was not ( B) were not ( C) were not being ( D) being

9、not 18 Statistics as well as a course in research methodology_all doctor candidates. ( A) is required of ( B) are required of ( C) is requiring with ( D) are required by 19 There are_I want to tell you. ( A) one or two things ( B) either one thing or another thing ( C) neither one thing nor another

10、thing ( D) not only one thing 20 Not only you but also I_mistaken on this point. ( A) are ( B) were ( C) have ( D) am 专业英语四级(形容词、副词与主谓一致)模拟试卷 1答案与 解析 一、 PART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (15 MIN) Directions: There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases

11、 marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1 【正确答案】 A 【 试题解析】 much too和 far too作副词,用来加强语气,修饰形容词。因此 A为正确选项。 【知识模块】 形容词、副词 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 此句应用 so来修饰 far,但四个选项中没有 so。这里 that作副词用,相当于 so的用法。 【知识模块】 形容词、副词 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 形容词与副词的比较级前可用 much, far,a lot, still, e

12、ven等副词修饰,也可用否定词 no修饰,意为 “不比 ,和 一样 ”。因此 A为正确选项。 【知识模块】 形容词、副词 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 此题考查比较结构的用法。 “the+比较级 , the+比较级 ” 这一句型既可用于形容词,也可用副词的比较级。注意形容词与副词用在这种句型里的词序。 C为正确答案。 【知识模块】 形容词、副词 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 此题考查同级比较的结构。在表示同级比较的 asas 和 not so as句型中,常用状语 just, almost, twice, three times等。这类状语应放在副词 as, so之前。因此 D为正

13、确选项。 【知识模块】 形容词、副词 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 understand better than 意为 “对 非常理解 ”。 preparation是不可数名词,须用 amount修饰,故选 C。 【知识模块】 形容词、副词 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 be superior to意为 “优越于,好于 ”。该短语本身就表示比较级,所以它表示 “比 好 ”时不再需要加任何修饰。 【知识模块】 形容词、副词 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 “too+形容词 +a+名词单数 +to do”是一个经常使用的句型,意为“太 不会 ” 。实际上,它是 “too+形容词十

14、to do”结构的变体。 【知识模块】 形容词、副词 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 这是一个形容词作层叠修饰的问题。形容词的排序基本规律为: “限定词 +表示观点、看法的形容词 +表示大小、长短、高低的形容词 +表示形状的形容词 +表示年龄、新旧的形容词 +表示颜色的形容词 +表示国家、地区、出处的形容词 +表示材料的形容词 +表示用途、作用的形容词 ”。 【知识模块】 形容词、 副词 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 ill, tired and unhappy作主语的补足语,说明主语的状态、特点。 【知识模块】 形容词、副词 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 根据句意,应用完

15、成时的被动语态, media是 medium的复数形式。 【知识模块】 主谓一致 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 bread and butter是西方人吃的一种食品,虽然有三个字,表达的却是一个东西,并且是不可数名词,作单数。 【知识模块】 主谓一致 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 此句中 friend和 adviser:是同一个人,这一点可从二词所共有的限定词 my以及代词 his判断出。这种结构是并列主语,指同一事、同一概念或同一种东西时,谓语用单数。 【知识模块】 主谓一致 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 首先应排除主动语态的选项。其次,当 a series of,

16、a species of, a portion of, a kind type of等加上名词时,谓语动词一般用单数,即谓语动词的单复数取决于 species, series, portion, kind, type是否是单、复数,而不取决于 of后面名词的单、复数。本句中 series是被 a限定的,因此是单数。 【知识模块】 主谓一致 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题应使用被动语态,因此 A、 B两项应排除。 nothing but表示“除了 什么也没有 ”, nothing是句子的主语,单数形式, but some chairs是附属结构作状语,因此选择 D项。 【知识模块】

17、主谓一致 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考查名词单复数 的用法。 more than one company尽管是复数意义,但根据就近原则,谓语形式仍需用单数。 【知识模块】 主谓一致 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 被动语态的时态、数、性的一致,主要由助动词来表示,要注意它们与主语的一致。此处从句的主语 measures是复数,因此选择答案 B。 【知识模块】 主谓一致 18 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题中 as well as 结构是附属结构作状语,其前的 statistics(统计学 )是以 -s结尾的学科名,故使用单数的谓 语动词; sth is required of sb表示某物为某人所必需。 【知识模块】 主谓一致 19 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 one or two things为复数主语;其他答案都为单数,与 there are不符。 【知识模块】 主谓一致 20 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 按照英语语法,由 not onlybut also 构成的主语,其谓语动词应遵照就近原则,因此此句只能选择 D。 【知识模块】 主谓一致


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