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1、北京理工大学考博英语模拟试卷 11及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 Two of the children have to sleep in one bed, but the other three have_ones. ( A) similar ( B) singular ( C) different ( D) separate 2 The newspaper did not mention the_of the damage caused by the fire. ( A) range ( B) level ( C) extent ( D) quan

2、tity 3 She _ his invitation to dinner as she was on a diet. ( A) inclined ( B) declined ( C) denied ( D) disinclined 4 The novel, which is a work of art, exists not by its _ life, but by its immeasurable difference from life. ( A) significance in ( B) imagination at ( C) resemblance to ( D) predomin

3、ance over 5 Our modern civilization must not be thought of as_overnight. ( A) being created ( B) having created ( C) to be created ( D) to have been created 6 Harriet Beecher Stowe, in her antislavery novel Uncle Toms Cabin, aimed to stir the consciences of her readers. ( A) heed ( B) appease ( C) c

4、onfuse ( D) awaken 7 He kept throwing us an apple of discord, we soon quarreled again. ( A) (评判 )不公 ( B) (挑起 ) 争端 ( C) (分赃 )不均 ( D)背叛 8 it is not considered _to pick one s teeth in public. ( A) respectful ( B) respected ( C) respectable ( D) respective 9 Behind his large smiles and large cigars, his

5、 eyes often seemed to_regret ( A) teem with ( B) brim with ( C) come with ( D) look with 10 The little girl wore a very thin coat. A sudden gust of cold wind made her_. ( A) shake ( B) sweat ( C) shiver ( D) swing 11 The Supreme Court_the judgment of the lower court in that case last week. ( A) ampl

6、ified ( B) affirmed ( C) ascended ( D) applauded 12 The Eskimo is perhaps one of the most trusting and considerate of all Indians but seems to be _ the welfare of his animals. ( A) critical about ( B) indignant at ( C) indifferent to ( D) Subject to 13 Two trucks were reported to have _ head-on yest

7、erday. ( A) bumped ( B) crashed ( C) collided ( D) struck 14 He added a _ to his letter by saying that he would arrive before 8 pm. ( A) presidency ( B) prestige ( C) postscript ( D) preliminary 15 It can be inferred that the author of the passage expects that the experience of the student mentioned

8、 as having studied Wife in the Right would have one of the following effects. That is _. ( A) It would lead the student to disregard information found in the Bibliotheca Britannica. ( B) It would teach the student to question the accuracy of certain kinds of information sources when studying neglect

9、ed authors. ( C) It would teach the student to avoid the use of reference sources in studying neglected authors. ( D) It would enhance the students appreciation of the works of authors not included in the canon. 16 In fact the purchasing power of a single persons pension in Hong Kong was only 70 per

10、 cent of the value of the _ Singapore pension. ( A) equivalent ( B) similar ( C) consistent ( D) identical 17 One of the most interesting inhabitants of our world is the bee, an insect which is indigenous to all parts of the globe except the Polar Regions. ( A) residents ( B) pets ( C) intimates ( D

11、) creatures 18 Because of her dual nationality in the United States and Mexico, Maria was almost required to pay taxes in both countries until her accountant _ with a satisfactory solution for both countries. ( A) intercepted ( B) interacted ( C) interpreted ( D) intervened 19 The 1982 oil and Gas A

12、ct gives power to permit the disposal of assets held by the Corporation, and _ the Corporations statutory monopoly in the supply of gas for fuel purposes so as to permit private companies to compete in this supply. ( A) defers ( B) curtails ( C) triggers ( D) sparks 20 This is an alarming realizatio

13、n as natural resources and the environment are being degraded and _ at a record pace. ( A) wasted ( B) reconstructed ( C) destructed ( D) reversed 21 Every member of society has to make a _ to straggle for the freedom of the country. ( A) pledge ( B) warranty ( C) resolve ( D) guarantee 22 He went o

14、n to say that he would go to his hometown in_of peace. ( A) quest ( B) allowance ( C) thirst ( D) greed 23 A series of border incidents would _ lead the two countries to war. ( A) inevitably ( B) consistently ( C) uniformly ( D) persistently 24 But, in our enthusiasm to discover our heritage, we are

15、 mining the very scenery we go to enjoy, damaging natural habitats, _ down footpaths, disturbing wild- life, polluting the air and dropping litter. ( A) wearing ( B) treading ( C) falling ( D) cutting 25 The policeman tried to _ the teenage driver to obey the traffic laws rather than fine him direct

16、ly. ( A) induce ( B) abduct ( C) indulge ( D) lure 26 The poor reception on your TV is probably due to outside _. ( A) intervention ( B) interruption ( C) interception ( D) interference 27 Some workers in the nuclear power station were exposed to high levels of _. ( A) radiation ( B) cancer ( C) mic

17、rowaves ( D) high temperature 28 You will find the scenery is so beautiful if you view from the _ of the hill. ( A) ceiling ( B) summit ( C) mantle ( D) roof 29 _is forbidden in some states in the United States for religious reasons, while it is permitted in some other states. ( A) Conception ( B) A

18、bortion ( C) Delivery ( D) Perception 30 That war robbed him of the_of his career, when he was the best player in the world. ( A) prejudice ( B) preference ( C) privilege ( D) prime 二、 Cloze 30 A previously unknown disease, SARS has entered our daily vocabulary. Now we live in its【 1】 While SARS【 2】

19、 center stage, an ancient and more infection disease is【 3】 its ugly head. That disease is panic or irrational fear. We need to have a healthy fear for SARS and to take prudent【 4】 in preventing ts spread. But panic fear creates【 5】 it fears. The panic which is generated by SARS will【 6】 our immune

20、system which【 7】 us more susceptible【 8】 this dreaded disease. While SARS is known to【 9】 transmitted through close personal contact, fear is transmitted through all forms of media, including email. Only an【 10】 SARS patient can transmit SARS to others. But fear can be transmitted by anyone, sometim

21、es even with the best of intentions. As we know, fear about it does hurt us. So, how do we【 11】with fear? Admit our fear and keep moving【 12】 by living our lives as normally as possible while taking necessary precautions. For example, it is【 13】 to stop shaking the hand of a healthy friend. At the s

22、ame time, it is always a good practice to wash our hands before a mealthis【 14】 be done whether or not SARS【 15】 . Accept fear as a price of progress. SARS will hit us or it wont. Our fear will not positively change the outcome. Focus on the things you can control not【 16】 the things you cannot. Fee

23、d your faith, not your fear. Faith is a rational trust【 17】 whats trustworthy. We have a choice each lay to exercise faith【 18】 to allow fear to rule our lives. We can feed our fear or we can starve it.【 19】 fear and faith will be with us every minute of every day. The emotion that we continually ac

24、t upon,【 20】 is the one we feed, will dominate our lives. Fear will ruin us, but faith will lift us above the crisis we are facing. ( A) shade ( B) shadow ( C) silhouette ( D) image ( A) takes ( B) is taking ( C) has been taken ( D) has taken ( A) raising ( B) rising ( C) arising ( D) elevating ( A)

25、 root ( B) risks ( C) steps ( D) place ( A) that ( B) if ( C) whose ( D) what ( A) weaken ( B) disable ( C) lessen ( D) cripple ( A) make ( B) makes ( C) making ( D) made ( A) for ( B) with ( C) to ( D) at ( A) be ( B) being ( C) have been ( D) have ( A) infection ( B) infect ( C) infecting ( D) inf

26、ected ( A) work ( B) deal ( C) cut ( D) get away ( A) forward ( B) about ( C) down ( D) away ( A) idiot ( B) silly ( C) ridiculous ( D) foolish ( A) could ( B) may ( C) must ( D) should ( A) persists ( B) consists ( C) exists ( D) insists ( A) on ( B) in ( C) at ( D) by ( A) with ( B) on ( C) in ( D

27、) at ( A) or ( B) and ( C) while ( D) as ( A) All ( B) Either ( C) Neither ( D) Both ( A) who ( B) that ( C) whose ( D) in which 50 The first farm animal Jack ever【 51】 from a stockyard was a lamb【 52】 Hida. aam Sanctuary, 180 acres of vegan heaven in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York.【 53

28、】 , Jack was living in a school bus near a tofu factory in Pennsylvania and【 54】 hot dogs【 55】 support his animal【 56】 operation. Now, more than a thousand animals once【 57】 for the slaughterhouse live here and on another Farm Sanctuary property in California. Farm Sanctuary has a $ 5. 7 million bud

29、get, fed【 58】 part by a donor club named【 59】 his【 60】 Hilda. Supporters can【 61】 for a Farm Sanctuary MasterCard. As Farm Sanctuary has grown,【 62】 too has it, influence. Soon, due in part【 63】 the organizations work, veal calves and pregnant pigs in Arizona【 64】 be kept in cages so tight they cant

30、【 65】 Eggs from cage-free hens have become so popular that there is a national shortage. A law in Chicago.【 66】 the sale of foie gras. All of these developments reflect the maturation and sophistication of Jack and others in a network of animal activists who have more control【 67】 Americas dinner ta

31、ble than【 68】 before. The gap【 69】 animal lovers and animal lovers who love to eat them is exactly【 70】 Jack, a man who eats noodles with margarine, soy sauce and brewers yeast would like to close. ( A) killed ( B) rescued ( C) bought ( D) sold ( A) be named ( B) naming ( C) was named ( D) named ( A

32、) Since then ( B) But then ( C) Before then ( D) Till then ( A) eating ( B) banning ( C) selling ( D) recycling ( A) for ( B) to ( C) in order ( D) so as ( A) rescue ( B) protect ( C) heal ( D) ransom ( A) decided ( B) sentenced ( C) sold ( D) destined ( A) by ( B) in ( C) of ( D) with ( A) before (

33、 B) after ( C) with ( D) for ( A) loving ( B) loved ( C) beloved ( D) lovely ( A) sign in ( B) sign up ( C) sign over ( D) sign off ( A) only ( B) therefore ( C) but ( D) so ( A) of ( B) for ( C) from ( D) to ( A) cant ( B) will ( C) wont ( D) ought to ( A) turn back ( B) turn around ( C) turn over

34、( D) turn out ( A) forbids ( B) bans ( C) denies ( D) rejects ( A) over ( B) on ( C) about ( D) by ( A) ever ( B) long ( C) over ( D) as ( A) with ( B) between ( C) separating ( D) combining ( A) what ( B) that ( C) which ( D) for 71 【 C14】 ( A) combination ( B) alliance ( C) mixture ( D) union 71 A

35、ssuming that a constant travel-time budget, geographic constraints and short-term infrastructure constraints persist as fundamental features of global mobility, what long-term results can one expect7 In high-income regions, 【 C1】 _ North America, our picture suggests that the share of traffic 【 C2】

36、_ sup plied by buses and automobiles will decline as high-speed transport rises sharply. In developing countries, we 【 C3】 _ the strongest increase to be in the shares first for buses and later for automobiles. Glob ally, these 【 C4】 _ in bus and automobile transport are partially offsetting. In all

37、 regions, the share of low-speed rail transport will probably continue its strongly 【 C5】 _ decline. We expect that throughout the period 19902050, the 【 C6】 _ North American will continue to de vote most of his or her 1. 1-hour travel-time 【 C7】 _ to automobile travel. The very large demand 【 C8】 _

38、 air travel (or high-speed rail travel) that will be manifest in 2050 【 C9】 _ to only 12 minutes per person a day; a little time goes a long way in the air. In several developing regions, most travel 【 C10】 _ in 2050 will still be devoted to nonmotorized modes. Buses will persist 【 C11】 _ the primar

39、y form of motorized transportation in developing countries for decades. 【 C12】 _ important air travel becomes, buses, automobiles and 【 C13】_ low-speed trains will surely go on serving vital functions. 【 C14】 _ of the super-rich al ready commute and shop in aircraft, but average people will continue

40、 to spend most of their travel time on the 【 C15】 _. 72 【 C1】 _ ( A) frankly ( B) exceptionally ( C) unfortunately ( D) notably 73 【 C2】 _ ( A) volume ( B) body ( C) measure ( D) funds 74 【 C3】 _ ( A) admire ( B) assure ( C) assert ( D) anticipate 75 【 C4】 _ ( A) outcomes ( B) trends ( C) declines (

41、 D) impacts 76 【 C5】 _ ( A) inherent ( B) evident ( C) large-scale ( D) hidden 77 【 C6】 _ ( A) general ( B) common ( C) local ( D) average 78 【 C7】 _ ( A) profit ( B) cost ( C) budget ( D) facility 79 【 C8】 _ ( A) in ( B) of ( C) at ( D) for 80 【 C9】 _ ( A) works out ( B) leaves out ( C) runs out (

42、D) puts out 81 【 C10】 _ ( A) time ( B) desire ( C) agency ( D) means 82 【 C11】 _ ( A) to ( B) as ( C) with ( D) over 83 【 C12】 _ ( A) Despite the fact ( B) Whatever it is ( C) No matter how ( D) whether or not 84 【 C13】 _ ( A) plus ( B) including ( C) even ( D) as well as 85 【 C14】 _ ( A) Few ( B) A

43、ll ( C) None ( D) Some 86 【 C15】 _ ( A) mountain ( B) ground ( C) sky ( D) land 86 Friends play an important part in our lives, and although we may take【 46】 for granted, we often dont clearly understand how we make friends. While we get on well with a number of people, we are usually friends【 47】 o

44、nly a very few, for example the average among students is about 6 per person, In all the cases of friendly relationships, two people like one another and enjoy being together, but beyond that, the degree of intimacy between them and the reasons for their shared interests vary enormously.【 48】we get

45、to know people we take into account things like age, race, economic condition, social【 49】 and intelligence. Although these factors are not of prime importance, it is more difficult to get on with people when there is a marked difference【 50】 age and background. Some friendly relationships can be ke

46、pt on argument and discussion, but it is usual for close friends to have【 51】 ideas and beliefs, to have attitudes and interests in common they often talk about “being on the same wavelength.“ It generally takes time to reach this point. And the more they rely on【 52】 another. People want to do frie

47、nds favours and hate to break a【 53】 . Equally, friends have to learn so put up with annoying habits and to tolerate differences of opinion. In contrast with marriage, there are no friendship ceremonies to【 54】 the association between two people. But the supporting and understanding of each other th

48、at results from shared experiences and emotions does seem to create a powerful bond,【 55】 can overcome differences in background, and break down barriers of age, class or race. 96 For the people who have never traveled across the Atlantic the voyage is a fantasy. But for the people who cross it frequently one crossing of the Atlantic is very much like another, and they do not make the voyage for the【 41】 of its interest. Most of us are quite happy when we feel【 42】 to go to bed and pleased when the journey【 43】 . On the first night this time I felt especially lazy and went to bed【 44】 e

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