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1、2007年北京理工大学考博英语真题试卷及答案与解析 一、 Reading Comprehension 0 The aroma of chocolate perfumes the air of the Rue dAssas in Paris. Entering Christian Constants state-of-the-art boutique, you find yourself in the kingdom of Pariss king of chocolate, where the humble cocoa bean is turned into mouth-watering cho

2、colate Easter eggs. Constant, who is a chef, admits that chocolate is his passion and main interest in life. He first developed a fascination with chocolate when he was working for Gaston Lenotre, a famous French pastry chef. Every year he has a theme for decorating Easter eggs: this year his decora

3、tions are inspired by “Art Nouveau“. Tonight he has a dinner for 130 to organize and he has to prepare a three-foot-high Art Nouveau-style Easter egg by noon tomorrow. This, for Constant, is a normal schedule. Constant believes that his chocolate creations are as much of a work of art as other sculp

4、tures.It is, therefore, understandable that the restaurant, which he opened last month, is situated in the National Monuments Museum in Paris. During the day the restaurant is a tearoom and offers chocolate in every imaginable form. Customers can choose from a selection of sweet chocolate desserts o

5、r try the more exotic spicy chocolates. Constant is also a professional “nose“, working closely with the French Institute of Taste. He is capable of identifying 450 different tastes and flavors. Constant explains that the mouth, which can only taste four thingssalt, sweet, acid and bitteris “stupid“

6、 in comparison to the nose. He believes that the nose is everything. In his book The Taste of Chocolate, he explains how in 1502 Christopher Columbus came across an island and went ashore. He was greeted by an Indian chief bearing gifts, among which were huge sacks of beans which Columbus thought wa

7、s local currency. To his surprise, they prepared a drink for him. But Columbus, who disliked the odd bitter taste, continued on his travels, ignorant of the fact that he had just tasted cocoa. Like Columbus, Constant travels the cocoa countries where he checks quality and works with local experts. Q

8、uality can vary depending on the region, year, and method of preparation. According to Constant, Venezuela and Trinidad have the best cocoa beans, which they export all over the world either as beans or as cocoa. Constant, who is a hard worker, only sleeps three hours a night. He talks long into the

9、 night with members of a club he has formed. The club is called “The Chocolate Munch-ers“. Their main official activity is to get together for monthly dinners where they eat a very tiny dinner and tons of chocolate desserts. “I am an addict,“ Constant admits, “and I dont want to be cured!“ 1 Which o

10、f the following is the most inclusive title for the passage? ( A) ChocolateThe Passion of a Lifetime. ( B) The Chocolate Munchers Club. ( C) ChocolateA New Art Form. ( D) The Last Word in Good Taste. 2 What does Constant do now? ( A) He works for a French pastry chef. ( B) He owns his own restaurant

11、 and tearoom. ( C) He is a sculptor for a museum in Paris. ( D) He is a chef in the Institute of Taste. 3 Constants newly-opened business_. ( A) provides chocolates with various flavors ( B) exhibits all of his chocolate sculptures ( C) often needs to prepare a big Easter dinner ( D) serves as a nat

12、ional monument in Paris 4 The underlined part “Constant is also a. nose“ means_. ( A) he believes he has the best nose in the world ( B) his nose can taste salt, sweet, acid and bitter ( C) his nose can identify various tastes and flavors ( D) he is capable of smelling flavors from a long distance 5

13、 According to Constant, _. ( A) ancient Indians used cocoa beans as local currency ( B) Columbus checked, the quality of cocoa beans in different places ( C) chocolate addiction makes people sleep less ( D) the quality of cocoa beans varies from region to region 5 French are elegant people. They are

14、 artists in everyday life, having a very good taste in everything. They dont like American tourists wearing jeans to go into their luxurious and exquisite five-star restaurants. So one of the restaurants put a notice outside its front door. It read “No trousers, please!“ A gourmet coffee was sold in

15、 Tokyo as an antidote to stress. Its name supposedly meant to people that it would smooth the troubled breast. Yet when it was printed in English, it turned out to be “Ease Your Bosoms“. Swedes started a promotion stunt to promote the sales of their vacuum cleaner named Electro. Their original ad sl

16、ogan was translated as “Nothing sucks Like Electro“. The General Motors selling of Chevrolet was very bad in South America. And the reason? The translation of this brand sounds like “no va“, which means “It doesnt go“ in Spanish. When Pepsi-cola invaded the huge Chinese and German markets, the effor

17、ts initially fizzled. The products slogan, “Come alive with the Pepsi generation,“ was rendered into German as “come out of the grave with Pepsi. “ Coca-Cola also discovered something had gone wrong in Taiwan. The Chinese characters chosen for the world-famous product sound like “Bite the Wax Tadpol

18、e. “ A beer companys slogan “Turn it loose“ became, in Spanish, equivalent to “suffer from diarrhea. “ A company translated its sticky tape slogan into Japanese and came up with a sticky problem. The slogan “Sticks like crazy“ became literally “it sticks foolishly“ in Japanese. A tonic produced in C

19、hina is made of royal jelly and is supposed to be very effective for some chronic diseases. Yet it was translated as “oral liquid“, which means “saliva“ in English. In the brochure, it was described in this way: “it tastes like medicine“, when the language in the original meant to use it as a food t

20、herapy. Even the wrong nonverbal cue can bring havoc to a product. A baby food company initially packaged their African products just the same as in the USwith a cute baby picture on the jar. They didnt realize that because so many Africans cannot read, nearly all packaged products sold in Africa ca

21、rry pictures of what is inside. Pureed baby! How horrible! In an Asian city, where traffic is really very bad, to secure peoples safety, the municipal government has built underground passageways. Pedestrians are asked to use them whenever they need to cross the main street. A sign was posted once o

22、n the roadside, pointing to the entrance to an underground passageway, intending to notify English-speaking passengers, “Go underground. “ We chuckled at such clumsy translations. Is there anything wrong in the language? We must be aware that few words and idioms can be literally translated. Its bes

23、t to hire the best for translation. Dont take it for granted that as long as one speaks a little English, he is autonomously able to do the translation. It takes a while to learn to be a good translator. 6 “No trousers, please!“ sounds funny on the front door of a five-star restaurant, because it co

24、uld mean “_“ in English. ( A) Take off your trousers, then come in, please ( B) We dont sell any trousers here ( C) We dont have any pairs of trousers here ( D) Anyone who does not wear trousers is not welcome 7 From the passage, you may guess that Chevrolet is most probably_. ( A) shoes of some kin

25、d that South Americans like ( B) the brand name of a kind of vehicle ( C) a pet animal which runs fast ( D) a word in Spanish which has a very bad meaning 8 Any product with a cute baby picture on the jar will most probably_in Africa, according to the author. ( A) sell well ( B) receive favorable at

26、tention ( C) cause great interest ( D) bring an end to the product 9 The Chinese characters chosen for Coca-Cola_in Taiwan first. ( A) were well received ( B) had a wrong name ( C) sounded terrible in the language ( D) were all terrible words 10 Which of the following is NOT true according to the pa

27、ssage? ( A) Clumsy translations can sometimes produce the desired effect. ( B) We should not take it for granted that anything can be translated. ( C) Few words and idioms can be literally translated. ( D) Clumsy translation could mean more than just a laughing matter. 10 Vitamins are a group of sub

28、stances found in food. The body needs them for life and health. So naturally, many people are concerned with the question; Am I getting enough vitamins, and am I getting the right kind? Even though very small amounts of each vitamin are enough for the needs of the body,the worry people have about vi

29、tamins has some basis. And this has something to do with their dietthe food they take in. A person eating a good variety of foods gets all the vitamins now known to be needed (with the possible exception of vitamin D). The problem is that there are many people who dont choose foods wisely, dont get

30、enough variety, and dont eat the basic foods they need to get their vitamins. So the answer to this question is: No extra vitamins are needed, providing you eat proper foods. In fact, many of the vitamins cannot be stored in the body, so when extra vitamins taken in, the body simply gets rid of them

31、. It is even harmful to put too much of certain vitamins into the body. This has been found to be true of vitamin A and D, when large amounts are taken in. What foods supply what vitamins? Here is a quick general idea. Vitamin A, for the health of the eyes, skin, teeth, and bones, is found in green

32、vegetables, fruits, eggs, liver and butter. Vitamin B: which helps the nervous and digestive system and prevents certain diseases, is found in cereals, pork and liver. Vitamin B: is found in milk, eggs, green vegetables and meats. Vitamin C, which helps bones and teeth, is found in tomatoes , certai

33、n fruits and vegetables. These are only a few of the most important vitamins the body needs. 11 Vitamin A is needed by_and can be found in_. ( A) bones/pork ( B) nervous system/milk ( C) eyes/green vegetables ( D) teeth/meats 12 Vitamin C helps_while vitamin Bi is very important to_. ( A) teeth/dige

34、stive system ( B) skin/bones ( C) bones/liver ( D) eyes/meats 13 Vitamins are a group of substances found in_. ( A) body ( B) food ( C) pork ( D) digestive system 14 The body needs_for life and health. ( A) extra vitamins ( B) a good variety of vitamins ( C) large amounts of certain vitamins ( D) sm

35、all amounts of each vitamin 15 If you take in more vitamins than you actually need, _. ( A) they are harmful to your body ( B) you get all the vitamins now known to be needed ( C) they help our bodies more properly ( D) your body simply gets rid of them 15 As the pace of life continues to increase,

36、we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through life and working from morning till night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body. Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. In fact, it is

37、 not the bad thing it is often supposed to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health. The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the

38、individual. Some people are not afraid of stress and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities. Others lose heart at the first signs of unusual difficulties. When exposed to stress, in whatever form, we react both chemically and physically. In fact we make choice b

39、etween “flight or fight“ and in more primitive days the choices made the difference between life or death. The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme, but however little the stress, it involves the same response. It is when such a reaction lasts long, through continued exposure to stress

40、, that health becomes endangered. Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart diseases have established links with stress. Since we cannot remove stress from our livesit would be unwise to do so even if we could, we need to find ways to deal with it. 16 People are finding less and less

41、time to relax themselves because_. ( A) they do not know how to enjoy themselves ( B) they do not believe that relaxation is important for health ( C) they are traveling fast all the time ( D) they are becoming busier with their work 17 According to the author, the most important character for a goo

42、d manager is his_. ( A) not fearing stress ( B) knowing the art of relaxation ( C) high sense of responsibility ( D) having control over performance 18 Which of the following statements is TRUE? ( A) We can find some ways to remove stress. ( B) Stress is always harmful to people. ( C) It is easy to

43、change the habit of keeping oneself busy with work. ( D) Different people can withstand different amount of stress. 19 In paragraph 2, “such a reaction“ refers back to_. ( A) making a choice between flight or fight ( B) reaction to stress both chemically and physically ( C) responding to crises quic

44、kly ( D) losing heart at the signs of difficulties 20 In the last sentence of the article, “do so“ refers to . ( A) expose ourselves to stress ( B) find ways to deal with stress ( C) remove stress from our lives ( D) establish links between diseases and stress 二、 English-Chinese Translation 21 Love

45、is of three varieties: unselfish, mutual and ordinary or selfish. Unselfish love is of the highest kind. Here, the one who loves seeks only the welfare of the beloved and does not care whether he suffers pains and hardships thereby. The second kind of love is mutual love in which the one who loves d

46、esires not only the happiness of his beloved, but has an eye to his own happiness also. Selfish love is the lowest. It makes a man care only for his own happiness without having any regard for the feeling of the beloved. 22 Optimism and pessimism are both powerful forces, and each of us must choose

47、which we want to shape our outlook and our expectations. There is enough good and bad in everyones lifeample sorrow and happiness, sufficient joy and painto find a rational basis for either optimism or pessimism. We can choose to laugh or cry, bless or curse. Its our decision: From which perspective

48、 do we want to view life? Will we look up in hope or down in despair? I believe in the upward look. I choose to highlight the positive and slip right over the negative. I am an optimist by choice as much as by nature. 23 Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy

49、cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a mater of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite, of adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin. But to give up


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