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1、国家公共英语(二级)笔试模拟试卷 174及答案与解析 第一节 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1 Where does this conversation most probably take place? ( A) On a plane. ( B) In a hospital. ( C) In an office. 2 What is the woman in the conversation? ( A) A doctor

2、in a hospital. ( B) An official in Customs House. ( C) A traveler from France. 3 Why is the book popular? ( A) Readers cant forget the hero. ( B) The hero gave up his life. ( C) The author wrote wonderfully. 4 What may be the reason for Simpsons quitting his job? ( A) Hes not satisfied with his sala

3、ry. ( B) He didnt enjoy the job. ( C) He used to enjoy it, but now he doesnt. 5 What does Mr Wang want to do? ( A) Work as a vice president. ( B) Make appointments with teachers. ( C) Teach students. 第二节 听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小

4、题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 6 Where will the woman go? ( A) The bus station, ( B) The railway station. ( C) Germany. 7 What language is the mans mother language? ( A) English. ( B) Spanish. ( C) French. 8 Where does this conversation take place? ( A) In the school. ( B) At Lynns home. ( C) in the supe

5、rmarket. 9 Why did Lynn have a fever? ( A) She was caught in the heavy rain. ( B) She had some had food. ( C) She did a lot of work. 10 Which country did the woman visit? ( A) Egypt. ( B) Cairo. ( C) Cairo and Luxor. 11 Whats the womans opinion about Cairo? ( A) There are a lot of interesting places

6、 to go. ( B) She likes it very much. ( C) Some of tile places, though not many, are worth a visit. 12 Why does the woman like Luxor better than Cairo? ( A) Because it is a little town. ( B) Because it is free from pollution and good for shopping. ( C) Because it is convenient for shopping. 13 How lo

7、ng hasnt the man heard from Clara? ( A) More than three years. ( B) Less than three years. ( C) Three years. 14 What is the man going to do? ( A) He is opening a company. ( B) He is getting married. ( C) He will be back to Australia. 15 What is the gift that the woman will give him? ( A) A piece of

8、necklace. ( B) A ring. ( C) A bunch of flowers. 16 Where does this conversation take place? ( A) Near the station. ( B) In the park. ( C) In the flat. 17 What is the weather like? ( A) Its nice. ( B) Its hot. ( C) Its rainy. 18 Why does the man come here? ( A) To make friends. ( B) To practice Engli

9、sh. ( C) To be on holiday. 19 How much is a large bottle of aspirin? ( A) 56 pence. ( B) 87 pence. ( C) 67 pence. 20 How much is a tube of toothpaste? ( A) 87 pence. ( B) 67 pence. ( C) 56 pence. 21 How much is a film? ( A) 1.78 pounds. ( B) 1.72 pounds. ( C) 1.76 pounds. 22 How much does the man gi

10、ve the woman? ( A) 1.80 pounds. ( B) 1.85 pounds. ( C) 5 pounds, 23 What is the company going to do? ( A) To promote some people. ( B) To appoint some people. ( C) To recruit some people. 24 What position has fallen vacant in the company? ( A) Senior secretary. ( B) Personnel manager. ( C) Assistant

11、 manager. 25 Why did Kitty leave the company? ( A) Because she was not good at her job. ( B) Because she got married and she wanted to be a full-time housewife. ( C) Because she didnt like her job. 26 What qualifications are needed for this job? ( A) A female graduate from the secretary college. ( B

12、) A female with a good knowledge of English. ( C) Both A and B. 单项填空 27 Every means _ tried but without much result. ( A) is ( B) are ( C) has been ( D) have been 28 - Do you know our town at all? - No. This is the first time I _ here. ( A) was ( B) have been ( C) came ( D) am coming 29 Kate is an h

13、onest girl; I say it, _ I dont like her. ( A) as if ( B) as long as ( C) as though ( D) even if 30 We must get up early tomorrow, _ well miss the first bus to the Great Wall. ( A) so ( B) or ( C) but ( D) however 31 If you keep on, youll succeed _. ( A) in time ( B) at one time ( C) at the same time

14、 ( D) on time 32 When he came to himself, he found himself _ in bed. ( A) lie ( B) lay ( C) laid ( D) lying 33 Not only I but also Jane and Mary _ tired of having one examination after mother. ( A) is ( B) are ( C) am ( D) be 34 Tell him he should stop _ and get some sleep. ( A) worry ( B) worrying

15、( C) to worry ( D) from worrying 35 - Do you want to go to the movies with us? -_. I think Ill just stay in and read. ( A) Not at all ( B) Not really ( C) No problem ( D) Never mind 36 Each of the students, working hard at his or her lessons, to go to university. ( A) hope ( B) hopes ( C) hoping ( D

16、) to hope 37 - Isnt that Anns husband over there? - No, it _ be him - Im sure he doesnt wear glasses. ( A) cant ( B) must not ( C) wont ( D) may not 38 We _ this recorder for five hundred yuan. ( A) spent ( B) cost ( C) bought ( D) paid 39 The horse is getting old and cant run _ it did. ( A) as fast

17、er as ( B) so fast than ( C) so faster as ( D) as fast as 40 The world is _ seven continents and four oceans. ( A) made up of ( B) made out of ( C) made from ( D) made in 41 Boris has brains, in fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has _ IQ. ( A) a high ( B) a higher ( C) the higher ( D) the hi

18、ghest 完形填空 42 Jogging has become most popular in America. Many theories have been raised to explain its 【 B1】 . The plain truth is that jogging is 【 B2】 , quick and efficient to 【 B3】 physical fitness. The most useful sort of exercise is exercise that 【 B4】 the heart, lungs, and circulatory system.

19、If these systems are 【 B5】 , the body is ready for almost any sport and for almost any sudden 【 B6】 . One can train more specifically, 【 B7】 by developing strength for weight lifting 【 B8】 the ability to run straight ahead 【 B9】 short distances with great power as in football, 【 B10】 running trains

20、your heart and lungs to deliver oxygen more efficiently 【 B11】 all parts of your body. It is 【 B12】 noting that this sort of exercise is the only kind that can 【 B13】 heart disease, which is the number one 【 B14】 of death in America. 【 B15】 one sort of equipment is needed a 【 B16】 of good shoes. Phy

21、sicians 【 B17】 beginning joggers not to try to run in a tennis or gym shoe. Many design 【 B18】 have been made in the last several years. These make an excellent running shoe 【 B19】 if a runner wishes to develop as quickly as possible, with 【 B20】 little chance of injury as possible. 42 【 B1】 ( A) po

22、pularity ( B) appearance ( C) truth ( D) fashion 43 【 B2】 ( A) excited ( B) cheap ( C) expensive ( D) costly 44 【 B3】 ( A) continue ( B) control ( C) maintain ( D) devote 45 【 B4】 ( A) mends ( B) helps ( C) grows ( D) develops 46 【 B5】 ( A) complete ( B) working ( C) fit ( D) poor 47 【 B6】 ( A) acti

23、on ( B) demand ( C) requirement ( D) movement 48 【 B7】 ( A) as ( B) just ( C) if ( D) or 49 【 B8】 ( A) and ( B) or ( C) through ( D) by 50 【 B9】 ( A) at ( B) in ( C) for ( D) with 51 【 B10】 ( A) and ( B) though ( C) since ( D) but 52 【 B11】 ( A) through ( B) in ( C) to ( D) round 53 【 B12】 ( A) easy

24、 ( B) worth ( C) remembered ( D) better 54 【 B13】 ( A) reduce ( B) stop ( C) increase ( D) improve 55 【 B14】 ( A) reason ( B) cause ( C) killer ( D) course 56 【 B15】 ( A) Almost ( B) Indeed ( C) Only ( D) Truly 57 【 B16】 ( A) size ( B) piece ( C) couple ( D) pair 58 【 B17】 ( A) comment ( B) report (

25、 C) advise ( D) demand 59 【 B18】 ( A) growth ( B) advances ( C) samples ( D) courses 60 【 B19】 ( A) indispensable ( B) possible ( C) usable ( D) comfortable 61 【 B20】 ( A) by ( B) as ( C) of ( D) to 短文理解 62 It was late at night on October 10, 1939, when Dr Bethune was busy working in a field hospita

26、l. An Eighth Route Army soldier came and told Dr Bethune that the front was in great need of medical care. Dr Bethune set off with a medical team at once. On their way, they met a group of wounded Eighth Route Army men. They took the wounded soldiers into a small temple at once and Dr Bethune began

27、to operate on them. Dr Bethune went on working all the night. The next day while an operation was going on, a young man ran in and said to the doctors, “Several hundred enemy soldiers are coming.“ Soon they heard the sound of gunshots. But Dr Bethune still went on with his work. Twenty minutes later

28、, when Dr Bethune was operating on the leg of the last wounded soldier, the gunshots sounded much closer. This time the young man rushed in and told Dr Bethune not to go on operating any more. “Dr Bethune, you must leave now!“ he cried. “Please go, Doctor,“ begged the wounded soldier himself. “Its n

29、ot a bad wound. Take me with you, or leave me here, but please go before the enemies come.“ “Never mind, my boy, it wont take long,“ said Dr Bethune. “If I spend a few more minutes on it, I can save your leg. But if I dont, youll lose it.“ The gunshots sounded closer and closer now, but Dr Bethune w

30、orked on. He and other doctors did not leave until the operation was over. By that time the Japanese enemies were already very near. As Dr Bethune and other doctors were climbing the hills, they could see the enemies walking in the valley below. 62 What was Bethune? ( A) An Eighth Route Army soldier

31、. ( B) A doctor. ( C) A Japanese scientist. ( D) A firmer. 63 Where did the operation begin? ( A) In a field hospital. ( B) In a small temple ( C) On the road. ( D) In a house. 64 According to the passage, we know _. ( A) Dr Bethune was a brave soldier ( B) Dr Bethune was wounded ( C) Dr Bethune had

32、 his legs broken ( D) Dr Bethune was caught by the enemy 65 Peter Fern was mad on mountains. Climbing was the core of his life. Church towers, seaside cliffs, or ice mountains, anything - “If its there,“ he used to say, “then I want to climb it.“ So the news of his marriage gave me a surprise. Id ne

33、ver known him to take much interest in girls. Well, well, Peter Fern was a married man! I couldnt get over it. I wondered whether his wife would try to stop some of his risky adventures. From Chamonix he climbed Mount Blanc on his seventeenth birthday, and one of the Aifuilles the day after! That wa

34、s it, than: she was French, from a family, most of whom like climbing. No doubt. No Other explanation. A month later I met them both in town. Anna surprised me because she was English. She was a dancer in the theatre. “I never climbed more than sixty steps in my life,“ she told me. “Peter has his in

35、terests, and Ive got mine. No problems.“ “None at all,“ Peter said, smiling. “Where did you spend your honeymoon?“ “I flew to New York to see the Drake Dancers on Broadway. A wonderful show!“ Peter said, “Didnt want to miss the good weather. So I went to Switzerland and climbed the north face of the

36、 Eiger with Allen Dunlop. Grand place, a honeymoon! Ill show you the photographs we took one day.“ 65 “Peter Fern was mad on mountains“ shows that _. ( A) Peter was afraid of climbing ( B) Peter had no interest in mountains ( C) Peter was fond of climbing ( D) Peter got angry at mountains 66 Peter F

37、erns risky adventures may include all the following EXCEPT _. ( A) Mount Blanc ( B) north face of the Eiger ( C) one of the Aifuilles ( D) Broadway 67 In the authors opinion, Peter Fern must have married for _. ( A) his wife might hate climbing mountains ( B) his wife might be from a rich family ( C

38、) his wife might be from a French mountaineer family ( D) his wife might stop his risky adventures 68 According to the passage, after Peters marriage he would _. ( A) give up mountain climbing ( B) continue to keep his love and so he did ( C) move to English with his wife ( D) spend his honeymoon in

39、 New York with his wife 69 Christmas Eve arrives at my house each year. The center of the celebration(庆祝 ) is dinner. My mother spends days preparing a rich variety of seafood. The guest list seldom changes. It is made up of my Aunt Marcy and her husband, my oldest brother, Sal, his wife, and their

40、four children, my sister, Joann, her husband, and their two children, and my second brother, Richard, his wife, and their two children. My aunt and uncle always come heavily loaded with enough food and wine for a whole army. My brother Sal and gang usually show up an hour early and empty-handed. Joa

41、nns family is usually late while Richards group generally arrives on time, bearing gifts for everyone. I am in charge of getting the Christmas tree. Plenty of food is served at the dinner table, and all the hours of preparation are wolfed down in a matter of minutes. Along with the yearly repeated m

42、enu comes the yearly repeated conversation. Everyone talks about how good the food tastes. My mother then talks about all the supermarkets from which the fish was bought. This begins our period of comparison shopping. For at least thirty minutes, we show how better we are than each other at mentioni

43、ng the bargains we have found. Personally, I do not feel the need to be with a crowd on Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve, to me, is a quiet time, a time to think deeply. The over-crowdedness and noise ruin my feelings about Christmas. 69 What does the underlined word “gang“ (Line 2, Para. 2) probably me

44、an? ( A) The rest of the guests. ( B) The children of the guests. ( C) The writer and her mother. ( D) Sals family members. 70 One of the main subjects discussed at the dinner table is _. ( A) the price of goods ( B) the kind of seafood ( C) the preparation of fish ( D) the change of the menu 71 How

45、 does the writer feel about Christmas at her house? ( A) She thinks there is too much waste. ( B) She thinks people eat too much fish. ( C) She doesnt like the way it is celebrated. ( D) She doesnt like doing the preparation work. 72 What does the text mainly talk about? ( A) Comparison shopping for

46、 Christmas. ( B) Christmas dinner at the writers house and her feelings about it. ( C) The guests present at the writers Christmas dinner. ( D) Suggestions for how Christmas should be celebrated. 73 EVENTS FILM: Together Directed by Chen Kaige, a famous Chinese director, the 95-min production starts

47、 with a young boy from a small town who goes to Beijing to learn to better play the violin. Coming here with his father, a cook, the young boys values are turned inside-out by their neighbor, a pretty woman named Li Li. His father forces him to study with a new musician, Professor Yu, whom the boy l

48、ooks down upon. However, under the new teachers instruction, he makes great progress. In Chinese. Tickets: 40 yuan (US $ 4. 81) Time/date: 8 p. m. ,March 14,15 Cherry Lane Movies, to the east of Century Theatre, Liangmaqiaolu Tel: 64301398 Acrobatics(杂技 ) Chaoyang Theatre is Beijings only theater wh

49、ich presents acrobatics all the year round. Chinas top acrobatic artists perform for Chinese and foreign tourists. Some of the artists are prize-winners at international competitions. Tourists are welcomed to have photos taken with the artists. Time/date: 7:15 p.m., nightly Chaoyang Theatre, 36 Dongsanhuanbeilu, Chaoyang District Telephone: 65072421, 65071818 Music Students with China Central Conservatory of Music


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