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1、国家公共英语(二级)笔试模拟试卷 280及答案与解析 第一节 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1 Who is paying the lunch now? ( A) They share the bill. ( B) The woman. ( C) The man. 2 Who are the two speakers? ( A) Workers. ( B) Students. ( C) Teachers. 3 What wi

2、ll the speakers do over the weekend? ( A) Go camping. ( B) Stay at home. ( C) Climb mountains. 4 Where are the speakers? ( A) In a bookstore. ( B) On a bus. ( C) At home. 5 What does the man ask the woman to do? ( A) Get his key. ( B) Start the car. ( C) Wait for him. 6 What time is train supposed t

3、o leave? ( A) Ten to ten. ( B) Ten to eleven. ( C) Ten past ten. 7 How does the woman feel about the late train? ( A) Boring. ( B) Angry. ( C) Uninterested. 8 What time is it now? ( A) Ten to twelve. ( B) Ten past twelve. ( C) Ten o clock. 9 Why did the woman go to London during the vacation? ( A) T

4、o learn English. ( B) To go sightseeing. ( C) To visit some teachers. 10 How long did the woman stay in London? ( A) About 30 days. ( B) About 40 days. ( C) About 45 days. 11 What did the woman like particularly about the English classes? ( A) The teachers were nice and clever. ( B) There were a lot

5、 of activities in class. ( C) The students were quite free in class. 12 When will they go to Xi an? ( A) On about June 16th. ( B) On about July 16th. ( C) On about June 6th. 13 For how long will they stay in Xi an? ( A) Less than one week. ( B) More than two weeks. ( C) About one week. 14 Why is Mon

6、ica going to Harbin again? ( A) Because her parents live there. ( B) Because she does not like Xi an. ( C) Because she wants to visit her friends. 15 What s the woman s problem? ( A) She missed the wake-up call. ( B) Her room telephone is out of order. ( C) She is unable to get her breakfast in time

7、. 16 Who is going to deal with the problem? ( A) The hotel manager. ( B) A room attendant. ( C) The woman herself. 17 How does the woman feel about the hotel service? ( A) Sad. ( B) Content. ( C) Disappointed. 18 How many pieces of clothing need to be cleaned and ironed? ( A) Four. ( B) Five. ( C) S

8、ix. 19 How much is the extra charge for the quick service? ( A) 5%. ( B) 15%. ( C) 50%. 20 When can the man pick up his overcoat? ( A) Nine oclock today. ( B) Tomorrow afternoon. ( C) Sunday morning. 单项填空 21 There are no lights on and no one answers the doorbell. They_be at home. ( A) must not ( B)

9、will not ( C) should not ( D) can not 22 The little girl who got lost decided to remain_she was and wait for her mother. ( A) where ( B) what ( C) how ( D) who 23 I tried to phone her office, but I could not_. ( A) get along ( B) get on ( C) get to ( D) get through 24 Ever since he _ his job, Allen

10、has been much happier than before. ( A) changed ( B) had changed ( C) has changed ( D) changes 25 Doctor, I cant come to see you next Monday. _. Come and see me whenever you have time. ( A) Never mind ( B) Come on ( C) Go ahead ( D) Not at all 26 The building was completed two months ahead of time,

11、_ is something we had not expected. ( A) it ( B) that ( C) which ( D) what 27 John got caught by the police _ at 160 km an hour. ( A) to drive ( B) driving ( C) to be driving ( D) drove 28 Often away _ business trips, Kathy has grown tired of traveling. ( A) for ( B) in ( C) with ( D) from 29 _ if h

12、ed ever been fined before, Mathew replied, “Only for speeding. “ ( A) Asking ( B) Asked ( C) To ask ( D) Having asked 30 Tony couldnt go to university but_ his education through evening school courses. ( A) has continued ( B) continued ( C) continues ( D) had continued 31 Janet has been in this larg

13、e company for more than twelve years,_as a sales manager. ( A) work ( B) working ( C) worked ( D) to have worked 32 Dont push me too hard. Ill do it as fast as I can. Okay, _. But we only have about half an hour. ( A) mind your business ( B) watch out ( C) take your time ( D) come on 33 Id never hav

14、e guessed he was a Wilson-he doesnt look _ like his brothers. ( A) one ( B) that ( C) anybody ( D) anything 34 He _ forward to our camping holiday the whole week, but unfortunately it rained every day. ( A) had looked ( B) is looking ( C) had been looking ( D) looks 35 -Would you like some help with

15、 the packing? - _. My neighbours offered to help out. But thanks anyway. ( A) All the same ( B) It s all right ( C) Take it easy ( D) Come on 完形填空 35 “ We are here,“ my mom said. This was the first time I had come with my mother to a homeless shelter(救助站 ). We unloaded the food from the car and went

16、【 C1】_to the dining area. My job was to offer【 C2】 _to everyone. As I filled the large bowl with apples, oranges and bananas, I【 C3】 _myself for the task. How would I【 C4】 _them? “Mom,“I whispered. “【 C5】 _do I say to them? Cant somebody else do this?“She【 C6】 _her head. “Just treat them like people

17、, Caroline. Just treat them like youd treat【 C7】 _else. “ I got up, held my bowl【 C8】 _, and left the kitchen. Many people crowded around me waiting to【 C9】 _their fruit. They were very polite, 【 C10】 _me with smiles and kind words. “Thank you, maam,“or “God bless(保佑 )you“immediately took away all o

18、f my【 C11】 _. It was almost a shock to【 C12】 _so many thankful words. As I walked outside, one man caught my eye. He reminded me of Santa Claus, 【 C13】 _his sweet eyes and rosy cheeks. “Sir, would you like some fruit?“I asked. He looked at me and smiled. He looked down at his【 C14】 _. He was holding

19、 coffee and an empty plate. He looked back at the fruit, 【 C15】 _if he had room in his hands to carry it. 【 C16】 _, he took a banana into the hand that held the coffee, but then spilled (溅出 ) some of the coffee with his nervous【 C17】 _. He thanked me and slowly【 C18】 _away. As we drove away from the

20、 shelter that afternoon, I remembered my mom saying,“ I think we【 C19】 _over a hundred people today. “ All I could do was think of the faces I had seen, and I【 C20】 _how much they looked like mine. 36 【 C1】 ( A) cheerfully ( B) directly ( C) specially ( D) freely 37 【 C2】 ( A) meals ( B) soup ( C) f

21、ruit ( D) clothes 38 【 C3】 ( A) prepared ( B) held ( C) considered ( D) introduced 39 【 C4】 ( A) smile at ( B) talk to ( C) look at ( D) walk to 40 【 C5】 ( A) Why ( B) Where ( C) When ( D) What 41 【 C6】 ( A) turned ( B) raised ( C) touched ( D) shook 42 【 C7】 ( A) everybody ( B) somebody ( C) anybod

22、y ( D) nobody 43 【 C8】 ( A) silently ( B) tightly ( C) happily ( D) lightly 44 【 C9】 ( A) load ( B) offer ( C) receive ( D) eat 45 【 C10】 ( A) thanking ( B) filling ( C) showing ( D) catching 46 【 C11】 ( A) words ( B) shocks ( C) fears ( D) tiredness 47 【 C12】 ( A) say ( B) hear ( C) repeat ( D) rem

23、ember 48 【 C13】 ( A) apart from ( B) except for ( C) because of ( D) instead of 49 【 C14】 ( A) feet ( B) plate ( C) hands ( D) bananas 50 【 C15】 ( A) determining ( B) seeing ( C) guessing ( D) wondering 51 【 C16】 ( A) Firmly ( B) Carefully ( C) Gradually ( D) Probably 52 【 C17】 ( A) touches ( B) eye

24、s ( C) movements ( D) decisions 53 【 C18】 ( A) walked ( B) looked ( C) ran ( D) drove 54 【 C19】 ( A) moved ( B) fed ( C) watched ( D) caught 55 【 C20】 ( A) recognized ( B) realized ( C) forgot ( D) promised 55 It was the first snow of winter. Up until now, I had been able to dress myself for recess(

25、课间休息 ) , but today I would need some help. Miss King, my kindergarten teacher, may still remember this one. I managed to get into my snow pants, but I struggled with my jacket because it did not fit well. It was a hand-me-down from my brother. Finally it was time to have Miss King help me with my bo

26、ots. She said, “By the end of winter, you will be able to put on your own boots. “ I handed her my boots, and she managed to get the first one into place and then worked the second one on, too. I said, “They are on the wrong feet. “ She struggled to get the boots off and tried again. Then I said, “

27、These aren t my boots, they are my brother s boots and I hate them!“ Somehow, she managed to act as though I was not an annoying little girl. She pushed and shoved, less gently this time and the boots were returned to their proper place on my feet. Seeing the end of her struggle with me, she asked,

28、“Now, where are your gloves?“ I looked into her eyes and said, “ I did not want to lose them, so I put them into the toes of my boots. “ 56 According to the passage, the little girl got_from her brother. ( A) the pants and jacket ( B) the jacket and boots ( C) the jacket and hat ( D) the gloves 57 W

29、hat made it difficult for the teacher to help the little girl put her boots on? ( A) The wrong size of the boots. ( B) The unwillingness of the girl. ( C) The gloves in the toes of the boots. ( D) The slowness of the teacher. 58 Why did the little girl put her gloves into her boots? ( A) She worried

30、 to lose them. ( B) To make her teacher find them. ( C) She didn t know the reason. ( D) She didnt like them. 59 From the passage we can guess how old was the girl? ( A) 5. ( B) 12 ( C) 16 ( D) 20 59 Christmas Eve (圣诞前夜 ) arrives at my house each year. The center of the celebration is dinner. My mot

31、her spends days preparing a rich variety of seafood. The guest list seldom changes. It is made up of my Aunt Marcy and her husband, my oldest brother, Sal, his wife, and their four children, my sister, Joann, her husband, and their two children, and my second brother, Richard, his wife, and their tw

32、o children. My aunt and uncle always come heavily loaded with enough food and wine for a whole army. My brother Sal and gang usually show up an hour early and empty handed. Joann s family is usually late while Richard s group generally arrives on time, bearing gifts for everyone. I am in charge of g

33、etting the Christmas tree. Plenty of food is served at the dinner table, and all the hours of preparation are wolfed down in a matter of minutes. Along with the yearly repeated menu comes the yearly repeated conversation. Everyone talks about how good the food tastes. My mother then talks about all

34、the supermarkets from which the fish was bought. This begins our period of comparison shopping. For at least thirty minutes, we show how better we are than each other at mentioning the bargains we have found. Personally, I do not feel the need to be with a crowd on Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve, to m

35、e, is a quiet time, a time to think deeply. The over crowdedness and noise ruin my feelings about Christmas. 60 What does the underlined word “gang“( line 2, para. 2) probably mean? ( A) The rest of the guests. ( B) The children of the guests. ( C) The writer and her mother. ( D) Sal s family member

36、s. 61 One of the main subjects discussed at the dinner table is _. ( A) the price of goods ( B) the kind of seafood ( C) the preparation of fish ( D) the change of the menu 62 How does the writer feel about Christmas at her house? ( A) She thinks there is too much waste. ( B) She thinks people eat t

37、oo much fish. ( C) She doesn t like the way it is celebrated. ( D) She doesnt like doing the preparation work. 63 What does the text mainly talk about? ( A) Comparison shopping for Christmas. ( B) Christmas dinner at the writer s house. ( C) The guests present at the writer s Christmas dinner. ( D)

38、Suggestions for how Christmas should be celebrated. 63 There are three kinds of memory: sense memory, working memory, and long-term memory. Think of them as three connected rooms in which you store different kinds of memories. The first kind of memory is sense memory. Everything you are sensing righ

39、t now is stored here. Perhaps you feel the sun on your face or smell the aroma(香味 ) of food. Sense memories last only a few seconds, but they connect one moment to the next. They give your life a flow, even though they are quickly forgotten. You keep a few items(条目 ) in working memory. These are mem

40、ories you need for what you are doing. Suppose you look up a friends telephone number in the phone book. Youll probably remember the number for a little while. But if you get distracted (分神 ), you might quickly forget it. A memory usually stays in your working memory for just a few days at most. Wor

41、king memory has another limit, too. Only a small number of items fit into it at any given time. Memories you want to keep for a long time go into your long-term memory. They can stay with you all your life. In long-term memory, you can store a huge number of items. Can you re member how to play your

42、 favorite game? Do you recall your first birthday party? If so, you are bringing up memories that are stored in your long-term memory. Sometimes, people have trouble finding a particular long-term memory. Have you ever struggled to remember a familiar name or fact? When this happens, people sometime

43、s say the information is “on the tip of the tongue. “ 64 Which of the following best describes the sense memory? ( A) Its your preference for certain food. ( B) Its something you did a while ago. ( C) Its a memory of the distant past. ( D) Its an immediate memory. 65 What does the author say about w

44、orking memory? ( A) The number of stored items is limited. ( B) The information contained is lasting. ( C) It stays only while you work. ( D) It stores numbers quickly. 66 If something is“ on the tip of the tongue“ ( Paragraph 4),_. ( A) you say it in a polite way ( B) you remember it all your life

45、( C) you dont want to write it down ( D) you know it but cant remember it 67 What can be a suitable title for the text? ( A) Kinds of Memories ( B) The Length of Memories ( C) New Findings on Memories ( D) The Importance of Memories 67 You can find a hotel in London very easily through listings in v

46、arious free magazines. They of ten provide information on the hotels location (位置 ) and facilities (设施 ). The Dove Hotel, Paddington, W2 Todays traveller quite rightly expects the highest standards of quality, comfort and value. At the Dove it is impossible to be disappointed. Our hotel is located a

47、 few minuteswalk from 5 underground lines and bus stops. The Heathrow Express goes directly to Heathrow in 15 minutes from Paddington Station. Sunset Hotel, Bayswater, W2 Located in a very popular place for shopping, the hotel is open 24 hours a day and all rooms have an suite facilities together wi

48、th color TV and direct dial telephone. The hotel is opposite Whit leys indoor shopping centre in Queensway, and only a few minuteswalk from Kensington gar dens the former home of Princess Diana. Queens Hotel, Earls Court, SW5 Queens Hotel is a small friendly hotel in the Kensington area. The hotel i

49、s close to the Earls Court Exhibition Halls 1 and 2 and the Olympia Exhibition Halls with their many shows in cluding everything from business to boats! We are easy to reach from Heathrow Airport and only a few stops on the underground to central London attractions. The George Hotel, Kings Cross, N1 The George Hotel has 35 rooms all with cen


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