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1、国家公共英语(四级)笔试模拟试卷 51及答案与解析 PART A Directions: For Questions 1-5, you will hear a conversation. While you listen, fill out the table with the information you have heard. Some of the information has been given to you in the table. Write only 1 word in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twic

2、e. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below. 1 PART B Directions: For Questions 6-10, you will hear a passage. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and the questions below. 6 Many people can remember feelin

3、g very lonely when they were 7 The feeling of loneliness is very difficult 8 In order to survive, we all put on a 9 It is easy to get the feeling that everyone except you is living a full, rich and busy life in 10 You tend to assume that your destination is less PART C Directions: You will hear thre

4、e dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece

5、 ONLY ONCE. 11 Who will select the Best Actress winner in Academy Awards? ( A) Learned film producers. ( B) Established directors. ( C) Enthusiastic audience. ( D) Academy members. 12 Who was George Stanley? ( A) An American sculptor who created the human figure for the award. ( B) A famous actor wh

6、o won Oscars more than once in the history of Oscars. ( C) The man who first presented Academy Awards. ( D) An American motion-picture art director who sketched the image of the world. 13 How does the woman know so much about Oscar Awards? ( A) Her friend told her. ( B) She once attended the award c

7、eremony. ( C) She got the knowledge from the course she attended. ( D) She works in a film industry. 14 Where do you think the woman works? ( A) In a human resources company. ( B) In a consulting company. ( C) In a personnel department. ( D) In a shipping department. 15 What does the woman suggest t

8、he man do? ( A) Outline his past better. ( B) Send his resume directly to the manager. ( C) Send the same resume to different companies. ( D) State the value he will bring to the company. 16 The man failed in the previous interviews because _. ( A) he held a negative attitude at the interviews ( B)

9、he showed had manners ( C) he was not confident enough ( D) he did not possess the desired qualification 17 What is this passage mainly about? ( A) Call on people to protect sharks. ( B) Point out the living environment of sharks. ( C) Explain why the sharks are dangerous. ( D) An introduction to sh

10、arks. 18 How can sharks find their quarries? ( A) By good sense of water waves made by quarries. ( B) By good sense of smell and electrical and magnetic power. ( C) By good sense of light. ( D) By good sense of blood. 19 In which point some sharks are similar with humans? ( A) Bone structure. ( B) S

11、mell ability. ( C) Birth mode. ( D) Recovery ability against disease. 20 Why sharks are useful for humans? ( A) Their tasty meat. ( B) The principle of their defense system against disease. ( C) Their solid skin. ( D) The principle of their birth modes. 一、 Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Dire

12、ctions: Read the following text. Choose the best word for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. 20 During the 1980s, unemployment and underemployment in some countries was as high as 90 percent. Some countries did not 【 21】 _ enough food; basic needs in housing and clothing we

13、re not 【 22】 _ . Many of these countries looked to the industrial processes of the developed countries 【 23】 _ solutions. 【 24】 _ ,problems cannot always be solved by copying the industrialized countries . Industry in the developed countries is highly automated and very 【 25】_ . It provides fewer jo

14、bs than labor-intensive industrial processes, and highly 【 26】 _ workers are needed to 【 27】 _ and repair the equipment. These workers must be trained 【 28】 _ many countries do not have the necessary training institutions. Thus, the 【 29】 _ of importing industry becomes higher. Students must be sent

15、 abroad to 【 30】 _ vocational and professional training. 【 31】 _ , just to begin training, the students must 【 32】 _ learn English, French, German, or Japanese. The students then spend many years abroad, and 【 33】_ do not return home. All countries agree that science and technology 【 34】 _ be shared

16、. The point is: countries 【 35】 _ the industrial processes of the developed countries need to look carefully 【 36】 _ the costs, because many of these costs are 【 37】 _ . Students from these countries should 【 38】 _ the problems of the developed countries closely. 【 39】 _ care, they will take home no

17、t the problems of science and technology, 【 40】 _ the benefits. 21 【 21】 ( A) generate ( B) raise ( C) produce ( D) manufacture 22 【 22】 ( A) answered ( B) met ( C) calculated ( D) remembered 23 【 23】 ( A) for ( B) without ( C) as ( D) about 24 【 24】 ( A) Moreover ( B) Therefore ( C) Anyway ( D) How

18、ever 25 【 25】 ( A) expensive ( B) mechanical ( C) flourishing . ( D) complicated 26 【 26】 ( A) gifted ( B) skilled ( C) trained ( D) versatile 27 【 27】 ( A) keep ( B) maintain ( C) retain ( D) protect 28 【 28】 ( A) since ( B) so ( C) and ( D) yet 29 【 29】 ( A) charge ( B) price ( C) cost ( D) value

19、30 【 30】 ( A) accept ( B) gain ( C) receive ( D) absorb 31 【 31】 ( A) Frequently ( B) Incidentally ( C) Deliberately ( D) Eventually 32 【 32】 ( A) soon ( B) quickly ( C) immediately ( D) first 33 【 33】 ( A) some ( B) others ( C) several ( D) few 34 【 34】 ( A) might ( B) should ( C) would ( D) will 3

20、5 【 35】 ( A) adopting ( B) conducting ( C) receiving ( D) adjusting 36 【 36】 ( A) to ( B) at ( C) on ( D) about 37 【 37】 ( A) opaque ( B) secret ( C) sealed ( D) hidden 38 【 38】 ( A) tackle ( B) learn ( C) study ( D) manipulate 39 【 39】 ( A) In ( B) Through ( C) With ( D) Under 40 【 40】 ( A) except

21、( B) nor ( C) or ( D) but Part B Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D . Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 40 At a time when everyones mind is the explosions of the moment, it might seem obtuse of me to discuss the fourteenth cent

22、ury. But I think a backward look at thru disordered, violent, bewildered, disintegrating, and calamity-prone age can be consoling and possibly instructive in a time of similar disarray. Reflected in a six-hundred-year-old mirror, a more revealing image of ourselves and our species might be seen than

23、 is visible in the clutter of circumstances under our noses. The value of historical comparison was made keenly apparent to the French medievalist. Edouard Perroy. when he was writing his book on the Hundred Years War while dodging the Gestapo in World War II. “Certain ways of be having, “he wrote,“

24、 certain reactions against fate, throw mutual light upon each other.“ Besides, if one suspects that the twentieth centurys record of inhumanity and folly represents a phase of mankind at its worst, and that our last decade of collapsing assumptions has been one of unprecedented discomfort. it is rea

25、ssuring to discover that the human race has been in this box before and emerged. The historian has the comfort of knowing that man ( meaning, here and hereafter, the species, not the sex) is always capable of his worst; has indulged in it. painfully struggled up from it, slid back, and gone on again

26、. In what follows, the parallels are not always in physical events but rather in the effect on society, and sometimes in both. The afflictions of the fourteenth century were the classic riders of the Apocalypse famine. plague. war. and death, this lime on a black horse. These combined to produce an

27、epidemic of violence, depopulation, bad government, oppressive taxes, an accelerated breakdown of feudal bonds. working class insurrection, monetary crisis, decline of morals and rise in crime, decay of chivalry, the governing idea of the governing class, and above all. corruption of societys centra

28、l institution, the church, whose loss of authority and prestige deprived man of his accustomed guide in a darkening world. Yet amidst the disintegration were sprouting, invisible to contemporaries, the green shoots of the Renaissance to come. In human affairs as in nature, decay is compost for growt

29、h. 41 The word“ obtuse“ (Line 1 ,Paragraph 1) probably means ( A) stupid. ( B) natural. ( C) impossible. ( D) reasonable. 42 The author discussed the fourteenth century intending to ( A) make a comparison between the state of affairs at that time and at this moment. ( B) get a clear picture of what

30、we human beings are really like today. ( C) prove what the French medievalist had written in his book was reasonable. ( D) find the difference between what can be reflected in history and what can be easily found. 43 According to Paragraph 2 ,which of the following statements is true? ( A) Man has b

31、een at its worst since the beginning. ( B) Man cannot be better even if he makes some efforts. ( C) Man is in a cycle of being worse or better. ( D) Something bad inside the box can make man become bad. 44 The corruption of the church resulted in the fact that ( A) the beginning of the Renaissance s

32、tarted at that time. ( B) some people lost their authority and prestige they used to have. ( C) people no longer believed in its authority and prestige. ( D) people lost their guidance that they used to have in a dark world. 45 Which fact mentioned in the text exemplifies “decay is compost for growt

33、h“ well? ( A) The beginning of Renaissance under the circumstance of disintegration. ( B) The worst phase that mankind is at now and in the fourteenth century. ( C) The book of Hundred Years War. ( D) The afflictions of the fourteenth century. 45 When it comes to gender roles in families, it seems t

34、he more things change, the more they stay the same. For the first time, the latest issue of the Journal of Sociology explores a single theme, examining the issue of“ Flexibility. Families, Self and Work“ through contributions from across Australia and overseas. The journal is edited by staff of the

35、Sociology Department at Flinders. The research suggests that the gender structures of family life and their impact on women and men are remarkably constant aspects of social life. Against the idea that family life has become a new realm of freedom and flexibility, relations between men and women, an

36、d womens position in family life, continue to be bound by strong gender norms. While there is evidence of a convergence in mens and womens relative contributions to house hold tasks, the change is due to the decline in time that women spend on domestic labor rather than the small increase in time sp

37、ent on domestic duties by men. “Working women are making changes in their domestic labor and consumption patterns in order to accommodate their increased labor force participation, “said Professor Sharyn Roach Anleu. Large-scale work place surveys from Australia and the UK also show that there are e

38、nduring pay differences between men and women who are parents. Another paper presents a recent Australian survey comparing the effect of paid work on household economic well-being with other factors (notably whether or not the mother is partnered), and shows that overall household welfare is improve

39、d only where mothers obtain professional/administrative jobs. The increase of single parent families is a well recognized feature of demographic change in household and family forms, and the difficulties presented by the labor market for sole mothers is underlined by a study from New Zealand/Intervi

40、ews with sole mothers show that jobs are increasingly fragmented and temporary. Far from offering flexibility, the workplaces are often rigid and constraining. Clear differences emerge between women whose training and experience allows access to higher status jobs and those who can only access the l

41、east desirable employment options. Another New Zealand study emphasizes the growth of non-standard work arrangements in the “New Economy“, showing the increasing extent of work outside conventional organizations and career paths, part-time work. irregular hours and work from home. The influence of t

42、he European Economic Unions agricultural policies and of global economic and technological changes in farming is apparent in a Northern Ireland study of womens work on and off farms. 46 According to the text, which of the following statements is true? ( A) Family members enjoy more flexibility and f

43、reedom in their family life. ( B) The gender roles in families change a lot than before. ( C) Females play more dominant roles in families nowadays. ( D) Gender norms determine womens family roles and the relations between men and women. 47 Why do men and women share household tasks? ( A) Because wo

44、men play an equal role as men. ( B) Because women play a dominant role in the family. ( C) Because women have less time to spend on housework. ( D) Because men spend more time on housework. 48 What is the result of mothers getting professional jobs? ( A) The mothers will enhance their roles in their

45、 families. ( B) The mothers will do less housework. ( C) Their husbands need not support them financially. ( D) The living standard will be improved. 49 What kind of difficulties do the sole mothers come across in the labor market? ( A) They will not be offered the opportunity of promotion. ( B) The

46、 bosses have a prejudice against them. ( C) They are usually lower paid. ( D) Their jobs are usually not permanent. 50 What is this text mainly about? ( A) The change of womens and mens roles. ( B) The new studies on families, self and work. ( C) The relation between women and men in family life. (

47、D) The difficulties encountered by women in labor market. 50 With the rapid globalization of science itself ( more than 40 percent of scientific Ph. D. students trained in the United States are now foreign nationals, roughly half of whom return to their countries of origin), the once undisputed U. S

48、. scientific lead, whether relevant to product lead or not, is diminishing. The competition of foreign students for positions in U. S. graduate schools has also contributed to making scientific training relatively unattractive to U. S. students, because the rapidly increasing sup ply of students has

49、 diminished tile relative rewards of this career path. For the best and brightest from low-income countries, a position as a research assistant in the United States is attractive, whereas the best and brightest U. S. students might now see better options in other fields. Science and engineering careers, to the extent that they are opening up to foreign competition (whether imported or available through better communication) ,also seem to be becoming relatively less


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