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1、在职攻硕英语联考(作文)模拟试卷 2及答案与解析 一、 Part VI Writing (30 minutes, 15 points) 1 For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition of no less than 120 words on the topic “The Reasons Why Adults Go Back to School“. You must base your composition on the following instructions: (1)以下面的柱形图为依据,描述

2、成人学习的主要动机。 (2)你的看法。 2 For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition of no less than 120 words on the topic “Changes of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in China and South-East Asia“. You must base your composition on the following instructions: (1)Describe the following line

3、chart about foreign direct investment inflows to China and South-East Asia. (2)Your comments. 3 Who Should Take Care of the Old? (1)有的人认为政府应该负责照顾老年人。 (2)也有人认为家庭应该担负起更多的责任。 (3)我的看法。 4 What Has the Progress of Science and Technology Brought about? (1)科技的进步使我们的生活更加美好。 (2)科技的进步也给我们的生活带来了问题。 (3)你的看法。 在职攻

4、硕英语联考(作文)模拟试卷 2答案与解析 一、 Part VI Writing (30 minutes, 15 points) 1 【正确答案】 The bar chart shows the results of a survey of adult education. The findings indicate that there are two main reasons for adults going back to study. One is for personal satisfaction. About 40% people report they decide to stud

5、y mainly because of the strong interest in subject(the most popular reason); 20% people take to study simply because of the enjoyment of learning, though an insignificantly small number, 9 % of the total said they decide to study so as to meet people. Another reason is for professional development.

6、About 38% continue to study to gain qualifications, around 20% to acquire skills and knowledge helpful for current job, or to improve prospects of promotion, and another 12% to prepare for job changes. The findings implied that adult learners can make more conscious choices as far as learning is con

7、cerned. They have the initiatives, and also very practical in their choices. 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 The line chart given above shows the foreign direct investment(FDD inflows into China and South-East Asia. Generally speaking, China is attracting the lions share of FDI in Asia. According to the data for

8、 1999, of the US$ 109 billion in FDI that flowed into the region, China captured 37%, while South-East Asia attracted only 15%. That is a major turnaround from investment flows a decade earlier, when South-East Asia had a greater share than China. In 2000, Chinas FDI rose further to US$ 40. 8 billio

9、n. The surge of FDI inflows to China can be attributed to its successful implementation of reform and opening up policy, which helps to build an open and safe environment for investment. By contrast, FDI slumped in the South-East Asian countries because of political uncertainty there. To sum up, Chi

10、na has now grown into an attractive area for international investment. 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Who Should Take Care of the Old? Our country is marching into an aging society. Along with that comes a controversial question: who should take care of our old people? Some people insist that the government cou

11、ld take the responsibility by initiating a comprehensive pension program and building more homes for the elderly. They think the old have been working for the countrys development all through their productive lives, and deserve the care and respect On the other hand, the critics of the system hold t

12、hat its the familys duty to look after its senior members. The traditional Chinese values think highly of filial respect and love. They point out that after a lifetime toil of bringing up children, the seniors should be well looked after by their children. Personally, I think the second proposal is

13、more creditable. Only with our parents can we have a loving home. And any one who tries to evade his filial responsibility should be blamed. Meanwhile, the government should also give its support by promoting traditional values and funding more programs for the well-beings of its senior citizens. 【试

14、题解析】 本文作者围绕提纲中的关键词 “照顾老年人是政府还是家庭的责任 ”,就解决这一问题的不同方案进行对比。作者抓住要点,说理充分。每一段的主题句都鲜明地表达了该段的中心。特别值得一提的是文章的开头段。在这里,作者运用设问的手法点明主题,揭示全文内容,激发读者阅读的渴望。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 What Has the Progress of Science and Technology Brought about? There is no doubt that scientific and technological advances bring great benefit

15、s to people. Automobiles and airplanes enable us to travel a long distance in a short time; TV keeps us informed of the latest information, and enrich our lives; computers boost efficiency at the workplace. In a word, the progress of science and technology does make our life better. However, with th

16、e progress come some problems. Car exhaust pollute the air; TV exposes people to violence; computers encourage peoples dependence on machines and on many occasions, people were suffocated by the data-smog while looking for a bit of useful information And even the plastic bags, designed to facilitate

17、 our lives, now become one of the major sources of “white pollution“. In my opinion, each progress made in science and technology contributes to the improvement of mans life. But unfortunately, the scientific discoveries and technological inventions are usually ill used to satisfy mans irrational gr

18、eediness. The point is we human beings should develop a positive attitude, exploring science and technology for us, but not against us. 【试题解析】 本文围绕科技进步带来的 “好处和问题 ”这两个对立面展开论述,语言准确、连贯性好。这篇文章尤为突出的特点是选材的独到之处。作者选取我们日常生活中经常接触到的各种事物,如汽车、飞机、电视、电脑,从旅行、娱乐和工作三个视角来看科技进步给我们带来的好处和问题。因此文章内容具体而充实,论述令人信服。 这给了我们一个启示。有 些作者在写作中忽略了自己的表达能力和文章篇幅的限制,想刻意表达深奥的思想,选材泛而抽象,结果文章内容空洞无味。因此,在写作中与其大而空,不如选择我们所熟知的事物、感受深刻的方面,讲述朴素而深刻的道理。 【知识模块】 作文


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