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1、在职申硕(同等学力)英语模拟试卷 52及答案与解析 Section A Directions: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue.Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHE

2、ET. 0 A. Just my cameras, my clothes and some books B. Would you mind opening the bag for me C. What is the purpose of your visit to the United States Officer: May I see your passport please? Charles: Here is my passport. And this is the declaration form. Officer: 【 D1】 _? Charles: Business. I have

3、a trade convention Im attending in Chicago. Officer: This visa is good for two weeks. Do you intend to stay longer than that? Charles: No. I will fly back twelve days from now. Officer: What do you have in the bag? Charles: 【 D2】 _. Officer: Youre not carrying any food with you today? Charles: No. O

4、fficer: Okay. 【 D3】 _? This is just a routine check. Charles: Alright. Officer: Okay, everything is fine. Enjoy your trip. Charles: Thank you. 1 【 D1】 2 【 D2】 3 【 D3】 3 A. we are all booked up for Flight 802 on that day B. what about the fare C. Id like to make a reservation to Boston next week Agen

5、t: Good morning. The United Airlines. What can I do for you? Caller: Yes, 【 D4】 _. Agent: When do you want to fly? Caller: Monday, September 12. Agent: We have Flight 802 on Monday. Just a moment please. Let me check whether therere seats available. Im sorry【 D5】 _. Caller: Then, any alternatives? A

6、gent: The next available flight leaves at 9:30 Tuesday morning September 13. Shall I book you a seat? Caller: Er .It is a direct flight, isnt it? Agent: Yes it is. You want to go first class or coach? Caller: I prefer first class, 【 D6】 _? Agent: One way is $176. Caller: OK. I will take the 9:30 fli

7、ght on Tuesday. Agent: A seat on Flight 807 to Boston 9:30 Tuesday morning. Is it all right, sir? Caller: Certainly. 4 【 D4】 5 【 D5】 6 【 D6】 Section B Directions: In this section there is one incomplete interview which has four blanks and four choices A,B,C and D,taken from the interview.Fill in eac

8、h of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the interview and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. 6 A. Its really family first B. the real work will start when they walk off the stage C. then it was just a penalty D. because Im a pretty street-smart guy Yorke: Youve talked about finding me

9、aning in suffering. What do you mean by that? McGraw: Everybody at some point is going to have misfortune. I think if we dont learn from that, 【 D7】 _. But if you use it, then it becomes tuition. I draw a lot on my personal experiences. Its hard for people to deceive me, 【 D8】 _. Yorke: Are there fa

10、milies who come on your show but whom you feel you just cant help? McGrow: I never think that Im doing eight-minute cures on television. But I think that 50 percent of the solution to any problem lies in defining it first. I can be an emotional compass that points them down the path, but 【 D9】 _. Yo

11、rke: What would you say is the greatest value system that you have? McGrow: 【 D10】 _Our family and its properties, needs, values, come before everything else work, recreation, whatever. 7 【 D7】 8 【 D8】 9 【 D9】 10 【 D10】 Section A Directions: In this section there are 10 sentences, each with one word

12、 or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 11 The person he interviewed was_his former schoolmate. ( A

13、) no other than ( B) no more than ( C) none other than ( D) none the less 12 The bed has been_in the family. It was my great-grandmothers originally. ( A) handed out ( B) handed over ( C) handed down ( D) handed round 13 None of us expected the chairman to_at the party. We thought he was still in ho

14、spital. ( A) turn in ( B) turn over ( C) turn up ( D) turn down 14 After a long delay, she_replying to my e-mail. ( A) got away with ( B) got back at ( C) got by ( D) got round to 15 The company has capitalized_the error of judgment made by its business competitor. ( A) in ( B) over ( C) with ( D) o

15、n 16 There are still many problems ahead of us, but by this time next year we can see light at the end of the_. ( A) battle ( B) day ( C) road ( D) tunnel 17 Professor Johnsons retirement_from next January. ( A) carries into effect ( B) takes effect ( C) has effect ( D) puts into effect 18 Many sat

16、at the table, looked at the plate and_her lips. ( A) smacked ( B) opened ( C) parted ( D) separated 19 Shes always been kind to me I cant just turn_on her now that she needs my help. ( A) my back ( B) my head ( C) my eye ( D) my shoulder 20 When he first started in university, he really felt at_with

17、 his majoreconomics. ( A) shore ( B) bank ( C) ocean ( D) sea 一、 Reading Comprehension Directions: There are 5 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark the correspo

18、nding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 20 Americans have a great love for informality and nowhere is this better expressed than in their love for nicknames(昵称、绰号 ). Upon greeting strangers for the first time they will quickly introduce themsel

19、ves by their nickname. These are shortened forms of their given name at birth and reflect the casual relationships which exist among friends and coworkers. Family names are hardly ever used in daily situations and the use of ones fathers last name is saved only for rare and formal occasions. In many

20、 traditional cultures the use of the family name is seen as a sign of respect. For Americans, however, its the nickname which creates an immediate intimacy between two people upon which to build a relationship. By speaking to another on a first name basis and using his nickname, walls are immediatel

21、y torn down and equality between two people is established. At work bosses will refer to their employees by their nicknames. Should an employer use a workers family name, you can be sure that some kind of correction or serious business will follow. This love for nicknames can create a sense of close

22、ness between people who are otherwise not related. Even the presidents of the United States have borne nicknames. Abraham Lincoln was known as Honest Abe. John F. Kennedy was known as Jack or JFK and William Clinton has no reservations in letting people know he prefers to be called Bill, but those w

23、ho look upon him with disfavor may call him Slick Willy. Not only people but cities often carry their own nicknames. Chicago is called the “Windy City“ because of the strong winds which come down from Canada throughout the year. New York City is considered the “Big Apple“ for reasons which are still

24、 obscure to most people including many New Yorkers. Not every nickname, however, is positive and some can be rather rude and insulting. If someone should demonstrate a certain negative characteristic, a label will soon be attached to describe that person in an unpleasant way. Likewise a persons phys

25、ical traits which are very dominant may lead to nicknames but not necessarily to ones liking or choice. A nickname, therefore, is a way of identifying or describing someone or something for better or worse. 21 Why do Americans prefer to use nicknames when addressing one another? ( A) Nicknames are e

26、asy to remember. ( B) Americans are a friendly people. ( C) Nicknames help build a closer relationship. ( D) Nicknames are convenient to use in daily life. 22 Many traditional societies see the use of ones family name as a sign of_. ( A) respect ( B) distance ( C) importance ( D) gratitude 23 An Ame

27、rican employer is likely to use a workers family name when_. ( A) the worker is to get a promotion ( B) the worker has done something wrong ( C) he speaks to the worker at a gathering ( D) he is being friendly with the worker 24 Whats the main idea of the passage ? ( A) Americans would like informal

28、ity. ( B) Americans prefer to use nicknames to help build a closer relationship. ( C) A nickname stands for a persons physical traits. ( D) At work bosses will refer to their employees by their nicknames. 24 The idea of humanoid robots is not new. They have been part of the imaginative landscape eve

29、r since Karl Capek, a Czech writer, first dreamed them up for his 1921 play “Possums Universal Robots “.(The word “robot“ comes from the Czech word for drudgery, robota.)Since then, Hollywood has produced countless variations on the theme, from the sultry False Maria in Fritz Langs silent masterpiec

30、e “Metropolis“ to the withering C-3PO in “Star Wars“ and the ruthless assassin of “Terminator“. Humanoid robots have walked into our collective subconscious, coloring our views of the future. But now Japans industrial giants are spending billions of yen to make such robots a reality. Their new human

31、oids represent impressive feats of engineering: when Honda introduced Asimo, a four-foot robot that had been in development for some 15 years, it walked so fluidly that its white, articulated exterior seemed to conceal a human. Honda continues to make the machine faster, friendlier and more agile. L

32、ast October, when Asimo was inducted into the Robot Hall of Fame in Pittsburgh, it walked on to the stage and accepted its own plaque. At two and a half feet tall, Sonys QRIO is smaller and more toy-like than Asimo. It walks, understands a small number of voice commands, and can navigate on its own.

33、 If it falls over, it gets up and resumes where it left off. It can even connect wirelessly to the Internet and broadcast what its camera eyes can see. In 2003, Sony demonstrated an upgraded QRIO that could run. Honda responded last December with a version of Asimo that runs at twice the speed. In 2

34、004, Toyota joined the fray with its own family of robots, called Partner, one of which is a four-foot humanoid that plays the trumpet. Its fingers work the instruments valves, and it has mechanical lungs and artificial lips. Toyota hopes to offer a commercial version of the robot by 2010. This mont

35、h, 50 Partner robots will act as guides at Expo 2005 in Aichi, Japan. Despite their sudden proliferation, however, humanoids are still a mechanical minority. Most of the worlds robots are faceless, footless and mute. They are bolted to the floors of factories, stamping out car parts or welding piece

36、s of metal, making more machines. According to the United Nations, business orders for industrial robots jumped 18% in the first half of 2004. They may soon be outnumbered by domestic robots, such as self-navigating vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers and window washers, which are selling fast. But neither

37、 industrial nor domestic robots are humanoid. 25 In paragraph 1 the author introduces his topic by relating_. ( A) the idea of humanoid robots ( B) Karl Capeks creation of robots ( C) Hollywoods production of robot films ( D) the origin of and popular movies about robots 26 According to the authors

38、description, Asimeo_. ( A) is a four-egged robot ( B) seems more like a human being than a machine in action ( C) seems more like a machine than a human being in action ( D) is in a sort of animal form 27 Sonys QRIO could perform all the following tasks EXCEPT_. ( A) walking everywhere freely ( B) u

39、nderstanding some words uttered by people ( C) finding its way ( D) continuing walking after it stumbles 28 From the passage we may infer that Toyotas Partner_. ( A) is much better than any other robots ( B) is no more than a mechanic device ( C) may be put into mass production ( D) may speak like m

40、an 29 Judging from the context, this passage is probably written_. ( A) in 2004 ( B) in 2005 ( C) between 2003 and 2004 ( D) between 2004 and 2005 29 Some African Americans have had a profound impact on American society, changing many peoples views on race, history and politics. The following is a s

41、ampling of African Americans who have shaped society and the world with their spirit and their ideals. Muhammad Ah. Cassius Marcellus Clay grew up a devout Baptist in Louisville, Kentucky, learning to fight at age 12 after a police officer suggested he learn to defend himself. Six years later, he wa

42、s an Olympic boxing champion, going on to win three world heavyweight titles. He became known as much for his swagger(趾高气扬 )outside the ring as his movement in it, converting to Islam in 1965, changing his name to Muhammad Ali and refusing to join the U.S. Army on religious grounds. Ali remained pop

43、ular after his athletic career ended and he developed Parkinsons disease, even lighting the Olympic torch at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics and conveying the peaceful virtues of Islam following the September 11 terrorist attacks. W.E.B. Du Bois. William Edward Burghardt Du Bois born in 1868, this Massach

44、usetts native was one of the most prominent, prolific intellectuals of his time. An academic, activist and historian, Du Bois co-founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP), edited “The Crisis magazine and wrote 17 books, four journals and many other scholarly artic

45、les. In perhaps his most famous work, “ The Souls of Black Folk,“ published in 1903, he predicted “the problem of 20th century(would be)the problem of the color-line.“ Martin Luther King Jr. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is considered one of the most powerful and popular leaders of the American ci

46、vil rights movement. He spearheaded(带头 ; 作先锋 )a massive, nonviolent initiative of marches, sit-ins, boycotts and demonstrations that profoundly affected Americans attitudes toward race relations. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. Malcolm X. Black leader Malcolm X spoke out about the conc

47、epts of race pride and black nationalism in the early 1960s. He denounced the exploitation of black people by whites and developed a large and dedicated following, which continued even after his death in 1965. Interest in the leader surged again after Spike Lees 1992 movie “Malcolm X“ was released.

48、Jackie Robinson. In 1947, Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier by joining the Brooklyn Dodgers, becoming the first black baseball player in the U.S. major leagues. After retirement from baseball in 1957, he remained active in civil rights and youth activities. In 1962, he became the first African

49、-American to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. 30 Which of the following is NOT true about Muhammad Ah? ( A) He never served in the army. ( B) He learned to fight at an early age. ( C) His popularity decreased after his retirement from boxing. ( D) He loves peace. 31 The italicized word “prolific“(line 2, Para. 3)is synonymous to_. ( A) smart ( B) skilled ( C) productive ( D) pioneering 32 Accor


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