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1、复旦大学考博英语模拟试卷 9及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 Bushs first major political setback was the downfall of his original choice for secretary of defense-John G. Tower,who was discredited for improper behavior in both professional and private affairs. ( A) assault ( B) humiliation ( C) strategy ( D) f

2、rustration 2 When asked if there were any circumstances under which they would declare war,he dismissed such questions as purely hypothetical. ( A) imaginary ( B) pessimistic ( C) inevitable ( D) ironical 3 The entire world deplores this tragic situation and agrees that swirl action is needed. ( A)

3、despises ( B) condemns ( C) shocks ( D) mourns 4 Universities are frequently judged on the basis of the accomplishments of their professors and scientists. Scientists who publish,therefore,bring prestige to their college or university. ( A) attainment ( B) appreciation ( C) recognition ( D) reputati

4、on 5 In the early days of journalism,news was put together by mostly anonymous individuals. As newspapers grew,staff of full-time reporters went out to get the news. ( A) amateur ( B) restrictive ( C) obscure ( D) specific 6 In 1962,during an election campaign,the Canadian government attempted to bo

5、ost the economy by lowering the value of the Canadian dollar. ( A) advocate ( B) adjust ( C) reform ( D) stimulate 7 The chief function of most systems of exchange control is to prevent or redress an adverse balance of payments by limiting foreign-exchange purchases to an amount not in excess of for

6、eign-exchange receipts. ( A) eliminate ( B) remedy ( C) evade ( D) decrease 8 Ready to resort to almost any means to secure the Mexican territories of New Mexico and upper California,James K. Polk used a border incident as a(n)pretext for commencing a war with Mexico. ( A) excuse ( B) occurrence ( C

7、) origin ( D) offense 9 In 1636 Rembrandt began to depict quieter,more contemplative scenes with a new warmth in color. ( A) impressive ( B) magnificent ( C) inspiring ( D) thoughtful 10 Governmental buildings are usually designed to present a(n)solemn and awe-inspiring look. ( A) imposing ( B) myst

8、ical ( C) aspiring ( D) stylish 11 The animals would charge no matter how badly wounded,and in their death struggles.bellowing and rolling from side to side,they seemed to refuse to die. ( A) gasping ( B) choking ( C) howling ( D) puffing 12 Almost everyone has experienced the joy of sports. Neverth

9、eless,thoughtful observers will continue to reflect on the pros and cons of the modem drive to rationalize sports in a quest for the ultimate possible athletic performance. ( A) debate ( B) stipulate ( C) signify ( D) ponder 13 In most South American countries rail transport is plagued by operationa

10、l problems as well as by obsolete equipment. ( A) deficient ( B) outdated ( C) inferior ( D) imperfect 14 The racial interpretation of history and the fascist contempt for democracy lured Germany into war against Communism and Democracy. ( A) tempted ( B) imposed ( C) constrained ( D) engaged 15 Som

11、e forgeries are intended to confound or ridicule the expels;Others are intended to imitate an artist or genre. ( A) scorn ( B) perplex ( C) appraise ( D) irritate 16 In William Shakespeares King Lear,as the extent of Lears folly becomes ever clearer,he rages at his impotence and goes mad. ( A) inabi

12、lity ( B) dilemma ( C) insecurity ( D) stupidity 17 The contrast of the gray,cheerless,and shabby cities and towns of the former eastern Germany with the picture-postcard luster of the western sector was an eloquent testimony to the divergences that had to be overcome. ( A) barrier ( B) restraint (

13、C) hazard ( D) evidence 18 It was the responsibility of government to provide instruction so that the talented would be able to enter government service and thus perpetuate the moral and ethical foundation of society. ( A) stabilize ( B) launch ( C) maintain ( D) reinforce 19 Relentless rains trigge

14、red heavy flooding in nine provinces,where 68 persons were killed. The government pledged relief funds of $2.8 million to assuage the calamitous damage. ( A) disastrous ( B) ruthless ( C) persistent ( D) tragic 20 The rationale for the governments involvement in each mode of transportation is that a

15、 strong transportation system is necessary for developing the nations economy or for its defense. ( A) conviction ( B) principle ( C) premise ( D) medium 21 It is discovered that infants of four weeks old are already able to recognize subtle difference in language sounds. ( A) diverse ( B) evident (

16、 C) minute ( D) peculiar 22 By 1916 Canada had played a respectable role on the world stage,a role that would soon help undo its colonial status. ( A) decrease ( B) remove ( C) heighten ( D) weaken 23 General George Washington and his hungry, ragged troops crossed the Delaware River from Pennsylvani

17、a, surprised the garrison of German mercenaries in Trenton,and captured the city. ( A) formidable ( B) sturdy ( C) provocative ( D) shabby 24 An action that is lavishly rewarded as soon as it is performed is well on its way to becoming a habit. ( A) promptly ( B) abruptly ( C) evidently ( D) generou

18、sly 25 A major new area of bioethics is the ethics of health policy and health-resource allocation. ( A) exploration ( B) expansion ( C) distribution ( D) possession 26 The growing trade gap between the United States and its trading partners would continue to widen, due to the continued repercussion

19、s of the economic crisis that swept through East Asia during 1997. ( A) consequences ( B) disputes ( C) estimates ( D) emergencies 27 Instead of being situated at a fixed campus,the City University conducts classes at various sites deemed convenient to students. ( A) considered ( B) located ( C) adv

20、ised ( D) modified 28 The remnants of Roman Empire can be found in many countries in Asia,Europe,and Africa. ( A) fortresses ( B) relics ( C) temples ( D) antiques 29 Very young children with no reading experience may astound their parents with the first words they read,such as a department store si

21、gn announcing Big Sale. ( A) amaze ( B) fascinate ( C) convey ( D) dismay 30 Her intrinsic worth could not be affected by the vicious lies that were told about her. ( A) inherent ( B) initiative ( C) infinite ( D) innocent 二、 Reading Comprehension 30 One of the greatest mysteries in the study of Cet

22、acea aquatic mammals has always been that the creatures found in the stomachs of toothed whales show no teeth marks. Now a University of California at Santa Cruz professor thinks he may have solved the enigma with what he calls the “big bang“ theory of cetacean predation. Ken Norris,natural history

23、professor,believes that rather than use their teeth to attack their victims, toothed whales stun their prey with intense bursts of sound. He points out that all 68 species of odonto-cetes (a sub-order that includes dolphins) use sound to locate their victims,and suggests this ability may have evolve

24、d to the point where it could be used as a weapon. Millions of years ago,the ancestors of whales had a narrow tapered jaw,streamlined for speed and bristling with long rows of sharp teeth. Today odontocetes are not adapted to surprising their prey or trapping it quickly. Most are more bulky than the

25、ir forebearers; their teeth are short and unevenly spaced when they exist at all. Norris suggests that because of their sonar ability,whales teeth have become vestigial , like the human appendix. It is difficult to test the big bang theory because in captivity,cetaceans tend to moderate their sonar

26、so as not to deafen other creatures in their small,highly reflective tanks. Dolphins are known to politely turn off their echolocation systems when passing one another. And in the wild it s hard to tell whether a sound came from a nearby animal or form another very far away. But Norris points to the

27、 male narwhal as tacit proof of his theory. This whale has no teeth,and the single spiral tusk that extends about eight feet in front of him would seem to be more of an impediment than an aid in catching shrimp,his preferred feed. “You look at these animals and you wonder whats going on.“ 31 The und

28、erlined word enigma means_. ( A) debate ( B) fact ( C) mystery ( D) proof 32 The primary purpose of this passage is to_. ( A) argue for a ban on the capture of whales and dolphins ( B) describe the evolution of whales ( C) report a possible explanation for the lack of teeth marks on whales victims (

29、 D) reveal the flaws in the “big bang“ theory of cetacean predation 33 As used in the passage.moderate most nearly means_. ( A) direct ( B) lessen ( C) move to middle ( D) use 34 What is the “big bang“ theory of cetacean predation? ( A) Sixty-eight species of odontocetes use sound to locate their vi

30、ctims ( B) Toothed whales use sound as weapons ( C) Whales and humans have vestigial structures ( D) Whale teeth,once sharp,have become somewhat short and uneven 35 It can be concluded from the passage that the “big bang“ theory is_. ( A) a fact ( B) a disproved hypothesis ( C) an unsupported opinio

31、n ( D) an idea with some supporting evidence 35 Olga had always enjoyed the character-centered books written by Adele Kwan and wanted to read another one if it seemed interesting and was written in the same style. Olga wasn t sure,however, whether she should spend part of her savings on Kwan s lates

32、t book, The Newcomer. She hoped the following book reviews in her high school newspaper would help her make a decision. Novel without a plot By Carlo Dante I just finished reading Adele Kwans latest novel, The Newcomer,and was disappointed. In my opinion the book does not have enough plot to be cons

33、idered a novel. The newcomer in this book is Violet Wang. She s fifteen when her family moves from San Francisco s Chinatown to a small town in Washington State. In this town everyone knows each other,and none of the other residents are Chinese. Violets challenge is to fit in. Sensitive and intellig

34、ent,she amuses shoes who know her well but is shy and reserved with strangers. These circumstances could have provided the basis for an interesting story. I particularly enjoyed learning about Chinese American culture and Violets strong family ties. However,this book has no real plot. There is no ac

35、tion to follow. Instead the author emphasizes what is happening in Violets head as she finds her way in her new home. We are introduced to new characters and situations only as they are viewed by the introspective Violet. When she arrives at her new school,for example,the reader is forced to endure

36、page after page describing Violet s classrooms,classmates,and teachers,with no excitement to keep us involved in the story. If this had been a historical novel,at least the text could have elucidated what life was like during a past era. If it had been a mystery,I would have had a reason to move for

37、m one page to the next. Furthermore,Violet would have had a more intriguing way to demonstrate her intelligence and sensitivity. As it is, I found The Newcomer uninteresting. The lack of plot and the reliance on a single character to support the entire book make for a dull,slow-moving reading experi

38、ence. Although Ms. Kwan writes well, she has failed to presser a story worth reading. A Book to Cherish By Rachel Blythe In last weeks edition I read “Novel Without a Plot“,an unflattering review of Adele Kwan s latest novel,I too,have read The Newcomer,and I strongly disagree with. Carlo Dantes eva

39、luation of this fine novel. Dante claims The Newcomer lacks a plot. He fails to recognize that some novels are plot-driven and others are character-centered. Clearly Dante prefers to read the former and feels justified in imposing his preference on all of us. There are many readers who do not requir

40、e a story to propel us feverishly from one action-packed moment to the next. We are content to get to know an interesting character who encounters challenges and tries various ways to overcome them. Violet Wang is a wonderful example of this type of character,and we are fortunate that the novel is t

41、old form her point of view. We first experience her world in San Francisco,where she is surrounded by Chinese American traditions and the support of an extended family. We feel her confusion and traumatic sense of loss as she must leave all that is familiar to her. When Violet arrives in the area th

42、at will be her new home,we see its beauty and mystery through her eyes. As she tries to adjust to life in a place where she feels like an outsider,many of us may remember similar times in our own lives. We ache when she hurts and feel triumph in our hearts when she experiences progress. I wont tell

43、you why. Violet has had to make such a drastic life change or how she comes to terms with it. Unlike Dante, I think that most readers would greatly enjoy this book. In these times of action-adventure movies and computer games,many have lost the patience to be readers,thinkers,and emotional beings. I

44、 think that someone who fails to see the value in this book is missing out on a lot. 36 When Olga read Rachel Blythes review,she probably felt_. ( A) encouraged ( B) indifferent ( C) confused ( D) depressed 37 Which of these is the best summary of the passage? ( A) Voicing his disappointment in Adel

45、e Kwan s latest novel,Carlo Dante writes a book review criticizing the book as uninteresting lacking in plot. ( B) To help her decide whether to purchase Adele Kwan s new book, The Newcomer,Olga reads opposing book reviews in her high school newspaper. ( C) As a supporter of character-centered novel

46、s,Rachel Blythe writes a book review defending Adele Kwans The Newcomer because she feels many people will enjoy the book. ( D) Olga enjoys the character-centered books of Adele Kwan and would like to read another one if it is interesting and is written in the same style. 38 Based on information in

47、the reviews,with which statement would both Carlo Dante and Rachel Blythe probably agree? ( A) The Newcomer is an action-adventure story. ( B) Violet is outgoing,even around strangers. ( C) The Newcomer is a powerful and captivating book. ( D) Violet has a strong bond with family members. 39 Which c

48、onclusion is best supported by information in the passage? ( A) Rachel Blythe and Olga have similar reading tastes. ( B) Adele Kwan is a best-selling author. ( C) Rachel Blythe does not read novels that are plot-driven. ( D) Violet has become more outspoken since her move. 40 Based on information in

49、 the passage,the reader can conclude Violet s primary source of conflict stems from her_. ( A) not being fluent in Chinese ( B) difficulties with her schoolwork ( C) parents being extremely strict ( D) familys move to Washington State 40 The Parthenon The Parthenon,a building in Athens,Greece,is perhaps one of the most memorable structures on Earth. Built 25 centuries ago, it is one of the great architectural of the ancient world. There are many reasons for its greatness. Background Athens was the most important city in ancient Greece


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