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1、大学英语三级 A级(作文)模拟试卷 58及答案与解析 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing 1 说明:假设你是王亮,请用下面提供的信息写一封自荐信。 时间: 3 月 12 日。 内容: 1.写信原因:在网上看到 Total Trade 公司招聘销售经理; 2.自我介绍:营销专业大学毕业 ,擅长与人沟通等; 3.自我推荐:简要介绍自己的才能、经验 以及对公司的了解; 4.联系方法: (0531)26523, ; 5.表达希望:尽快回复

2、。 注意信函格式! Words for reference: 营销学 marketing 2 说明:假设你是 Info 外贸公司销售部经理 John Green,请按照下面内容给 Max 玩具公司写封信,希望可以和对方合作。 时间: 9 月 17 日。 内容: 1.从网上看到了 Max 公司的最新系列玩具,对其感兴趣; 2.详细询问其功能、用法、价格、注意事项等; 3.想要做代理,询问具体要求 ; 4.希望建立长期的合作关系,期待尽快回复。 注意信函格式! Words for reference: 外贸公司 foreign trade corporation 3 说明:假设你是一名导游,请按照

3、下面内容写一段导游词。 内容: 1.向游客问好,欢迎参加本次旅游; 2.时间安排:这次旅游为期两天,旅游路线为从济南出发到泰安再返回济南; 3.具体安排:下午到达泰安爬泰山;第二天早上观日出,然后坐索道下山;之后去腊山森林公园,然后坐车返回济南; 4.注意事项:有什么问题随时咨询,不要掉队; 5.祝大家旅途 愉快。 注意信函格式! Words for reference: 路线 route 4 说明:假设你是青岛大学外语学院的张涵教授,现在需要给北京大学的李浩教授写一封邀请函。 时间: 3 月 17 日。 内容: 1.发出诚挚邀请; 2.讲座时间: 4 月 1 日到 4 月 7 日; 3.讲座

4、主题:英语语用学; 4.讲座受众:英语系大一到大四学生; 5.讲课待遇:讲课费丰厚,饮食、住宿以及往返机票全包; 6.提出希望:尽快回复。 注意信函格式! Words for reference: 语用学 pragmatics 讲课费 honorarium 大学英语三级 A级(作文)模拟试卷 58答案与解析 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing 1 【正确答案】 March 12 Dear Sir, I am Wang Liang,

5、 a college graduate majoring in marketing. I am writing to apply for the post of sales manager advertised on the Internet by your company. My background qualifies me for the job. First, Im a marketing major and have excellent communicative skills. Second, I have rich experience in this field and Im

6、intent on improving my ability. Third, I have a sound understanding of your company which will enable me to work more efficiently. I will be immensely grateful to you if you could offer me an interview. Please contact me by telephone: (0531)26523, or by e-mail: . Im looking forward to receiving your

7、 reply as soon as possible. Sincerely yours, Wang Liang 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 September 17 Dear Sir, I am John Green, sales manager from Info Foreign Trade Corporation. Im writing to inquire about the information of the toys in your company. I saw your latest series of toys on the Internet which arouse

8、d my great interest. I wonder whether you would like to offer me detailed information about the function, usage, price and points for attention of these toys. And I want to be an agent of your company, so Im eager to know your specific requirements concerning this. I hope we can establish a long-ter

9、m relationship of cooperation. Im looking forward to receiving your reply as soon as possible. Sincerely yours, John Green 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 My dear friends, Welcome to take part in this tour which will last two days. According to the scheduled route, we will leave Jinan for Taian and then come bac

10、k to Jinan. The specific arrangement is like this: First, as soon as we arrive at Taian in the afternoon, we will visit Mount Tai. Well stay overnight at the top, so that we can enjoy the magnificent sunrise the next morning. Then we may come down by the cableway. After that we will make a trip to L

11、ashan Forest Park and then come back to Jinan. Finally, I would like to remind you that if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me and dont get lost! I wish you a good trip! Thanks! 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 March 17 Dear Professor Li, I am Zhang Han, a professor from Foreign Language College at

12、 Qingdao University. We would like to invite you with great honor to come to our university and deliver lectures to the students. The lecture session will extend from April 1 to April 7, which is on the topic of English pragmatics. All of the English majors in our university ranging from freshmen to seniors will attend the lectures. For this tour, we will provide you with generous honorarium, the accommodation and the round-trip tickets. We are looking forward to receiving your reply. Yours faithfully, Zhang Han 【知识模块】 作文


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