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1、大学英语三级 B级(作文)模拟试卷 29及答案与解析 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. 1 向旅行社询问旅游信息 说明: 以彭莉的名义给旅行社写一封信,询问旅游相关信息。 内容: 1打算和朋友一起去湖南省游玩,时间为 10天左右; 2因为是学生,资金不是很多,选择坐火车和住普通旅馆;请旅行社安排一下: 3请回信告知一些建议。 2 物品遗失启事 说明: 以王波的名义写一则物品遗失启事。 内容: 1昨日 (12月 13日 )遗失一

2、本笔记本,蓝色封面,内有钢笔一支; 2可能是在教学楼前面草地丢失的; 3该笔记本十分重要,很有意义; 4如有拾获,请归还,酬谢;联系方式: 87574322 3 便笺 说明: 以何倩的名义给室友写一张便笺。 内容: 何倩今天去日本旅游,为期一个月,非常担心种的植物会死掉,于是委托室友李莉帮忙每天浇水,并承诺回来之 后请她吃饭。 日期: 12月 3日 4 电话留言条 说明: 假定你是王大军的哥哥,王大军的同学陈斌早上 9点打电话来找他,恰巧他不在。请你给你弟弟写一个电话留言条。 日期: 11月 23日 内容: 1有两张电影票,约王大军今晚一起去天娱电影院看电影; 2今晚 7点在电影院门口集合:

3、3天气有点冷,最好穿比较暖和的衣服: 4如果今晚没时间,马上回电话。 From: _ To: _ Date: _ Time: _ Message: _ 5 询价 说明: 假设你是业务部经理李军写信询问对方产品信息和价格。 内容: 1在报纸上看到对方的产品广告,对其生产的手提包感兴趣: 2希望对方寄来一份产品目录和价格表; 3我司是广州最大的经销商: 4如果贵司的手提包质量令人满意、价格合理,我司将大量订货。 Words for reference: 目录 catalog 价格表 price list 经销商 dealer 合理的 reasonable 大学英语三级 B级(作文)模 拟试卷 29

4、答案与解析 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. 1 【正确答案】 Dear Sir or Madam, My friend and I plan to have a holiday in Hunan Province for 10 days, and I would like to ask for some information. As college students, we do not have much money.

5、We prefer to travel by train, and an ordinary hotel is good enough for us. Will you be so kind as to arrange the tour for us? Please send us some suggestions and tell us the price. We would appreciate your help. Sincerely yours, Peng Li 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Lost A notebook was found missing yesterday(

6、Dec.13). It has blue cover, and there is a pen in it. Possibly I left it on the grass in front of the teaching building. This notebook is very important and meaningful to me. Anyone who found it please contact me at 87574322. The finder will be offered a reward. Thank you for your attention to this

7、notice. Wang Bo 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Dec. 3 Dear Li Li, Im wondering if you could do me a favor. Im traveling to Japan today, and will spend one month there. I wont be able to look after my plants, and Im afraid they will all die. Would you please water them for me every day? Thanks very much. I will

8、treat you to dinner after I come back. Sincerely yours, He Qian 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 From: Chen Bin To: Wang Dajun Date: Nov. 23 Time: 9: 00 am Message: Chen Bin has two tickets, and asked you to go to the cinema with him tonight. You should meet him at the entrance of Tian Yu Cinema at 7: 00 pm. Youd

9、 better put on warmer clothes, since it is a little bit cold. If you do not have time tonight, call him back right away. Your brother 【知识模块】 作文 5 【正 确答案】 Dear Sir or Madam, We have seen the advertisement of your handbags in the newspaper, and we are very interested in your products. Would you please send us a copy of your catalog and price list? Our company is the leading handbag dealer in Guangzhou. If the quality of your handbags is satisfactory and the price is reasonable, we will order a large number of handbags. We are looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Jun 【知识模块】 作文


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