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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 24及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should d

2、ecide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) 7. ( B) 10. ( C) 5. ( D) 14. ( A) Liz doesnt know them well. ( B) The man should phone Liz. ( C) She will phone Liz if he doesnt. ( D) She doesnt know Lizs phone number. ( A) He couldnt make up her mind. ( B) Hed like to have a com

3、pany of his own. ( C) He doesnt have time for a job. ( D) He already has a business of his own. ( A) At the information desk. ( B) On the train. ( C) On the platform. ( D) Near the stairs. ( A) He hadnt been there. ( B) He didnt take care. ( C) He didnt like it. ( D) He wasnt careful. Section B Dire

4、ctions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct

5、answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) She used to work in her spare time. ( B) She works at a hotel. ( C) Shes got a new job. ( D) Shes planning to change her job. ( A) He believes one has to accept whatever a job brings him. ( B) He thinks she shouldnt keep the present job. ( C) He

6、believes the woman hasnt made a wise choice. ( D) He suggests the woman take advantage of her new job. ( A) To see if she has received the samples. ( B) To invite her to visit his company. ( C) To tell her he had sent her some samples. ( D) lb make an appointment with her. ( A) By post. ( B) By trai

7、n. ( C) By express. ( D) By airmail. ( A) Wait for further information. ( B) Send another set of samples. ( C) Send a new type of samples. ( D) Look for the lost samples. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After

8、that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 11 Why does he work much harder than he did in the office or in the factory? Because _ . 12 What is Peter? He is _. 13 In the morning, wh

9、at does Peter do? He usually cleans, shops, and _. 14 How many children do they have in the family? They have _. 15 When does Ann usually come back home? She comes back by _. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding o

10、n the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 16 They look so much like each other that you cant tell which is _. ( A) who ( B) whom ( C) which ( D) that 17 The thief stole my wallet _ I knew it. ( A) before ( B) until ( C) while ( D) after 18 If you want to change

11、to a double room youll have to pay _ 50 Yuan. ( A) an extra ( B) other ( C) more ( D) each 19 She had to do such things _ her will. ( A) in ( B) without ( C) against ( D) at 20 The boy wore a jacket that was _ large for him. ( A) too much ( B) much too ( C) greatly ( D) very much 21 “Did you tell yo

12、ur brother where she _?“Yes, but I didnt tell him she _ until next week.“ ( A) had gone, wont come back ( B) went, dont come back ( C) had been, wouldnt come back ( D) had gone, wouldnt come back 22 A friend of mine returned to his house after a holiday, only to find it _. ( A) to be broken into ( B

13、) had broken into ( C) was broken into ( D) had been broken into 23 It is high time that you _ your work. ( A) begin ( B) began ( C) will begin ( D) has begun 24 Just as people differ in their ability to hear sound, _ differ in their appreciation of sounds. ( A) so also do they ( B) so they also do

14、( C) also so do they ( D) so do they also 25 This is the best movie _ I have ever seen. ( A) which ( B) where ( C) that ( D) it Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 26 Mary does not dare t

15、o go out at night lest she (see) _ something frightening. 27 It is better to avoid(drive) _ downtown during the rush hour. 28 Education is regarded as the key to (make) _ progress. 29 I want to thank you for your (kindly) _ to me. 30 My secretary asked me if I had anything else for her (type) _ befo

16、re she left. 31 The workers (complete) _ their tasks by the end of the year. 32 As a rule, readers (not allow) _ to take the dictionary out of the reading room. 33 He didnt study hard so he failed (pass) _ the final examination. 34 Jack speaks Chinese (well) _ than John. 35 The man (talk) _ with the

17、 teacher was Xiao Wangs father. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 36 The market is a concept

18、. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market. You might sell some to your neighbor and some to the manager of the local supermarket. But in either case, you are producing for the market. Your efforts are being directed by the market. If people stop buying

19、tomatoes, you will stop producing them. If you take care of a sick person to earn money, you are producing for the market. If your father is a steel worker or a truck driver or a doctor or a grocer, he is producing goods or service for the market. When you spend your income, you are buying things fr

20、om the market. You may spend money in stores, supermarkets, gas stations, and restaurants. Still you are buying from the market. When the local grocer hires you to drive the delivery truck, he is buying your labor in the labor market. The market may seem to be something abstract. But for each person

21、 or business who is making and selling something, its very real. If nobody buys your tomatoes, it wont be long before you get the message. The market is telling you something. Its telling you that you are using energies and resources in doing something the market doesnt want you to do. 36 According

22、to the first paragraph, which of the following is TRUE? ( A) Production is a kind of knowledge. ( B) Production controls the market. ( C) Production is guided by the market. ( D) Production can be stopped suddenly. 37 You are buying from the market when you _. ( A) borrow a book from the library ( B

23、) look after your children ( C) drive to the seaside for a holiday ( D) dine at a restaurant 38 When the writer says “its very real“ in the last paragraph(Line 2), he means _. ( A) production is very important ( B) selling a thing is a business ( C) there are markets everywhere ( D) the market is a

24、practical thing 39 What can the market do for a person who produces goods? ( A) it tells him what to produce. ( B) It teaches him how to grow tomatoes. ( C) It provides him with what he needs. ( D) it helps him to save his cost. 40 Which of the following could be the best title for the passage? ( A)

25、 Selling and Buying ( B) What Is a Market? ( C) Everything You Do Is for the Market ( D) What the Market Can Do for You? Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 41 Accidents are caused; they dont just happen. In hindsig

26、ht, the primary reason may be easy to see: an overloaded tray, a shelf out of reach, a patch of ice on the road. Still, there are often one or more human-related factors that lead to the misfortune, such as frustration, tiredness or bad temper. These factors show what an accident really is a sort of

27、 attack on oneself. For example, road accidents, frequently happen after a family quarrel. We all know people who are accident-prone, so often at odds with themselves and the world that they seem to cause accidents for themselves and others. By definition(定义 ), an accident is something you do not in

28、tend to have happen. It is not always clear what sort of conditions make people more likely to have an accident. For instance, the law requires all factories to take safety precautions, and most companies have safety committees to make sure the regulations are observed. Despite this, every day in Br

29、itain, some fifty thousand men and women are absent from work due to injuries sustained in accidents. These accidents are largely the result of human error or misjudgment, and controllable factors such as fatigue, boredom or worry often contribute to them. Doctors who work in factories have found th

30、at those who drink too much(usually people who also have high anxiety levels) run three times the normal risk of accidents at work. 41 This passage might be taken from _. ( A) a textbook ( B) a science fiction article ( C) a popular magazine ( D) a manufacturers report 42 Accident-prone here(in Para

31、. 2) means _. ( A) liable to have accidents ( B) injured in accidents ( C) likely to die in accidents ( D) responsible for road accidents 43 The passage suggests that _. ( A) accidents mostly result from slippery roads ( B) accidents are often caused by psychological factors ( C) doctors run three t

32、imes the normal risk of accidents in factories ( D) about 50,000 people lose their lives at work in Britain every day 44 Which of the following is not mentioned as a factor in accidents in this passage? ( A) Mood. ( B) Tiredness. ( C) Carelessness. ( D) Weather. 45 Which do you think would be the be

33、st title for the passage? ( A) Accidents and Anxiety ( B) How Accidents Are Caused ( C) Human Factors in Accidents ( D) How to Prevent Accidents on Roads and in Factories Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No.

34、 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 46 Over 1 billion people lack adequate housing. These people are found in every country of the world and, indeed, in almost every community. In some cases, they dont even have a roof over their heads. The

35、 problem is huge. Does this mean there is nothing that can be done? According to the people at Habitat(住处 ) for Humanity International(HFHI), there is plenty that can be done. HFHI was founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller, millionaires who decided their money could best be spent helping peopl

36、e. Since then, HFHI has helped fix and build homes for tens of thousands of people in the United States and over 30 other countries. HFHI believes that the homes should not be given as charity; instead, the organization follows a system known as partnership housing: The people who will live in the h

37、omes work together with volunteers on the construction and then gradually pay off the basic cost of the homes. These payments, together with contributions, enable HFHI to help other people. Throughout the world, the number of people who lack housing:【 46】 . HFHI stands for:【 47】 . The founders of HF

38、HI: two【 48】 . The purpose of HFHI: help people【 49】 . The system by which HFHI offers help: through【 50】 . Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corre

39、sponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 51 A teaching methodology B compulsory course C optional course D non-resident student E graduation field work F graduation project G graduation appraisal H correspondence school I conservatory of music J academy of fine arts K physical culture

40、 institute L normal university M teachers college N vocational school O teaching staff 51. ( )音乐学院 ( )教学法 52. ( )函授学院 ( )教学人员 53. ( )师范大学 ( )师范学院 54. ( )必修课 ( )毕业设计 55. ( )走读生 ( )职业学校 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 ques

41、tions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 56 We say in America that only two things in life are unavoidable: death and taxes. Most cities and/or states in the US collect a sales tax on almost everything you buy. When you move into a new community, it is a good idea to ask how much the local sales

42、tax is, and what items are and are not taxable. Both taxable items and the amount of tax vary considerably from place to place, from one or two percent in some places up to eight or ten in others. The New York City sales tax, for example, is currently 8%, so if you buy a pair of $40 shoes you will a

43、ctually have to pay $43.20. This makes paying and getting correct change much more difficult. Another thing that makes service exchanges more complicated is tipping. Waiters and waitresses, cab drivers, barkers and all sorts of other people must be tipped in most places. Their employers give them lo

44、w wages because it is expected that customers will make up the difference. If you dont, the service person cant earn a living. Tipping also varies from place, generally in the area of 15% of your bill(before taxes), but again you should ask local residents whom to tip and how much. 56 What are the t

45、wo things that American people cant avoid? _ and _. 57 How much do you actually have to pay if you buy an item priced at $100 in New York City? _. 58 Why do American people have to tip for many of the services they receive? Because service-sector employees are typically given _. 59 What is it smart

46、to do when you move into a new community in America? Ask for information about _. 60 What often makes service exchanges more complicated in America than in other countries? _ and _. 61 Different cultures may answer differently, and that even the same culture may answer differently, in different peri

47、ods of history or at different steps of its development. ( A)不同的文化可能有不同的回答,甚至同一文化在不同的历史时期或不同的发展阶段也可能有不同的回答。 ( B)不同的文化甚至是相同的文化都会有不同的答案,在不同的历史时期不同的发展阶段都是这样。 ( C)不同的文化解答的方式是不同的,相同的文化解答也是有差异的,尤其是在当前的发展时期和现在的发展阶段。 ( D)不同的文化有不同的回答,相同的文化有相同的回答,不同的时期和阶段都有不同的回答。 62 Child as he is, he has a ready tongue ( A)因

48、为他是一个小孩,他有一根 准备好的舌头。 ( B)当他是一个小孩的时候,他很会说话。 ( C)尽管他是一个小孩,却有着敏捷的口才。 ( D)作为一个小孩,他口才不错。 63 Can you spare me this book for a while? ( A)这本书你能让我看一会儿吗 ? ( B)你能为我买这本书吗 ? ( C)你能抽出时间让我读一会儿吗 ? ( D)你能把这本书让给我吗 ? 64 But for these interruptions our meeting would have finished half an hour ago ( A)我们的会议中断了好几次,所以才在半小时前结束。 ( B)要不是被中断了好几次,我们的会议半小时前就可以结束了。 ( C)我们的会议打断了几次,半小时后就结束了。 ( D)会议被中断了好几次,所以半小时后才结束 65 Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics, and offers


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