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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 170及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on Studying Abroad. Your composition must be based on the outline given below in Chinese. Your part of writing should be no less than 150 words. Remember to write neatly

2、 and you will be rewarded for that. 1. 有些人认为学生应该呆在自己的国家学习; 2有些人认为学生应该到美国学习; 3我的观点。 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1

3、-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over th

4、e passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-4, mark Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the

5、 passage. For questions 5-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. The Choice: Doomsday or Arbor Day Environmental issues affect every life on this planet from the smallest parasite to the human race. The reason for this is simple. A single disruption in the Earths delic

6、ate balance can mean certain destruction of the very place that cradles the lives of many species. One such issue that requires consideration is deforestation. Trees have been or are being cut down at increasingly high rates. If this is not stopped many unfavorable and irreversible effects could res

7、ult. Why Trees Matter To understand why deforestation is such a pressing and urgent issue, forests must first be given credit for what they bring to global ecosystems and the quality of life that all species maintain. Tropical Rainforests presently give a place to call home for 50% 90% of all organi

8、sms, 90% of our relatives, the primates, and 50 million creatures that can live no place but the rich rainforests. Not only are other species at risk, but the human race also benefits from what the trees give. From something as minor as the spices that indulge food to life-giving medicines, the rain

9、forests amplify and save lives. The forests give life, not only to other species, but they help to prolong the human race. Population Growth and Deforestation So this leads into a very confusing question of the 20th century. Why are these trees being torn down? The World Wide Forest Report found tha

10、t when the Roman Empire was in control of Europe 90% of the continent was forested. Today 500,000 hectors vanish in a single week. There is no one easy answer as there are many causes at the root of deforestation. One is overpopulation in cities and developing countries. Population is continually gr

11、owing in the third world. Some had land until increases in population forced them off it and they became landless peasants that are forced to look for land in the untouched forests. This movement to the forests is in some ways a result of government pressures. In place of implementing programs to he

12、lp the poor these governments concentrate on the cheapest and easiest way to keep poverty out of sight and give the poor no other choice but to force other species out and themselves in. The poor are pushed in further and further and destroy more every time they must move on. Logging and Deforestati

13、on The small farmer plays a big role, but it is modem industry that too cuts down the trees. The logging industry is fueled by the need for disposable products. 11 million acres a year are cut for commercial and property industries. Peter Heller found that McDonalds needs 800 square miles of trees t

14、o make the amount of paper they need for a years supply of packaging. British Columbia is reported to manufacture 7, 500,000 pairs of chopsticks a day, and there is also the high demand for fuel wood. Logging does too have its repercussions(影响 ). Cattle Grazing and Deforestation Another of the more

15、devastating forces behind deforestation is cattle grazing. With the international growth of fast food chains this seems to be an evident factor in the clearing of trees today. Large corporations looking to buy beef for hamburger and even pet food seek cheap prices and are finding them with the growt

16、h of cattle grazing. In the Amazon region of South America alone there are 100,000 beef ranchers. As the burger giants of industrialized society are making high demands for more beef, more forests are being torn down. Statistics from less than a decade ago, 1989, indicate that 15,000 km squared of f

17、orests are used expressly for the purpose of cattle grazing. Once the trees are gone the land is often overgrazed. Other Causes Beyond the major causes of deforestation lie some supplementary ones that too stack the odds against forests around the globe. Acid rain and the building of dams have their

18、 share of harmful effects. The race to produce cash crops such as fruit, spices, sugar, tobacco, soap, rubber, paper, and cloth has given cause to many to try to farm them by using soil and other products that can be retrieved by destroying the forests. The Effects Deforestation presents multiple so

19、cial and environmental problems. The immediate and long-term consequences of global deforestation are almost certain to jeopardize life on Earth, as we know it. What is Lost Deforestation is causing a loss of biological diversity on an unprecedented scale. Although tropical forests cover only six pe

20、rcent of Earths land surface, they happen to contain between 70% and 90% of all of the worlds species. As a result of deforestation, we are losing between 50 and 100 animal and plant species each day. Inevitably, the loss of species entails a loss of genetic resources. Many of these species now faci

21、ng the possibility of extinction are of enormous potential to humans in many areas; especially medicine. As of 1991, over 25% of the worlds pharmaceutical products were derived from tropical plants. By contributing to the extinction of multiple species of plants and animals, we might be destroying t

22、he cures for many of the diseases that plague the human race today. Erosion The lushness (茂盛 ) of the worlds tropical forests is somewhat deceptive. Although these forests assume to be lush and full, the underlying soils are very poor, almost all the nutrients being bound up in the vegetation. The p

23、roblem is that once forests have been cut down, essential nutrients are washed out of the soil all together. This leads to soil erosion. As of now, about 80% of the soils in the humid tropics are acidic and infertile. When there are no trees to keep the soil in place, the soil becomes ripe for erosi

24、on. It dries and cracks under the Suns heat, losing its fertility. The soil erosion will lead to permanent impoverishment of huge land areas. The social impact of soil erosion can be quite severe. Those who settle into the forest regions are forced to move every year or so due to soil erosion. They

25、find areas where they can cultivate. When those areas are no longer good for growing, they move to another region. Flooding Flooding is a quite serious consequence of deforestation. Clearing the forest dramatically increases the surface ran-off from rainfall, mainly because a greater proportion of t

26、he rain reaches the ground due to a lack of vegetation which would suck up the excess rainfall. “Tropical forests can receive as much rain in an hour as London would expect in a wet month, and a single storm has been measured as removing 185 tons of topsoil per hectare“. In tropical regions where th

27、e forests are dense, flooding is not as serious a problem because there is vegetation to absorb the rainfall. It is in areas where there is little vegetation that there is a problem. Hence, to avoid the disastrous effects of flooding, tropical forests need to remain dense and lush. Climate Change Al

28、though all consequences of deforestation are potentially serious, perhaps the most serious consequence is that of climate change due to the loss of trees. Earth has an atmosphere which contains a variety of gases, all in a delicate balance, to ensure life on Earth. One of these gases in Earths atmos

29、phere is carbon dioxide, a gas which helps moderate heat loss to outer space. If there are additional greenhouse gases, there will be a gradual increase in temperature on Earths surface. This could lead to changes in weather patterns, sea levels, and other cycles in nature that directly affect life

30、on Earth. The immediate effects of deforestation may not yet be felt, but if this generation doesnt feel it the next generation and their children will be the ones to suffer. It is the actions of the human race that can make or break the future of the planet. In the end everyone loses unless a solut

31、ion can be reached. This is easier said than done but the choices that lie ahead on this matter carry severe consequences that will forever change the way that all things live if they are able to live at all. 2 Tropical rainforests are home for almost half of the organisms and 50% of creatures on th

32、e Earth. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 The Roman Empire did not allow tree cutting in Europe during its reign. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 Governments in developing countries turn to the forests to solve problems brought about by the continual population growth. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 Disposable products are

33、 not beneficial to the development of modern industry. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 The clearing of trees today is evidently attributed to cattle grazing because of _. 7 Because of deforestation, we are losing many precious species to human beings, which may eventually lead to a loss of _ on a large scal

34、e. 8 With the forests cut down, soil can easily lose its fertility when the essential nutrients are _. 9 Due to soil erosion, people living in the forest regions have to migrate annually in order to _. 10 _ is very important to the absorption of the rainfall. 11 A variety of gases trapped in the Ear

35、ths atmosphere can ensure life on Earth because they are _. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be s

36、poken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) The woman borrowed some money from the mall and didnt want to return it. ( B) The man lent some money to the woman and didnt wa

37、nt it back, ( C) The woman didnt want to borrow money from the man. ( D) The man was glad to lend some money to the woman. ( A) English. ( B) French. ( C) Chinese. ( D) Japanese. ( A) They are too shy. ( B) They are not allowed to speak. ( C) They are modest. ( D) They dont dare to speak. ( A) It ha

38、s helped to find some criminals. ( B) It has found most criminals. ( C) It has freed all the innocent people from prison. ( D) It has freed some innocent people from prison. ( A) $60 ( B) $62 ( C) $68 ( D) $63 ( A) Stay to finish the paper. ( B) No need to finish the paper. ( C) Go home. ( D) Enjoy

39、the overwork time. ( A) He doesnt care what he does for a living. ( B) He does like what he does for a living. ( C) He has a routine life. ( D) He has a fabulous life. ( A) Apiece of cake. ( B) Just OK. ( C) A bit beyond him. ( D) A little easier for him. ( A) Renewing passport. ( B) Brushing her ap

40、artment. ( C) Buying plane tickets. ( D) Going to the travel agency. ( A) Three weeks. ( B) Five weeks. ( C) Three months. ( D) Five months. ( A) The womans friend. ( B) Bills classmate. ( C) The womans colleague. ( D) Bills workmate. ( A) Friends. ( B) Brother and sister. ( C) Colleagues. ( D) Husb

41、and and wife. ( A) He was operating. ( B) He was with a patient. ( C) He was talking to his secretary. ( D) He was away on vacation. ( A) She has cut her fingers. ( B) She has broken her legs. ( C) Her feet are badly hurt. ( D) Her false teeth arent fit. ( A) Before dinner. ( B) After dinner. ( C) W

42、hen she cleaned it. ( D) When she went to bed. ( A) Early this morning. ( B) Early this afternoon. ( C) Before lunch. ( D) After lunch. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions

43、will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Hawaii is cooler now. ( B) The vegetables have become accustomed to the weather in Hawaii. ( C) They are cheated to believe that they are growing in cool climate. ( D

44、) They are transgenic vegetables. ( A) To transport water to higher place. ( B) To transport vegetables quickly. ( C) To bring nutrients to the soil. ( D) To adjust tile soil temperature. ( A) Uses of cold sea water. ( B) Irrigating desert areas. ( C) Techniques for preserving the environment. ( D)

45、Techniques of cultivating plants. ( A) New Fashion in Thailand. ( B) How to Use Air-conditioner wisely. ( C) A New Way to Save Energy. ( D) Air-conditioner in Thailand. ( A) To wear jackets to work. ( B) Not to use air-conditioners. ( C) To wear shirt sleeves. ( D) To take all measures to conserve e

46、nergy. ( A) Wearing jackets is not a custom of, Thailand. ( B) Wearing shirt sleeves has become a fashion in Thailand. ( C) People usually wear jackets to work in Thailand. ( D) The government has encountered an energy crisis. ( A) Germany. ( B) Japan. ( C) The U.S. ( D) The U. K. ( A) By doing odd

47、jobs at weekends. ( B) By working long hours every day. ( C) By putting in more hours each week. ( D) By taking shorter vacations each year. ( A) To combat competition and raise productivity. ( B) To provide them with more job opportunities. ( C) To help them maintain their living standard. ( D) To

48、prevent them from holding a second job. ( A) Change their jobs. ( B) Earn more money. ( C) Reduce their working hours. ( D) Strengthen the governments role. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen care

49、fully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 37 In November 1965, New York was blacked out by an electricity failure. The 【 B1】 _ promised that it would not happen again. Pessimists were c


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