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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 259及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Graduate School or Work? You should write at least 150 words following the instructions given below: 目前,越来越多的大学 生本科毕业之后选择继续进入研究生院学习。一个重要的原因是工作不太好找。那么你打算在大学毕业之后找

2、工作还是继续上研究生呢 ?请就这个问题谈谈你的打算和主要原因。 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with

3、the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Preparing for Tests Ideally it should be love of learning, achievement, and self-improvement that prompts all learn

4、ing. But the average student is probably motivated by a more tangible, immediate, and pressuring reason the reqirement to take and pass tests. Few high school students are not concerned with the aptitude and achievement tests that they must take to get into college. Even students not planning to att

5、end college will take placement, adaptability, and promotion tests if they are to succeed in their field. Promotion in the armed services does not depend on physical prowess (本领 ) and length of service. It depends, instead, on the ability to study and pass promotional tests. You need to understand t

6、he importance of tests, the best methods of preparation, the common sense required for both a physical and mental approach to them, how to read instructions and questions correctly, and how to answer the way the test or teacher expect you to answer. This is one of the most valuable psychological ben

7、efits that can come from your education. Attitude towards Tests Dr. Francis P. Robinson in his book, Effective Study, poses a question: “Did you ever thank a teacher for giving a test?“ At first glance you are not likely to find much in your thinking that would help inspire a “Yes“. The teacher spen

8、ds a lot of time preparing the test questions. After you have taken the test, the teacher spends many hours carefully evaluating your paper. Mistakes are marked so that when your paper is retruned you can go over them and perhaps write in corrections. Then you will not make the same mistakes again.

9、Test as a Personal Battle Do you, like many of your fellow students, consier the test or examinations as a personal battle which the teacher wages in an attempt to defeat you, or do you see it as a contest in which one tries to outwit the other? If this is your attitude towards tests, you probably d

10、o one of two things when the teacher returns your paper to you. One, you throw it away without bothering to do more than glance through it to see where points were taken off. Or two, without checking an imcomplete answer against the facts as studied, you approach the teacher and demand to know why p

11、oints were taken off. This is the most negative of approaches. The difference in attitude can be seen in the difference between two questions: “Why did you take off points on this question?“ and “What should I have included that I did not?“ Fear of Taking Tests Another attitude that you should avoid

12、 is that of fear. Fear of taking test results in tension and disturbed thinking. These, in turn, produce blind spots (not being able to remember answers that you knew ten minutes before the test) and careless mistakes. This fear also keeps people from venturing into new areas in life. They may visua

13、lize the new method, the better tool, or the strong bridge, but they hesitate until someone else realizes their dreams, Fear prevents success on tests and examinations because fear conditions the mind for failure. Students who are afraid start in a State of confusion and disorder. Thus they throw aw

14、ay the advantages they have gotten by preparation. Students who approach tests with fear are almost sways characterized by the following: (1) Their grade is considerably lower than their daily recitation grades, sometimes as much as twenty points lower. (2) They complain about the teacher insufficie

15、nt explanation, lack of detailed review, etc. (3) They find fault with the test materials too long, not the type of questions expected and studied for, didnt understand the wording of questions. (4) Their preparation consists of a frantic last ditch effort. They suffer from loss of sleep almost to t

16、he point of total exhaustion, and often loss of important notes or review material just when they are needed most. (5) Fear drives these students to study for the test with another student. Invariably they choose a study companion who has the same attitude of fear. Often the other students knowledge

17、 of the subject is only equal to, or perhaps less than, their own. If you recognize two or more of these characteristics as behavior patterns which you practice at test and examination time, you should change your attitude as quickly as possible. To continue them is to subject yourself to a climate

18、of tension and to condition yourself for defeat. A Positive Approach to Tests A third attitude is wholly positive. It is the attitude of challenge, self-confidence, and content reliability. Students who accept a test as a challenge to show the teacher the extent of their knowledge of the subject and

19、 to improve their grades are stimulated. This stimulation produces the energy needed to think clearly and to act with precision over a longer period of concentration than the daily recitation requires. The attitude of challenge is reflected by enterprising rather than burdensome preparation. Self co

20、nfidence develops from this adequate preparation. There is no room for tension and fear. Even a questionable answer is approached by a calculated reliability. The belief is that a worthwhile answer, although perhaps only partially correct, can be worked out. This attitude requires the relationship b

21、etween student and teacher, and question and answer, always to be one of cooperative production rather than competitive destruction. To adopt an attitude of challenge and self-confidence toward tests and examinations, you must first understand the real purposes of test. Reasons for Tests Motivation

22、From the students point of view, the first reason for tests is motivation. Few of us are self disciplined and motivated enough to educate ourselves without direction and requirement. Being tested periodically on accumulated knowledge is-a strong motivating force. Chance to Show Knowledge A second re

23、ason for tests is that they provide students with a chance to show how much they have learned. Daily recitation does not provide such an opportunity. A test gives the students a chance to show their ability to organize and unify large volumes of material. This is not possible in preparing for day-to

24、day assignments. Prediction of Future Tests A third reason is that students gain insight into what the teacher considers most important. If test questions deal with main topics and essential principles, the student can accurately estimate the nature of future and larger tests. Discovery of Weaknesse

25、s and Progress A fourth important reason is that students can discover both their shortcomings and the extent of their progress. They can carefully study their errors and the general areas in which they occur. They can see a pattern to their errors. They can take steps to correct their weaknesses. T

26、hey can measure their progress in that subject. And most important of all, they can measure whether or not their mental growth is keeping up with the demand of the subject. Now that you understand the reasons for tests and examination, and how they benefit both student and teacher, you should not gr

27、oan when a test is announced. Do not approach it as a burdensome chore or with light indifference. Approach it with an honest and determined effort for self-improvement. If you manage this, your grade will manage itself. 2 The writer introduce three major attitudes towards tests and some reasons to

28、take tests. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 Taking a test as a battle is a positive attitude towards tests that each student should hold. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 Fear of tests may even lead to good performance in a test. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 Tests may help teachers know how well the students have learned

29、. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 According to the passage, fear of taking test may give rise to _. 7 The third attitude towards tests is wholly positive because it is the attitude of _. 8 To hold an attitude of challenge and serf-confidence towards tests and examinations, you must first _ of tests. 9 From

30、the students point of view, _ is the first reason to take tests periodically on accumulated knowledge. 10 It is stated in the passage that tests help students discover both _. 11 When students know about the reasons for taking tests, they will approach them with _. Section A Directions: In this sect

31、ion, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read th

32、e four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) The cooks there are not well-trained. ( B) Not all the condiments (佐料 ) can be found in the U.S. ( C) The cooking methods have been modified. ( D) Both B and D ( A) Shes locked out of her room. ( B) She lost her key in th

33、e shop. ( C) She left her key in the room. ( D) She wont go shopping without a security guard. ( A) To invite the man to have dinner with her. ( B) To suggest politely that he leave. ( C) To ask him prepare the dinner. ( D) To encourage him to have another drink. ( A) The shipping company. ( B) The

34、travel firm. ( C) The firm dealing with documents. ( D) The firm with a lot of people. ( A) Ask for a reduction in her rent. ( B) Move into an apartment with a roommate. ( C) Stay in the dormitory. ( D) Find out the cost of living in the dormitory. ( A) The people there are terrible. ( B) The air is

35、 polluted. ( C) Its too windy. ( D) The beaches are dirty. ( A) Because she expects him to be well-informed. ( B) Because he reads too many books. ( C) Because he always wastes his time. ( D) Because he doesnt learn how to separate the important from the unimportant. ( A) Phone the employment agency

36、 as soon as possible. ( B) Looking harder for employment. ( C) Nothing since she is not interested. ( D) Studying in this summer instead. ( A) The decoration is terrible. ( B) The window wont open. ( C) The room isnt clean. ( D) There is no hot water for the shower. ( A) A single room. ( B) A double

37、 room. ( C) A beautifully-decorated room. ( D) A clean single room with good order and hot water. ( A) At the womans home. ( B) In a hotel. ( C) At an office. ( D) Not clear. ( A) She has seen a doctor recently. ( B) Shes concerned about medical care. ( C) Shes unable to attend the study session. (

38、D) She mentions the need for some medical tests. ( A) To suggest changes in the tuition fees. ( B) To improve the study skills of university students. ( C) To give people the opportunity to speak with a politioian. ( D) To discuss graduation requirements for political science majors. ( A) Preparing

39、for an important test. ( B) Funding for university education. ( C) Winning the confidence of voters. ( D) Graduate school application procedures. ( A) Suggest a topic for a research paper. ( B) Tell her what to study for the history test. ( C) Write a favorable letter of recommendation. ( D) Advise

40、her about how to run an election campaign. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the

41、 four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Their self-reported health records and mass index. ( B) Their marital and work history. ( C) Whether they have children or not. ( D) All-above mentioned. ( A) Women with multiple roles. ( B) Homemakers. ( C) Single mothers. ( D) Childless women. ( A) A method

42、 commonly used in research. ( B) A method of measuring obesity. ( C) A method of analyzing data. ( D) A method of measuring height. ( A) It takes some materials out of garbage. ( B) It separates garbage into useful and useless things. ( C) It just drops the garbage onto a conveyor belt that feeds th

43、e machine. ( D) It pumps water into garbage. ( A) They need new materials made from garbage. ( B) The garbage makes their environment more and more dirty. ( C) Their traditional ways of dealing with wastes are not efficient. ( D) They find some materials useful. ( A) They are turned into a finished

44、product. ( B) They are buried under the ground. ( C) They are sold. ( D) They are burnt. ( A) The speaker is inquiring about the price. ( B) The speaker is concerned about the price. ( C) The speaker is bargaining with the dealer. ( D) The speaker is complaining about the price. ( A) The increase in

45、 wine sales. ( B) The increase in the wine price. ( C) The increase in the demand for good wines. ( D) The increase in the number of wine consumers. ( A) Wine-producing countries are unwilling to increase their production. ( B) New vineyards will not be opened up in such countries as Australia. ( C)

46、 Countries like Italy and Spain cant supply enough good wines. ( D) The production of wine bottles has ceased to increase. ( A) The price of grapes and labor. ( B) The price of wine and wine bottles. ( C) The cost of land and machinery. ( D) The cost of labor and machinery. Section C Directions: In

47、this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For

48、blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 In our life, there often appears a most influential person who it is hard for us to brush aside. Perhaps the most【 B1】 _ pe

49、rson I have ever met is Prof. Smith who taught us philosophy when I was a freshman. Although I last met him five years ago, I still remember his special qualities most distinctively. First, I was impressed by his devotion to【 B2】 _ because his lectures were always well-prepared and clearly【 B3】 _ , students swarmed his classroom. His followers appreciate the fact that he believed in what he taught and that he was【 B4】 _ stimulating. Furthermore, he could be counted on to explain


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