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1、大学英语六级(听力)练习试卷 32及答案与解析 Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marke

2、d A, B, C and D. ( A) England didnt have private universities as America did. ( B) American higher education was better in quality. ( C) England had more famous colleges than America. ( D) America had a lot more universities than England. ( A) Future growth of college students in America is likely t

3、o be quicker. ( B) There are less than 2,000 universities or colleges in America now. ( C) America is far ahead of Europe for a very long time in higher education. ( D) By the 1970s the total number of college students had reached 20 million. ( A) Parents support and loan for the students. ( B) The

4、declining opportunities for the qualified people. ( C) The growing need for highly qualified people. ( D) The growth in the total numbers of old people. ( A) The sadness of being involved in accidents. ( B) Ways to limit the use of private cars. ( C) The serious pollution on motor roads. ( D) Freedo

5、m to travel quickly and safely. ( A) Increasing fines for traffic violation. ( B) Reducing tolls on highways. ( C) Banning public transport partially. ( D) Enlarging insurance coverage. ( A) Car owners will be encouraged to show off their wealth. ( B) The gap between the rich and the poor will be br

6、idged. ( C) Pollution and traffic congestion will be reduced. ( D) People will have to stand still waiting for taxies. ( A) A housewife. ( B) A singer. ( C) A teacher ( D) A musician. ( A) The violin was too expensive. ( B) She was too young to play the violin. ( C) The violin was too big for her. (

7、 D) Her mother wanted her to play the piano. ( A) To play the violin once again. ( B) To go to the United States. ( C) To apply for a scholarship. ( D) To have her performance taped. ( A) To live a more comfortable life. ( B) To give performances. ( C) To be a pupil of a famous violinist. ( D) To en

8、ter a famous university. 大学英语六级(听力)练习试卷 32答案与解析 Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer fro

9、m the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1 【听力原文】 For a very long time America has led the world in higher education, quantitatively at least. (26) In 1825 England still had only two universities: Oxford and Cambridge. However at the same time, the United States already had over fifty colleges for a

10、 smaller population. By now, in addition to hundreds of junior colleges, teachers colleges and special schools, there are over 2,000 universities, colleges or other such institutions in America. They may he big or small, public or private, famous or obscure. Rapid development of higher education, a

11、common feature in contemporary societies, is continuing at such a rate that (27) America looks like being far ahead of Europe for a very long time. At that time, the overwhelming demand for higher education among American people contributed a lot to its rapid development. (28) The growing demand for

12、 highly qualified people in an ever-more-complex modem society and the declining opportunities for the less-well-qualified, together with the growth in the total numbers of young people caused by the high birth-rate around 1950 to 1960, brought the total number of students to ten million by the 1970

13、s. By 1972 almost half of all people aged 18 and 19 were in full-time education, though only one-sixth of the people then aged 25 to 29 had completed four years at “college“. However, future growth is likely to be slower. 26. What is the difference in higher education between America and England in

14、1825? 27.Which is character of higher education in America according to the passage? 28.Whats the reason for the rise in student numbers in the 1970s? 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。 1825年英国只有 2所大学,美国已经有 50多所,故 D正确。 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。短文主要就是讲美国的 higher education,可以听到这样一个评价 “America looks like being far ah

15、ead of Europe for a very long time.“ (看起来美国一直远远领先与欧洲。 )故 C正确。 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。短文列举了 1970时美国大学生人数增加的多个原因,其中一个就是 “The growing demand for highly qualified people.“(对高素质人才需求的增长 )。因此 C正确 4 【听力原文】 The private motor vehicle has given us a freedom our ancestors could not dream about. We can travel swi

16、ftly, and usually safely, over the roads which have been built to accommodate our cars. People can display their wealth by driving a car which may cost as much as another persons home. (29) Sadly the car has become a disadvantage as well as a boon. The car pollutes the atmosphere, may be involved in

17、 serious accidents, and by its very numbers blocks roads. (29) How can we reduce its use? The car is only desirable if we can use it easily, so we might begin by reducing access to parking spaces in the cities and simultaneously increasing the quality and availability of public transport. Cars could

18、 be banned from certain parts of the city, thus forcing people to walk or to use public transport. The expense of buying and running a car can be raised. (30) If the motorist is faced with a high purchase price, high road tax, high insurance premiums and substantial fines he or she may reconsider th

19、e purchase. A corresponding reduction in the price of public transport would help this financial argument against car ownership. Neither of these arguments will sway the super rich who can afford the status cars, but it would perhaps encourage them to look at other ways of demon-strafing their wealt

20、h. (31) However we do it, reducing the number of cars on the road will reduce the problems of pollution and the congestion which can bring cities to a standstill. 29. What does the speaker focus on? 30.What factor might hinder most peoples consideration of purchasing private cars? 31.What would be t

21、he result if the number of private cars is reduced? 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 主旨题。虽然开头提到了拥有私家车的好处,但是 sadly之后就重点讲述其 disadvantages以及如何控制其数量,故 B正确。 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 听到了很多种制约因素,最后一条与 A相符。 B和 C与原文意思相反。 D属于无中生有,注意 insurance coverage(保险责任范围 )不同于文中的insurance premiums(保险金 )。 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 录音组后总结的两大好处就是 C。 7 【听力

22、原文】 When Midori was two years old, she often climbed onto the piano bench and reached for the violin that belonged to (32) her mother, a 30-year-old professional musician. “Please dont touch, Midori,“ her mother scolded. (33) The violin was, after all, worth more than $20,000. But Midori persisted.

23、She longed to handle the graceful instrument that made beautiful sounds. Finally, on her third birthday, Midori was handed a package, a tiny violin, about half the normal size. Almost from the moment Midori was born, her mother knew she was sensitive to music. For several years mother and daughter p

24、racticed together day after day. She was eager to learn. Failure often led to tears, though she never once turned from the instrument. Instead, she persisted until the problem was overcome. One day Johnson, an American musician, heard Midori playing the violin. He couldnt believe she was just eight

25、years old. (34) “She must make a tape and I will take it to the United States.“ the American musician said. A famous American violin teacher heard the tape. He, too, had difficulty believing his ears. The playing was absolutely astonishing. (35) He immediately accepted her as a pupil and recommended

26、 her for a full scholarship. Thus in 1982, Midori and her mother moved to New York City, leaving behind a comfortable life in Japan. 32. What did Midoris mother do? 33.Why was Midori forbidden to touch her mothers violin when she was only two years old? 34.What did Johnson ask Midori to do? 35.Why d

27、id Midori move to the United States? 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。短文开篇就提到 Midori小时候喜欢玩妈妈的小提琴,她妈妈那时是一个年仅 30岁的职业音乐人 (a 30-year-old professional musician)。因此 D为正确答案。 读选项可预测是问人物的身份。 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 推理题。 “The violin was, after all, worth more than $20,000.”(毕竟小提琴价值 2万多美元 )所以 Midori的妈妈不让她碰,故 A为正确答案。 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。 Johnson听了 Midori的演奏后说 “She must make a tape”( 她应该去录制磁带 ),故选 D。 根据不定式选项预测,问题应该是问将来的行为动作。听音时注意是 “谁 ”让 “谁 ”做什么。 10 【 正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。一位著名的美国小提琴教师听了磁带后 “immediately accepted her as a pupil and recommended her for a full scholarship”(马上收她为学生并给她申请了全额奖学金 )。因此, 1982年 Midori和妈妈迁往纽约。


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