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1、托业(听力)模拟试卷 12及答案与解析 一、照片描述 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 二、应答问题 三、简短对话 41 When did the man request the list? ( A) Yesterday ( B) Two days ago ( C) Two weeks ago ( D) Today 42 Who is probably in charge of the list? ( A) Jane ( B) Tim ( C) Jason ( D) Sarah 43 What was the woman thinking about? ( A) Going to Ja

2、son s office in person ( B) Sending a fax to Tim ( C) Writing an e-mail to Jason ( D) Calling the subcontractor 44 Where is this conversation most likely taking place? ( A) Department store ( B) Stock company ( C) Auto repair shop ( D) Bank 45 What does the woman want to do there? ( A) Open a checki

3、ng account ( B) Make a withdrawal ( C) Make a deposit into her account ( D) Sell her car 46 What is the woman probably going to do next? ( A) Pay the monthly payment ( B) Apply for a credit card ( C) Wire some money ( D) Complete the loan application 47 How did Amanda get the movie tickets? ( A) She

4、 ordered them from the bookstore. ( B) She went to the theater and bought them. ( C) The Bovarys sent the tickets to them. ( D) She bought them on the Internet. 48 What time was their appointment before the Bovarys changed it? ( A) At 11:00 ( B) At 11:30 ( C) At 12:00 ( D) At 2:00 49 Where will Aman

5、da go first? ( A) The restaurant ( B) The theater ( C) The bookstore ( D) The travel agency 50 How many times did the man have an interview? ( A) Once ( B) Twice ( C) Three times ( D) Five times 51 What was the first question the man had at the interview? ( A) About how much he likes this job ( B) A

6、bout why he is interested in this job ( C) About how he came to the office ( D) About how he knew about the job 52 What is the man s opinion about the position? ( A) He thinks it is a good chance to show all his ability. ( B) He is a well-qualified expert in that field. ( C) He thinks it is rather c

7、hallenging and competitive. ( D) He is not interested in the job so much. 53 Where is this conversation taking place? ( A) At the drug store ( B) At work ( C) At the hospital ( D) In her room 54 What seems to be the woman s problem? ( A) The flu ( B) Insomnia ( C) Stomachache ( D) Sore muscles 55 Wh

8、at did the man recommend her to do? ( A) Stop by pharmacy ( B) Leave work early ( C) Go to the doctor ( D) Go to sleep early 56 What is the woman looking for? ( A) Mansion ( B) Apartment ( C) Condominium ( D) Townhouse 57 How much does the woman have to pay every month? ( A) $650 ( B) $650 plus util

9、ities ( C) $400 ( D) $400 plus utilities 58 What is the woman probably going to do next? ( A) She will take her kitten to the man s place. ( B) She will buy one on the 3rd floor. ( C) She will lease one on the 1 st floor. ( D) She will go to a pet shop. 59 Where are they now? ( A) At a bar ( B) In t

10、he office ( C) At the copy center ( D) On the way home 60 Why does the man have a lot of stress? ( A) He couldn t work out at the gym recently. ( B) His things have gone wrong. ( C) His boss hates him. ( D) His car has broken down. 61 What does the woman mean? ( A) The man should have done a better

11、job. ( B) The man s boss should be fired. ( C) Everyone goes through difficulties. ( D) She will tell the man s boss about how the man feels. 62 What does the man want to do? ( A) He wants to read the newspaper now. ( B) He wants to buy something to eat at the convenience store. ( C) He wants to sub

12、scribe to the newspaper. ( D) He wants to buy the Daily News at the newsstand. 63 What is true about the price of the Daily News? ( A) The Sunday s paper is $72. ( B) It is possible to lower the price. ( C) The Daily News is free to take. ( D) If you buy it at bookstores, it s cheaper. 64 Where can

13、you NOT get the coupon? ( A) Convenience store ( B) Newsstand ( C) Post office ( D) Bookstore 65 When do they have to finish their work by? ( A) Before they get the e-mail from Mr. Hong ( B) Before the woman makes a copy ( C) Before the boss arrives at the office ( D) Before the boss approves about

14、the market research 66 How did Mr. Hong reply? ( A) By fax ( B) By e-mail ( C) By phone ( D) By mail 67 What does the man suggest the woman do? ( A) Make an invoice ( B) Keep working on the market research ( C) Go home early for the day ( D) Make a copy of the freight rate and put it on the boss s d

15、esk 68 Who does the man like to enjoy time with? ( A) His clients ( B) His siblings ( C) His associates ( D) By himself 69 What can we know about John? ( A) He is uncomfortable with declining invitations. ( B) He thinks Korean food is too hot and spicy. ( C) He likes visiting his friends places on w

16、eekends. ( D) He is good at cooking. 70 What does the man do on the weekends? ( A) He is generally at home alone. ( B) He almost always drinks. ( C) He invites his colleagues. ( D) He goes to the movies. 四、简短文章 71 What is the purpose of this short speech? ( A) To look around the college ( B) To intr

17、oduce another speaker ( C) To educate Fatima Jackson ( D) To answer questions 72 What can the people NOT do on Visitors Day? ( A) Take a look around the school ( B) Make a speech ( C) Eat some snacks ( D) Have a question and answer session 73 Why has Fatima Jackson come? ( A) To speak about her expe

18、riences ( B) To look around the college ( C) To answer questions ( D) To listen to stories 74 Who is speaking? ( A) A tourist ( B) Victoria ( C) A tour conductor ( D) Ben 75 What information can the people NOT know from this talk? ( A) The plans for the first day of tour ( B) The starting point of t

19、he boat trip ( C) The location of the River Thames ( D) The name of the most famous landmark 76 Where will the boat trip finish? ( A) The River Thames ( B) Westminster ( C) Tower Bridge ( D) Londons most famous landmark 77 What does the speaker hope the listeners will do? ( A) Find a job ( B) Get ou

20、t of the country ( C) Like the speaker ( D) Learn Chinese 78 What was most difficult about coming to China? ( A) Finding a good restaurant ( B) Learning to read and write the language ( C) Pretty nervous feeling ( D) Barriers on the road 79 What is the speaker talking about the language? ( A) The sp

21、eaker majored in Chinese at the university so there were not any problems to learn Chinese. ( B) There is no reason to learn how to write a second language. ( C) Reading is the most difficult skill when people learn a foreign language. ( D) Language learners need to put in a lot of effort in order t

22、o speak and write another language. 80 What is the topic? ( A) Product design ( B) Swedish rubbish ( C) Recycling ( D) The need to work very hard 81 Why do the Swedishes pay a tax on black rubbish bags? ( A) To make lots of products with good design ( B) To encourage the businesses by the result of

23、annual sales ( C) To force everyone not to dump any refuse ( D) To make people reduce, reuse or recycle unwanted materials 82 What has improved the situation? ( A) Tighter bags ( B) Stricter laws ( C) Businesses ( D) Individuals 83 When does the conference itself start? ( A) Monday morning ( B) Mond

24、ay evening ( C) Tuesday morning ( D) Tuesday evening 84 Who will give a talk on motivation in the workshop? ( A) Nancy ( B) Matthew ( C) Linda and Mike ( D) Cindy 85 What time will Cindy start her keynote address? ( A) 9:00 a. m. ( B) 9:30 a. m. ( C) 10:30 a. m. ( D) 11:00 a. m. 86 Why is Sergeant M

25、orton meeting local residents? ( A) To warn them about criminals ( B) To arrest them ( C) To explain a crime prevention scheme ( D) To talk about local history 87 How does the Local Watch work? ( A) Only the police take care of the local crime because of danger. ( B) The police and the neighbors col

26、laborate together to make their conditions better. ( C) The people support the police a lot and the police concentrate upon the city. ( D) It is a service formed by cooperation between the local workers and the police. 88 Why is the present different from the past? ( A) People are stranger. ( B) Peo

27、ple dont know their neighbours. ( C) People have no idea. ( D) There is more crime. 89 Who is most likely speaking? ( A) Tour guide ( B) Research scientist ( C) Anthropologist ( D) Newscaster 90 What is the topic of the report? ( A) An economics conference ( B) A scientific discovery ( C) An industr

28、ial process ( D) A medical procedure 91 What will be the effect on the local community? ( A) Employment will increase. ( B) Tourism will decline. ( C) Industries will close down. ( D) Universities will open. 92 What type of business does the speaker have? ( A) Advertising ( B) Property management (

29、C) Building renovation ( D) Accounting 93 What does the speaker say has been important to his company s success? ( A) Rapid growth ( B) Employee teamwork ( C) Well-known clients ( D) A business network success 94 In what area has the company had difficulty? ( A) Equipment maintenance ( B) Hiring ski

30、lled employees ( C) Attracting clients ( D) Financial planning 95 Who is Ellis Lee? ( A) A city planner ( B) An editor ( C) A new employee ( D) A scientist 96 What is mentioned about Ellis Lee? ( A) She had won an award. ( B) She had made a car. ( C) She had made a film. ( D) She had opened a bookst

31、ore. 97 Who is Ellis Lee currently working on a project with? ( A) A coauthor ( B) A contractor ( C) A government agency ( D) A show host 98 Where is the announcement being made? ( A) At a fashion show ( B) At an art exhibition ( C) At a musical performance ( D) At a record sale 99 What is offered f

32、or free with a purchase? ( A) A badge ( B) A cap ( C) A T-shirt ( D) Tickets to a concert 100 Where will the money from the sale be used? ( A) To support a children s organization ( B) To start a new business ( C) To help musical artists ( D) To buy musical equipment 托业(听力)模拟试卷 12答案与解析 一、照片描述 1 【听力原

33、文】 (A) The man is writing a letter. (B) The man is sitting next to the newsstand. (C) The man is looking through the paper. (D) The man is editing the newspaper. 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 (C)look at, look through, look over, go over, see, check,read, study等等都是与 “看 ”有关的表达方法。 (D)edit这个动作很难用图片表示,所以经常是错误的答案。 2

34、【听力原文】 (A) The beds have been made. (B) The curtain is blocking the window. (C) There is a picture hanging above each bed. (D) There is a lamp between two beds. 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 (A)make the bed的意思不是 “制作床 ”,而是 “整理床 ”,这里是被动态的表达。 (D)在 between A and B说法中,如果 A和 B是同一种类的东西,经常会用 “between+复数 ”的形式来表达。 3 【听力原

35、文】 (A) People are standing in line to order. (B) The products are arranged on the floor. (C) A woman is putting on an apron. (D) A woman is asking for some directions. 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 (A)除了 stand in line,还可以用 be in a line表达同样的意思。 (C)虽然中间是有一个女子穿着围裙,但是 be putting on是表示 “正在穿 ”的动作,不是正确答案。 4 【听力原文】 (A)

36、 The bus has pulled off the road. (B) The bus is about to leave. (C) The road is crowded with many cars. (D) A pedestrian is crossing the street. 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 (A)汽车 “从路中间驶离公路 ”的说法是 pull off the road。 (B)与 be about to类似的有 “预言 ”意思的选项很难用图片确认是否正确,所以一般是错误的选项。 (D)cross the street经常是描述过马路的图片的正确答案。 5 【

37、听力原文】 (A) The woman is leaning against the wall. (B) There are some documents on the desk. (C) The woman is drinking a bottle of water. (D) The woman is writing something down on the board. 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 (C)要注意虽然有 a bottle of water,但是并没 有正在喝; (D)虽然女子的手中有支笔,但是并没有在写字。 6 【听力原文】 (A) They are taking

38、the elevator down. (B) They are shopping for clothes. (C) They are riding on an escalator. (D) They are across from each other. 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 (A)图片中出现的是 escalator,这样 elevator, stairs经常作为错误的选项出现。 (C)经常与 escalator搭配的词组是 ride on, taking down up。 7 【听力原文】 (A) Various pitchers are being displayed on

39、the shelves. (B) A chicken is standing in a room. (C) There is a book under the chair. (D) There is a memo board behind the light. 7 【正确答案 】 D 【试题解析】 (A)进行时被动态 (be being P P )常常是有人出现时的正确答案。 (B)如果说的是 “There is a chicken sculpture ”就是正确答案了。 (C)如果说on the chair,便是正确答案了。但在实际考试中,区分 under the和 on the二者并不是那

40、么容易。 8 【听力原文】 (A) The woman is walking down the aisle. (B) The woman is mopping the floor. (C) The woman is reaching for an item. (D) Some frozen foods need to be stocked. 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 walk基本上是每月都会出一次的核心动词,要和 work区分。 9 【听力原文】 (A) All of the people are walking in the same direction. (B) One of t

41、he men is taking off his glasses. (C) There are trees growing along the road. (D) They are running in a line. 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 图片中有很多人物或物品时,应该要注意它们的位置或排列状态。 10 【听力原文】 (A) The boat is returning from sailing. (B) Some people are swimming at the beach. (C) The people are taking a cruise. (D) The build

42、ings overlook the water. 10 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 (A)“回来 ”还是 “出发 ”,图片无法判断。 (B)、 (C)图片中没有人物出现,所以人为主语的句子都是错误答案。 (D)图片正确地表现了 overlook的意思。 overlook要以建筑为主语,是 “俯视 ”、 “眺望 ”的意思。 二、应答问题 11 【听力原文】 When did you last talk to Mr. Green? (A) I prefer it in red. (B) The presentation will last about 40 minutes. (C) Yeste

43、rday on the telephone. 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 询问过去时间的 when疑问句 回答过去时间点 12 【听力原文】 Does anyone here know how to play the piano? (A) I think Mr. Holly does. (B) I dont know who they will hire. (C) I couldn t hear what the boss was saying. 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 Does anyone? 意思上的 who疑问句 回答人名 13 【听力原文】 Where is t

44、he nearest post office? (A) One block from here. (B) I need to ship these boxes. (C) Approximately 2 hours. 13 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 询问邮局位置的 where疑问句 回答位置 14 【听力原文】 How late are you open? (A) We re open at 9 a. m. (B) We re open until 10. (C) I am already late for the class. 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 How late?(

45、到多晚 )疑问句 回答 “until+时间 ” 15 【听力原文】 Dont you think we need more time to finish this evaluation sheet? (A) Yes, we can finish this soon. (B) Yes, I need a sheet of paper. (C) Yes, we really do. 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 Dont you think?( 你不认为 吗 ?)征求对方同意的否定疑问句 肯定回答 16 【听力原文】 Where can I pick up this months payc

46、heck? (A) In room 210. (B) Victor will pick me up today. (C) In 30 minutes. 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 询问领工资的地方的 where疑问句 回答 “in+地点 ” 17 【听力原文】 When do we need to respond to the invitation? (A) It says as soon as possible. (B) I am invited there, too. (C) The party starts at 6 p. m. 17 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 询问回应时

47、间的 when疑问句 回答 as soon as possible 18 【听力原文】 How many people applied for the job? (A) You need to fill out the application, first. (B) It was fifteen this morning. (C) That job requires at least 3 years of experience. 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 询问人数的 how many疑问句 回答数字 19 【听力原文】 Would you like me to get you an

48、other glass of water? (A) Sure, I II get it for you right away. (B) Oh, would you? (C) I had to take off my glasses. 19 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 Would you like me to?( 我做 怎么样 ?)表示好意 接受 20 【听力原文】 Why is the construction being postponed? (A) We re waiting to get building approval. (B) Because the prices of sho

49、es have gone up. (C) The post office is right across from the mall. 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 询问原因的 why疑问 句 回答具体原因 21 【听力原文】 Ms. Robinson has a family business, doesn t she? (A) Yes, Im leaving tomorrow. (B) No, his family is pretty small. (C) Yes, her parents started it. 21 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 确认现在事实的反意疑问句 肯定后再附加说明 22 【听力原文】 Do you have this quarters sales report or does Ellen have it? (A) The sales were down this quarter. (B) Ellen is in her office now. (C) No, I dont have it. 22 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 “句子 or句子 ”选择疑问句 否定前者的回答 23 【听


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