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1、浙江大学英语三级模拟试卷 13及答案与解析 Section A Directions: In this section you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, yo

2、u must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. ( A) The woman is meeting the man at the airport. ( B) They are complaining about the poor airport service. ( C) T

3、hey are discussing their plan for Christmas. ( D) The man is seeing the woman off. ( A) She hasnt heard from the professor for a week. ( B) They have more time to complete the assignment. ( C) She is unable to finish the paper next week. ( D) She wont see the professor until next week. ( A) Win the

4、race. ( B) Watch the race. ( C) Lose the race. ( D) Come back home. ( A) She asked the man a question. ( B) She asked the man to collect some shells for lunch. ( C) She suggested they go to the seaside to collect some shells. ( D) She suggested they go to the beach early in the morning. ( A) A model

5、. ( B) A clerk. ( C) An accountant. ( D) A cashier. ( A) At 7:45. ( B) At 7:35. ( C) At 7,25. ( D) At 7:15. ( A) Listening to the radio. ( B) Reading a newspaper. ( C) Watching television ( D) Watching a sports game. ( A) She has known the quiz. ( B) She knows who started the rumor. ( C) She is surp

6、rised at what the man said. ( D) She is behind in her course work. ( A) He has too much to do in too little time. ( B) He is busy, but hes making a lot of money. ( C) He knows things will be better in a few minutes. ( D) He is having a wonderful time doing lots of things. ( A) Seeing a doctor. ( B)

7、Vomiting. ( C) Listening to the weather forecast. ( D) Taking temperature. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages or conversations. At the end of each passage or conversation, you will hear some questions. The passage or the conversation will be read twice. After you h

8、ear a passage or a conversation, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. ( A) Lead the customers to where they want to go and then leave. ( B) Come near to the custom

9、ers and say “Can I help you?“ ( C) Introduce to the customers what they want in detail. ( D) Follow the customers until they leave the shop. ( A) Every morning. ( B) On weekends. ( C) Every afternoon. ( D) During the vacations. ( A) Somebody else has bought it. ( B) The assistant has put it in a cor

10、ner. ( C) It has been stolen. ( D) It is being read by someone else. ( A) 24 hours. ( B) 24 days. ( C) Three days. ( D) Three months. ( A) In 1920. ( B) In 1924. ( C) In 1997. ( D) In 1999. ( A) A radio program. ( B) A popular book. ( C) A TV program. ( D) Big Brother. ( A) Grow more crops. ( B) Buy

11、 food from others. ( C) Sell the animals to buy crops. ( D) Develop new agricultural technologies. ( A) Because they want to form a hobby in animal hunting. ( B) Because they want to hunt them for meat. ( C) Because they want to hunt them and sell them. ( D) Because they want to hunt them and send t

12、hem to the zoos. ( A) They are treated with new techniques nowadays. ( B) Their number is greatly reduced. ( C) They are tested on in many ways. ( D) They are provided with better living conditions. ( A) They do a great job in protecting animals. ( B) People should give more money to these charities

13、. ( C) The number of these charities is falling dramatically. ( D) They recreate natural living conditions for animals. Section C Directions:In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the p

14、assage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 21 to 27 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 28 to 30 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard

15、or write down the m 20 The discount do-it-yourself store, Aldi, has seen some big【 T1】 _recently. While other businesses are cutting back, Aldi is【 T2】 _. Across the country, the discount grocery chain opened 80 stores this year. One hundred more are 【 T3】 _to open in 2010. Managers say the success

16、can be attributed to Aldis business 【 T4】 _. First, the store only carries the top 1 400 most【 T5】 _items. Second, shoppers【 T6】_ carts for a quarter, and get a quarter back when they return their cart, thus【 T7】_the need for workers to do the task. Third, Aldi stores are smaller in size.【 T8】 _ Som

17、e shoppers, who enjoy the convenience of traditional grocery stores, say the Aldi model is not for them.【 T9】 _. Aldi, a privately owned company, wont discuss its financial numbers but management says the store chain is doing well.【 T10】 _. Wal-Marts latest earnings data shows sales fe11 by 1.4% fro

18、m the previous year. Recent numbers for Target show an even larger drop, down 2.6% from the previous year. 21 【 T1】 22 【 T2】 23 【 T3】 24 【 T4】 25 【 T5】 26 【 T6】 27 【 T7】 28 【 T8】 29 【 T9】 30 【 T10】 Section A Directions: There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or

19、 unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One 30 Now, young people are grabbing their passports and travel around

20、the world on their own, not because they have no one to travel with, but because they prefer to go solo. Kristina Wegscheider, from San Jose in California, US, first traveled unaccompanied when she was at college and believes that it is something everyone should do at least once in their life. “In h

21、igh school I wouldnt have felt comfortable doing much of anything on my own, but as I have got older Ive found that I love traveling on my own, especially in a country where I dont know the language. “ Wegscheider has visited 46 countries spanning all seven continents. Foreign lands can be tricky to

22、 navigate at the best of times. But with no one to help you read a map, look after you if you get ill, or lend you money if your wallet is stolen, they are challenging. This is what drives young people to go solo It is seen as character building, since going solo is a chance to prove that they can m

23、ake it on their own. Chris Richardson decided to leave his sales job in Australia to go backpacking last year. He set up a website, The Aussie Nomad, to document his adventures. He says he wished he had gone solo earlier. “Be it the people you meet, the places you visit, or the things you do, everyt

24、hing is off your own back and it forces you to grow as a person,“ said the 30-year-old. “To tackle university or a job with that kind of experience would have been a major bonus to me,“ he said. Richardson describes traveling alone as like “a shot in the arm,“ which “unleashed(释放 )a better more conf

25、ident person that was ready to tackle anything.“ 31 When did Kristina Wegscheider travel solo for the first time? ( A) When she was 30 years old. ( B) When she was at college. ( C) After she decided to quit her sales job. ( D) When she was in her high school. 32 What makes traveling solo challenging

26、? ( A) Foreign lands make people feel uncomfortable. ( B) It is helpful for your character building. ( C) Nobody could help you read maps, or take care of you. ( D) Your cell phone may get powered off. 33 Why does the author say that going solo is like character building? ( A) It can help people imp

27、rove their oral English. ( B) It can prove people can stand on their own feet. ( C) It is full of danger but the experience is exciting. ( D) It is a kind of adventure everyone should have in their life. 34 Which was the main bonus for Chris Richardson? ( A) To set up a website to document his adven

28、tures. ( B) To visit 46 countries spanning all seven continents. ( C) To have a chance to prove his ability. ( D) To deal with the difficulty in university or jobs. 35 Why did Chris Richardson take traveling solo as an exciting thing? ( A) Because it makes people more confident. ( B) Because it is a

29、 shot in the arm. ( C) Because it is the major bonus for people. ( D) Because it forces people to go backpacking. Passage Two 35 Yahoo has turned into the Paris Hilton of tech companiesa stupid outfit that remains very popular even though nobody, including Yahoo itself, seems to know exactly what Ya

30、hoo does for a living. And like the heiress(女继承人 ), for reasons that most people cant understand Yahoo continues to attract a string of potential suitors(追求者 )and to find itself the subject of constant rumors even though it was no longer interesting long before. The latest rumor: Google is going to

31、buy Yahoo. Or, rather, Google will put up some of the money that certain unnamed buyout firms will use to buy Yahoo, according to a Wall Street Journal report citing unnamed sources. Teamwork is needed because Yahoo is valued at about $21 billion, making it too rich for anyone to handle on its own.

32、Any deal between the two companies would be a tough sell in Washington, D.C., considering that regulators in 2008 forbidden a proposed search-advertising partnership between them, It may be that Google doesnt really want to buy Yahoo but just wants to drive up the price that another buyer(for exampl

33、e, Microsoft, which is said to be weighing a bid)will have to pay. Despite its travails, Yahoo still attracts an enormous audiencenearly 180 million visitors per month, making it the second-most-popular website in the US, after Google. But financially its hurting, with revenues declining 5% in its m

34、ost recent quarter. Like Google, Microsoft is rumored to be going after Yahoo by offering to provide financing for buyout firms, including Silver Lake Partners, that are interested in Yahoo. Putting up some money would give Microsoft or Google some influence over how Yahoo is run. Another rumored su

35、itor is Alibaba Group, in which Yahoo holds a 40% stake. Others include AOL and Andreessen Horowitz, which was studying a bid for Yahoo in a deal that might also include Silver Lake Partners and DST Global, a Russian investment company. 36 What is the latest rumor about Yahoo? ( A) Google is going t

36、o buy Yahoo. ( B) Yahoo continues to attract many buyers. ( C) Yahoo knows what to do for a living. ( D) Yahoo has turned into a tech company. 37 According to the author, why is teamwork needed to buy Yahoo? ( A) Because Yahoo always attracts a string of potential buyers. ( B) Because Yahoo has been

37、 bought by Google with $ 21 billion. ( C) Because Yahoo is too rich for a company to handle on its own. ( D) Because Yahoo has a great number of small companies. 38 What is the real purpose of Google in buying Yahoo? ( A) To buy Yahoo only. ( B) To drive up the price. ( C) To attract an enormous aud

38、ience. ( D) To handle on its own. 39 Why does the author say Yahoos finance is hurting? ( A) Because it has nearly 180 million visitors per month. ( B) Because it is the subject of constant rumors. ( C) Because it isnt the second-most-popular website now. ( D) Because its revenues declines 5% recent

39、ly. 40 What would influence Google or Microsoft on Yahoos running? ( A) Buying Alibaba Group. ( B) Putting up some money. ( C) Giving Yahoo another name. ( D) Bidding for Yahoo. Passage Three 40 Smoking is a harmful habit and makes one addicted once they start doing it. However, what are the reasons

40、 why people still continue to smoke? These people know the harmful and if long term, even life threatening effects of smoking but it seems nobody heeds(注意 )the warning. The number of teenagers smoking today has increased. Teenagers experience a feeling of isolation. It is the time that they art: con

41、fused which role to take in society. Most of them usually have identity crisis at this age and smoking makes them feel better. Once they start smoking, they soon love the feeling of contentment it brings them. Peer(同龄人 )pressure is also a great factor. At this stage, teenagers feel their parents don

42、t understand them. Those who are non-smokers are often convinced by smokers to engage in this activity. Teenagers feel that if they wont join the group, they would lose their friends and will be left alone in which they dont want to happen. This is the reason why they continue smoking to be accepted

43、 by them. There are also some people who smoke because of the nature of their jobs. Those who work in a very cold area or at sea. smoke to keep their bodies warm. At this time, smoking brings them good benefits. Call center agents and those who work at night love drinking their favorite cup of coffe

44、e and smoking at the same time while waiting for their shift at work. This is to keep them awake and attentive to answering their clients and finishing their assigned task. Smokers are also those who are experiencing feelings of depression. They find it hard to face the challenges life brings. They

45、feel that what can make them feel better is by smoking and drinking. It is true that smoking could make them feel better but it is just a temporary feeling of relief. 41 Why do people still continue to smoke? ( A) They dont realize smoking is a harmful habit. ( B) They can improve their physical hea

46、lth by other ways. ( C) They ignore the threatening effects of smoking. ( D) They have no idea of the harmful effects of smoking. 42 In order to solve the problem of isolation, the teenagers_. ( A) are confused which role to play in society ( B) begin smoking to make themselves feel better ( C) have

47、 the identity crisis in the society ( D) fall in love at an early age 43 Why is peer pressure another factor to teenagers smoking? ( A) Because teenagers dont think their parents understand them. ( B) Because what teenagers parents tell them to do is against their will. ( C) Because teenagers are se

48、ldom convinced by smokers to engage in smoking. ( D) Because teenagers think they can keep their friends by smoking. 44 In which of the following situation is it unacceptable to smoke? ( A) People want to feel better when they are experiencing depression. ( B) People want to keep warm if they work a

49、t sea or a cold place. ( C) People want to keep awake when they have to work at night. ( D) People want to be attentive when they work as a call center agent. 45 The depressed people want to smoke because_. ( A) it is hard to face the challenges life brings ( B) they can feel better by smoking ( C) their problems are too difficult to deal with ( D) they want to handle the challenges of life Section B Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for

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