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1、现代金融业务(综合)模拟试卷 14及答案与解析 单句理解 ( A) If the time period of the loan is one year, the simple interest and compound interest are the same. ( B) If the time period of the loan is the same, the simple interest and compound interest are the same. ( C) When the full principal plus interest is paid together,

2、compound interest and simple interest are of the same dollar amount. ( D) When the full principal plus interest is paid together, compound interest and simple interest are not of the same dollar amount. ( A) Commercial banks mainly provide short-term loans for the capital market. ( B) The capital ma

3、rket mainly depends on the acquired deposits and the funds from other channels. ( C) Short-term loans are mainly from the acquired deposits and the funds from other channels. ( D) Commercial banks mainly depend on the capital market for deposits and the funds. ( A) Back-to-back credit. ( B) Reciproc

4、al credit. ( C) Documentary credit. ( D) Stand-by credit. ( A) The bank makes profits only from its own money. ( B) The bank makes profits from not only the deposits but also its own money. ( C) The bank has special obligation to make profits. ( D) The bank makes profits by having special obligation

5、s to depositors. ( A) Depositors are usually full of confidence, but not the creditors. ( B) Banks should maintain the confidence of depositors and creditors. ( C) The nature of banks business particularly damages their reputation. ( D) Maintaining the confidence of depositors, creditors and the gen

6、eral marketplace particularly damages banks reputation. ( A) If both the drawer and drawee of an instrument are the same person, the instrument may be treated as a promissory note. ( B) In any case, the holder can treat the instrument as a bill of exchange or a promissory note. ( C) If both the draw

7、er and drawee of an instrument are the same person, the instrument can only be treated as a promissory note. ( D) When the drawer and drawee of a bill are the same person, the holder may treat the instrument neither as a bill of exchange nor as a promissory note. ( A) The payee s signature can make

8、the endorsement valid. ( B) The drawer s duly authorized agent can make the endorsement valid. ( C) The payer s signature can make the endorsement valid. ( D) The drawee s duly authorized agent can make the endorsement valid. ( A) You have to deposit your money once a month. ( B) You can use your mo

9、ney at any time you need it. ( C) Your money is immediately run out. ( D) Your money can immediately make more money. ( A) The credit card can be used at any shop without paying cash. ( B) The credit card can be used at any appointed shop together with cash. ( C) The credit card can be used at any a

10、ppointed shop without paying cash. ( D) The credit card can be used to withdraw any amount of cash. ( A) Our company prefers an L/C to collection. ( B) Our company will apply for documentary collection. ( C) Our company will apply for either documentary collection or sight letter of credit according

11、 to your advice. ( D) Our company will adopt neither documentary collection nor letter of credit. 对话理 解 ( A) Customs officer and travelers. ( B) Employer and employee. ( C) Business associates. ( D) Bank clerk and customer. ( A) 4%. ( B) 4.5%. ( C) 5%. ( D) 5.5%. ( A) July. ( B) August. ( C) Septemb

12、er. ( D) October. ( A) Rate on the personal loan. ( B) Base rate of the bank. ( C) The amount of payment. ( D) Personal loan s time period. ( A) Profit and Joss ( B) Owners equity. ( C) Liabilities ( D) Assets. ( A) To endorse his cheques. ( B) To show his passport. ( C) To cash some traveler s cheq

13、ues. ( D) To open a checking account. ( A) To withdraw some money. ( B) To exchange some foreign currencies. ( C) To discount some bills. ( D) To cash some traveler s checks. ( A) Presentation of bill of exchange for payment. ( B) Documents required for a collection operation. ( C) Application for a

14、 letter of credit. ( D) What are contained in a collection order. ( A) 700 yuan. ( B) 600 yuan. ( C) 650 yuan. ( D) 750 yuan. ( A) Every month. ( B) Every quarter. ( C) Every year. ( D) Half a year. 短文理解 ( A) A slight increase in prices. ( B) Rapid growth of economy. ( C) Decrease of workers salary.

15、 ( D) Soaring prices. ( A) Hyperinflation is just a passing phase in the economic development. ( B) People could benefit a lot from hyperinflation. ( C) Hyperinflation is used by a government to raise taxes. ( D) Hyperinflation may cause the downfall of a government. ( A) Harmful. ( B) Negative. ( C

16、) Going back. ( D) Progressive. ( A) The cause of hyperinflation. ( B) The dangers that hyperinflation brings to a country. ( C) The relationship between taxes and hyperinflation. ( D) The supply of money and hyperinflation. ( A) It consists of one commercial credit and one standby credit. ( B) It c

17、onsists of two entirely separate documentary credits. ( C) It consists of a credit and some commercial documents. ( D) It consists of a bill of exchange and a bill of lading. ( A) When actual suppliers and ultimate buyers deal through a middleman. ( B) When buyers and sellers agree to make settlemen

18、t by means of letters of credit. ( C) When buyers dont agree to make payment on collection basis. ( D) When sellers insists on a documentary credit. ( A) The ultimate buyer. ( B) The middleman. ( C) The issuing bank. ( D) The actual supplier. ( A) A long-term interest rate. ( B) A long-term loan. (

19、C) A short-term interest rate. ( D) A short-term loan. ( A) One night. ( B) One year. ( C) Three days. ( D) Three months. ( A) The foreign banks. ( B) The locally incorporated banks. ( C) The government. ( D) Inhabitant in Hong Kong. 一、单项选择题 31 When GBP/USD rate goes from 6150 to 8500, we say the do

20、llar_. ( A) appreciates by 12.70% ( B) depreciates by 14.55% ( C) depreciates by 12.70% ( D) appreciates by 14.55% 32 A draft is like a check that can be endorsed but it isn t a title to goods, like_. ( A) a bill of lading ( B) an inspection certificate ( C) a certificate of origin ( D) an insurance

21、 certificate 33 When there is no indication of damage to the _, a bill of lading is said to be_. ( A) documents. . . clear ( B) goods. . . clear ( C) documents. . . clean ( D) goods. . . clean 34 The purchaser of a draft /documents presented under a straight documentary credit only has the right_. (

22、 A) to protest the issuing bank ( B) to present the drafts/documents on behalf of the beneficiary ( C) to purchase the beneficiary s drafts/documents ( D) to present the draft/documents by himself 35 _refer to the common shares issued by the companies registered in China s mainland and traded by dom

23、estic entities or retail investors(excluding investors from Taiwan region, Hong Kong and Macau SARs)in Chinese currency. ( A) A-shares ( B) B-shares ( C) H-shares ( D) T-bonds 36 What is the principal function of a financial system? _. ( A) Production and distribution of goods and services ( B) Prov

24、iding a means of payment and facilitating the saving and investment process ( C) Directing the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer ( D) None of the above 37 In London, a premium on a foreign exchange rate means_. ( A) the foreign currency is dearer ( B) the foreign currency is cheap

25、er ( C) the foreign currency is less valuable ( D) it has no relevance at all 38 The documentary collection provides the seller with a greater degree of protection than shipping on_. ( A) documentary credit ( B) banker s letter of guarantee ( C) banker s draft ( D) open account 39 There are three wa

26、ys in which a banker may take security for an advance;_. (1)by lien(2)by pledge(3)by mortgage(4)by indemnity ( A) (1);(2);(3) ( B) (1);(2);(4) ( C) (2);(3);(4) ( D) (1);(3);(4) 40 The underlying purpose of accounting is to provide_for decision making about an economic entity. ( A) commercial informa

27、tion ( B) financial information ( C) cash position ( D) income distribution 二、完形填空 40 FLOOR BROKERS, when a commission broker has【 56】 that he cannot execute personally because of their number or because of the activity of the market, he engages the services of a floor broker. These floor brokers we

28、re once referred to as $ 2 brokers, because at one time they charged a fee of $2 per【 57】 ; today this fee is【 58】 higher. Commissions are shared on these orders. It is easy to see that smaller commission brokers are especially prone to【 59】 by an influx of orders . The floor broker, as a freelance

29、operator, provides a【 60】 function in ensuring that the exchange s business is conducted rapidly and efficiently. 41 【 56】 ( A) commands ( B) instructions ( C) arrangements ( D) orders 42 【 57】 ( A) business ( B) deal ( C) transaction ( D) trade 43 【 58】 ( A) much ( B) considerably ( C) incredulousl

30、y ( D) incredibly 44 【 59】 ( A) being swamped ( B) swamp ( C) be swamped ( D) have been swamped 45 【 60】 ( A) outstanding ( B) important ( C) significant ( D) vital 45 Liabilities are usually classified as either current or noncurrent liabilities. Current liabilities are those obligations whose【 61】

31、 is reasonably expected to require the use of existing resources properly classified as current【 62】 , or the creation of other current liabilities. This definition of current liabilities emphasizes a short-term creditor s claim to working capital rather than to the due date for【 63】 purposes. Accou

32、nts payable, dividends payable, salaries payable, and taxes payable are examples of current liabilities. Liabilities which are not current liabilities are【 64】 as non-current or long-term liabilities. Bonds payable and mortgages payable are examples of【 65】 liabil-ities. 46 【 61】 ( A) calculation (

33、B) liquidation ( C) counting ( D) account 47 【 62】 ( A) assets ( B) capital ( C) property ( D) equity 48 【 63】 ( A) economic ( B) definition ( C) legal ( D) classification 49 【 64】 ( A) referred to ( B) distributed ( C) divided ( D) seen 50 【 65】 ( A) short-term ( B) current ( C) long-term ( D) equi

34、table 三、判断正误 50 The most basic tool of the accountant is the accounting equation. This equation presents the assets of the business and the claims to those assets. Assets are economic resources of a business that are expected to be of benefit in the future. Cash, office supplies, merchandise, furnit

35、ure, land and buildings are examples. Claims to those assets come from two sources. Liability are outsider claims, which are economic obligations, debts payable to outsiders. These outside parties are called creditors. For example a creditor who has loaned money to a business has a claim a legal rig

36、ht to a part of the assets until the business pays the debt. “ Insider claims“ are called owners equity or capital. These are the claims held by the owners of the business. An owner has a claim to the entity s assets because he or she has invested in the business. Owners equity is measured by subtra

37、cting liabilities from assets. 51 Assets can be classified into current assets and fixed assets. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt say 52 The owners of a business are those who have invested their money in the business. Therefore, they are the only persons who have the right of claims to the assets

38、of the business. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt say 53 The amount of liabilities of a business tells us how much the business owes to outsiders. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt say 53 One of the most important functions of the accounting process is to accumulate and report accounting informatio

39、n that shows an organization s financial position and the results of its operations. Many businesses publish such financial statements at least annually. The subdivision of the accounting process that produces these general-purpose reports is referred to as financial accounting. Another major functi

40、on of accounting is to provide management with the data needed for decision-making and for efficient operation of the firm. Although management people routinely receive the financial reports, they also require various other information, such as the unit cost of a product, estimates of the profit ear

41、ned from a specific sales activity, cost comparisons of alternative courses of action and long-range budgets. The process of generating and analyzing such data is often referred to as managerial accounting. 54 The purpose of managerial accounting is to prepare financial statements every year. ( A) R

42、ight ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt say 55 Financial statements include balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt say 56 Financial statements are used only by the outsiders of a firm. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt say 57 The management of a firm needs to

43、use the results of both financial accounting as well as managerial accounting. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt say 57 Well over half of all bank commercial loans are made for a short term, that is, for period of less than one year. Of these loans, about half are made on an unsecured basis to seaso

44、nal businesses and to borrowers with short-lived and project-oriented needs for funds. Secured short-term borrowers typically are less strong financially or are untested businesses without an earnings record. The most common type of short-term loan is the working capital line of credit extended to f

45、inancially strong borrowers who have seasonal swings in their operations. Retailers and seasonal manufacturing firms are regular users of such credit. Through the line-of-credit commitment, a bank indicates its intention to honor borrowings up to the amount of the line. The amount is established on

46、the basis of the customer s proforma peak funding requirement, and it assures the borrower of the availability of funds to finance bulges in working capital as sales expand and contract. The line of credit facility is very flexible and overcomes the need to extend a series of separate short-term loa

47、ns. The customer “takes down“ only parts of the line as the need arises, so that redundant borrowings are unnecessary. Loan interest is charged on only the amount actually borrowed, and the loan may be repaid as reflows of cash to the firm occur when seasonal sales decline. 58 The periods of short-t

48、erm loan is less than one year. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt say 59 Loan interest is charged on only the amount actually borrowed. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt say 60 In quite a few instances, line-of-credit borrowing is unsecured. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt say 四、阅读理解 60 What deter

49、mines the rate of exchange between currencies will be examined later in this booklet, but first it is useful to consider the mechanics of international transactions. To enable a UK importer to pay his American supplier, for example, the facilities of two or more banks are used, firstly in handling the often complex documentation and secondly, through the foreign exchange market, in obtaining the currency required. At one time payments to and from other countries were made by bills of exchange


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