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1、考博英语模拟试卷 257及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 Recently the car factory had to carry out personnel_because of financial trouble. ( A) cuts ( B) demands ( C) reductions ( D) orders 2 The future _ of the bald eagle is still an important American ecological concern. ( A) birth ( B) evolution ( C) mig

2、ration ( D) survival 3 The chief function of most systems of exchange control is to prevent or redress an adverse balance of payments by limiting foreign-exchange purchases to an amount not in excess of foreign-exchange receipts. ( A) eliminate ( B) remedy ( C) evade ( D) decrease 4 The newspaper re

3、ported on the initiative of the organization to establish a private company to professionally_prisoners due to be released from prison. ( A) habilitate ( B) rehabilitate ( C) preclude ( D) prelude 5 Some workers in the nuclear power station were exposed to high levels of _ . ( A) radiation ( B) canc

4、er ( C) microwaves ( D) high temperature 6 The essence of belief is the establishment of _. Different beliefs are distinguishable by the different modes of action to which they give rise. ( A) love ( B) practice ( C) trust ( D) commitments 7 So much of modem fiction in the United States is autobiogr

5、aphical, and so much of the autobiography fictionalized, that the_ sometimes seem largely ( A) authors. ignored ( B) needs. unrecognized ( C) genres. interchangeable ( D) intentions. misunderstood 8 The United States was trying hard to smoke the enemy out of the holes in the target country. ( A)对敌人施

6、以地 毯式轰炸 ( B)将敌人熏死在洞中 ( C)引诱敌人出洞 ( D)向洞中的敌人投掷毒气弹 9 Those regions inhabited mostly by national minorities in the Northwest of the country are retarded in terms of social progress and economic development _ the coastal provinces. ( A) in relevance to ( B) in conformity with ( C) in relation to ( D) in

7、accordance with 10 Ever since Geoffrey sent a sizeable cheque to a well-known charity hes been _ with requests for money from all sides. ( A) devastated ( B) smashed ( C) bombarded ( D) cracked 11 We must try to use our intellect _. ( A) to the greatest advantage ( B) for the most details ( C) by th

8、e rarest chance ( D) of the greatest significance 12 The character armor consists of defensive character traits, like arrogance or apprehensiveness, that developed in childhood to _ painful feelings. ( A) turn aside ( B) ward off ( C) bread up ( D) watch over 13 In the second paragraph, the author g

9、ives two examples to show _. ( A) the development of attitudes is most important ( B) peoples behavior can be shaped by direct or indirect experience ( C) conscious instruction is important in shaping peoples behavior ( D) unpleasant experience leaves a greater impression on people 14 Its often a mi

10、stake to_appearance: that poor-looking individual is anything but poor. In fact, he is a millionaire. ( A) go over ( B) go by ( C) go against ( D) go for 15 In order to help the students get a better understanding of the new conception, the professor _ it with many examples. ( A) enchanted ( B) diss

11、ipated ( C) eliminated ( D) illustrated 16 No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything _ going on in the world. ( A) it is ( B) there is ( C) as is ( D) what is 17 The mother is told that her child is desperately illthe chances of survival are slim, and the treatment is as d

12、readful as the disease. ( A) incurable ( B) fearful ( C) impossible ( D) troublesome 18 As marketers increase their communication through both print and electronic channels, the opportunity for_is growing rapidly. ( A) fraud ( B) jargon ( C) pledge ( D) motivation 19 Because the children keep interr

13、upting her whenever she reads a book,she is always_her place. ( A) missing ( B) slipping ( C) bothering ( D) losing 20 While typing, Helen has a habit of stopping _ to stroke her long and flowing hair. ( A) occasionally ( B) simultaneously ( C) eventually ( D) endeavours 21 Big businesses enjoy cert

14、ain _ that smaller ones do not have. ( A) transactions ( B) privileges ( C) subsidies ( D) substitutes 22 According to legend, Daniel Webster made a _ with Satan, but managed to talk his way out of it at the last moment. ( A) economy ( B) standard ( C) van ( D) compact 23 The report managed to get a

15、n _ interview with the Prime Minister. ( A) extinct ( B) excluding ( C) excessive ( D) exclusive 24 Everyone who heard the story found it incredible. ( A) irresistible ( B) immaterial ( C) unbelievable ( D) nonsensical 25 Most people found it hard to believe that such a seemingly _ man should have o

16、ne that wicked thing. ( A) respecting ( B) respectful ( C) respective ( D) respectable 26 This is not the right_to ask for my help;I am far too busy even to listen! ( A) moment ( B) situation ( C) opportunity ( D) circumstance 27 _the heavy pollution, the city officials have decided to cancel school

17、 for the day. ( A) Prior ( B) By means of ( C) Due to ( D) Through 28 Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December 25th _ the birth of Jesus Christ. ( A) in accordance with ( B) in terms of ( C) in favor of ( D) in honor of 29 Scientists are searching for the oldest tree_ because

18、 it can teach them a great deal about many issues related with climate change. ( A) lively ( B) alive ( C) living ( D) live 30 Editors do think explicitly about timing and they are not motivated merely to be the first to print an exciting news story: they keep stories until the time is_. ( A) prompt

19、 ( B) ripe ( C) enough ( D) punctual 二、 Cloze 30 Last year French drivers killed【 1】 than 5,000 people on the roads for the first time in decades. Credit goes largely【 2】 the 1,000 automated radar cameras planted on the nations highways since 2003, which experts reckon【 3】 3,000 lives last year. Suc

20、cess of course breeds success: the government plants to install 500【 4】 radar devices this year. So it goes with surveillance these days. Europeans used to look at the security cameras posted in British cities, subways and buses【 5】 the seeds of an Orwellian world that was largely unacceptable in Co

21、ntinental Europe. But last years London bombing, in which video cameras【 6】 a key role in identifying the perpetrators, have helped spur a sea change. A month【 7】 the London attacks, half of Germans supported EU-wide plans to require Internet providers and telecoms to store all e-mail, internet and

22、phone data for “anti-terror“【 8】 . In a British poll, 73 percent of respondents said they were【 9】 to give up some civil liberty to improve【 10】 . 40 Culture is activity of thought, and receptiveness to beauty and humane feeling,【 1】 of information have nothing to do with it. A merely well-informed

23、man is the most useless【 2】 on Gods earth. What we should【 3】 at producing is men who【 4】 both culture and expert knowledge in some special direction. Their expert knowledge will give them the ground to start【 5】 , and their culture will lead them as【 6】 as philosophy and as high as【 7】 . We have to

24、 remember that the valuable【 8】 development is self-development, and that it【 9】 takes place between the ages of sixteen and thirty. As to training, the most important part is given by mothers before the age of twelve. In training a child to activity of thought, above all things we must【 10】 of what

25、 I will call “inert ideas“ that is to say, ideas that are merely【 11】 into the mind without being【 12】 , or tested, or thrown into fresh combinations. In the history of educaton. the most【 13】 phenomenon is that schools of learning, which at one epoch are alive with a craze for genius, in a【 14】 gen

26、eration exhibit merely pedantry and routine. The reason is that they are overladen with inert ideas. Except at【 15】 intervals of intellectual motivation, education in the past has been radically【 16】 with inert ideas. That is the reason why【 17】 clever women, who have seen much of the world, are in

27、middle life so much the most cultured part of the community. They have been saved from this horrible【 18】 of inert ideas. Every intellectual revolution which has ever stirred humanity【 19】 greatness has been a【 20】 protest against inert ideas. ( A) Chips ( B) Scraps ( C) Fractions ( D) Plates ( A) b

28、ore ( B) irony ( C) snob ( D) gut ( A) point ( B) aim ( C) clutch ( D) snap ( A) identify ( B) occupy ( C) possess ( D) ensure ( A) with ( B) from ( C) into ( D) beyond ( A) linear ( B) deep ( C) militant ( D) odd ( A) zoom ( B) art ( C) rap ( D) poll ( A) rational ( B) physiological ( C) divine ( D

29、) intellectual ( A) mostly ( B) randomly ( C) seldom ( D) regularly ( A) beware ( B) dispose ( C) ensure ( D) boast ( A) contained ( B) received ( C) squeezed ( D) embedded ( A) utilized ( B) assessed ( C) gauged ( D) geared ( A) integral ( B) classical ( C) obscure ( D) striking ( A) succeeding ( B

30、) preceding ( C) accompanying ( D) emerging ( A) rare ( B) minor ( C) scarce ( D) regular ( A) infected ( B) influenced ( C) instructed ( D) endowed ( A) unrefined ( B) unintended ( C) unrestrained ( D) uneducated ( A) load ( B) burden ( C) gap ( D) span ( A) off ( B) on ( C) into ( D) with ( A) vio

31、lent ( B) passionate ( C) exempt ( D) idealistic 61 【 C2】 62 【 C14】 ( A) conditions ( B) situations ( C) occasions ( D) instances 62 Human beings are animals. We breathe, cat end digest, and reproduce-the same life【 71】 common to all animals. In a biological laboratory, rats, monkeys, and humans see

32、m very much the same. However, biological understanding is not enough:【 72】 itself, it can never tell us what human beings are.【 73】 to our physical equipmentthe naked human bodywe are not an【 74】 animal. We are tropical creatures,【 75】 hairless and sensitive to cold. We are not fast and have neithe

33、r claws nor sharp teeth to defend ourselves. We need a lot of food but have almost no physical equipment to help us get it. In the purely physical【 76】 , our species seems a poor【 77】 for survival. But we have survivedsurvived and multiplied and【 78】 the earth. Some day we will have a【 79】 living on

34、 the moon, a place with neither air nor water and with temperatures that turn gases into solids. How can we have done all these things? Part of the answer is physical.【 80】 its limitations, our physical equipment has some important【 81】 . We have excellent vision and hands that can【 82】 objects with

35、 a precision unmatched by any other【 83】 . Most importantly, we have a large brain with an almost【 84】 number of neural【 85】 . We have used this physical equipment to create culture, the key to our survival and success. If we live in the Arctic. we supply the warmth our tropical bodies need【 86】clot

36、hing, shelter, and【 87】 heat. If a million people want to live in a desert that supplies natural food for only a few hundred, we find water to grow food and【 88】 deficits by transporting supplies from distant places. Inhabitants of our eventual moon colony will bring their own food and oxygen and th

37、en create an artificial earth environment to supply necessities. With culture, we can overcome our natural limitations. It was not always【 89】 . 0ur distant ancestors were just animals, faced with the limits of their physical equipment. They had no【 90】 and lacked the physical capacity to use it. (

38、A) processes ( B) acts ( C) modes. ( D) procedures ( A) on ( B) with ( C) for ( D) by ( A) Stripped ( B) Pared ( C) Peeled ( D) Removed ( A) intelligent ( B) impressive ( C) influential ( D) incentive ( A) barely ( B) hardly ( C) nearly ( D) scarcely ( A) meaning ( B) judgement ( C) perspective ( D)

39、 sense ( A) bet ( B) chance ( C) fact ( D) luck ( A) filled ( B) loaded ( C) stuffed ( D) scattered ( A) residence ( B) colony ( C) home ( D) empire ( A) Apart from ( B) With regard to ( C) With the exception of ( D) In spite of ( A) abilities ( B) qualities ( C) powers ( D) possibilities ( A) maneu

40、ver ( B) manage ( C) manipulate ( D) manufacture ( A) animal ( B) animals ( C) skill ( D) skills ( A) infinite ( B) unknown ( C) boundless ( D) ceaseless ( A) connections ( B) relations ( C) activities ( D) accesses ( A) for ( B) to ( C) with ( D) by ( A) artificial ( B) fake ( C) unreal ( D) unauth

41、entic ( A) add up ( B) breakup ( C) makeup ( D) cutup ( A) this ( B) thus ( C) hence ( D) that ( A) intellect ( B) equipment ( C) competence ( D) culture 82 Healthy guilt is a warning signal that either something dangerous is about to happen or something has already happened that need【 21】 . A feeli

42、ng of distress is good when it keeps us from【 22】 our own values. It serves a useful function. Here is a(n)【 23】 : If a fire broke out in someones home【 24】 faulty wiring, he would not be content with【 25】 putting out the fire.【 26】 , he would have the house rewired. When we feel guilty about someth

43、ing, we have to make the necessary changes in our character to prevent a【 27】 . Unhealthy guilt is a distressful feeling which occurs without reason or persists even after appropriate steps have been taken to deal with a situation. A person with【 28】 self-esteem may react to feelings of guilt, one o

44、f two ways:【 29】 that he has done wrong in order to protect his fragile ego; or experience the feeling as a【 30】 that he is just an unworthy person. An example involves the case of Mr. L. He has a【 31】 with Mr. Y and exchanges angry words. Later that day, Mr. Y gets sick. Mr. L may feel that he was

45、the【 32】 of Mr. Ys misfortune. Mr. L feels unwarranted guilt for the misfortune and thinks that his angry feelings caused the misfortune. This is irrational thinking and is【 33】 of pathological guilt. When people do research on a particular challenge and make a decision, the decision may【 34】 unfavo

46、rable consequences. Feeling distress and pain is normal. However, feeling guilty over the idea that you caused the consequences is unhealthy. As long as a decision is made with proper advice and with good intent, then the person remains morally right【 35】 having made the decision. There is no reason

47、 for guilt. ( A) connection ( B) correction ( C) recovery ( D) repetition ( A) underestimating ( B) displaying ( C) violating ( D) deteriorating ( A) hypothesis ( B) definition ( C) experiment ( D) analogy ( A) due to ( B) but for ( C) with ( D) under ( A) devotedly ( B) primarily ( C) timely ( D) m

48、erely ( A) Therefore ( B) Rather ( C) Anyway ( D) Consequently. ( A) distress ( B) renewal ( C) conflict ( D) recurrence ( A) low ( B) exalted ( C) sincere ( D) much ( A) Imply ( B) Admit ( C) Deny ( D) Argue ( A) prescription ( B) communication ( C) confirmation ( D) perception ( A) contact ( B) di

49、sagreement ( C) relationship ( D) concern ( A) cause ( B) origin ( C) cure ( D) witness ( A) record ( B) proof ( C) evidence ( D) description ( A) attach to ( B) turn to ( C) load to ( D) take to ( A) at ( B) in ( C) as ( D) for 三、 Reading Comprehension 97 Every profession or trade, every art, and every science has its technical vocabulary, the function of which is partly to designate things or processes which have no names in ordinary English,


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