ASTM D2829-2007 Standard Practice for Sampling and Analysis of Existing Built-Up Roof Systems《现有组合屋顶系统的取样和分析用标准实施规程》.pdf

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ASTM D2829-2007 Standard Practice for Sampling and Analysis of Existing Built-Up Roof Systems《现有组合屋顶系统的取样和分析用标准实施规程》.pdf_第1页
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1、Designation: D 2829 07Standard Practice forSampling and Analysis of Existing Built-Up Roof Systems1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2829; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revisio

2、n. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice is a guide for removing test specimensfrom existing built-up roofing systems in the field and fordetermining the ap

3、proximate quantities of the components ofthat specimen (Note 1). Components determined may be:1.1.1 Insulation components when they are part of the roofmembrane system,1.1.2 Plies of roofing felt,1.1.3 Interply layers of bituminous material,1.1.4 Top coating, and1.1.5 Surfacing.NOTE 1This procedure

4、is for the investigation of existing roofs and isnot intended for new construction inspection.1.2 This practice is applicable to both 914-mm (36-in.) and1000-mm (3938-in.) wide felt rolls.1.3 The values stated in SI (metric) units are to be regardedas standard.1.4 This standard does not purport to a

5、ddress all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user this standard to establish appropriatesafety and health practices and determine the applicability ofregulatory limitations prior to use. For specific precautionaryinformation, see Refere

6、nced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 226 Specification for Asphalt-Saturated Organic FeltUsed in Roofing and WaterproofingD 227 Specification for Coal-Tar-Saturated Organic FeltUsed in Roofing and WaterproofingD 249 Specification forAsphalt Roll Roofing (Organic Felt)Surfaced with Mineral Granules3D

7、250 Specification for Asphalt-Saturated Asbestos FeltUsed in Roofing and Waterproofing3D 371 Specification forAsphalt Roll Roofing (Organic Felt)Surfaced with Mineral Granules; Wide Selvage3D 1079 Terminology Relating to Roofing and Waterproof-ingD 2178 Specification for Asphalt Glass Felt Used in R

8、oof-ing and WaterproofingD 2626 Specification for Asphalt-Saturated and Coated Or-ganic Felt Base Sheet Used in RoofingD 3158 Discontinued 1984; Specification for Asphalt Satu-rated and Coated Organic Felt Used in Roofing3D 3617 Practice for Sampling and Analysis of NewBuilt-Up Roof MembranesD 3672

9、Specification for Venting Asphalt-Saturated andCoated Inorganic Felt Base Sheet Used in Roofing3D 3909 Specification for Asphalt Roll Roofing (Glass Felt)Surfaced With Mineral GranulesD 4601 Specification for Asphalt-Coated Glass Fiber BaseSheet Used in RoofingD 4897 Specification for Asphalt-Coated

10、 Glass-Fiber Vent-ing Base Sheet Used in RoofingD 4990 Specification for Coal Tar Glass Felt Used inRoofing and Waterproofing3. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsFor definitions of terms used in this prac-tice, refer to Terminology D 1079.4. Securing of Specimens in the Field4.1 Do not disturb any surfacing

11、 in the area from which aspecimen is to be taken. Cut each specimen at least 300 by 300mm (12 by 12 in.) and use the total specimen taken in the fieldfor laboratory analysis.4.2 The recommended practice is to use a cutting template(Fig. 1) consisting of a 300 by 300-mm (12 by 12-in.) metalbox with a

12、n open bottom. Place the box over the roof area thatis to be removed, and while the template is held firmly inposition, remove the surfacing around the perimeter and thencut through the roof membrane around the perimeter of thebox. Lift the specimen, including all associated loose materials,from the

13、 roof and place it in a plastic bag. Fully identify thespecimen. Note if the insulation is adhered to the specimen or,1This practice is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D08 on Roofing andWaterproofing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D08.20 on RoofingMembrane Systems.Current e

14、dition approved May 1, 2007. Published June 2007. Originallyapproved in 1969. Last previous edition approved in 2004 as D 2829 04.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume informat

15、ion, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Withdrawn.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.where insulation is not used, if bitumen is left on the deck, andthe type of deck. Estimate bitumen mass

16、per unit area left onthe deck.4.2.1 Alternate Method: Mark each sample as at least a square 356 mm (14in.) on a side. Try to include a seam in each membrane sample.During cold weather, use a square 457 mm (18 in.) on a side,since cold weather cutting may inadvertently break, distort ordelamin

17、ate the sample. If the roofing membrane is mechani-cally fastened, mark rectangular 864 by 457 mm (34 by 18 in.)sample, with the longer dimension perpendicular to the lengthof the ply felts. Half of these large samples can be shipped tothe laboratory for analysis after the number of fasteners in the

18、larger area is recorded. Carefully broom off the loose aggregate, and spudoff the adhered aggregate and flood coating at the perimeter ofthe sample. (The application of dry ice at the areas to bespudded will ease the removal of the top coating during hotweather. A large propane torch can also

19、 be used as an alternateto the dry ice method, to melt the top coating so that it can beeasily removed with a scraper and facilitate cutting.) Recordthe length and width of the sample. If the quantities ofunadhered surfacing or total surfacing are desired, collect andpackage the unadhered surfacing

20、from the sample area. Cut through the roofing membrane with a razor knifeor sharp power cutting tool, taking care not to damage the edgeof the sample. Do not pound on the sample, as this might causeinterply delamination. Carefully loosen and remove the roofingmembrane including all adhered in

21、sulation. Observe andrecord the kind and degree of attachment between the roofingmembrane and the insulation or deck. Cut through the roof insulation with a blade longenough to penetrate all of the insulation layers. Observe andrecord the type and thickness of each insulation layer, and thepe

22、rcent of the sample area adhered between the layers andbetween the insulation and the deck and vapor retarder. Cut and remove a small specimen of the vaporretarder, if it is present, to observe its attachment to the deckand to obtain a specimen for moisture content and analysis.NOTE 2This pro

23、cedure will not provide as accurate a measure of totalaggregate as the procedure described in If bituminous material has been absorbed by the insu-lation (4.2), remove sufficient insulation to allow laboratoryanalysis of absorbed bitumen mass (weight).4.4 If felt lapping is to be determined,

24、 take a separatespecimen at least 100 mm (4 in.) wide and not less than 1.12 m(44 in.) long, cut at right angles to the long dimension of theroofing felts.4.5 Protect each specimen from physical damage such asbending or breakage of the felts or coating layers duringremoval and transportation. Protec

25、t from moisture, excessiveheat, and loss of material.5. Significance and Use5.1 This practice is for the sampling and analysis of existingbuilt-up roof systems. For roofs under construction, use Prac-tice D 3617.6. Procedure6.1 Preserve all identifications and log the specimens in thelaboratory. Ens

26、ure continued identity and location of theTABLE 1 DimensionsDimension Square (3.2) Rectangular (3.4)mm in. mm in.A 300 12 100 4B 300 12 1000 40C 150 6 150 6D 40 1.5 40 1.5E 40 1.5 40 1.5F318 318FIG. 1 Cutting TemplateD2829072components within each specimen. Remove the insulation fully(if present), r

27、emoving as little bituminous coating from theunderside of the membrane as possible.6.2 Calculate the area of the specimen from eight differentmeasurements taken in each direction. Weigh the specimen,including all associated loose materials (except insulation),being careful to avoid loss of any compo

28、nent, and calculate themass per unit area. Dry the insulation removed in 4.3 toconstant mass and record.6.3 Place the specimen on aluminum foil or release paperand carefully scrape off the top surfacing (if any) and topcoating without damaging the top felt. Use heat only toproduce the lowest tempera

29、ture required to remove the coating.NOTE 3This will usually leave 200 to 400 g/m2(4 to 8 lb/100 ft2)ofbituminous material on the surface of the roofing felt.6.3.1 Collect the surfacing and top coating, including anyloose material taken with the specimen, and weigh.6.3.2 Separate surfacing material f

30、rom the surfacing-topcoating mixture by solvent washing on an 850-m (No. 20)sieve.NOTE 4The recommended solvent for coal-tar pitch is carbon disul-fide (CS2). Complete extraction of coal-tar pitch is not possible. Extractionwith carbon disulfide may result in a recovery error of coal-tar pitch in th

31、erange from 17 to 38 %. WarningCarbon disulfide is toxic when takeninternally or when inhaled. Conduct the test in a hood, or otherwell-ventilated location. Avoid prolonged or repeated contactwith the skin and inhalation of vapors.6.3.3 When all traces of bituminous materials have beenremoved

32、, dry the surfacing retained on the sieve in an oven at100C (212F), cool, and weigh. The approximate mass perunit area of the top coating is the difference between this massand the mass obtained in 6.3.1, divided by the specimen areaobtained in Remove all bituminous material from the bottom

33、of themembrane (see 6.3), then weigh the membrane. Separate theplies, using a heat lamp as needed to achieve minimumtemperature required for separation. Do not distort the felts(see 6.8 for an alternative method of separating the plies).6.4.1 Measure the individual felts and calculate the area ofeac

34、h ply (due to lapping, not all plies will be the size of theoriginal specimen). Follow the procedure in 6.2. Record thetotal area of all felts.6.4.2 Divide the sum of all individual felt areas (6.4.1)bythe area of the original specimen (6.2) and record the results as“number of plies.”6.5 Calculate t

35、he mass per unit area of the original saturatedfelts by multiplying the area of each ply determined in 6.4.1 bythe following values in g/m2(lb/100 ft2) and dividing by thespecimen area determined in 6.2. Add the masses per unit areafor each felt, to find the total mass per unit area of the originals

36、aturated felts. If all plies are the same, simply multiply theassumed felt mass per unit area by the number of plies (6.4.2).Use the manufacturers information for components not withinthe scope of the specifications in Table 1, using the factor48.825 to convert from lb/100 ft2to g/m2, and 0.02048 to

37、convert from g/m2to lb/100 ft2.6.6 Calculate the total interply bituminous material per unitarea by subtracting the total mass per unit area of the original“saturated felts” determined in 6.5 from the mass per unit areadetermined by dividing the mass of felts and interply bitumenin 6.4 by the specim

38、en size in To obtain the average interply mopping, take the “totalinterply bitumen per unit area” determined in 6.6 and divide byone less than the previously determined number of plies(6.4.2).6.6.2 Remove any bitumen absorbed by the insulation (6.2)by solvent extraction. Dry the residue to

39、 constant mass andTABLE 1 Weights/Types of FeltsSpecification Type Material lb/100 ft g/m2D 226 I asphalt-organic felt 11.5 560II 26 1270D 227 coal-tar organic felt 13 635D 249 I asphalt-organic roll 74 3610II roofing (granule surfaced) 71.5 3490D 250 I asphalt-asbestos felt 13 635II 28 1370III 17 8

40、30IV 21 1025D 371 I asphalt-organic wide- 37 1810II selvage roofing 46.3 2260III (granule surfaced) 35.5 1733IV 42.8 2090D 2178 I asphalt-glass felt 7.5 366II 14 684III 9.7 474IV 7 342D 2626 asphalt-organic base felt 37 1810D 3158 asphalt-asbestos base felt 29 1416D 3672 I venting asphalt-inorganic

41、60 2930II base felt (granule surfaced) 50 2440D 3909 asphalt-glass roofing felt granule surfaced 83 4050D 4601 I asphalt-glass base felt 13.4 654II 15.5 756D 4897 I asphalt-glass venting 50 2440II base felt 55 2685D 4990 I coal-tar glass felt 7 342D2829073cool to room temperature. Determine the abso

42、rbed bitumen perunit area by subtracting the mass of residue from the massrecorded in 6.2 and dividing the result by the specimen area(6.2).6.6.3 Determine the total applied bitumen by deducting themass per unit area of surfacing (6.3.3) and of all felt (6.5) fromthe specimen mass per unit area (6.2

43、); add the absorbedbitumen per unit area determined in 6.6.2, or the estimatedbitumen per unit area left on the deck (4.2).6.7 For specimens from smooth surface roofs, omit 6.3.2and To determine the lapping distance of felts, use thespecimen described in 4.4. Delaminate the felts and measu

44、rethe lap spacing. Report the number of plies and spacing by therepresentative spacing diagram. (Separation of the plies can beaccomplished by warming or by cooling the specimen with dryice and fracturing the interply moppings.)7. Calculation7.1 Carry out all calculations to the following significan

45、ce:7.1.1 Number of Plies, in the built-up roofing to the nearesthundredth of a ply.7.1.2 Mass of Felts, interply mopping, top coating, totalapplied bituminous material, and surfacing to the nearest 1 g(0.002 lb).7.1.3 Mass per Unit Area, to the nearest 10 g/m2(0.2 lb/100ft2).7.1.4 Dimension of Felts

46、, to the nearest 1 mm (0.04 in.) and0.001 m2(0.01 ft2).7.1.5 ResultsRound mass per unit area to the nearest 50g/m2(1 lb/100 ft2), and number of plies to the nearest tenth.7.2 A typical computation for a nominal 4-ply, aggregate-surfaced built-up roof mopped to insulation is given in Table 2.8. Repor

47、t8.1 Describe the built-up roof, including the type and classof bituminous material, type of surfacing, type of insulation,type of roof decking, and the type and number of felts orroofing sheets.8.2 Fully identify the origin and roof location of eachspecimen.8.3 Report the mass per unit area of surf

48、acing, averageinterply bituminous material, top coating bituminous material,total applied bituminous material, and the total specimen(minus insulation). See Table 3 for summary of results andconversion to conventional units of measurement.8.4 Diagram the felt lapping to show the number of pliesand t

49、he lap relationship, if determined (6.8).9. Precision and Bias9.1 PrecisionMost of the variance shown between labo-ratories is due to variations within the samples, and not due totest method variance. Round-robin tests among six laboratoriesshow that differences between laboratories should not besuspect unless they exceed the following values:9.1.1 Mass of Adhered Aggregate12 lb/100 ft (586 g/m).9.1.2 Mass of Top Coating12 lb/100 ft (586 g/m).9.1.3 Average Interply Bitumen Quality6 lb/100 ft (293g/m).9.1.4 Number of Felt Plies0.1 plies.9.2 The preferred method for


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