ASTM D3903-2003(2007) Standard Specification for Rubber Seals Used in Air-Heat Transport of Solar Energy Systems《阳能系统的热空气传递用橡胶密封件的标准规范》.pdf

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ASTM D3903-2003(2007) Standard Specification for Rubber Seals Used in Air-Heat Transport of Solar Energy Systems《阳能系统的热空气传递用橡胶密封件的标准规范》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D3903-2003(2007) Standard Specification for Rubber Seals Used in Air-Heat Transport of Solar Energy Systems《阳能系统的热空气传递用橡胶密封件的标准规范》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM D3903-2003(2007) Standard Specification for Rubber Seals Used in Air-Heat Transport of Solar Energy Systems《阳能系统的热空气传递用橡胶密封件的标准规范》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM D3903-2003(2007) Standard Specification for Rubber Seals Used in Air-Heat Transport of Solar Energy Systems《阳能系统的热空气传递用橡胶密封件的标准规范》.pdf_第4页
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1、Designation: D 3903 03 (Reapproved 2007)Standard Specification forRubber Seals Used in Air-Heat Transport of Solar EnergySystems1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3903; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revi

2、sion, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers the general requirements forthe rubber seals used in solar energy systems

3、employingair-heat transport. Examples are duct and damper seals. Par-ticular applications may necessitate other requirements thatwould take precedence over these requirements when speci-fied.NOTE 1Rubber seals for the collector are covered in SpecificationsD 3667 and D 3771.1.2 Design requirement pe

4、rtains only to permissible deflec-tions of the rubber during thermal expansion or contraction ofthe seal in use and the tolerances in dimensions of molded andextruded seals.1.3 This specification does not include requirements per-taining to the fabrication or installation of the seals.1.4 The values

5、 stated in SI units are to be regarded asstandard. No other units of measurement are included in thisstandard.1.5 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to thetest methods portion, Section 10, of this specification: Thisstandard does not purport to address the safety concernsassociated wi

6、th its use. It is the responsibility of the user of thisstandard to establish appropriate safety and health practicesand determine the applicability of regulatory limitations priorto use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2C 661 Test Method for Indentation Hardness ofElastomeric-Type Sealants

7、 by Means of a DurometerC 717 Terminology of Building Seals and SealantsC 719 Test Method for Adhesion and Cohesion of Elasto-meric Joint Sealants Under Cyclic Movement (HockmanCycle)D 395 Test Methods for Rubber PropertyCompressionSetD 412 Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermo-plastic Elast

8、omersTensionD 865 Test Method for RubberDeterioration by Heatingin Air (Test Tube Enclosure)D 1149 Test Methods for Rubber DeteriorationCrackingin an Ozone Controlled EnvironmentD 1229 Test Method for Rubber PropertyCompressionSet at Low TemperaturesD 1349 Practice for RubberStandard Temperatures fo

9、rTestingD 1415 Test Method for Rubber PropertyInternationalHardnessD 1566 Terminology Relating to RubberD 2137 Test Methods for Rubber PropertyBrittlenessPoint of Flexible Polymers and Coated FabricsD 2240 Test Method for Rubber PropertyDurometerHardnessD 3182 Practice for RubberMaterials, Equipment

10、, andProcedures for Mixing Standard Compounds and Prepar-ing Standard Vulcanized SheetsD 3183 Practice for RubberPreparation of Product Piecesfor Test Purposes from ProductsD 3667 Specification for Rubber Seals Used in Flat-PlateSolar CollectorsD 3771 Specification for Rubber Seals Used in Concentra

11、t-ing Solar CollectorsG7 Practice for Atmospheric Environmental ExposureTesting of Nonmetallic MaterialsG 151 Practice for Exposing Nonmetallic Materials in Ac-celerated Test Devices that Use Laboratory Light SourcesG 155 Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatusfor Exposure of Non-Metallic M

12、aterials2.2 Other Standards:1This specification is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D11 on Rubberand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D11.37 on Coated Fabrics, RubberThreads and Seals.Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2007. Published January 2008. Originallyapproved in 1980. Last p

13、revious edition approved in 2003 as D 3903 03.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM

14、 International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.RMA HandbookRubber Products: Molded, Extruded,Lathe Cut, and Cellular (Third Edition)33. Terminology3.1 Definitions Refer to the definitions of terms in Termi-nology C 717 and Terminology D 1566.4. Cl

15、assification4.1 Types:4.1.1 Type C, intended for use in cold climates(below 10C in winter).4.1.2 Type W, intended for use in warm climates(above 10C in winter).4.2 GradesGrade designations represent differing degreesof hardness as follows:4.2.1 Grade 2, hardness of 20 6 Grade 3, hardness of

16、30 6 Grade 4, hardness of 40 6 Grade 5, hardness of 50 6 Grade 6, hardness of 60 6 Grade 7, hardness of 70 6 Grade 8, hardness of 80 6 5.NOTE 2The grade to be used in a particular application depends onthe design of the seal and must be specified by the design

17、er.4.3 ClassesSeals shall be classified as follows:4.3.1 Class PS, preformed rubber seal.4.3.2 Class SC, sealing compound.NOTE 3Class SC material should not be used in designs where theseal is under mechanical stress.5. Ordering Information5.1 Orders for material under this specification shall inclu

18、dethe following information:5.1.1 Type,5.1.2 Grade,5.1.3 Class,5.1.4 Shape and dimensions,5.1.5 Quantity,5.1.6 ASTM designation and year of issue, and5.1.7 Other requirements.6. Materials and Manufacture6.1 Resistance to solar radiation can be determined by oneof the following:6.1.1 Desert outdoor e

19、xposure, in accordance with recom-mended Practice G7using the exposure rack at an angle of 45for unbacked exposure of the specimens. Desert outdoorexposure shall be for at least six months including at least onemonth preceding and following the summer solstice.6.1.2 Xenon arc laboratory exposure, in

20、 accordance withrecommended Practice G 151 and G 155 using daylight filtersand operating conditions as described below: The irradiance level shall be maintained at 0.55 60.02 W/(m2nm) at 340 nm at the control point. For equivalentbroad band irradiance levels and tolerances at 300 to 400 nmand

21、 300 to 800 nm, consult the manufacturer of the apparatus. The default exposure cycle shall be 102 min lightonly followed by 18 min light plus either water spray on thefront surface or immersion in water. The water spray tempera-ture is typically 21 6 5C, but may be lower if ambient watertemp

22、erature is low and a holding tank is not used to storepurified water. The immersion water is kept at a constanttemperature, which shall be less than 40C.NOTE 4Water spray and immersion in water are different kinds ofmoisture exposures and may produce different results. The uninsulated black p

23、anel temperature (BPT) shallbe maintained at 63 6 2.5C at the control point during the dryperiod of exposure to light. For the equivalent insulated blackpanel temperature (black standard temperature (BST), consultthe manufacturer of the apparatus. Relative humidity shall be maintained at 60 6

24、 10 %at the control point during the dry period of exposure to lightin xenon arc apparatus that uses water spray for wetting. The chamber air temperature shall be maintained at48 6 2C at the control point in equipment that uses waterspray for wetting and provides for adjustment of the chamber

25、air temperature. The exposure duration shall be by agreement be-tween the parties concerned.The exposure time shall be at least1000 h, but long enough to produce a substantial change in theproperty of interest in the least stable formulation of the type ofmaterial being evaluated.NOTE 5The se

26、t point is the target condition for the control sensor asprogrammed by the user. When a Standard calls for a particular set point,the user programs the exact number. The tolerances specified with the setpoint do not imply that the user is allowed to program a set point higheror lower than the exact

27、set point specified. Tolerance is determined by themachine variables. The tolerance specified is the maximum deviationallowable from the set point at the control sensor during equilibriumconditions.6.2 After exposure, slight surface chalking and dulling arepermitted. Brittleness, cracking, loss of e

28、longation, tackiness,or other deterioration affecting serviceability shall not bepermitted.7. Requirements7.1 Class PS material shall conform to the requirementsgiven in Table 1.7.2 Class SC material shall conform to the requirementsgiven in Table 2.8. Dimensions8.1 The design of the seal shall not

29、permit the rubber todeflect more than 25 % in any direction during thermalexpansion and contraction of the solar collector.NOTE 6If the thermal coefficient of linear expansion for the rubber isnot known, a value of 0.0003/K may be assumed for design purposes.8.2 The tolerances in dimensions of molde

30、d seals shallconform to the following designations in the RMA Handbook:8.2.1 Molded Seals: Commercial DimensionsRMA-F3-T. Critical DimensionsRMA-F3-T.032.3Available from the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA), 1901 Pennsyl-vania Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20006.D 3903 03 (2007)2

31、8.2.2 Extended Seals: Commercial DimensionsRMA-F3.9. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance9.1 Class PS seals shall be free of blisters, checks, cracks,and other imperfections that can affect their ability to make ormaintain a tight seal.9.2 Class SC material shall be uniform in composition andb

32、e free of defects that may affect serviceability.10. Test Methods10.1 Class PS MaterialPrepare the specimens as pre-scribed in Practice D 3183 and test the material in accordancewith the test methods given in Table 1. For control ofproduction, specimens may be taken from standard test sheetsprepared

33、 in accordance with Practice D 3182, using the sameunvulcanized material used to prepare the seals and vulcaniz-ing the material at the same temperature used for the seals to anequivalent state of vulcanization.10.2 Class SC MaterialPrepare five sheets approximately150 by 150 by 2 mm in accordance w

34、ith the instructionssupplied with the sealing material. Also, prepare five adhesionspecimens in accordance with Test Method C 719. Preferably,prepare each sheet and adhesion specimen from material in adifferent container. Condition the sheets and adhesion speci-mens for 14 days at a temperature of 2

35、3 6 2C and relativehumidity of 50 6 5 %. Test the material in accordance with thetest methods given in Table 2.10.3 Determine the volatiles lost from the difference in massof the specimens before and after heating for 166 h at thetemperature given in Table 1 or Table 2 and in accordance withTest Met

36、hod D 865.11. Inspection and Rejection11.1 Class PS MaterialManufacturers of preformed sealsmay use their quality control systems for production inspectionto assure the seals conform with this specification, providedappropriate records are kept. In case of dispute regarding thequality of a delivered

37、 product, a sample of five seals shall betaken from the lot and tested for compliance with this specifi-cation. If one of the five seals does not conform, a secondsample of five seals may be taken and tested. If two or more ofthe ten seals do not conform, the lot shall be rejected.11.2 Class SC Mate

38、rialManufacturers may use their qual-ity control systems to assure production conforms with thisspecification. In case of dispute regarding the quality of adelivered product, five test sheets and five adhesion specimensshall be prepared from five different packages, in accordancewith the instruction

39、s supplied with the sealing material. If oneof the five sheets or adhesion specimens does not conform, anadditional five sheets or adhesion specimens may be preparedand tested. If two or more of the ten sheets or adhesionspecimens do not conform, the lot shall be rejected.12. Product Marking12.1 The

40、 following information may be marked on eitherthe seal, packaging, label, or tag:12.1.1 Name, brand, or trademark of the manufacturer,12.1.2 Type, grade, and class,TABLE 1 Requirements for Class PS Material Used to Seal Air-Heat Transport SystemsPropertyGradeASTM Method345678Ultimate elongation, min

41、, % 350 300 250 200 150 100 D 412Compression set, max, %:after 70 h at 125C 30 30 30 30 30 30 D 395Aafter 166 h at 10C 60 60 60 60 60 60 D 1229BResistance to heating (166 h at 125C):CD 865Hardness change, max 10 10 10 10 10 10 D 1415 or D 2240Ultimate elongation change, max, % 30 30 30 30 30 30 D 41

42、2Volatiles lost, max, % 222222se10.3Resistance to ozone, 100 mPa,Dfor 166 h at 40C no cracking D 1149Resistance to low temperature, D 2137Type C only, max, C 40 40 40 40 40 40AMethod B.BSet to be measured at 10 s after release. Lubricated plates or polytetrafluoroethylene film is recommended if the

43、rubber adheres to the metal compression plates duringtest.CThe test temperature of 125C should cover most applications in air ducts of solar energy systems. A seal in an air-heat transport system operating at temperaturesabove 100C should be tested at a standard test temperature listed in Practice D

44、 1349 at least 25C above the maximum temperature in service. The higher testtemperatures are: 150, 175, 200, 225, and 250C.D100 mPa of ozone partial pressure is equivalent to 100 pphm at standard atmospheric pressure (100 kPa). See new terminology on ozone content expressionsdescribed in Test Method

45、s D 1149.TABLE 2 Requirements for Class SC Material Used to Seal Flat-Plate Solar CollectorsPropertyGradeASTMMethod234Ultimate elongation, min, % 200 150 100 D 412Resistance to heating (166 h at100C):D 865Hardness change, max 10 10 10 C 661Ultimate elongation change,max, %30 30 30 D 412Volatiles los

46、t, max, % 2 2 2 see 10.3Resistance to ozone, 100 mPa,Afor 166 h at 40Cno cracking D 1149Resistance to low temperature, D 2137Type C only, max, C 40 40 40Adhesion loss, max, cm2B999C 719CA100 mPa of ozone partial pressure is equivalent to 100 pphm at standardatmospheric pressure (100 kPa). See new te

47、rminology on ozone content expres-sions described in Test Methods D 1149.BThe combined loss in bond and cohesion areas for the three specimens testedshall not exceed 9 cm2.CThe temperature in 6.3 of Test Method C 719 shall be modified to 100C.D 3903 03 (2007)312.1.3 Compliance with this standard, Sp

48、ecification D 3903,and12.1.4 Other information required by the manufacturer orthe purchaser.13. Packaging and Package Marking13.1 Material shall be protected by suitable packaging toprevent damage during shipment or storage prior to installationin the solar collector.14. Keywords14.1 air-heat transp

49、ort; rubber seals; solar energy systemsASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentionedin this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the riskof infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, eith

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