ASTM D6593-2010 8125 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Automotive Engine Oils for Inhibition of Deposit Formation in a Spark-Ignition Internal Combustion Engine Fueled with Ga.pdf

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ASTM D6593-2010 8125 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Automotive Engine Oils for Inhibition of Deposit Formation in a Spark-Ignition Internal Combustion Engine Fueled with Ga.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D6593-2010 8125 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Automotive Engine Oils for Inhibition of Deposit Formation in a Spark-Ignition Internal Combustion Engine Fueled with Ga.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: D6593 10Standard Test Method forEvaluation of Automotive Engine Oils for Inhibition ofDeposit Formation in a Spark-Ignition Internal CombustionEngine Fueled with Gasoline and Operated Under Low-Temperature, Light-Duty Conditions1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6593;

2、 the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

3、1. Scope1.1 This test method covers and is commonly referred to asthe Sequence VG test,2and it has been correlated with vehiclesused in stop-and-go service prior to 1996, particularly withregard to sludge and varnish formation.3It is one of the testmethods required to evaluate oils intended to satis

4、fy the APISL performance category.1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as thestandard. No other units of measurement are included in thisstandard.1.2.1 ExceptionWhere there is no direct SI equivalentsuch as screw threads, national pipe threads/diameters, tubingsize, or specified sing

5、le source equipment.1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to

6、 use. Specific hazardstatements are given in 7.7,,,, 9.2.6,,,, and Annex A1.1.4 A Table of Contents follows:SectionScope 1Referenced Documents 2Terminology 3Summary of Test Method 4Significance and Use 5Apparatus (General Description) 6Apparatus (The

7、 Test Engine) 7Sequence VG Test Engine 7.1Required New Engine Parts 7.2Reusable Engine Parts 7.3Specially Fabricated Engine Parts 7.4Special Engine Measurement and Assembly Equipment 7.5Miscellaneous Engine Components-Preparation 7.6Solvents and Cleaners Required 7.7Assembling the Test Engine-Prepar

8、ations 7.8Assembling the Test Engine-Installations 7.9Engine Installation on the Test Stand 7.10Engine Fluids (Supply/Discharge Systems) 8Intake Air 8.1Fuel and Fuel System 8.2Engine Oil and Engine Oil System 8.3Coolants 8.4Measurement Instrumentation 9Temperatures 9.1Pressures 9.2Flow Rates 9.3Fuel

9、 Consumption 9.4Speed and Load 9.5Exhaust Gas 9.6Humidity 9.7Miscellaneous Laboratory Equipment 10Test Stand Calibration 11Test Procedure 12Pre-Test Procedure 12.1Engine Operating Procedure 12.2Periodic Measurements and Functions 12.3Special Maintenance Procedures 12.4Diagnostic Data Review 12.5End

10、of Test Procedure 12.6Interpretation of Test Results 13Parts Rating Area-Environment 13.1Sludge Ratings 13.2Varnish Ratings 13.31This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 onPetroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeD02.B0.01 on Passenger

11、 Car Engine Oils.Current edition approved May 1, 2010. Published June 2010. Originallyapproved in 2000. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as D659309a. DOI:10.1520/D6593-10.2Until the next revision of this test method, the ASTM Test Monitoring Centerwill update changes in the test method by mean

12、s of information letters. Informationletters may be obtained from the ASTM Test Monitoring Center, 6555 Penn Ave.,Pittsburgh, PA 15206-4489. Attention: Administrator. This edition incorporatesrevisions in all information Letters through No. 09-2.3Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International

13、 Headquarters and maybe obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1472.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.Clogging 13.4Sticking 13.5Used Oil Analyses 13.6Additional Measurements 13.7Assessment of Test Validity 14Gene

14、ral 14.1Used Oil Analyses-Interpretation 14.2Blowby Flow Rate 14.3Manifold Absolute Pressure 14.4Fuel Consumption Rate 14.5Oil Consumption 14.6Engine Parts Replacement 14.7Quality Index and Deviation Percentage 14.8Final Test Report 15Report Forms 15.1Precision and Bias 16Keywords 17ANNEXESSafety Ha

15、zards Annex A1Control and Data Acquisition Requirements Annex A2Detailed Specifications and Photographs of Apparatus Annex A3Special Service Tools for the Test Engine Annex A4Test Engine Part Number Listing Annex A5External Oil Heat Exchanger Cleaning Technique Annex A6Sequence VG Report Forms and D

16、ata Dictionary Annex A7Dipstick Calibration Annex A8Critical Part Supplier List Annex A9Operational Data Log-Engine Oil Annex A10Rating Worksheets Annex A11Fuel Injector Flow Measurements Annex A12APPENDIXESPiston and Ring Measurements Record Forms Appendix X1Sources of Materials and Information App

17、endix X2Description of Scott Quarterly Gas Audit Service Appendix X32. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:4D86 Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum Products atAtmospheric PressureD235 Specification for Mineral Spirits (Petroleum Spirits)(Hydrocarbon Dry Cleaning Solvent)D287 Test Method for

18、 API Gravity of Crude Petroleum andPetroleum Products (Hydrometer Method)D323 Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Prod-ucts (Reid Method)D381 Test Method for Gum Content in Fuels by Jet Evapo-rationD445 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparentand Opaque Liquids (and Calculation of

19、Dynamic Viscos-ity)D525 Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Gasoline(Induction Period Method)D873 Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Aviation Fuels(Potential Residue Method)D1266 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products(Lamp Method)D1298 Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific

20、Gravity), or API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and LiquidPetroleum Products by Hydrometer MethodD2622 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products byWavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence SpectrometryD2789 Test Method for Hydrocarbon Types in Low OlefinicGasoline by Mass SpectrometryD3237 Test Method

21、 for Lead in Gasoline by Atomic Ab-sorption SpectroscopyD3525 Test Method for Gasoline Diluent in Used GasolineEngine Oils by Gas ChromatographyD4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum andPetroleum ProductsD4175 Terminology Relating to Petroleum, PetroleumProducts, and LubricantsD4294 Test Me

22、thod for Sulfur in Petroleum and PetroleumProducts by Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spec-trometryD4485 Specification for Performance of Engine OilsD5059 Test Methods for Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray Spec-troscopyD5185 Test Method for Determination of Additive Ele-ments, Wear Metals, and Contamin

23、ants in Used Lubricat-ing Oils and Determination of Selected Elements in BaseOils by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic EmissionSpectrometry (ICP-AES)D5862 Test Method for Evaluation of Engine Oils inTwo-Stroke Cycle Turbo-Supercharged 6V92TA DieselEngine5D6304 Test Method for Determination of Water

24、in Petro-leum Products, Lubricating Oils, and Additives by Coulo-metric Karl Fischer TitrationD7422 Test Method for Evaluation of Diesel Engine Oils inT-12 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Diesel EngineG40 Terminology Relating to Wear and Erosion2.2 ANSI Standard:6ANSI MC96.1 Temperature Measurement-Thermo

25、couples3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 air-fuel ratio, nin internal combustion engines, themass ratio of air-to-fuel in the mixture being inducted into thecombustion chambers. DiscussionIn this test method, air-fuel ratio(AFR), is controlled by the EEC IV engine control module.D41753.1.2

26、blowby, nin internal combustion engines, that por-tion of the combustion products and unburned air/fuel mixturethat leaks past piston rings into the engine crankcase duringoperation.3.1.3 cold-stuck piston ring, nin internal combustionengines, a piston ring that is stuck when the piston and ring are

27、at room temperature, but inspection shows that it was freeduring engine operation. DiscussionA cold-stuck piston ring cannot bemoved with moderate finger pressure. It is characterized by apolished face over its entire circumference, indicating essen-tially no blowby passed over the ring face

28、during engineoperation. D41754For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.5Withdrawn. The last approved ve

29、rsion of this historical standard is referencedon from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,4th Floor, New York, NY 10036.D6593 1023.1.4 debris, nin internal combustion engines, solid con-taminant materials unintentionally introduced into the engineor

30、resulting from wear. DiscussionExamples include such things as gas-ket material, silicone sealer, towel threads, and metal particles.D58623.1.5 filtering, nin data acquisition, a means of attenuat-ing signals in a given frequency range. They can be mechanical(volume tank, spring, mass) or ele

31、ctrical (capacitance, induc-tance) or digital (mathematical formulas), or a combinationthereof. Typically, a low-pass filter attenuates the unwantedhigh frequency noise.3.1.6 hot-stuck piston ring, nin internal combustion en-gines, a piston ring that is stuck when the piston and ring areat room temp

32、erature, and inspection shows that it was stuckduring engine operation. DiscussionThe portion of the ring that is stuckcannot be moved with moderate finger pressure. A hot-stuckpiston ring is characterized by varnish or carbon across someportion of its face, indicating that portion of the rin

33、g was notcontacting the cylinder wall during engine operation. D41753.1.7 knock, nin a spark ignition engine, abnormal com-bustion, often producing audible sound, caused by autoignitionof the air/fuel mixture. D41753.1.8 out of specification data, nin data acquisition,sampled value of a monitored te

34、st parameter that has deviatedbeyond the procedural limits3.1.9 reading, nin data acquisition, the reduction of datapoints that represent the operating conditions observed in thetime period as defined in the test procedure.3.1.10 scoring, nin tribology, a severe form of wearcharacterized by the form

35、ation of extensive grooves andscratches in the direction of sliding. G403.1.11 scuffng, nin lubrication, damage caused by instan-taneous localized welding between surfaces in relative motionthat does not result in immobilization of the parts.3.1.12 sludge, nin internal combustion engines, a deposit,

36、principally composed of insoluble resins and oxidation prod-ucts from fuel combustion and the lubricant, that does not drainfrom engine parts but can be removed by wiping with a cloth.D41753.1.13 time constant, nin data acquisition, A value whichrepresents a measure of the time response of a system.

37、 For afirst order system responding to a step change input, it is thetime required for the output to reach 63.2 % of its final value.3.1.14 varnish, nin internal combustion engines, a hard,dry, generally lustrous deposit that can be removed by solventsbut not by wiping with a cloth. D41753.1.15 wear

38、, nloss of material from a surface, generallyoccurring between two surfaces in relative motion, and result-ing from mechanical or chemical action, or a combination ofboth. D74223.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 clogging, nthe restriction of a flow path due to theaccumulation o

39、f material along the flow path boundaries.3.2.2 enrichment, nin internal combustion engine opera-tion, a fuel consumption rate in excess of that which wouldachieve a stoichiometric air-to-fuel ratio. DiscussionEnrichment is usually indicated by el-evated CO levels and can also be detected wit

40、h an extendedrange air/fuel ratio sensor.3.2.3 Lambda, nthe ratio of actual air mass induced,during engine operation, divided by the theoretical air massrequirement at the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio for the givenfuel. DiscussionA Lambda value of 1.0 denotes astoichiometric air-fuel ratio.3

41、.2.4 low-temperature, light-duty conditions, nindicativeof engine oil and coolant temperatures that average belownormal warmed-up temperatures, and engine speeds and poweroutputs that average below those encountered in typical high-way driving.3.2.5 ramping, nthe prescribed rate of change of a vari-

42、able when one set of operating conditions is changed to anotherset of operating conditions.4. Summary of Test Method4.1 Each test engine is assembled with many new parts andessentially all aspects of assembly are specified in detail.4.2 The test stand is equipped to control speed, load, AFR,and vari

43、ous other operating parameters.4.3 The test is run for a total of 216 h, consisting of 54cycles of 4 h each. Each cycle consists of three stages.4.4 While the operating conditions are varied within eachcycle, overall they can be characterized as a mixture oflow-temperature and moderate-temperature,

44、light and mediumduty operating conditions.4.5 To accelerate deposit formation, the level of oxides ofnitrogen in the blowby and the rate of blowby into thecrankcase are significantly increased. The fresh air breathing ofthe crankcase is eliminated and the oil and coolant tempera-tures are lowered to

45、 induce condensation of water and fuel.4.6 The performance of the test engine oil is evaluated at theend of the test by dismantling the engine and measuring thelevel of deposit formation.5. Significance and Use5.1 This test method is used to evaluate an automotiveengine oils control of engine deposi

46、ts under operating condi-tions deliberately selected to accelerate deposit formation. Thistest method was correlated with field service data, determinedfrom side-by-side comparisons of two or more oils in police,taxi fleets, and delivery van services. The same field serviceoils were then used in dev

47、eloping the operating conditions ofthis test procedure.5.2 This test method, along with other test methods, definesthe minimum performance level of the API Category SL(detailed information about this category is included in Speci-fication D4485). This test method is also incorporated inautomobile ma

48、nufacturers factory-fill specifications.5.3 The basic engine used in this test method is representa-tive of many that are in modern automobiles. This factor, alongwith the accelerated operating conditions, should be consideredwhen interpreting test results.D6593 1036. Apparatus (General Description)

49、6.1 The test engine is a Ford, spark ignition, four stroke,eight-cylinder V configuration engine with a displacement of4.6 L. Features of this engine include an overhead camshaft, across-flow fast-burn cylinder head design, two valves percylinder and electronic port fuel injection. It is based on theFord Motor Co. EFI Crown Victoria7passenger car engine witha displacement of 4.6 L.6.2 Configure the test stand to accept a Ford engine, twovalves per cylinder, with a displacement of 4.6 L. All specialequipment necessary for conducting this test is listed


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