ASTM D6866-2011 5170 Standard Test Methods for Determining the Biobased Content of Solid Liquid and Gaseous Samples Using Radiocarbon Analysis《用放射性碳分析法测定固体 液体和气体样本的生物质含量的标准试验方法》.pdf

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ASTM D6866-2011 5170 Standard Test Methods for Determining the Biobased Content of Solid Liquid and Gaseous Samples Using Radiocarbon Analysis《用放射性碳分析法测定固体 液体和气体样本的生物质含量的标准试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D6866-2011 5170 Standard Test Methods for Determining the Biobased Content of Solid Liquid and Gaseous Samples Using Radiocarbon Analysis《用放射性碳分析法测定固体 液体和气体样本的生物质含量的标准试验方法》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM D6866-2011 5170 Standard Test Methods for Determining the Biobased Content of Solid Liquid and Gaseous Samples Using Radiocarbon Analysis《用放射性碳分析法测定固体 液体和气体样本的生物质含量的标准试验方法》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM D6866-2011 5170 Standard Test Methods for Determining the Biobased Content of Solid Liquid and Gaseous Samples Using Radiocarbon Analysis《用放射性碳分析法测定固体 液体和气体样本的生物质含量的标准试验方法》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM D6866-2011 5170 Standard Test Methods for Determining the Biobased Content of Solid Liquid and Gaseous Samples Using Radiocarbon Analysis《用放射性碳分析法测定固体 液体和气体样本的生物质含量的标准试验方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: D6866 11Standard Test Methods forDetermining the Biobased Content of Solid, Liquid, andGaseous Samples Using Radiocarbon Analysis1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6866; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the

2、 case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 These test methods do not address environmental im-pact, product performance and functi

3、onality, determination ofgeographical origin, or assignment of required amounts ofbiobased carbon necessary for compliance with federal laws.1.2 These test methods are applicable to any product con-taining carbon-based components that can be combusted in thepresence of oxygen to produce carbon dioxi

4、de (CO2) gas. Theoverall analytical method is also applicable to gaseoussamples, including flue gases from electrical utility boilers andwaste incinerators.1.3 These test methods make no attempt to teach the basicprinciples of the instrumentation used although minimumrequirements for instrument sele

5、ction are referenced in theReferences section. However, the preparation of samples forthe above test methods is described. No details of instrumentoperation are included here. These are best obtained from themanufacturer of the specific instrument in use.1.4 Currently, there are no ISO test methods

6、that areequivalent to the test methods outlined in this standard.1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the appl

7、ica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D883 Terminology Relating to Plastics3. Terminology3.1 The definitions of terms used in these test methods arereferenced in order that the practitioner may require furtherinformation regarding the practice o

8、f the art of isotope analysisand to facilitate performance of these test methods.3.2 Terminology D883 should be referenced for terminol-ogy relating to plastics. Although an attempt to list terms in alogical manner (alphabetically) will be made as some termsrequire definition of other terms to make

9、sense.3.3 Definitions:3.3.1 dpmdisintegrations per minute. This is the quantityof radioactivity. The measure dpm is derived from cpm orcounts per minute (dpm = cpm bkgd / counting efficiency).There are 2.2 by 106dpm / uCi (14,17).33.3.2 dpsdisintegrations per second (rather than minute asabove) (14,

10、17).3.3.3 scintillationthe sum of all photons produced by aradioactive decay event. Counters used to measure this asdescribed in these test methods are Liquid ScintillationCounters (LSC) (14,17).3.3.4 specific activity (SA)refers to the quantity of radio-activity per mass unit of product, that is, d

11、pm per gram (14,17).3.3.5 automated effciency control (AEC)a method usedby scintillation counters to compensate for the effect ofquenching on the sample spectrum (14).3.3.6 AMS facilitya facility performing Accelerator MassSpectrometry.3.3.7 accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS)an ultra-sensitive tech

12、nique that can be used for measuring naturallyoccurring radio nuclides, in which sample atoms are ionized,accelerated to high energies, separated on basis of momentum,charge, and mass, and individually counted in Faraday collec-tors. This high energy separation is extremely effective infiltering out

13、 isobaric interferences, such thatAMS may be usedto measure accurately the14C/12C abundance to a level of 1 in1015. At these levels, uncertainties are based on countingstatistics through the Poisson distribution (8,9).3.3.8 background radiationthe radiation in the naturalenvironment; including cosmi

14、c radiation and radionuclidespresent in the local environment, for example, materials ofconstruction, metals, glass, concrete (2,4,7,8,14-19).1These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20 onPlastics and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.96 on Environmen-tally D

15、egradable Plastics and Biobased Products.Current edition approved April 1, 2011. Published April 2011. Originallyapproved in 2004. Last previous edition approved in 2010 as D6866 - 10. DOI:10.1520/D6866-11.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer

16、Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end ofthis standard.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Bo

17、x C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.3.9 biobased contentthe amount of biobased carbon inthe material or product as a percent of the weight (mass) of thetotal organic carbon in the product (1).3.3.10 coincidence circuita portion of the electronicanalysis system of a Liquid Scint

18、illation Counter which acts toreject pulses which are not received from the two Photomul-tiplier Tubes (that count the photons) within a given period oftime and are necessary to rule out background interference andrequired for any LSC used in these test methods (7,14,17).3.3.11 coincidence threshold

19、the minimum decay energyrequired for a Liquid Scintillation Counter to detect a radioac-tive event. The ability to set that threshold is a requirement ofany LSC used in these test methods (14,17).3.3.12 contemporary carbona direct indication of therelative contributions of fossil carbon and “living”

20、 biosphericcarbon can be expressed as the fraction (or percentage) ofcontemporary carbon, symbol fC. This is derived from fMthrough the use of the observed input function foratmospheric14C over recent decades, representing the com-bined effects of fossil dilution of14C (minor) and nucleartesting enh

21、ancement (major). The relation between fCand fMisnecessarily a function of time. By 1985, when the particulatesampling discussed in the cited reference the fMratio haddecreased to ca. 1.2 (8,9).3.3.13 chemical quenchinga reduction in the scintillationintensity (a significant interference with these

22、test methods)seen by the Photomultiplier Tubes (PMT, pmt) due to thematerials present in the scintillation solution that interfere withthe processes leading to the production of light. The result isfewer photons counted and a lower efficiency (4,7,17).3.3.14 chi-square testa statistical tool used in

23、 radioactivecounting in order to compare the observed variations in repeatcounts of a radioactive sample with the variation predicted bystatistical theory. This determines whether two different distri-butions of photon measurements originate from the samephotonic events. LSC instruments used in this

24、 measurementshould include this capability (14,17,27).3.3.15 cocktailthe solution in which samples are placedfor measurement in a LSC. Solvents and Scintillators (chemi-cals that absorbs decay energy transferred from the solvent andemits light (photons) proportional in intensity to the depositedener

25、gy) (4,7,14,17).3.3.16 decay (radioactive)the spontaneous transforma-tion of one nuclide into a different nuclide or into a differentenergy state of the same nuclide. The process results in adecrease, with time, of the number of original radioactiveatoms in a sample, according to the half-life of th

26、e radionuclide(8,14,17).3.3.17 discriminatoran electronic circuit which distin-guishes signal pulses according to their pulse height or energy;used to exclude extraneous radiation, background radiation,and extraneous noise from the desired signal (14,17,18,32).3.3.18 effciencythe ratio of measured o

27、bservations orcounts compared to the number of decay events which oc-curred during the measurement time; expressed as a percentage(14,17).3.3.19 external standarda radioactive source placed adja-cent to the liquid sample in to produce scintillations in thesample for the purpose of monitoring the sam

28、ples level ofquenching (14,17).3.3.20 figure of merita term applied to a numerical valueused to characterize the performance of a system. In liquidscintillation counting, specific formulas have been derived forquantitatively comparing certain aspects of instrument andcocktail performance and the ter

29、m is frequently used tocompare efficiency and background measures (14,17,20).3.3.21 fluorescencethe emission of light resulting fromthe absorption of incident radiation and persisting only as longas the stimulation radiation is continued (14,17,25).3.3.22 fossil carboncarbon that contains essentiall

30、y noradiocarbon because its age is very much greater than the 5730year half-life of14C (8,9).3.3.23 half-lifethe time in which one half the atoms of aparticular radioactive substance disintegrate to another nuclearform. The half-life of14C is 5730 years (8,14,25).3.3.24 intensitythe amount of energy

31、, the number ofphotons, or the numbers of particles of any radiation incidentupon a unit area per unit time (14,17).3.3.25 internal standarda known amount of radioactivitywhich is added to a sample in order to determine the countingefficiency of that sample. The radionuclide used must be thesame as

32、that in the sample to be measured, the cocktail shouldbe the same as the sample, and the Internal Standard must beof certified activity (14,17).3.3.26 modern carbonexplicitly, 0.95 times the specificactivity of SRM 4990b (the original oxalic acid radiocarbonstandard), normalized to d13C = 19 % (Curr

33、ie, et al., 1989).Functionally, the fraction of modern carbon equals 0.95 timesthe concentration of14C contemporaneous with 1950 wood(that is, pre-atmospheric nuclear testing). To correct for thepost 1950 bomb14C injection into the atmosphere (9), thefraction of modern carbon is multiplied by 0.95 (

34、as of the year2010).3.3.27 noise pulsea spurious signal arising from theelectronics and electrical supply of the instrument(14,17,21,29).3.3.28 phase contactthe degree of contact between twophases of heterogeneous samples. In liquid scintillation count-ing, better phase contact usually means higher

35、counting effi-ciency (14,17).3.3.29 photomultiplier tube (PMT, pmt)the device in theLSC that counts the photons of light simultaneously at twoseparate detectors (29,32).3.3.30 pulsethe electrical signal resulting when photonsare detected by the Photomultiplier tubes (14,17,18,32).3.3.31 pulse height

36、 analyzer (PHA)an electronic circuitwhich sorts and records pulses according to height or voltage(14,17,18,32).3.3.32 pulse indexthe number of afterpulses following adetected coincidence pulse (used in three dimensional or pulseheight discrimination) to compensate for the background of aliquid scint

37、illation counter performing (14,18,29,32).D6866 1123.3.33 quenchingany material that interferes with theaccurate conversion of decay energy to photons captured by thePMT of the LSC (2,4,7,14,15,17,20).3.3.34 regionregions of interest, also called windowand/or channel in regard to liquid scintillatio

38、n counters. Refersto an energy level or subset specific to a particular isotope(4,14,18,21,29).3.3.35 scintillation reagentchemicals that absorbs decayenergy transferred from the solvent and emits light (photons)proportional in intensity to the decay energy (4,14,29).3.3.36 solventin scintillation r

39、eagent, chemical(s) whichact as both a vehicle for dissolving the sample and scintillatorand the location of the initial kinetic energy transfer from thedecay products to the scintillator; that is, into excitation energythat can be converted by the scintillator into photons(4.14,17,29).3.3.37 standa

40、rd count conditions (STDCT)LSC condi-tions under which reference standards and samples arecounted.3.3.38 three dimensional spectrum analysisthe analysis ofthe pulse energy distribution in function of energy, counts perenergy, and pulse index. It allows for auto-optimization of aliquid scintillation

41、analyzer allowing maximum performance.Although different Manufacturers of LSC instruments callThree Dimensional Analysis by different names, the actualfunction is a necessary part of these test methods (14,17,18).3.3.39 true beta eventan actual count which representsatomic decay rather than spurious

42、 interference (10,11).3.3.40 flexible tube crackerthe apparatus in which thesample tube (Break Seal Tube) is placed (5,6,10,11).3.3.41 break seal tubethe sample tube within which thesample, copper oxide, and silver wire is placed.4. Significance and Use4.1 Presidential (Executive) Orders 13101, 1312

43、3, 13134,Public Laws (106-224), AG ACT 2003 and other LegislativeActions all require Federal Agencies to develop procedures toidentify, encourage and produce products derived from bio-based, renewable, sustainable and low environmental impactresources so as to promote the Market Development Infrastr

44、uc-ture necessary to induce greater use of such resources incommercial, non food, products. Section 1501 of the EnergyPolicyAct of 2005 (Public Law 10958) and EPA40 CFR Part80 (Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives: Renewable FuelStandard Requirements for 2006) require petroleum distribu-tors to ad

45、d renewable ethanol to domestically sold gasoline topromote the nations growing renewable economy, with re-quirements to identify and trace origin.4.2 Method B utilizes Accelerator Mass Spectrometry(AMS) along with Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS)techniques to quantify the biobased content of

46、a given product.Intsrumental error can be within 0.1-0.5 % (1 rsd), but empiri-cal studies identify a total uncertainty up to 63 % (absolute)inclusive of indeterminant sources of error in the final biobasedcontent result. Sample preparation methods include the pro-duction of CO2 within a vacuum mani

47、fold system where it isultimately distilled, quantified in a calibrated volume, trans-ferred to a quartz tube, and torch sealed. Details are given in8.7-8.10. The stored CO2is then delivered to an AMS facilityfor final processing and analysis.4.3 Method C uses LSC techniques to quantify the biobased

48、content of a product using sample carbon that has beenconverted to benzene. This test method determines the bio-based content of a sample with a maximum total error of 63%(absolute), as does Method B.4.4 The test methods described here directly discriminatebetween product carbon resulting from conte

49、mporary carboninput and that derived from fossil-based input. A measurementof a products14C/12C content is determined relative to themodern carbon-based oxalic acid radiocarbon Standard Refer-ence Material (SRM) 4990c, (referred to as HOxII). It iscompositionally related directly to the original oxalic acidradiocarbon standard SRM 4990b (referred to as HOxI), and isdenoted in terms of fM, that is, the samples fraction of moderncarbon. (See Terminology, Section 3.)4.5 Reference standards, available to all laboratories prac-ticing these


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