ASTM E344-2008 8750 Terminology Relating to Thermometry and Hydrometry《温度测定和液体比重测定的有关术语》.pdf

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1、Designation: E344 08Terminology Relating toThermometry and Hydrometry1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E344; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indi

2、cates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This terminology is a compilation of definitions of termsused by ASTM Committee E20 on Temperature Measurement.1.2 Terms with definitions generally applicable to

3、 the fieldsof thermometry and hydrometry are listed in Terms with definitions applicable only to the indicatedstandards in which they appear are listed in Information about the International Temperature Scaleof 1990 is given in Appendix X1.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2E

4、1 Specification for ASTM Liquid-in-Glass ThermometersE77 Test Method for Inspection and Verification of Ther-mometersE100 Specification for ASTM HydrometersE126 Test Method for Inspection, Calibration, and Verifica-tion of ASTM HydrometersE207 Test Method for Thermal EMF Test of Single Ther-moelemen

5、t Materials by Comparison with a ReferenceThermoelement of Similar EMF-Temperature PropertiesE220 Test Method for Calibration of Thermocouples ByComparison TechniquesE230 Specification and Temperature-Electromotive Force(EMF) Tables for Standardized ThermocouplesE452 Test Method for Calibration of R

6、efractory MetalThermocouples Using a Radiation ThermometerE574 Specification for Duplex, Base Metal ThermocoupleWire With Glass Fiber or Silica Fiber InsulationE585/E585M Specification for Compacted Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed, Base Metal ThermocoupleCableE601 Test Method for Measuring Electro

7、motive Force(emf) Stability of Base-Metal Thermoelement Materialswith Time in AirE608/E608M Specification for Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed Base Metal ThermocouplesE644 Test Methods for Testing Industrial Resistance Ther-mometersE667 Specification for Mercury-in-Glass, Maximum Self-Registering C

8、linical ThermometersE696 Specification for Tungsten-Rhenium Alloy Thermo-couple WireE710 Test Method for Comparing EMF Stabilities of Base-Metal Thermoelements in Air Using Dual, Simultaneous,Thermal-EMF Indicators3E780 Test Method for Measuring the Insulation Resistanceof Mineral-Insulated, Metal-S

9、heathed Thermocouples andThermocouple Cable at Room TemperatureE825 Specification for Phase Change-Type Disposable Fe-ver Thermometer for Intermittent Determination of HumanTemperatureE839 Test Methods for Sheathed Thermocouples andSheathed Thermocouple MaterialE879 Specification for Thermistor Sens

10、ors for ClinicalLaboratory Temperature MeasurementsE1061 Specification for Direct-Reading Liquid CrystalForehead ThermometersE1104 Specification for Clinical Thermometer Probe Cov-ers and SheathsE1112 Specification for Electronic Thermometer for Inter-mittent Determination of Patient TemperatureE112

11、9/E1129M Specification for Thermocouple Connec-torsE1137/E1137M Specification for Industrial Platinum Resis-tance ThermometersE1159 Specification for Thermocouple Materials, Platinum-Rhodium Alloys, and PlatinumE1256 Test Methods for Radiation Thermometers (SingleWaveband Type)E1299 Specification fo

12、r Reusable Phase-Change-Type Fe-ver Thermometer for Intermittent Determination of HumanTemperatureE1350 Guide for Testing Sheathed Thermocouples, Ther-mocouplesAssemblies, and Connecting Wires Prior to, andAfter Installation or Service1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E20

13、 onTemperature Measurement and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E20.91on Editorial and Terminology.Current edition approved Nov. 15, 2008. Published January 2009. Originallyapproved in 1968. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as E344 07. DOI:10.1520/E0344-08.2For referenced ASTM stan

14、dards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Withdrawn. The last approved version of this historical standard is referencedon www.

15、 (C) ASTM International. 100 Barr Harbor Drive P.O. box C-700 West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428-2959, United StatesCopyright by ASTM Intl (all rights reserved); Fri Jul 23 02:11:57 EDT 2010Downloaded/printed byGuo Dehua (CNIS) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reprodu

16、ctions authorized.E1502 Guide for Use of Freezing-Point Cells for ReferenceTemperaturesE1594 Guide for Expression of TemperatureE1684 Specification for Miniature Thermocouple Connec-torsE1750 Guide for Use of Water Triple Point CellsE1751 Guide for Temperature Electromotive Force (EMF)Tables for Non

17、-Letter Designated Thermocouple Combi-nations3E1965 Specification for Infrared Thermometers for Inter-mittent Determination of Patient TemperatureE2181/E2181M Specification for Compacted Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed, Noble Metal Thermocouplesand Thermocouple CableE2251 Specification for Liquid-

18、in-Glass ASTM Thermom-eters with Low-Hazard Precision LiquidsE2593 Guide for Accuracy Verification of Industrial Plati-num Resistance Thermometers2.2 Other Standards, Supplementary Vocabularies, andSources:4International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms inMetrology (VIM) 1993Guide to the Expres

19、sion of Uncertainty in Measurement(GUM) 1995IEC 61298-1 Process Measurement and Control DevicesGeneral Methods and Procedures for EvaluatingPerformance- Part 1: General Considerations53. Terminology3.1 Definitions:accuracy, nof a temperature measurement, closeness ofagreement between the result of a

20、 temperature measurementand a true value of the temperature.DISCUSSIONAccuracy is a qualitative concept.base metal thermocouple, nthermocouple whose thermo-elements are composed primarily of base metals and theiralloys. (See also noble metal thermocouple; refractorymetal thermocouple.)DISCUSSIONBase

21、 metals used in thermoelements include nickel,iron, chromium, copper, aluminum. Letter-designated types E, J, K, T,and N are considered base metal thermocouples.bias, nthe scatter between the mean values of subsets ofdata, from each other or from the accepted value.blackbody, nthe perfect or ideal s

22、ource of thermal radiantpower having a spectral distribution described by the Planckequation.DISCUSSIONThe term blackbody is often used to describe a furnaceor other source of radiant power which approximates the ideal.bulb, nof a liquid-in-glass thermometer, reservoir for thethermometric

23、ibration, n of a thermometer or thermometric system, theset of operations that establish, under specified conditions,the relationship between the values of a thermometricquantity indicated by a thermometer or thermometric systemand the corresponding values of temperature realized bystandards.DISCUSS

24、ION(1) The result of a calibration permits either theassignment of values of temperature to indicated values of thermomet-ric quantity or determination of corrections with respect to indications.(2)Acalibration may also determine other metrological properties suchas the effect of influence quantitie

25、s. (3) The result of a calibration maybe communicated in a document such as a calibration certificate or acalibration report. (4) The term calibration has also been used to referto the result of the operations, to representations of the result, and to theactual relationship between values of the the

26、rmometric quantity andtemperature.calibration point, na specific value, established by a refer-ence, at which the indication or output of a measuring deviceis determined.Celsius, adjpertaining to or denoting something related tothe expression of temperature in degrees Celsius.DISCUSSIONFor example,

27、“A Celsius thermometer has a scalemarked in degrees Celsius.”center wavelength, na wavelength, usually near the middleof the band of radiant power over which a radiationthermometer responds, that is used to characterize its per-formance.DISCUSSIONThe value of the center wavelength is usually specifi

28、edby the manufacturer of the instrument.clinical thermometer, nthermometer of any type designedto measure human body temperature.DISCUSSIONSome clinical thermometers may be designed to mea-sure the body temperature of animals.coaxial thermocouplea thermocouple consisting of a ther-moelement in wire

29、form within a thermoelement in tubeform with the wire being electrically insulated from the tubeexcept at the measuring pensating extension wires, nthose extension wiresfabricated from materials basically different in compositionfrom the thermocouple.DISCUSSIONThey have similar thermoelectric proper

30、ties and withina stated temperature range effectively transfer the reference junction tothe other end of the plete immersion thermometer, na liquid-in-glass ther-mometer designed to indicate temperatures correctly whenthe entire thermometer is exposed to the temperature beingmeasured. (Compare total

31、 immersion thermometer andpartial immersion thermometer.)connection head, na housing enclosing a terminal block foran electrical temperature-sensing device and usually pro-vided with threaded openings for attachment to a protectingtube and for attachment of conduit.defining fixed point, nthermometri

32、c fixed point of anidealized system, to which a numerical value has beenassigned, used in defining a temperature Celsius, C, nderived unit of temperature in the4Available from International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1, ch. dela Voie-Creuse, Case postale 56, CH-1211, Geneva

33、 20, Switzerland, http:/ from International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 3 rue deVaremb, Case postale 131, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland, http:/ 082Copyright by ASTM Intl (all rights reserved); Fri Jul 23 02:11:57 EDT 2010Downloaded/printed byGuo Dehua (CN

34、IS) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.International System of Units (SI). (See kelvin.)DISCUSSIONAt any temperature, an interval of one degree Celsius isthe same as an interval of one kelvin, by definition. For informationabout the relation between units and values o

35、f temperature expressed indifferent units, see Guide centigrade, nobsolete term. Use degree Fahrenheit, F, nnon-SI unit of temperature com-monly used in the United States of America.DISCUSSIONAt any temperature, an interval of one degree Fahren-heit is the same as an inte

36、rval of 5/9 kelvin (or 5/9 degree Celsius). Forinformation about the relation between units and values of temperatureexpressed in different units, see Guide E1594.electromotive force (emf), nthe electrical potential differ-ence which produces or tends to produce an electric current.error, nof a temp

37、erature measurement, result of a tempera-ture measurement minus a true value of temperature.extension wires, nthose having temperature-emf character-istics that when connected to a thermocouple effectivelytransfer the reference junction to the other end of the wires.(Compare compensating wires).Fahr

38、enheit, adjpertaining to or denoting something relatedto the expression of temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.DISCUSSIONFor example, “A Fahrenheit thermometer has a scalemarked in degrees Fahrenheit.”fixed point, n in thermometry, reproducible temperature ofequilibrium of a system of two or more phas

39、es underspecified conditions.freezing point, nfixed point of a single component system inwhich liquid and solid phases are in equilibrium at aspecified pressure, usually 101 325 Pa, and the system islosing heat slowly. (Compare melting point.)grounded junction, n A measuring junction of a thermo-cou

40、ple assembly that is electrically and physically connectedto its sheath. Also see Style G.DISCUSSIONThe term “grounded” has been historically accepted inthe field of thermometry to indicate the electrical connectivity of athermocouples measuring junction to its sheath; the term does notindicate whet

41、her or not the measuring junction is electrically connectedto earth or circuit ground.hysteresis, nThe property of a device or instrument wherebyit gives different output values in relation to its input valuesdepending upon the directional sequence in which the inputvalues have been applied. IEC 612

42、98-1ice point, nthermometric fixed point of ice and watersaturated with air at a pressure of 101 325 Pa.International Practical Temperature Scale (IPTS-48),nthe temperature scale adopted by the 11th GeneralConference on Weights and Measures in 1960 and replacedin 1968 by the International Practical

43、Temperature Scale of1968.International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968 (IPTS-68), nthe temperature scale adopted by the 13th GeneralConference on Weights and Measures in 1968.DISCUSSIONThe IPTS-68 was superseded in 1990 by the Interna-tional Temperature Scale of 1990.International Temperature Sc

44、ale of 1990 (ITS-90), nthetemperature scale prepared in accordance with instructionsof the 18th General Conference on Weights and Measures,and adopted on January 1, 1990.kelvin, K, nbase unit of temperature in the InternationalSystem of Units (SI).liquid-in-glass thermometer, na temperature-measurin

45、g in-strument whose indications are based on the temperaturecoefficient of expansion of a liquid relative to that of itscontaining glass bulb.lower range value, nthe lowest quantity that an instrumentis adjusted to measure.maximum permissible errors, nof a thermometer or ther-mometric system, extrem

46、e values permitted by regulation orspecification of the difference between the indication of athermometer or thermometeric system and the true value oftemperature.DISCUSSIONThe term tolerance is sometimes used in ASTM stan-dards to represent this concept.maximum self-registering clinical thermometer

47、, nclinicalthermometer designed to retain the indication of its maxi-mum measured temperature until reset.measuring junction, nthat junction of a thermocouplewhich is subjected to the temperature to be measured.melting point, nfixed point of a single component system inwhich liquid and solid phases

48、are in equilibrium at aspecified pressure, usually 101 325 Pa, and the system isgaining heat slowly. (Compare freezing point.)noble metal thermocouple, nthermocouple whose thermo-elements are composed primarily of noble metals and theiralloys. (See also base metal thermocouple; refractorymetal therm

49、ocouple.)DISCUSSIONNoble metals used in thermoelements include platinum,rhodium, gold, palladium, iridium. Letter designated types B, R, and Sare considered noble metal thermocouples.partial immersion thermometer, na liquid-in-glass ther-mometer designed to indicate temperatures correctly whenthe bulb and a specified part of the stem are exposed to thetemperatures being measured. (Compare complete immer-sion thermometer and total immersion thermometer.)Peltier coefficient, nthe reversible heat which is


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