ASTM F2613-2009 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Childrens Folding Chairs《儿童折叠椅安规》.pdf

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1、Designation: F 2613 09Standard Consumer Safety Specification forChildrens Folding Chairs1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 2613; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A numbe

2、r in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONThis consumer safety specification addresses incidents associated with Childrens folding chairs thatwere identified by the U.S. Consumer Pro

3、duct Safety Commission (CPSC). Incidents identified by theCPSC and addressed in this standard involve lacerations, fractures, pinches and amputations ofchildrens fingers in folding mechanisms. This specification also addresses structural integrity andlabeling for the product. This specification is n

4、ot intended to cover childrens folding chairs that areeither blatantly misused or abused. This specification is written within current state-of-the-artchildrens folding chairs and is intended to be updated if substantive information becomes availablethat necessitates additional requirements or justi

5、fies revision of existing requirements.1. Scope1.1 This consumer safety specification establishes testingrequirements for structural integrity and performance require-ments for childrens folding chairs. It also provides require-ments for labeling. The term unit or product will refer to achilds foldi

6、ng chair.1.2 This specification covers a folding chair intended to beused by a child with a seat height 15 in. or less.1.3 No product produced after the approval date of thisconsumer safety specification shall, either by label or othermeans, indicate compliance with this specification unless itconfo

7、rms to all applicable requirements contained herein,before and after all testing.1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to SI units that are provided for information onlyand are not considered standard.1.5

8、This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Docum

9、ents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 3359 Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape TestF 404 Consumer Safety Specification for High ChairsF 406 Consumer Safety Specification for Non-Full-SizeBaby Cribs/Play YardsF 963 Consumer Safety Specification for Toy SafetyF 1561 Performance Requirements for Plastic Ch

10、airs forOutdoor Use2.2 Federal Regulations:316 CFR 1303 Ban of Lead-Containing Paint and CertainConsumer Products Bearing Lead-Containing Paint16 CFR 1500.3 (c) (6) (vi) Definition of “Flammable Solid”16 CFR 1500.48 Technical Requirements for Determining aSharp Point In Toys and Other Articles Inten

11、ded for UseBy Children Under Eight Years of Age16 CFR 1500.49 Technical Requirements for Determining aSharp Metal or Glass Edge in Toys or Other ArticlesIntended for Use By Children Under Eight Years of Age16 CFR 1501 Method for Identifying Toys and OtherArticles Intended for Use By Children Under T

12、hree Years1This consumer safety specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Commit-tee F15 on Consumer Products and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeF15.59 on Childrens Folding Chairs.Current edition approved April 1, 2009. Published May 2009. Originallyapproved in 2007. Last previous

13、 edition approved in 2007 as F 2613 07.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from U.S. G

14、overnment Printing Office Superintendent of Documents,732 N. Capitol St., NW, Mail Stop: SDE, Washington, DC 20401, http:/ ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.of Age Which Present Choking, Aspiration, or

15、 IngestionHazards Because of Small Parts3. Terminology3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2 conspicuous, adjdescribes a label that is visible, whenthe unit is in a manufacturers recommended use position, to aperson standing near the unit at any one position around theunit but not ne

16、cessarily visible from all positions.3.3 folding chair , nseating furniture that is intended to beused as a support for the body, limbs, or feet when sitting orresting in an upright or reclining position and which can befolded for transport or storage.3.4 manufacturers recommended use position, nany

17、 po-sition that is presented by the manufacturer in any descriptiveor instructional literature as a normal, allowable, or acceptableconfiguration for use of the product. This specifically excludespositions that the manufacturer shows in a like manner in itsliterature to be unacceptable, unsafe, or n

18、ot recommended.3.5 non-paper label, nlabel material (such as plastic ormetal) that either will not tear without the aid of tools or tearsleaving a sharply defined edge or labels made from fabric.3.6 occupant, nthat individual who is in a product that isset up in one of the manufacturers recommended

19、use posi-tions.3.7 paper label, nany label material that tears without theaid of tools and leaves a fibrous edge.4. Calibration and Standardization4.1 All testing shall be conducted on a concrete floor thatmay be covered with18-in. (3-mm) thick vinyl flooring cover,unless test instructs differently.

20、4.2 The unit shall be completely assembled, unless other-wise noted, in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.4.3 No testing shall be conducted within 48 h of manufac-turing.4.4 The product to be tested shall be preconditioned in aroom with ambient temperature of 73 6 9F (23 6 5C) for atlea

21、st 1 h prior to testing. Testing shall then be conducted withinthis temperature range.4.5 All testing required by this specification shall be con-ducted on the same unit.5. General Requirements5.1 Prior to testing, any exposed wood parts shall be smoothand free of splinters.5.2 There shall be no haz

22、ardous sharp points or edges asdefined by 16 CFR 1500.48 and 16 CFR 1500.49 before orafter testing to this specification.5.3 There shall be no small parts, as defined by 16 CFR1501, before testing or liberated as a result of testing inaccordance with this specification.5.4 The paint and surface coat

23、ing on the product shallcomply with 16 CFR 1303.5.5 There shall be no flammable solids as defined in 16 CFR1500.3 (c) (6) (vi) before or after testing in accordance withthis specification.5.6 Toy accessories attached to, removable from, or soldwith a product, as well as their means of attachment, mu

24、st meetapplicable requirements of Consumer Safety SpecificationF 963.5.7 Scissoring, Shearing, or PinchingA product, whenfolded, when being unfolded, or when in the manufacturersrecommended use position, shall be designed and constructedto prevent injury to the occupant from any scissoring, shearing

25、,or pinching when members or components rotate about acommon axis or fastening point, slide, pivot, fold, or otherwisemove relative to one another. Scissoring, shearing, or pinchingthat may cause injury shall not be permissible when the edgesof the rigid parts admit a probe that is greater than 0.21

26、0 in.(5.30 mm) and less than 0.375 in. (9.50 mm) diameter at anyaccessible point throughout the range of motion of such parts.5.7.1 Products with locking mechanisms that meet therequirements of 5.8.3, to prevent folding and unfolding by achild, shall only be evaluated in the manufacturers recom-mend

27、ed use position.5.8 Folding Mechanisms and HingesThese requirementsare intended to eliminate possible crushing, laceration, orpinching hazards that might occur in folding mechanisms andhinges. Examples are the sudden collapse or unexpectedmotion of a folding mechanism or hinge that produces a scisso

28、raction; and the changing clearances at the hinge line betweentwo hinged portions, such that the gap will admit fingers at oneposition of the hinge but not at all positions.5.8.1 Folding MechanismsProducts shall have a lockingdevice or other means to prevent unexpected or suddenmovement or collapse

29、of the product, or have adequateclearance to provide protection for the fingers, hands, and toesfrom crushing or laceration in the event of sudden movementor collapse of the product.5.8.2 Locking devices and other means to prevent unex-pected or sudden movement or collapse of the product shallengage

30、 automatically when the product is placed in anymanufacturers recommended use position. Latches may bemanually activated to allow placement into the use position butmust engage automatically when released. During and uponcompletion of the testing in 6.1, the unit shall remain in itsrecommended use p

31、osition.5.8.3 If a unit is designed with a locking device: Each single action device shall require a minimumforce of 10 lbf (45 N) to activate the release mechanism whentested in accordance with Each double action locking device shall requireeither two consecutive actions, the fir

32、st of which must bemaintained while the second is carried out, or two separate andindependent single action locking mechanisms that must beactivated simultaneously to fully release. There are no forcerequirements for locking devices that are double action or aresingle action that are activated simul

33、taneously.5.8.4 Hinge Line ClearanceProducts having a gap orclearance along the hinge line between a stationary portion anda movable portion shall be so constructed that, if the accessiblegap at the hinge line will admit a316-in. (5-mm) diameter rod,it will also admit a12-in. (13-mm) diameter rod at

34、 all positionsof the hinge.F26130925.8.5 No product shall give the appearance of being in anymanufacturers recommended use position unless the lockingdevice is fully engaged.5.9 Circular Holes in Rigid MaterialsThis requirement isintended to prevent finger entrapment (which may cut off bloodcirculat

35、ion) in accessible holes in sheet metal and other rigidmaterials (non-circular holes are believed to present no signifi-cant hazard of cutting off blood circulation in entrappedfingers). If an accessible, circular hole in any rigid material lessthan 0.062 in. (1.58 mm) in thickness can admit a14-in.

36、(6-mm) diameter rod to a depth of38 in. (10 mm) or greater, itshall also admit a12-in. (13-mm) diameter rod. The productshall be evaluated in all manufacturers recommended usepositions.5.9.1 RationaleBased on requirements for toys from Con-sumer Safety Specification F 963, since the age range ofchil

37、dren using folding chairs is similar to that for childrenusing toys.5.10 Labeling:5.10.1 Warning labels (whether paper or non-paper) shall bepermanent when tested in accordance with Warning statements applied directly onto the surfaceof the product by hot stamping, heat transfer, printing

38、, woodburning, and so forth shall be permanent when tested inaccordance with Non-paper labels shall not liberate small parts whentested in accordance with Protective ComponentsIf the child can grasp com-ponents between the thumb and forefinger or teeth (such ascaps, sleeves, or p

39、lugs used for protection from sharp edges,points, or entrapment of fingers or toes), or if there is at leasta 0.040-in. (1.00-mm) gap between the component and itsadjacent parent component, such component shall not beremoved when tested in accordance with 6.6.6. Test Methods6.1 Locking Mechanisms:6.

40、1.1 Erect the product in accordance with any manufactur-ers instructions.6.1.2 Secure the product so that the normal folding motionis not impeded.6.1.3 Apply a force of 45 lbf (200 N) to the product in thedirection normally associated with folding. Apply the forcegradually over a 5-s period and main

41、tain for an additional 10 sbefore releasing the force.6.1.4 Perform this procedure five times within a 2-minperiod.6.2 Locking Test MethodWith the product in each of themanufacturers recommended use positions, gradually apply aforce of 10 lbf (45 N) to the locking mechanism in the directiontending t

42、o unlock it. The locking mechanism shall not unlockuntil a minimum force of 10 lbf (45 N) has been achieved.6.3 Permanency of Labels and Warnings:6.3.1 A paper label (excluding labels attached by a seam)shall be considered permanent if, during an attempt to removeit without the aid of tools or solve

43、nts, it cannot be removed, ittears into pieces upon removal, or such action damages thesurface to which it is attached.6.3.2 A non-paper label (excluding labels attached by aseam) shall be considered permanent if, during an attempt toremove it without the aid of tools or solvents, it cannot beremove

44、d or such action damages the surface to which it isattached.6.3.3 A warning label attached by a seam shall be consid-ered permanent if it does not detach when subjected to a 15-lbf(67-N) pull force applied in any direction most likely to causefailure using a34-in. (19-mm) diameter clamp surface (see

45、 Fig.1). Gradually apply the force over 5 s and maintain for anadditional 10 s.6.4 Adhesion test for warnings applied directly onto thesurface of the product.6.4.1 Apply the tape test defined in Test Method BCross-Cut Tape Test of Test Methods D 3359, eliminating parallelcuts.FIG. 1 Tension Test Ada

46、pter/ClampF26130936.4.2 Perform this test once in each different location wherewarnings are applied.6.4.3 The warning statements shall be considered perma-nent if the printing in the area tested is still legible and attachedafter being subjected to this test.6.5 A non-paper label, during an attempt

47、to remove itwithout the aid of tools or solvents, shall not be removed orshall not fit entirely within the small parts cylinder defined in16 CFR 1501 if it can be removed.6.6 Removal of Protective Components:6.6.1 Test components in accordance with each of thefollowing methods in the sequence listed

48、:6.6.2 Secure the unit so that it cannot move during theperformance of the following tests.6.6.3 Torque TestApply a torque of 3 lbf-in. (0.5-Nm)gradually within a period of5sinaclockwise direction untila rotation of 180 from the original position has been attainedor 3 lbf-in. (0.5-Nm) has been reach

49、ed. Maintain the torque ormaximum rotation for an additional 10 s. Maintain, thenremove the torque and permit the test components to return toa relaxed condition, then repeat this procedure in the counter-clockwise direction.6.6.4 Tension Test: Attach a force gauge to the component cap, sleeve,or plug by any suitable device. For components having a gap of0.040 in. (1.0 mm) or more between the rear surface of thecomponent and the structural member of the unit to which theyare attached, a clamp such as shown in Fig. 1 may be a suita

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