ASTM F2751-2016 Standard Guide for Training of a Land Search and Rescue Team Member《地面搜寻和救援队队员训练的标准指南》.pdf

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ASTM F2751-2016 Standard Guide for Training of a Land Search and Rescue Team Member《地面搜寻和救援队队员训练的标准指南》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F2751-2016 Standard Guide for Training of a Land Search and Rescue Team Member《地面搜寻和救援队队员训练的标准指南》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: F2751 09F2751 16Standard Guide forTraining of Support Level Land a Land Search and RescueTeam Member (LRT-Support) Member1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2751; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of

2、 revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide establishes the minimum training standard for LRT-Support Members as it relates to t

3、heir general, field, andrescue-specific knowledge and skills. This document may appropriately be used to develop or evaluate a training document orprogram.requirements, including general and field knowledge, skills, and abilities, for personnel who perform land search andrescue without ropes.1.2 Lan

4、d Search and Rescue Team Members perform search and rescue on the surface of the land only, including urban ordisaster areas that may be isolated or have lost supporting infrastructure.1.3 An LRT-Support Member rescues on the surface of the land only, including wilderness, mountainous, desert, or re

5、moteenvironments. This guide alone This guide does not provide the minimum training requirements for rescuing in the high angleenvironment, required for performing land rescue in partially or fully collapsed structures, in or on water, in confined spaces, orunderground (such as caves, mines, and tun

6、nels).tunnels), or in mountainous terrain.1.2.1 An LRT-Support Member is required to have knowledge and skill sets pertaining to the evacuation/carryout componentof rescue.1.2.2 LRT-Support Members must work under qualified supervision.1.2.3 LRT-Support Members are eligible to be members of Type II

7、search teams or crews as defined in Classification F1993.1.4 Personnel trained to this guide alone are not qualified to direct rope rescues. No knots, rope work, or high angle or low anglerescue skills are included in this guide.1.4.1 The minimum training required for rope rescue can be found in Gui

8、des F2752, F2954, and F2955.1.4.2 Personnel are qualified to conduct search and rescue operations on non-technical terrain.1.5 Personnel trained to this guide alone are not qualified to operate in leadership positions.1.6 Personnel trained to this guide are eligible to be members of Type II search t

9、eams or crews as defined in ClassificationF1993.1.6.1 Type II teams that may utilize personnel trained to this guide are as follows: Kind A (wilderness); Kind B (urban); Kind J (evidence/cadaver); Kind K (missing aircraft). Personnel trained to this guide are eligi

10、ble to be members of Kind C (mountainous) teams provided that they aresupervised by a Mountain or Alpine endorsed team member.1.7 Type II teams which may utilize personnel trained to this guide are Kind A (wilderness), Kind C (mountainous), or otherremote areas including urban or disaster areas that

11、 may be isolated or have lost their infrastructure.Further training may be requiredbefore a Land Search and Rescue Team Member can participate on a particular Kind of rescue team, depending on local needs,regulations, or policies of the authority having jurisdiction.1.3.1 Further training may be req

12、uired before an LRT-Support Member can actually participate on a particular kind of rescueteam, based on specific local need, regulations, or policies.1 This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F32 on Search and Rescue and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F32.03 on Perso

13、nnel, Trainingand Education.Current edition approved April 1, 2009March 15, 2016. Published May 2009April 2016. Originally approved in 2009. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as F275109.DOI: 10.1520/F2751-09.10.1520/F2751-16.This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide

14、the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Becauseit may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current versionof the stan

15、dard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States11.8 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the r

16、esponsibilityof the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatorylimitationsrequirements prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F1490 Terminology Relating to Search and Rescue (Withdrawn 2011)3F1591 Practice

17、for Visual Signals Between Persons on the Ground and in Aircraft During Ground EmergenciesF1633 Guide for Techniques in Land SearchF1768F1773 Guide for Using Whistle Signals During Rope Rescue OperationsTerminology Relating to Climbing,Mountaineering, Search and Rescue Equipment and PracticesF1993 C

18、lassification System of Human Search and Rescue Resources (Withdrawn 2014)3F2047 Practice for Workers Compensation Coverage of Emergency Services VolunteersF2209 Guide for Training of Land Search Team MemberF2047F2752 Practice for Workers Compensation Coverage of Emergency Services VolunteersGuide f

19、or Training for Level IRope Rescue (R1) Rescuer EndorsementF2890 Guide for Hazard Awareness for Search and Rescue PersonnelF2954 Guide for Training for Level II Rope Rescue (R2) Rescuer EndorsementF2955 Guide for Training for Level III Rope Rescue (R3) Rescuer EndorsementF3068 Guide for Contents and

20、 Use of a Position Task Book (PTB)2.2 Other Documents:NWCG PMS 307 Work Capacity Test43. Terminology3.1 For definitions of terms used in this guide, see Terminology F1490, Guide F1633, Classification F1993, Practice F2047,Guide F2209, and other references within this guide.3.1 Definitions of Terms S

21、pecific to This Standard:3.1.1 high angle, nterrain whose average slope has an angle greater than 50 from horizontal.3.1.2 land rescue team, naorganized group of individuals rescuing people who perform rescue on the surface of the earth.earthwithout the use of ropes.3.1.3 Support Level Land Rescue T

22、eam Member (LRT-Support Member ), low angle, na member of a rescue team who, as aminimum, meets the requirements of this guide. These requirements define the basic, entry, awareness, or similar term level of landrescue knowledge and skills.terrain whose average slope has an angle of 30 to 50 from ho

23、rizontal.3.1.4 non-technical terrain, na tract of land characterized by minimal slopes and little variation in elevation, where a personis able to move safely and effectively on two feet, without handholds, and without the need for a belay.3.1.5 qualified supervisor, nindividual with demonstrated kn

24、owledge or competence in a task, to whom the authority havingjurisdiction (AHJ) has granted the authority to observe and oversee an individual performing that task.3.1.6 rescue, noperation to retrieve persons in distress, provide for their initial medical or other needs, and deliver them toa place o

25、f safety.53.2 For definitions of other terms used in this guide, see Terminology F1773, Guide F1633, Classification F1993, PracticeF2047, Guide F2209, and other references listed in this guide.4. Significance and Use4.1 This guide establishes the minimum standard for training Land Rescue Team Member

26、s as it relates to their general, field,and rescue-specific knowledge and skills. A person trained to this guide is a Support Level Land Rescue Team Member(LRT-Support Member).knowledge, skills, and abilities that a person shall have to perform as a Land Search and Rescue TeamMember. No other skills

27、 are included or implied.4.2 Every person who is identified as an LRT-Support a Land Search and Rescue Team Member shall have met the requirementsof this guide.2 For referencedASTM standards, visit theASTM website,, or contactASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of

28、ASTM Standardsvolume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3 The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on Available from NWCG IRM-PMO, National Interagency Fire Center, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise, ID 83705, www.n

29、 It is the intent of Committee F32 to develop certain skill set-specific endorsements that will augment this document. The intent is to provide additional guidance fortraining to specific technical capabilities or disciplines found in rescue including rope rescue, swiftwater, etc.Definition

30、 from the “National Search and Rescue Plan of theUnited States (NSP),” 2007, http:/ 1624.3 This guide is to be used by individuals and Agencies Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) that wish to identify the minimum trainingstandards for LRT-Supp

31、ort Members.4.3 This guide is only the first level of training for land rescue personnel and, in conjunction with Guide to be used byindividuals and agencies having jurisdiction that wish to identify the F2209, only establishes the minimum knowledge and skillsminimum training required for a person t

32、o perform basic evacuation type rescue of a subject. No rope rescue or other advancedskills are included or implied.Land Search and Rescue Team Member.4.3.1 Although this guide establishes the minimum training required for a Land Search and Rescue Team Member, it does notimply that a Land Search and

33、 Rescue Team Member is a “trainee,” “probationary,” or other similar term member of an AHJ.4.3.2 Determining the requirements and qualifications for land search and rescue team members is the responsibility of theAHJ.4.3.3 The AHJ shall determine the depth or detail of training required to meet thes

34、e needs.4.3.4 Nothing in this guide precludes an AHJ from adding additional requirements for its own members.4.4 Additional skill set-specific endorsements may be used in conjunction with this document to classify rescue personnel tomore specific rescue disciplines.This guide can be used to evaluate

35、 a document or training program to determine if its contentincludes the topics necessary for training individuals to operate as a Land Search and Rescue Team Member.4.5 This guide by itself is not a training document. It is only an outline of the topics required for training or evaluating anLRT-Supp

36、ort a Land Search and Rescue Team Member, although it can be used to develop a training document or program.4.7 It is up to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) to determine the depth or detail of training to meet its needs.4.6 This guide does not stand alone and mustshall be used with the refere

37、nced documents to provide the specific informationneeded by a particular LRT-Support Land Search and Rescue Team Member or AHJ.4.9 Though this guide establishes the minimum standards, it does not imply that a (SLLRT) Member is a “trainee,”“probationary,” or other similar term member of an AHJ. It is

38、 up to the AHJ to determine the requirements and qualifications formember ratings.4.10 Because technical rescue is inherently dangerous and Land Rescue Team Members are frequently required to performrigorous activities in adverse conditions, regional and national safety standards shall be included i

39、n agency policies and procedures.Land Rescue Team Members shall complete all activities in the safest possible manner and shall follow national, federal, state,provincial, and local safety standards as they apply to the Land Rescue Team Member.4.7 This guide can be used to evaluate a document to det

40、ermine if its content meets the necessary topics for training anLRT-Support a Land Search and Rescue Team Member. Likewise, the guide can be used to evaluate an existing training programto see if it meets the requirements of this guide.4.8 The knowledge and skills requirements presented in the follo

41、wing sections are not presented in any particular order and donot represent a training sequence.4.9 A Land Search and Rescue Team Member shall document his or her training by completion of a position task book,compliant with Guide F3068, or by field demonstration under qualified supervision.4.10 Unl

42、ess stated otherwise, an ability or proficiency in a skill shall be demonstrated for initial qualification and then as oftenas required by the AHJ.4.11 Except where a physical skill needs to be shown, it is up to the AHJ toor ability shall be demonstrated, the AHJ shalldetermine the best way to eval

43、uate a personspersons knowledge. This may be by written exam,examination, oral exam,examination, demonstration, or by some combination of the three.4.12 Additional skill set-specific endorsements may be used in conjunction with this guide to train rescue personnel for otherrescue disciplines.5. Pers

44、onal Fitness and Health5.1 Land Search and Rescue Team Members shall demonstrate annually that they meet the requirements of a medical fitnessstandard determined by the AHJ.5.2 Land Search and Rescue Team Members shall demonstrate annually that they meet the requirements of a physicalperformance sta

45、ndard determined by the AHJ.5.2.1 The recommended minimum physical performance requirement for Land Rescue Team Members is the “Moderate“ levelas defined in NWCG PMS 307 (see Appendix X1).6. General Knowledge and Skills6.1 A Land Search and Rescue Team Member shall meet all requirements of Guide F22

46、09.6.2 A Land Search and Rescue Team Member shall maintain certification in adult, child, infant, and two rescuer CPR.F2751 1636.3 A Land Search and Rescue Team Member shall maintain certification in basic first aid or a more advanced level ofemergency care.7. General Knowledge and SkillsPersonal Sa

47、fety5.1 General Requirements:5.1.1 As a prerequisite, LRT-Support Member shall meet all requirements of Guide F2209.5.2 Personal Requirements:5.2.1 Personnel operating at this level should possess minimum physical fitness standards as required by NWCG PMS 307 orequivalent.5.2.2 Medical requirements

48、established by the AHJ.5.2.3 Emergency medical care performance capabilities for entry-level personnel developed and validated by the AHJ.5.2.4 Able to read, write, speak, and understand the language of the AHJ.5.2.5 Minimum requirements for hazardous material incident and contact control training,

49、validated by the AHJ.7.1 Personal Equipment: As determined by the AHJ, a Land Search and Rescue Team Member working on or around a rescueoperation shall wear, as a minimum, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including, but not limited to, the following:7.1.1 Along with personal equipment, as outlined in Guide Helmet;F2209, additional rescue-specific personal equipment shallbe specified by the AHJ.7.1.2 Training in rescue-specific personal equipment should include selection and use of at least basic Personal ProtectiveEquipment (PPE):Gloves; Helmet. Glo


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