AWS PHB-6-2004 The Everyday Pocket Handbook for Visual Inspection of AWS D1 1 Structural Welding Code s Fabtication and Welding Requirements《聚羟基丁酸酯-日常手册 AWSD1 1焊接结构代码的Fabtication和焊.pdf

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AWS PHB-6-2004 The Everyday Pocket Handbook for Visual Inspection of AWS D1 1 Structural Welding Code s Fabtication and Welding Requirements《聚羟基丁酸酯-日常手册 AWSD1 1焊接结构代码的Fabtication和焊.pdf_第1页
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AWS PHB-6-2004 The Everyday Pocket Handbook for Visual Inspection of AWS D1 1 Structural Welding Code s Fabtication and Welding Requirements《聚羟基丁酸酯-日常手册 AWSD1 1焊接结构代码的Fabtication和焊.pdf_第2页
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AWS PHB-6-2004 The Everyday Pocket Handbook for Visual Inspection of AWS D1 1 Structural Welding Code s Fabtication and Welding Requirements《聚羟基丁酸酯-日常手册 AWSD1 1焊接结构代码的Fabtication和焊.pdf_第3页
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AWS PHB-6-2004 The Everyday Pocket Handbook for Visual Inspection of AWS D1 1 Structural Welding Code s Fabtication and Welding Requirements《聚羟基丁酸酯-日常手册 AWSD1 1焊接结构代码的Fabtication和焊.pdf_第4页
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AWS PHB-6-2004 The Everyday Pocket Handbook for Visual Inspection of AWS D1 1 Structural Welding Code s Fabtication and Welding Requirements《聚羟基丁酸酯-日常手册 AWSD1 1焊接结构代码的Fabtication和焊.pdf_第5页
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1、12NOTE: Although care was taken in choosing and presenting the data in this guide, AWS cannot guarantee that it iserror free. Further, this guide is not intended to be an exhaustive treatment of the topic and therefore may not include allavailable information, including with respect to safety and he

2、alth issues. By publishing this guide, AWS does not insureanyone using the information it contains against any liability or injury to property or persons arising from that use. 2004 by American Welding Society. All rights reserved.Printed in the United States of America3The inspection requirements f

3、or the fabrication and welding of steel structures are very extensive. This PocketHandbook has been developed to provide a useful tool for inspectors to carry in their pockets or tool kits sothat selected pertinent portions of the AWS Structural Welding CodeSteel, D1.1/D1.1M:2004, can be easilyrefer

4、enced at the job site. Underlining is as shown in the code.This publication is not to be considered as a substitute for the D1.1 code book. Rather, the Handbook is providedas a supplemental aid for the “deckplate” inspector. Only the complete code should be considered as the officialdocument to ensu

5、re that all of the quality attributes required for structural fabrication are performed correctlyand completely.To assist the inspector, or other user, in verifying conformance to D1.1, the paragraph references, the table num-bers, and the figure numbers contained in this book are directly from the

6、D1.1/D1.1M:2004 code. In addition,page numbering in this handbook is cross-referenced to reflect both the current page and the corresponding pagefrom the D1.1/D1.1M:2004 code, separated by a “/.” This will provide an easy cross reference for the user toensure that the complete requirements are under

7、stood when questions develop during the course of any inspection.Introduction4Requirements for Transitions Between Materials of Unequal Thickness 5Thermal Cutting and Access Hole Requirements 9Tolerance of Joint Dimensions. 13Dimensional Tolerances of Welded Structural Members. 19Base Material Surfa

8、ce Requirements . 25Weld Profile Requirements 26Acceptance Criteria for Visual Inspection of Welds 32Index. 37Table of Contents5Figure 2.21Transition of Thickness of Butt Joints in Parts ofUnequal Thickness (Tubular) (see 2.25 pg. 22)Requirements for Transitions Between Materials of Unequal Thicknes

9、s5/pg. 556Figure 2.21 (Contd)Transition of Thickness of Butt Joints in Parts ofUnequal Thickness (Tubular) (see 2.25 pg. 22)Requirements for Transitions Between Materials of Unequal Thickness6/pg. 557Figure 2.2Transition of Butt Joints in Parts of Unequal Thickness (Nontubular)(see 2.7.1 pg. 10 and

10、 pg. 14)Requirements for Transitions Between Materials of Unequal Thickness7/pg. 428Figure 2.12Transition of Width (Cyclically Loaded Nontubular) (see pg. 14)Requirements for Transitions Between Materials of Unequal Thickness8/pg. 4895.15.4.3 Roughness Requirements. In thermalcuttin

11、g, the equipment shall be so adjusted andmanipulated as to avoid cutting beyond (inside) theprescribed lines. The roughness of all thermal cutsurfaces shall be no greater than that defined by theAmerican National Standards Institute surface rough-ness value of 1000 in. 25 m for material up to4 in. 1

12、00 mm thick and 2000 in. 50 m for mate-rial 4 in. to 8 in. 200 mm thick, with the followingexception: the ends of members not subject to calcu-lated stress at the ends shall not exceed a surfaceroughness value of 2000 in. ANSI/ASME B46.1,Surface Texture (Surface Roughness, Waviness, andLay) is the r

13、eference standard. AWS Surface Rough-ness Guide for Oxygen Cutting (AWS C4.1-77) maybe used as a guide for evaluating surface roughnessof these edges. For materials up to and including 4 in.100 mm thick, Sample No. 3 shall be used, andfor materials over 4 in. up to 8 in. 200 mm thick,Sample No. 2 sh

14、all be used. Gouge or Notch Limitations. Rough-ness exceeding these values and notches or gougesnot more than 3/16 in. 5 mm deep on other wisesatisfactory surfaces shall be removed by machiningor grinding. Notches or gouges exceeding 3/16 in.5 mm deep may be repaired by grinding if thenomina

15、l cross-sectional area is not reduced by morethan 2%. Ground or machined surfaces shall be faredto the original surface with a slope not exceeding onein ten. Cut surfaces and adjacent edges shall be leftfree of slag. In thermal-cut surfaces, occasionalnotches or gouges may, with approval of the Engi

16、-neer, be repaired by welding.5.16 Reentrant CornersReentrant corners of cut material shall be formedto provide a gradual transition with a radius of notless than 1 in. 25 mm. Adjacent surfaces shall meetwithout offset or cutting past the point of tangency.Thermal Cutting and Access Hole Requirement

17、s9/pg. 18510The reentrant corners may be formed by thermal cut-ting, followed by grinding, if necessary, to meet thesurface requirements of Beam Copes and Weld Access HolesRadii of beam copes and weld access holesshall provide a smooth transition free of notches orcutting past the poin

18、ts of tangency between adjacentsurfaces and shall meet the surface requirements of5. Weld Access Hole Dimensions. All weld ac-cess holes required to facilitate welding operationsshall have a length (A) from the toe of the weldpreparation not less than 1-1/2 times the thickness ofthe mat

19、erial in which the hole is made. The height(h) of the access hole shall be adequate for depo-sition of sound weld metal in the adjacent plates andprovide clearance for weld tabs for the weld in thematerial in which the hole is made, but not less thanthe thickness of the material. In hot rolled shape

20、s andbuilt-up shapes, all beam copes and weld accessholes shall be shaped free of notches or sharp re-entrant corners except that when fillet web-to-flangewelds are used in built-up shapes, access holes mayterminate perpendicular to the flange. Fillet weldsshall not be returned through weld access h

21、oles (seeFigure 5.2).5.17.2 Group 4 and 5 Shapes. For ASTM A6Group 4 and 5 shapes and built-up shapes with webmaterial thickness greater than 1-1/2 in. 40 mm, thethermally cut surfaces of beam copes and weld accessholes shall be ground to bright metal and inspectedby either MT or PT. If the curved t

22、ransition portion ofweld access holes and beam copes are formed by pre-drilled or sawed holes, that portion of the access holeor cope need not be ground. Weld access holes andbeam copes in other shapes need not be ground norinspected by MT or PT.10/pg. 18511Figure 5.2Weld Access Hole Geometry (see 5

23、.17.1 pg. 185)11/pg. 19612General Notes:For ASTM A 6 Group 4 and 5 shapes and welded built-up shapes with web thickness more than 1-1/2 in. 40 mm, preheat to150F 65C prior to thermal cutting, grind and inspect thermally cut edges of access hole using MT or PT methods prior tomaking web and flange sp

24、lice groove welds.These are typical details for joints welded from one side against steel backing. Alternative joint designs should be considered.Notes:1. Radius shall provide smooth notch-free transition; R 3/8 in. 10 mm (Typical 1/2 in. 12 mm).2. Access hole made after welding web to flange.3. Acc

25、ess hole made before welding web to flange. Weld not returned through hole.4. hmin= 3/4 in. 20 mm or tw(web thickness), whichever is greater.Figure 5.2 (Contd)Weld Access Hole Geometry (see 5.17.1 pg. 185)12/pg. 196135.22.1 Fillet Weld Assembly. The parts to be joinedby fillet welds shall be brought

26、 into as close contact aspracticable. The root opening shall not exceed 3/16 in.5 mm except in cases involving either shapes orplates 3 in. 75 mm or greater in thickness if, afterstraightening and in assembly, the root opening cannotbe closed sufficiently to meet this tolerance. In suchcases, a maxi

27、mum root opening of 5/16 in. 8 mmmay be used, provided suitable backing is used. Back-ing may be of flux, glass tape, iron powder, or similarmaterials, or welds using a low-hydrogen processcompatible with the filler metal deposited. If the sepa-ration is greater than 1/16 in. 2 mm, the leg of thefil

28、let weld shall be increased by the amount of the rootopening, or the contractor shall demonstrate that therequired effective throat has been obtained. Faying Surface. The separation be-tween faying surfaces of plug and slot welds, andof butt joints landing on a backing, shall not exceed1/16

29、in. 2 mm. Where irregularities in rolled shapesoccur after straightening do not allow contact withinthe above limits, the procedure necessary to bring thematerial within these limits shall be subject to theapproval of the Engineer. The use of filler plates shallbe prohibited except as specified on t

30、he drawings oras specially approved by the Engineer and made inaccordance with PJP Groove Weld Assembly. The parts to bejoined by PJP groove welds parallel to the length ofthe member shall be brought into as close contact aspracticable. The root opening between parts shall notexceed 3/16

31、 in. 5 mm except in cases involvingrolled shapes or plates 3 in. 75 mm or greater inthickness if, after straightening and in assembly, theroot opening cannot be closed sufficiently to meet thistolerance. In such cases, a maximum root opening of5/16 in. 8 mm may be used, provided suitable back-ing is

32、 used and the final weld meets the requirementsTolerance of Joint Dimensions13/pg. 18714for weld size. Tolerances for bearing joints shall be inconformance with the applicable contract specifications.5.22.3 Butt Joint Alignment. Parts to be joined atbutt joints shall be carefully aligned. Where the

33、partsare effectively restrained against bending due toeccentricity in alignment, the offset from the theoreti-cal alignment shall not exceed 10% of the thicknessof the thinner part joined, or 1/8 in. 3 mm, which-ever is smaller. In correcting misalignment in suchcases, the parts shall not be drawn i

34、n to a greaterslope than 1/2 in. 12 mm in 12 in. 300 mm. Mea-surement of offset shall be based upon the centerlineof parts unless otherwise shown on the drawings. Girth Weld Alignment (Tubular).Abutting parts to be joined by girth welds shall becarefully aligned. No two girth welds shall be

35、locatedcloser than one pipe diameter or 3 ft 1 m, whicheveris less. There shall be no more than two girth welds inany 10 ft 3 m interval of pipe, except as may beagreed upon by the Owner and Contractor. Radialoffset of abutting edges of girth seams shall notexceed 0.2t (where t is the thickness of t

36、he thinnermember) and the maximum allowable shall be 1/4 in.6 mm, provided that any offset exceeding 1/8 in.3 mm is welded from both sides. However, withthe approval of the Engineer, one localized area pergirth seam may be offset up to 0.3t with a maximumof 3/8 in. 10 mm, provided the localized area

37、 isunder 8t in length. Filler metal shall be added to thisregion to provide a 4 to 1 transition and may be addedin conjunction with making the weld. Offsets inexcess of this shall be corrected as provided in 5.22.3.Longitudinal weld seams of adjoining sections shallbe staggered a minimum of 90, unle

38、ss closer spacingis agreed upon by the Owner and Fabricator.5.22.4 Groove Dimensions5.22.4.1 Nontubular Cross-Sectional Variations.With the exclusion of ESW and EGW, and with theexception of for root openings in excess ofthose permitted in Figure 5.3, the dimensions of thecross section of t

39、he groove welded joints which varyfrom those shown on the detail drawings by morethan these tolerances shall be referred to the Engineerfor approval or correction.14/pg. 187155.22.4.2 Tubular Cross-Sectional Variations.Variation in cross section dimension of groove weldedjoints, from those shown on

40、the detailed drawings,shall be in accordance with except:(1) Tolerances for T-, Y-, and K-connections areincluded in the ranges given in 3.13.4.(2) The tolerances shown in Table 5.5 apply toCJP tubular groove welds in butt joints, made fromone side only, without backing. Correction.

41、 Root openings greater thanthose permitted in, but not greater than twicethe thickness of the thinner part or 3/4 in. 20 mm,whichever is less, may be corrected by welding toacceptable dimensions prior to joining the parts bywelding. Engineers Approval. Root openingsgreater than allo

42、wed by may be corrected bywelding only with the approval of the Engineer.5.22.5 Gouged Grooves. Grooves produced bygouging shall be in substantial conformance withgroove profile dimensions as specified in Figure 3.3and 3.4 and provisions of 3.12.3 and 3.13.1. Suitableaccess to the root shal

43、l be maintained.15/pgs. 18718816Figure 5.3Workmanship Tolerances in Assembly of Groove Welded Joints (see pg. 187)16/pg. 19717Root NotBackgougedRootBackgougedin. mm in. mm(1) Root face of joint 1/16 2 Not limited(2) Root opening of joints without backing1/62+1/61/8023Root opening of joints

44、with backing+1/401/1662Not applicable(3) Groove angle of joint+1050+1050General Note: See for tolerances for CJPtubular groove welds made from one side withoutbacking.Figure 5.3 (Contd)Workmanship Tolerances in Assembly of Groove Welded Joints (see pg. 187)17/pg. 19718Table 5.5Tubu

45、lar Root Opening Tolerances (see pg. 187)Root Face of JointRoot Opening of Joints without Steel BackingGroove Angleof Jointin. mm in. mm degSMAWGMAWFCAW1/161/321/162121/161/161/16222555General Note: Root openings wider than allowed by the above tolerances, but not greater than the thickness

46、 of the thinner part,may be built up by welding to acceptable dimensions prior to the joining of the parts by welding.18/pg. 194195.23 Dimensional Tolerances of Welded Structural MembersThe dimensions of welded structural membersshall conform to the tolerances of (1) the generalspecifications govern

47、ing the work, and (2) the specialdimensional tolerances in 5.23.1 to (Notethat a tubular column is interpreted as a compressiontubular member.)5.23.1 Straightness of Columns and Trusses. Forwelded columns and primary truss members, regard-less of cross section, the maximum variation instr

48、aightness shall beLengths of less than 30 ft 9 m:1 mm No. of meters of total lengthLengths of 30 ft 10 m to 45 ft 14 m = 3/8 in. 10 mmLengths over 45 ft 15 m:5.23.2 Beam and Girder Straightness (No Cam-ber Specified). For welded beams or girders, regard-less of cross section, where there is no speci

49、fiedcamber, the maximum variation in straightness shallbe1 mm No. of meters of total length5.23.3 Beam and Girder Camber (TypicalGirder). For welded beams or girders, other thanthose whose top flange is embedded in concrete with-out a designed concrete haunch, regardless of cross1/8 in.No. of ft of total length10-3/8 in. + 1/8 in.No. of ft of total length 4510-

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