BS 89-9-1990 Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Recommended test methods《直接指示模拟电工测量仪表及其辅助设备 第9部分 推荐的试验方法》.pdf

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BS 89-9-1990 Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Recommended test methods《直接指示模拟电工测量仪表及其辅助设备 第9部分 推荐的试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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BS 89-9-1990 Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Recommended test methods《直接指示模拟电工测量仪表及其辅助设备 第9部分 推荐的试验方法》.pdf_第2页
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BS 89-9-1990 Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Recommended test methods《直接指示模拟电工测量仪表及其辅助设备 第9部分 推荐的试验方法》.pdf_第3页
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BS 89-9-1990 Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Recommended test methods《直接指示模拟电工测量仪表及其辅助设备 第9部分 推荐的试验方法》.pdf_第4页
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BS 89-9-1990 Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Recommended test methods《直接指示模拟电工测量仪表及其辅助设备 第9部分 推荐的试验方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、I BSI BSX89: PART* DL Lb24bb9 0537093 943 BS 89 : Part 9 : 1990 EN 60 051 -9 : 1989 IEC 51 -9 : 1988 UDC : 621.317.7.037.33 : 620.1 0 British Standards Imtituth. No parl-O : lJH!?; tlich were approved by CENELEC on 1095-0515 und 1993-02-15 respectively. CENELEC niembers are bound to comply with the

2、CEX/CEI;ELE( Internal Regulations which st,ipulate the conditions for giving this aniendinenl the status of a national standard without any alteration. 1-Tp-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat, or t

3、o any CENELEC member. This amendment exists in three official versions (bhglish, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notificd to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official version

4、s. CENELEC members are the national electrolechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Grecce, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardi

5、zation Comit Europen de Normalisation Electrotechnique Europisches Komitee fr Elektrotechnische Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels O 1995 Copyright reserved to CENELEC members Ref. No. EN 60051-9 : 1989/A1: 1995 + A2 : 1995 E *- BSI BS*:BS: PART* O3 m 3624669 0537094

6、b52 m Page 2 EN 60051-9 : 1989/Al: 1995 + A2 : 1995 / i Foreword to Amendment Al The text of amendment 1 : 1994 to the International Standard IEC 51-9 : 1988, prepared by IEC TC 85, Measuring equipment for electromagnetic quantities, was submitted to the Unique Acceptance Procedure and was approved

7、by CENELEC as Amendment Al to EN 60051-9 : I989 on 1995-05-15 without any modification. The following dates were fmed: latest date by which the amendment has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical national standard or by (dopl endorsement 1996-02-15 - latest date by which

8、 the national standards conlicting with the (dowl 1996-02-15 For products which have complied with EN 60051-9 : 1989 before 1996-02-15, as shown by the manufacturer or by a certification body, this previous standard may continue to apply for production until 2001-02-15. amendment have to be withdraw

9、n Foreword to Amendment A2 The text of document 85(C0)65 + 65A, future Amendment 2 to IEC 51-9 : 1988, prepared by IEC TC 85, Measuring equipment for electromagnetic quantities, was submitted to the IEC-CENELEC parallel vote and was approved by CENELEC as Amendment A2 to EN 60051-9 : 1989 on 1995-02

10、-15. The following dates were fixed: - latest date by which the amendment has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical endorsement 1996-02-15 national standard or by (dopl - latest date by which the national standards conflicting with the (daw) amendment have to be withdraw

11、n 1996-02-15 For products which have complied with EN 60051-9 : 1989 before 1996-02-15, as shown by the manufacturer or by a certification body, this previous standard may continue to apply for production until 2001-02-15. - BSI BSW89: PARTs O3 H 3624669 0517095 599 EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 60 051 -9 NO

12、RME EUROPENNE EUROPISCHE NORM Novem ber 1989 UDC : 621.31 : 620.1 Key words : Electrical measuring instruments; analogue indicating instruments; direct acting measuring instruments; recommended test methods for direct acting measuring instruments English version Direct acting indicating a

13、nalogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories Part 9 : Recommended test methods (IEC 51-9 (1988) edition 4) Appareils mesureurs lectriques indicateurs analogiques action directe et leurs accessoires Neuvime partie: Mthodes dessais recommandes (CE1 51-9 (1988) dition 4) Direkt wirken

14、de anzeigende elektrische Megerte und ihr Zubehr Megerte mit Skalenanzeige Teil 9: Empfohlene Prufverfahren (IEC 51-9 (1988) Ausgabe 4) This European Standard was ratified by CENELEC on 11 September 1989. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the requirements of the CENELEC Internal Regulations w

15、hich stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CENELEC Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member. Thi

16、s European Standard exists in three officiai versions (English, French and German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to CENELEC Central Secretariat has the same status as the officiai versions. CENE LE

17、C members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland. Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnicai Standardization Com

18、it Europen de Normalisation Electrotechnique Europisches Komitee fr Elektrotechnische Normung Central Secretariat: Rue Brderode 2, B - 1 O00 Brussels OCENELEC 1989. Copyright reserved to all CENELEC members Ref. No. EN 60 051-;1989 E 1 BSI BS*89: PART* 01 3624669 O537096 425 EN 60 051-9 Page 2 Brief

19、 history The text of IEC-Publication 51-9 (4th edition - 1988) was submitted to the CENELEC members for unique acceptance. Technical text The text of the International Standard IEC 51-9 (4th edition - 1988) was approved by CENELEC on 11 September 1989 as a European Standard. The following dates are

20、applicable: - latest date of announcement of - date of latest publication of a - date of withdrawal of conflicting the EN at national level (doa1 : 1990-03-01 new harmonized standard (dop) : 1990-09-01 national standards (dow) 199049-01 _- BSI BSt89: PART* O1 1624669 0537097 3bL EN 60 051-9 Page 3 C

21、ontents Page Foreword 4 Preface . 4 Clause 1. Scope and general test conditions . 6 2. intrinsic error tests. . 10 3. Variation tests . 18 4. Other tests 52 5. Index of tests and test conditions . 65 b I _ BSI BS*87: PART*S O3 3b24bb9 0537098 2T8 EN 60 051-9 Page 4 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COM

22、MISSION DIRECT ACTING INDICATING ANALOGUE ELECTRICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS AND THEIR ACCESSORIES Part 9: Recommended test methods FOREWORD 1) The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters, prepared by Technical Comnittees on which all the National Comnittees having a special int

23、erest therein are represented, express, as nearly as possible, an international consensus of opinion on the subjects dealt with. 2) They have the form of recomnendations for international use and they are accepted by the National Comnittees in that sense. 3) In order to promote international unifica

24、tion, the IEC expresses the wish that all National Comnittees should adopt the text of the IEC recomnendation for their national rules in so far as national conditions will permit. Any divergence between the IEC recom- mendation and the corresponding national rules should, as far as possible, be cle

25、arly indicated in the latter. PREFACE This standard has been prepared by IEC Technical Committee No. 85: Measuring equipment for basic electrical quantities (former Sub- Committee 13B: Electrical measuring instruments). This fourth edition replaces the third edition of IEC Publication 51. This stand

26、ard constitutes Part 9. The general layout for the revised Publication 51 is as follows: Part 1: Definitions and general requirements common to all parts. Part 2: Special requirements for ammeters and voltmeters. Part 3: Special requirements for wattmeters and varmeters. Part 4: Part 5: Special requ

27、irements for phase meters, power factor meters Special requirements for frequency meters. and synchroscopes. Part 6: Special requirements for ohmmeters ( impedance meters) and conductance meters. Part 7: Special requirements for multi-function instruments. , “ Part 8: Part 9: Recommended test method

28、s. Special requirements for accessories Part 9 is not complete in itself as it contains no requirements. The requirements are contained in Parts 1 to 8 and include references to the test sub-clauses of Part 9. Three tests specified in Part 9 have no corresponding requirements in Parts 1 to 8 but are

29、 included to permit standardization of the test methods for characteristics that are normally specified by agreement between the manufacturer and the user. These tests are: - Pull-in difference frequency - Tracking error - Simultaneous influence of voltage and power factor. The text of this standard

30、 is based on the following documents: Six Months Ru1 e Report on Voting 1 38 ( CO) 1 05 SS(C0)S Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the Voting Report indicated in the above table. BSI BSS8: PART* O1 = 162Ybb 0517100 786 9 EN 60 051-9 Page 6 DIRECT ACTING

31、INDICATING ANALOGUE ELECTRICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS AND THEIR ACCESSORIES Part 9: Recommended test methods 3. Scope and general test conditions 1.1 Scope Part 9 of Publication 51 contains recommended test methods for direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their acces

32、sories. 1.2 General test conditions The test methods described in this part shall be applied under the following conditions unless otherwise specified. 1 .2.1 Reference conditions Reference conditions shall be according to Table I of the relevant part. Where a reference range is specified, tests sha

33、ll be performed at both limits of the reference range. 1 .2.2 Parallax Note.- Care should be taken to avoid the effect of parallax error when taking instrument readings. For an edgewise instrument, the line of vision should be perpendi- cular to the instrument dial at the index tip. For an instrumen

34、t having a mirror scale, the line of vision should be such that the index tip is coincident with its reflection in the mirror. 1 .2.3 Tapping Immediately prior to taking a reading, either the instrument or its support shall be tapped lightly as with a finger or the eraser end of a pencil. BSI BSX89:

35、 PART* O1 = Lb24669 0517101 b12 = EN 60 051-9 Page 7 However, tapping is not permitted in certain tests such as those for determining intrinsic error, return to zero and the effects of shock and vibration, as stated in these test methods. 1 .2.4 Thermal stability All instruments shall be allowed to

36、remain at the reference tempera- ture long enough to eliminate temperature gradients. Note.- Two hours will usually be sufficient. 1 .2.5 Preconditioning time See Part 1: Sub-clause 3.3.1. 1 .2.6 Zero adjustment mechanical With the instrument disconnected from all supplies and before each set of rea

37、dings is taken, the index shall be set on the zero scale mark or to an appropriate reference mark on the scale using the mechanical zero adjuster, as follows: 1) Operate the zero adjuster in a direction which will drive the index toward the zero mark of the instrument. 2) While continuing to drive t

38、he index in the direction selected in l), set the index on the zero mark while tapping the instrument case. Once the direction of drive has been selected, do not change it until the index is on the zero mark. 3) With the index set on the zero mark, reverse the direction of motion of the* zero adjust

39、er, and drive it far enough to introduce mechanical freedom (play) in the zero adjuster, but not far enough to disturb the position of the index. Exception: I nstrurnents without zero adjuster or where the mechanical zero does not appear on scale shall not be reset. 1 .2.7 Zero adjustment (electrica

40、l) Before each set of readings, the index shall be set on the reference mark with the electrical zero adjuster. Refer to the manufacturers instructions for details of this adjustment. _* BSI BSU89: PARTUS O1 W Lb24bb 051I.102 559 W EN 60 051-9 Page 8 1.2.8 Test equipment errors All tests shall be ma

41、de using reference instruments having an intrinsic error no more than one-fourth of that corresponding to the accuracy class of the instrument under test. However, the use of reference instruments having an intrinsic error no more than one-tenth of that corresponding to the accuracy class of the ins

42、trument under test is strongly recommended. When testing for variations avoid, if possible, applying the influence quantity (e. 9. temperature) to the reference instrument. Otherwise, ensure that the reference instrument is not affected by more than one-fourth of the permissible variation of the ins

43、trument under test, where both are subjected to the same influence quantity (e.9. change of frequency) . Manufacturers shall make allowance for reference instrument un- certainty to ensure that all instruments are within their error limits at the time of shipment. In contrast, a user shall add the e

44、rrors of his reference instrument to the permitted error when rechecking an ins- trument and the resulting sum shall be used for the limit for that test. Nothing in these recommendations is intended to prevent the use of special test methods and/or specialized test equipment for making testing simpl

45、er and/or more accurate. 1 .2.9 Reading methods Whenever possible, tests shall be conducted by setting the instru- ment under test to a scale mark and reading the reference instrument. Note.- The reference instrument should have an adequate scale reso- lution (or number of digits) to enable readings

46、 to be taken with a resolution at least as good as that corresponding to one-fifth of the accuracy class of the instrument under test. 1 ,2.1 O Polyphase testing Polyphase instruments may be tested by connecting to an appropriate polyphase supply with properly measured and controlled voltages, curre

47、nts and phase angles. .- ES1 BS*: PART*7 O1 N 1624667 0517103 495 EN 60 051-9 Page 9 If single-phase testing of polyphase instruments is permitted by the manufacturer, the current coils may be connected in series and the voltage coils in parallel. In all cases, follow the manufacturers instructions

48、for details of connections and the application of calibration constants. 1.2.11 A.C. instrument testing on d.c. Some a. c. instruments, for example electrodynamic, thermal or electrostatic instruments, may be tested on d.c. if permitted by the manufacturer. if this is the case, perform the tests as

49、specified for the instrument but use a d.c. supply and neglect references to power factor and phase angle. For these cases, the errors are computed from the average of the results from testing with the reversal of polarity of each measuring circuit. Other tests relating to a.c. variations may not apply. 1 .2.12 Multirange and multif unction instruments Ali ranges and ail functions shall be tested separately. Instruments with multiple supply voltage capability shall be tested separately on each supply connection. 1.2.13 Tes

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