1、BRITISH STANDARD AUTOMOBILE SERIES BS AU 245: 1992 ISO 8035:1991 Specification for Front towing attachments for commercial road vehicles and buses over3.5 tBSAU245:1992 This British Standard, having been prepared under the directionof the Automobile Standards Policy Committee, waspublished under the
2、 authorityof the Standards Boardand comes intoeffecton 1May1992 BSI 10-1999 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference AUE/15 Draft for comment 83/73616 DC ISBN 0 580 20831 1 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British S
3、tandard was entrusted by the Automobile Standards Policy Committee (AUE/-) to Technical Committee AUE/15, upon which the following bodies were represented: Association of Trailer Manufacturers Caravan Club Department of Transport Metropolitan Police Motor Industry Research Association National Carav
4、an Council Limited Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Limited Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date CommentsBSAU245:1992 BSI 10-1999 i Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover National foreword ii 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Definitions 1 4 Location of att
5、achment 1 5 Shape 1 6 Strength 1 7 Testing 2 8 Requirements 2 List of references Inside back coverBSAU245:1992 ii BSI 10-1999 National foreword This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Automobile Standards Policy Committee. It is identical with ISO 8035:1991 Commercial road
6、 vehicles and buses over 3,5 t Front towing attachments, published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The Technical Committee has reviewed the provisions of ISO1176 and ISO3833, to which normative reference is made in the text, and has decided that they are acceptable for u
7、se in conjunction with this standard. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Cro
8、ss-references International Standard Corresponding British Standard ISO 1102:1986 BS AU 220:1988 Specification for dimensions of 50 mm drawbar couplings between commercial road vehicles and trailers (Identical) ISO 5422:1982 BS AU 188:1983 Specification for anchorages for towing ropes, cables or bar
9、s for road vehicles (Identical) Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages 1 and 2, an inside back cover and a back cover. This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in
10、 the amendment table on the inside front cover.BSAU245:1992 BSI 10-1999 1 1 Scope This International Standard specifies the characteristics required of attachments mounted on the front of commercial road vehicles and buses (as defined in ISO3833) of maximum total authorized mass over 3,5t (ISO-M08).
11、 The attachment permits the use of ropes, cables or bars, at the choice of the manufacturer, allowing the vehicle to be towed, or otherwise manoeuvred by other vehicles, or to be used for manoeuvring other vehicles. It excludes attachments for emergency operations, e.g.recovery of road vehicles afte
12、r an accident. This International Standard does not apply to special purpose vehicles and standard vehicles used for special applications. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At
13、 the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IECandISO
14、 maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 1102:1986, Commercial road vehicles Mechanical connections between towing vehicles and trailers 50 mm drawbar couplings. ISO 1176:1990, Road vehicles Masses Vocabulary and codes. ISO 3833:1977, Road vehicles Types Terms and definiti
15、ons. ISO 5422:1982, Road vehicles Anchorages for towing ropes, cables or bars. 3 Definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. 3.1 complete vehicle kerb mass see ISO 1176 (code ISO-M06) 3.2 maximum authorized total mass see ISO 1176 (code ISO-M08) 3.3
16、special purpose vehicles and special applications of standard vehicles see different types in ISO3833 3.4 anchorage see ISO5422 4 Location of attachment The attachment shall be installed at the front of the vehicle and shall not project in the horizontal plan beyond the exterior contour of the vehic
17、le (body plus bumpers) except during towing. 5 Shape 5.1 The shape of the attachment is left to the discretion of the manufacturer, subject to the condition that it shall comply with the requirements given in this International Standard. It shall permit the attachment of ropes, cables or bars for to
18、wing, without the aid of special tools or auxiliary parts. It shall permit a displacement of 50 of arc horizontally and 6 vertically of the ends of towing devices (steel rope or bar), fixed between the towing and the towed vehicle. 5.2 The attachment shall not damage the rope, cable or bar during to
19、wing. Any detachable parts shall be secured so that they cannot be lost. During operation the rope, cable or bar shall not come loose. 5.3 The shape should permit the use of the bar as described in ISO1102, if the manufacturer agrees to the use of bars for towing the vehicle. 6 Strength The attachme
20、nt shall be designed to withstand a static force with a value at least: a) for goods transport commercial vehicles; b) for passenger transport commercial vehicles (buses) where ISO-M08 and ISO-M06 are as defined in3.2 and3.1 respectively; g is the acceleration due to gravity, applied as specified in
21、 clause7. NOTE 1In the case of vehicles towing trailers and articulated vehicles, the maximum authorized total mass is the one stated in the note of ISO1176 for the tractive units. ISO-M08g 2 - ISO-M06g 2 -BSAU245:1992 2 BSI 10-1999 7 Testing 7.1 Test conditions The vehicle shall be appropriately im
22、mobilized, at maximum authorized total mass or at complete vehicle kerb mass as specified by the vehicle manufacturer, on a firm horizontal surface. The vehicle manufacturer is allowed, if he desires, to carry out the test on the body or on the chassis of the vehicle in total or in parts, provided t
23、hat it is fixed rigidly to the bench with attachment links to the front suspension and provided the parts in the surrounding area of the towing device are in place. 7.2 Test procedure 7.2.1 The towing attachment shall be subjected to two tests: one with a static compressive force and the other one w
24、ith a static tractive force equal to the force defined in6 a) or6 b). These forces shall be applied progressively. 7.2.2 Both tests shall be carried out horizontally in the longitudinal vehicle direction. 7.2.3 At the choice of the manufacturer, compliance with the test may also be verified by calcu
25、lation. 8 Requirements After each test carried out as specified in clause7, the vehicle shall meet the requirements set in8.1 and8.2. 8.1 The attachment shall show no deformation liable to affect normal operation. 8.2 Devices mounted in the proximity of the attachments (for example compulsory lighti
26、ng or signalling devices, braking and steering systems) shall show no damage preventing normal operation.BSAU245:1992 BSI 10-1999 List of references See national foreword.BS AU 245: 1992 ISO 8035:1991 BSI 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL BSIBritishStandardsInstitution BSI is the independent nati
27、onal body responsible for preparing BritishStandards. It presents the UK view on standards in Europe and at the international level. It is incorporated by Royal Charter. Revisions BritishStandards are updated by amendment or revision. Users of BritishStandards should make sure that they possess the
28、latest amendments or editions. It is the constant aim of BSI to improve the quality of our products and services. We would be grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this BritishStandard would inform the Secretary of the technical committee responsible, the identity of whic
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