BS CECC 41301-1979 Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification low power single turn rotary potentiometers (ass.pdf

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BS CECC 41301-1979 Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification low power single turn rotary potentiometers (ass.pdf_第1页
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BS CECC 41301-1979 Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification low power single turn rotary potentiometers (ass.pdf_第2页
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BS CECC 41301-1979 Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification low power single turn rotary potentiometers (ass.pdf_第3页
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BS CECC 41301-1979 Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification low power single turn rotary potentiometers (ass.pdf_第4页
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BS CECC 41301-1979 Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification low power single turn rotary potentiometers (ass.pdf_第5页
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1、BRITISH STANDARD BS CECC 41301:1979 Specification for Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components Blank detail specification Low power single turn rotary potentiometers (Assessment level S)BSCECC41301:1979 BSI 02-2000 ISBN 0 580 35945 X Amendments issued since publication Amd.

2、No. Date CommentsBSCECC41301:1979 BSI 02-2000 i Contents Page National foreword ii Foreword iii Text of CECC 41301 1BSCECC41301:1979 ii BSI 02-2000 National foreword This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Electronic Components Standard Committee. It is identical with CENE

3、LEC Electronic Components Committee CECC41301 “Blank detail specification: Low power single turn rotary potentiometers: Assessment level S”. This standard is a harmonized specification within the CECC system. Terminology and conventions. The text of the CECC specification has been approved as suitab

4、le for publication, without deviation, as a British Standard. Some terminology and certain conventions are not identical with those used in British Standards. Attention is especially drawn to the following. The comma has been used throughout as a decimal marker. In British Standards it is current pr

5、actice to use a full point on the baseline as the decimal marker. Cross references. The British Standard harmonized with CECC00100 is BSE9000 “General requirements for electronic components of assessed quality harmonized with the CENELEC Electronic Component Committee System” Part1 “Basic rules”. Th

6、e following International Standards are referred to in the text and for each there is a corresponding British Standard; these are listed below: The reference to IEC393 is for information purposes only. There is no equivalent British Standard. Scope. This standard lists the ratings, characteristics a

7、nd inspection requirements which shall be included as mandatory requirements in accordance with BSCECC41300. Detail specification layout. In the event of conflict between the requirements of this specification and the provisions of BS E9000 the latter shall take precedence except the front page layo

8、ut will be in accordance with BS9000 Circular Letter No15 dated August1977. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confe

9、r immunity from legal obligations. International Standard Corresponding British Standard CECC 41000:1976 BS CECC41000:1977 Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components: Generic specification for potentiometers (Identical) CECC 41300:1979 BS CECC41300:1979 Harmonized system of qu

10、ality assessment for electronic components. Sectional specification: Low power single turn rotary potentiometers (Identical) IEC 410:1973 BS 6001:1972 Sampling plans and procedures for inspection by attributes (Technically equivalent) Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside

11、 front cover, pages i and ii, theCECC title page, pages ii to iv, pages 1 to 14 and a back cover. This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front cover.BS CECC41301:1979 ii BSI 02-2000 Con

12、tents Page Foreword iii 1 Ratings and characteristics 2 2 Marking 3 3 Related documents 3 4 Ordering information 4 5 Certified test records 4 6 Delayed delivery 4 7 Additional information 4 8 Inspection requirements 4 Appendix A 14 Figure 1 Component under test 14 Table 1 2 Table 2 5BS CECC41301:197

13、9 BSI 02-2000 iii Foreword The CENELEC Electronic Components Committee (CECC) is composed of those member countries of the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) who wish to take part in a harmonized System for electronic components of assessed quality. The object of the S

14、ystem is to facilitate international trade by the harmonization of the specifications and quality assessment procedures for electronic components, and by the grant of an internationally recognized Mark, or Certificate, of Conformity. The components produced under the System are thereby accepted by a

15、ll member countries without further testing. This document has been formally approved by the CECC, and has been prepared for those member countries taking part in the System who wish to issue national harmonized specifications for LOW POWER SINGLE TURN ROTARY POTENTIOMETERS (Assessment level S). It

16、should be read in conjunction with document CECC00100: Basic Rules (1974). Preface This blank detail specification was prepared by CECC Working Group4: “Resistors”. In accordance with the requirements of document CECC00100 it is based, wherever possible, on the Recommendations of the International E

17、lectrotechnical Commission and in particular on IEC Publication393-1: Potentiometers. Part 1: Terms and methods of test. The text of this blank detail specification was circulated to the CECC for voting in the documents listed below and was ratified by the CECC for printing as a CECC Specification.

18、Document Voting date CECC(Secretariat)220 19 April 1974 CECC(Secretariat)355 28 April 1975 CECC(Secretariat)437 27 February 1976iv blankBS CECC41301:1979 BSI 02-2000 1 Key for page 2 The numbers between square brackets on page2 correspond to the following indications which should be given: Identific

19、ation of the harmonized detail specification 1 The name of the National Standards Organization under whose authority the detail specification is drafted 2 The CECC Symbol and the number allotted by the CECC General Secretariat to the national detail specification 3 The number and issue number of the

20、 national generic and sectional specifications 4 The national number of the detail specification, date of issue and further information required by the national system, together with any amendment numbers, if issued. Identification of the potentiometer 5 A short description of the type of potentiome

21、ter and type number 6 Information on typical construction (where applicable) for example: non-wirewound, single turn rotary 7 An outline drawing with main dimensions which are of importance for interchangeability. Alternatively, this drawing may be given in an appendix to the detail specification. 8

22、 The application or group of applications covered, or, preferably, the level of quality assessment covered by the blank detail specification 9 Brief information on the most important properties of the potentiometer to allow comparison between the various potentiometer types intended for the same, or

23、 for similar applications.BS CECC41301:1979 2 BSI 02-2000 1 CECC 41301 . 2 Specification available from: 4 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS OF ASSESSED QUALITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH: 3 Outline and dimensions: (First angle projection) 7 LOW POWER SINGLE TURN ROTARY POTENTIOMETERS 5 (Where necessary the dimensions

24、may be given in an Appendix to the detail specification) 6 Terminal connections: Assessment level S 8 All dimensions in millimetres 9 Table 1 Style Rated dissipation (W at 70 C) Limiting element voltage (V d.c. or a.c. r.m.s.) Isolation voltage (V d.c. or a.c. peak) Resistance law A Resistance laws

25、B 0,75 mm or 98 m/s 2(whichever is the less) Bump severity or 390 m/s 2 ; 4 000 bumps Shock severity 490 m/s 2 ; 11 ms Low air pressure 8,5 kPa (85 mbar) Limits of resistance change (a to c) (after1000h electrical endurance test) (- - - % R + - - - 7) Starting torque - - - mN.m to - - - mN.m Switch

26、torque (where applicable) - - - mN.m to - - - mN.m Switch rating (where applicable) - - A; - - - V - - -; Limiting slider current - - - mA Terminal resistance - - - 7 Residual resistance (where applicable) - - - 7 Minimum effective resistance (where applicable) - - - 7BS CECC41301:1979 4 BSI 02-2000

27、 4 Ordering information Orders for potentiometers covered by this specification shall contain the following information: Resistance value and tolerance Resistance law (if other than linear) Number of the detail specification and style reference Spindle and bush dimensions, if not implicit in the sty

28、le reference. 5 Certified test records National Authorized Institutions shall indicate in this paragraph whether Certified Test Records shall be prepared in accordance with 3.5 of CECC41000. 6 Delayed delivery The provisions of 3.6 of CECC41000 shall apply except that the Inspection Level shall be r

29、educed to S-2 and (except for carbon composition types) the period shall be extended to two years. The period for carbon composition types shall remain at one year. 7 Additional information (Not for inspection purposes) The detail specification may include information (which is not required to be ve

30、rified by the inspection procedure) such as circuit diagrams, etc., needed for the clarification of the detail specification. 8 Inspection requirements (SeeTable 2) 8.1 When drying is called for, Procedure I of 4.2 of CECC41000 shall be used. 8.2 When it is desired to obtain qualification approval b

31、y adopting the fixed sample size procedure, use shall be made of test schedule given for that purpose in CECC41300. The conditions of test and the performance requirements shall be identical to those prescribed for quality conformance inspection in the detail specification. 8.3 In the quality confor

32、mance inspection the values representative of the whole approved range shall be tested within one year (Groups A, B and C only).BS CECC41301:1979 BSI 02-2000 5 Table 2 Test D or ND Conditions of Test IL AQL Performance Requirements (See Note 1) (See Note 2) (See Note 1) Group A Inspection To be cond

33、ucted on a sampling basis, lot-by-lot Sub-Group A1 ND II 4,0% 4.3.1 Visual inspection As in 4.3.1 Sub-Group A2 ND II 1,0% 4.3.2 Marking As in 4.3.2 4.5 Element resistance As in 4.5.1 Sub-Group A3 ND S-2 4,0% 4.3.3 Dimensions (gauging) As specified in the detail specification 4.3.5 Total mechanical t

34、ravel As specified in the detail specification Sub-Group A4 ND S-2 4,0% 4.6 Terminal resistance Resistance a to b k - - - 7 Resistance b to c k - - - 7 4.4 Continuity Wirewound types only As in 4.4.1 4.15 Rotational noise Method A (non-wirewound types) k - - - mV or Method B (wirewound types) k - -

35、- 7 4.12 Voltage proof Insulated styles only As in 4.12.5 Normal air pressure 4.11 Switch contact resistance (where appropriate) After measurement of the switch contact resistance, the switch shall be operated with a load for between 5 and 10 operations k - - - 7 There shall be a visual indication o

36、f the proper functioning of the switch. Group B Inspection To be conducted on a sampling basis, lot-by-lot Sub-Group B1 D S-2 1,5% 4.16 Starting torque Room temperature - - - mN.m to - - - mN.m Sealing (Whereapplicable) Appendix A to this document shall be used As given in Appendix A Sub-Group B2 ND

37、 S-2 1,5% 4.23.1 Soldering- Solderability Solder bath method: Temperature: 230 10 C or Soldering iron method: Soldering iron: Size B Duration: 2 0,5 s The terminations shall be examined for good tinning as evidence by free flowing of the solder with wetting of the terminations. Notes on page 13BS CE

38、CC41301:1979 6 BSI 02-2000 Table 2 Test D or ND Conditions of Test Sample size & criterion of acceptability (See Note 3) Performance Requirements (See Note 1) (See Note 1) P n c Group C Inspection To be conducted on a sampling basis, at the periodicity given in column “P”. Sub-Group C1 D 3 8 1 4.19

39、Locking torque (where applicable) Visual examination : k - - - % As in 4.19.3 4.18 End-stop torque Visual examination As in 4.18.1 4.20 Thrust and pull on the spindle Three specimens As specified in 4.20.2 Continuity As in 4.20.2 Three specimens As specified in 4.20.3 : k - - -% Remaining specimens

40、As specified in 4.20.4 Visual examination As in 4.20.4 4.30 Mechanical endurance (potentiometers) (See Note 4) Number of cycles: - - - Rate: - - - cycles per min Visual examination As in 4.30.6 Element resistance %R: k (- - %R + - - 7) Starting torque - - - mN.m to - - - mN.m Rotational noise Method

41、 A (non-wirewound types) k - - - mV or Method B (wirewound types) k - - - 7 Sealing (whereappropriate) As specified in 4.22.3 (container sealed types only) As in 4.22.3 As specified in As in NOTEIt is permissible to drill the case to enable a pressure to be applied in each directio

42、n Notes on page 13 % Vab Vac - % Vab Vac -BS CECC41301:1979 BSI 02-2000 7 Table 2 Test D or ND Conditions of Test Sample size & criterion of acceptability (SeeNote 3) Performance Requirements (See Note 1) (See Note 1) P n c 4.31 Mechanical endurance (switch) (whenfitted) (See Note 4) Visual examinat

43、ion As in Switch contact resistance k - - - m7 Switch torque Greater than twice the value of starting torque measured in Sub-Group B1 and less than 200 mN.m Insulation resistance U 1 G7 Voltage proof As in Sub-Group C2 D 3 13 2 7 specimens 4.21 Robustness of terminations The tests

44、appropriate to the type of termination Visual examination Element resistance As in 4.21.8(1) %R: k (- - %R + - - 7) 4.23 Soldering Solder bath method: Resistance to heat Method 1B of Test Tb of IEC 68-2-20A or Soldering iron method: Test T of IEC 68-2-20 Soldering iron: Size B Element resistance %R:

45、 k (- - %R + - - 7) Terminal resistance Resistance a to b k - - - 7 Resistance b to c k - - - 7 Remaining 6 specimens 4.24 Change of temperature (See Note 5) T A : Lower category temperature T B : Upper category temperature Visual examination As in 4.24.5 Output ratio (preset potentiometers only) : k - - -% Element resistance %R: k (- - %R + - - 7) Notes on page 13 % Vab Vac -

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