BS EN 16602-60-15-2014 Space product assurance Radiation hardness assurance EEE components《航天产品保证 辐射硬度保证 电气 电子和机电元器件》.pdf

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BS EN 16602-60-15-2014 Space product assurance Radiation hardness assurance EEE components《航天产品保证 辐射硬度保证 电气 电子和机电元器件》.pdf_第1页
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BS EN 16602-60-15-2014 Space product assurance Radiation hardness assurance EEE components《航天产品保证 辐射硬度保证 电气 电子和机电元器件》.pdf_第2页
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BS EN 16602-60-15-2014 Space product assurance Radiation hardness assurance EEE components《航天产品保证 辐射硬度保证 电气 电子和机电元器件》.pdf_第3页
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BS EN 16602-60-15-2014 Space product assurance Radiation hardness assurance EEE components《航天产品保证 辐射硬度保证 电气 电子和机电元器件》.pdf_第5页
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1、BSI Standards PublicationBS EN 16602-60-15:2014Space product assurance Radiation hardness assurance EEE componentsBS EN 16602-60-15:2014 BRITISH STANDARDNational forewordThis British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 16602-60-15:2014.The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Tec

2、hnicalCommittee ACE/68, Space systems and operations.A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary.This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. The Briti

3、sh Standards Institution 2014.Published by BSI Standards Limited 2014ISBN 978 0 580 84417 1 ICS 49.140 Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 30 Septemb

4、er 2014.Amendments/corrigenda issued since publicationDate T e x t a f f e c t e dEUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPENNE EUROPISCHE NORM EN 16602-60-15 September 2014 ICS 49.140 English version Space product assurance - Radiation hardness assurance - EEE components Assurance produit des projets spatiaux

5、- Assurance radiation - Composants EEE Raumfahrtproduktsicherung - Sicherung der Strahlungshrte fr EEE-Komponenten This European Standard was approved by CEN on 13 March 2014. CEN and CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giv

6、ing this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN and CENELEC member. This European Standard exists

7、in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN and CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions. CEN and CENELEC members

8、 are the national standards bodies and national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malt

9、a, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom. CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels 2014 CEN/CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national

10、Members and for CENELEC Members. Ref. No. EN 16602-60-15:2014 EBS EN 16602-60-15:2014Table of contents Foreword 4 1 Scope . 5 2 Normative references . 6 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms 8 3.1 Terms from other standards 8 3.2 Terms specific to the present standard . 10 3.3 Abbreviated terms

11、. 11 4 Principles 13 4.1 Overview of RHA process . 13 4.2 Radiation effects on components 14 4.3 Evaluation of radiation effects . 16 4.4 Phasing of RHA with the different phases of a space project 16 4.4.1 Phase 0: Mission analysis, Phase A: Feasibility 16 4.4.2 Phase B: Preliminary definition . 16

12、 4.4.3 Phase C: Detailed definition 16 4.4.4 Phase D: Qualification and production 16 4.5 Radiation reviews . 17 5 Requirements 18 5.1 TID hardness assurance . 18 5.2 TNID hardness assurance 21 5.3 SEE hardness assurance . 24 Annex A (normative) Mission radiation environment specification DRD 28 Ann

13、ex B (normative) Radiation analysis report - DRD . 30 Bibliography . 32 Tables Table 3-1: K values for P=0,9 and C=0,9 as function of the number of tested samples n . 11 Table 5-1: EEE part families potentially sensitive to TID . 18 EN 16602-60-15:2014 (E)BS EN 16602-60-15:2014Table 5-2: List of EEE

14、 part families potentially sensitive to TNID 21 Table 5-3: List of EEE part families potentially sensitive to SEE . 24 Table 5-4: Worst case SET templates 25 Table 5-5: Environment to be assessed based on LETth 25 EN 16602-60-15:2014 (E)BS EN 16602-60-15:2014Foreword This document (EN 16602-60-15:20

15、14) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/CLC/TC 5 “Space”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN. This standard (EN 16602-60-15:2014) originates from ECSS-Q-ST-60-15C. This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by

16、endorsement, at the latest by March 2015, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by March 2015. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. CEN and/or CENELEC shall not be held responsible for iden

17、tifying any or all such patent rights. This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association. This document has been developed to cover specifically space systems and has therefore precedence over any EN covering the same scop

18、e but with a wider domain of applicability (e.g. : aerospace). According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Eston

19、ia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. EN 16602-60-15:2014 (E)B

20、S EN 16602-60-15:20141 Scope This standard specifies the requirements for ensuring radiation hardness assurance (RHA) of space projects. These requirements form the basis for a RHA program that is required for all space projects in conformance to ECSS-Q-ST-60. RHA program is project specific. This s

21、tandard addresses the three main radiation effects on electronic components: Total Ionizing Dose (TID), Displacement Damage or Total Non-Ionizing Dose (TNID), and Single event Effects (SEE). Spacecraft charging effects are out of the scope of this standard. In this standard the word “component” refe

22、rs to Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical (EEE) components only. Other fundamental constituents of space hardware units and sub-systems such as solar cells, optical materials, adhesives, polymers, and any other material are not covered by this standard. This standard may be tailored for th

23、e specific characteristic and constrains of a space project in conformance with ECSS-S-ST-00. EN 16602-60-15:2014 (E)BS EN 16602-60-15:20142 Normative references The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this ECSS Standard. F

24、or dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revision of any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this ECSS Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the more recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated

25、references, the latest edition of the publication referred to applies. EN reference Reference in text Title EN 16601-00-01 ECSS-S-ST-00-01 ECSS system - Glossary of terms EN 16602-10-09 ECSS-Q-ST-10-09 Space product assurance - Nonconformance control system EN 16602-30 ECSS-Q-ST-30 Space product ass

26、urance - Dependability EN 16602-30-11 ECSS-Q-ST-30-11 Space product assurance - Derating - EEE components EN 16602-60 ECSS-Q-ST-60 Space product assurance - Electrical, electronic, and electromechanical (EEE) components EN 16603-10-04 ECSS-E-ST-10-04 Space engineering - Space environment EN 16603-10

27、-12 ECSS-E-ST-10-12 Space engineering - Methods for the calculation of radiation received and its erects, and a policy for design margins ESCC 22900 ESCC Basic Specification: Total dose steady state irradiation test method ESCC 25100 ESCC Basic Specification: Single Event Effect Test Method and Guid

28、elines MIL-STD-750E method 1080 (20 Nov. 2006) Test methods for semiconductor devices - Single event burnout and single event gate rupture test MIL-STD-750E method 1019 (20 Nov. 2006) Test methods for semiconductor devices - Steady-state total dose irradiation procedure MIL-STD-883G method 1019 Micr

29、ocircuits - Ionizing radiation (total dose) test procedure EN 16602-60-15:2014 (E)BS EN 16602-60-15:2014(28 Feb. 2006) MIL-HDBK-814 (8 Feb. 1994) Military Handbook: Ionizing dose and neutron hardness Assurance guidelines for microcircuits and semiconductor devices EN 16602-60-15:2014 (E)BS EN 16602-

30、60-15:20143 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms 3.1 Terms from other standards For the purpose of this Standard, the terms and definitions from ECSS-S-ST-00-01 apply, in particular for the following terms: applicable document approval assurance derating EEE component environment equipment failu

31、re information outage recommendation required function requirement review risk specification standard subsystem system test traceability validation verification EN 16602-60-15:2014 (E)BS EN 16602-60-15:2014For the purpose of this Standard, the terms and definitions from ECSS-Q-ST-60 apply, in partic

32、ular for the following terms: characterization commercial component screening space qualified parts For the purpose of this Standard, the terms and definitions from ECSS-E-ST-10-04 apply, in particular for the following terms: dose equivalent fluence fluence flux linear energy transfer (let) For the

33、 purpose of this Standard, the terms and definitions from ECSS-E-ST-10-12 apply, in particular for the following terms: cross-section displacement damage LET threshold multiple cell upset (MCU) (total) non-ionizing dose, (T)NID, or non-ionizing energy loss (NIEL) dose NIEL projected range radiation

34、design margin (RDM) sensitive volume (SV) single event burnout (SEB) single event dielectric rupture (SEDR) single event effect (SEE) single event functional interrupt (SEFI) single event gate rupture (SEGR) single event latch-up (SEL) single event transient (SET) single event upset (SEU) solar ener

35、getic particle event (SEPE) total ionizing dose (TID) EN 16602-60-15:2014 (E)BS EN 16602-60-15:20143.2 Terms specific to the present standard 3.2.1 component type TIDS TID level at which the part exceeds its parametric/functional requirements 3.2.2 component type TNIDS TNID level at which the part e

36、xceeds its parametric/functional requirements 3.2.3 enhanced low dose rate sensitivity (ELDRS) increased electrical parameter degradation of a part when it is irradiated with a lower dose rate 3.2.4 equivalent LET averaged value of the LET curve inside a sensitive volume 3.2.5 one sided tolerance li

37、mit limit that will not be exceeded with a probability P and a confidence level C, assuming that TID degradation of electrical parameters follow a normal distribution law NOTE If is the mean shift among tested population of n samples, is the standard deviation of the shift, and K is the one sided to

38、lerance limit factor, then: Delta XL = + K , for increasing total dose shift Delta XL = - K , for decreasing total dose shift K depends on the number of tested samples n, the probability of success P and the confidence limit C. K values are available in MIL-HDBK-814. A 3 sigma (K=3) approach is ofte

39、n used. With 10 samples tested it gives a probability of success P of 90% with a confidence level C of 99%. Table 3-1 gives the values of K as a function of the number of tested samples n for P=0,9 and C=0,9 EN 16602-60-15:2014 (E)BS EN 16602-60-15:2014Table 3-1: K values for P=0,9 and C=0,9 as func

40、tion of the number of tested samples n n K 3 4,259 4 3,188 5 2,742 6 2,493 7 2,332 8 2,218 9 2,133 10 2,065 3.2.6 radiation design margin (RDM) ratio of TIDS over TIDL for TID and ratio of TNIDS over TNIDL for TNID 3.2.7 radiation lot acceptance test (RADLAT) see “radiation verification test” 3.2.8

41、radiation verification test (RVT) radiation test performed on sample coming from the same diffusion lot as the flight parts NOTE This test is also known as “radiation lot acceptance test (RADLAT)”. 3.2.9 total ionizing dose level (TIDL) calculated TID level received by the part at the end of the mis

42、sion 3.2.10 total non-ionizing dose level (TNIDL) calculated TNID level received by the part at the end of the mission 3.3 Abbreviated terms For the purpose of this Standard, the abbreviated terms from ECSS-S-ST-00-01 and the following apply: Abbreviation Meaning APS active pixel sensor ASIC applica

43、tion specific integrated circuit CCD charge coupled device CDR critical design review DCL declared part list EN 16602-60-15:2014 (E)BS EN 16602-60-15:2014Abbreviation Meaning ELDRS enhanced low dose rate sensitivity EOL end of lifetime FMECA failure mode effects and criticality analysis GEO geostati

44、onary Earth orbit LET linear energy transfer MCU multiple cell upset MOS metal oxide semiconductor NCR nonconformance report NIEL non-ionizing energy loss PDR preliminary design review QR qualification review RADLAT radiation lot acceptance test RDM radiation design margin RHA radiation hardness ass

45、urance RVT radiation verification test SEB single event burnout SEDR single event dielectric rupture SEE single event effect SEFI single event functional interrupt SEGR single event gate rupture SEL single event latch-up SET single event transient SEU single event upset SRR system requirement review

46、 TID total ionizing dose TIDL total ionizing dose level TIDS total ionizing dose sensitivity TNIDL total non-ionizing dose level TNIDS total non-ionizing dose sensitivity TNID total non-ionizing dose TNIDL total non-ionizing dose level TNIDS total non-ionizing dose sensitivity WCA worst case analysi

47、s EN 16602-60-15:2014 (E)BS EN 16602-60-15:20144 Principles 4.1 Overview of RHA process Survival and successful operation of space systems in the space radiation environment cannot be ensured without careful consideration of the effects of radiation. RHA consists of all those activities undertaken t

48、o ensure that the electronics of a space system perform to their specification after exposure to the space radiation environment. A key element of RHA is the selection of components having a sufficient tolerance to radiation effects for their application. However, RHA process is not confined to the

49、part level. It has implications with system requirements and operations, system and subsystems circuit design, and spacecraft layout. Figure 4-1 shows an overview of the process. The RHA process follows an iterative and top-down approach where mission radiation environment is calculated from mission requirements and the radiation environments models and rules defined in ECSS-E-ST-10-04. Top level requirements derived from mission radiation environment specification are employed as the starting point. Then, when necessary, radiation environment is transferred to component

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