CAN CSA-ISO IEC 10731-1996 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model - Conventions for the definition of OSI services.pdf

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1、I NTERNAT IO NAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 10731 First edition 1 994-1 2-1 5 ( Reaf f i r med 2004) Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model - Conventions for the definition of OS1 services Technologies de !information - lnterconnexion de systemes ouverts - Modele de Refe

2、rence de Base - Conventions pour la definition des services OS/ National Standard of Canada CAN/CSA -ISO/IE C- 1 073 1 -96 International Standard ISO/IEC 10731: 1994 has been adopted, without modification, as CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC-10731-96, which has been approved as a National Standard of Canada by the S

3、tandards Council of Canada. ISSN 03 17-5669 November 1996 Reference number ISO/IEC 10731 :I 994IE) ISO/IEC 10731:1994(E) Contents 1 2 3 Scope Normative references . 2.1 Identical Recommendations and InternationaI Standards . 2.2 Paired Recommendations I International Standards equivalent in technica

4、l content Definitions 3.1 Terms defined in the OS1 Basic Reference Model 3.2 Terms defined in the Application Layer Structure 3.3 Terms defined in this Recommendation I International Standard . 4 Abbreviations . SECTION 1 - GENERAL MODEL AND CONVENTIONS 5 6 7 Model of service . 5.1 The concept of OS

5、I-service definition 5.2 The general model of an OSI-service definition . 5.3 The concepts of requestor and acceptor 5.4 Categories of facilities within an OSI-service 5.5 Application of the model to various types of communication Structure of OSI-service primitives 6.1 OSI-service primitives 6.2 Pr

6、operties of OSI-service primitives . 6.3 Names of OSI-service primitives 6.4 OSI-service primitive parameters . OSI-service definition techniques 7.1 Definition of OSI-local views and their relations . 7.2 Conventions for time-sequence diagrams . Page i 3 3 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 0 ISOlIEC 1994 All rights

7、 reserved . Unless otherwise specified. no part of this publication may be reproduced or utiIized in any form or by any means. electronic or mechanical. including photocopying and microfilm. without permission in writing from the publisher . ISO/IEC Copyright Office Case Postale 56 CH-1211 Genkve 20

8、 4 Switzerland 11 ISOiIEC 10731:1994(E) SECTION 2 . THE APPLICATION LAYER . 8 Model of OSI-service for the Application Layer . 9 OSI-service primitives in the Application Layer 9.1 Names of OSI-service primitives in the Application Layer SECTION 3 - LAYERS 1-6 . 10 I1 Model of OSI-service for layers

9、 1-6 OSI-service primitives in layers 1-6 . 1 1.1 Names of OSI-service primitives in layers 1-6 . Annex A . Conventions for naming OSI-service primitives . A.l Service-user-name . A.2 Service-primitive-name . A.3 OSI-service primitive type A.4 Abbreviated names of OSI-service primitive types Annex B

10、 . Conventions for parameter description . Annex C . Correlations between OSI-service primitives at different OSI-local views Annex D . Alternative and additional time-sequence diagrams for two-party communications Annex E . Examples of use of OSI-service definitions Example of symmetrical service .

11、 E . 1 E.2 Example of asymmetrical service . Annex F . Abracadabra service definition F . 1 F.2 F.3 F.4 Introduction . The States of an OSI-local view . Abracadabra service - Symmetrical version . Abracadabra service - Client/Server version 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 16 16 16 17

12、 17 18 19 22 . 111 ISO/TEC 10731:1994(E) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the Inter- national Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of IS0 or IEC participate in the developmen

13、t of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. IS0 and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental arid non-governmental,

14、 in liaison with IS0 and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, IS0 and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/xEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication

15、as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75% of the national bodies casting a vote. International Standard ISO/IEC 1073 1 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, information technology, Subcommittee SC 2 1 Open Systems interconnection, data management and open dist

16、ributed processing, in collaboration with ITU-T. The identical text is published as ITU-T Recommendation X.210. Annexes A, 3, C, D, E and E; of this International Standard are for information only. iv ISOLEC 10731:1994(E) Introduction The service conventions prescribed in this International Standard

17、 ensure that the services of OS1 standards are defined in a uniform way, which is consistent with the OS1 Reference Model and the application layer structure standard. The text was developed jointly with ITU-T. The main intent of this International Standard is to provide extended capabilities, which

18、 are useful in specifying services within the application layer and also to allow greater flexibility to accommodate new services among the layers in the future. ISO/lEC 10731 : 1994 (E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ITU-T RECOMMENDATION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - OPEN SYSTEMS INTERCONNECTION - BASIC REFEREN

19、CE MODEL - CONVENTIONS FOR THE DEFINITION OF OS1 SERVICES 1 Scope This Recommendation I International Standard - establishes definitions of terms and conventions for use by Recommendations I International Standards defining OSI-services within the scope of the Basic Reference Model of Open Systems I

20、nterconnection; specifies the application of these terms and conventions to the Recommendations I International Standards defining OSI-services within the Application Layer of the Basic Reference Model of Open Systems Interconnection; - - specifies the application of these terms and conventions to R

21、ecommendations I International Standards defining (N)-services for Layers 1 - 6 of the Basic Reference Model of Open Systems Interconnection. 2 Normative references The following Recommendations and International Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisio

22、ns of this Recommendation and International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and International Standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Recommendation and International Standards are encouraged to investiga

23、te the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the Recommendations and International Standards listed below. Members of IEC and IS0 mdrntain registers of currently valid International Standards. The Telecommunications Standardization Bureau of the ITU maintains a list of the currently va

24、lid ITU-T Recommendations. 2.1 2.2 3 Identical Recommendations and International Standards - ITU-T Recommendation X.207 (1993) I ISO/IEC 9545: 1993, Information Technology - Open Sysrems Interconnection - Application Layer structure. Paired Recornmendations I International Standards equivalent in te

25、chnical content - - CCITT Recommendation X.200 (1988), Reference model of open systemsfor CCiTT applications. ISO/IEC 7498: 1984, Information technology - Open Systems interconnection - Basic Reference Model. Definitions For the purposes of this Recornmendation I International Standard, the followin

26、g definitions apply. 3.1 Terms defined in the OS1 Basic Reference Model This Recommendation I International Standard builds on the concepts developed in CCITT Rec. X.200 I IS0 7498 and makes use of the following terms defined in that Recornmendation I International Standard: a (N)-connection; b) (N)

27、-connection-endpoint; c) (N)-enti ty; d) (N)-layer; ITU-T Rec. X.210 (1993 E) 1 ISO/IEC 10731 : 1994 (E) e) open system; f) (N)-service; g) (N)-service-access-point; h) (N)-subs y s tern. 3.2 Terms defined in the Application Layer Structure This Recommendation 1 International Standard makes use of t

28、he following terms defined in ITU-T Rec. X.207 (1993) I ISOflEC 9545: a) application-entity-invocation; b) application-service-element; c application-service-object; d) control function. 3.3 Terms defined in this Recommendation I International Standard NOTE - Several terms in the following List are

29、structured with the prefix “OSI-”. The terms thus prefixed are intended to have a consistent meaning across all layers of OSI, including the Application Layer. In the case of the OSI-services provided by the six lower layers, the prefix “OSI-” can be replaced by the equivalent prefix “(N)-” which pa

30、rticularises the concept to the generic (N)-layer. Further particularisation is needed in other OS1 standards, such as replacing “OSI-” with the abbreviation for one of the six lower layers, or replacing “OS-” with the abbreviation for a particular application-service-element or group of application

31、-service- elements which provide an OSI-service within the Application Layer. 3.3.1 boundary between the OSI-service-provider and the OSI-service-users. OSI-service: The capability of an OSI-service-provider which is provided to OSI-service-users at the NOTE - The OSI-service defines the external be

32、haviour of the OSI-service-provider independent of the mechanisms used to provide that behaviour. (N)-layers, (N)-entities, application-service-elements, etc. are components of an OSI-service-provider. 3.3.2 service to OSI-service-users. OSI-service-provider: An abstract representation of the totali

33、ty of those entities which provide an OSI- 3.3.3 OSI-service-user: An entity in a single open system that makes use of an OSI-service. NOTE - The OM-service-user makes use of the OSI-service through a collection of OSI-service primitives defined for the OSI-service. 3.3.4 interaction between an OSI-

34、service-user and its OSI-service-provider. OSI-service primitive; primitive: NOTE - The term “primitive” is used in some documents in place of the preferred form “OSI-service primitive”. An abstract, atomic, implementation-independent representation of an 3.3.5 submit (primitive): An OSI-service pri

35、mitive initiated by an OSI-service-user. 3.3.6 deliver (primitive): An OSI-service primitive initiated by an OSI-service-provider. 3.3.7 primitive and as a result may receive one or more deliver primitives. requestor: In a particular exchange of OSI-service-primitives, an OSI-service-user that issue

36、s a submit 3.3.8 primitive and as a result may issue one or more submit primitives. acceptor: In a particular exchange of OSI-service-primitives, an OSI-service-user that receives a deliver 3.3.9 request (primitive); requestor.submit (primitive): A submit primitive issued by a requestor. 3.3.10 indi

37、cation (primitive); acceptor.de1iver (primitive): A deliver primitive received by an acceptor 3.3.11 response (primitive); acceptor.subrnit (primitive): A submit primitive issued by an acceptor. 3.3.12 confirm (primitive); requestor.de1iver (primitive): A deliver primitive received by a requestor. 3

38、.3.13 OSI-faciIity: A part of an OSI-service designated within a Recommendation I International Standard. 2 ITU-T Rec. X.210 (1993 E) ISO/IEC 10731 : 1994 (E) NOTES 1 service” for terms relating to such a designated part of the total OSI-service. The form “.-facility” is to be strongly preferred for

39、 all such usages. There are existing Recommendations I International Standards for OSI-service definitions which use the form “ 2 The term “OSI-facility” defined here is distinguished from the term “faciIity” (without the qualification “OSI-”) used, for example, in CCITT Rec. X.25 and ISOAEC 8208. 3

40、.3.14 OSI-mandatory-facility: An OSI-facility which is always provided. 3-3-15 OSI-provider-optional-facility: An OSI-facility which may or may not be provided. 3.3.16 OSI-user-optional-facility : An OSI-facility which is only used if all peer OSI-service-users agree. 3.3.17 OSI-service-provider to

41、the initiating OSI-service-user. OSI-confirmed-facility: An OSI-facility in the operation of which an explicit confirmation is given from the 3.3.18 the OSI-service-provider to the initiating OSI-service-user. OSI-non-confirmed-facility: An OSI-facility in the operation of which no explicit confirma

42、tion is given from 3.3.19 provider. OSI-provider-initiated-facility: An OSI-facility the operation of which is initiated by the OSI-service- 3.3.20 interactions at an OSI-service boundary. for the (N)-subsystem. OSI-local view: The shared behaviour of an OSI-service-user and an OSI-service-provider

43、in terms of their NOTE - In the case of (N)-services, the OSI-service boundary is to be understood as the set of (N)-service-access-points 3.3.21 is only one type of OSI-local view). symmetrical service: An OSI-service for which the definitions of all OSI-local views are the same (i.e. there 3.3.22

44、(i.e. there are several types of OSI-local view). asymmetrical service: An OSI-service for which the definitions of all OSI-local views are not all the same 3.3.23 service-users. multi-peer: A mode of operation of an OSI-service which supports exchanges between more than two OSI- 4 Abbreviations ASE

45、 application-service-element AS0 application-service-object OS1 Open Systems Interconnection SECTION 1 - GENERAL MODEL AND CONVENTIONS 5 Model of service 5.1 The concept of OSI-service definition 5.1.1 boundary between the OSI-service-provider and the OSI-service-users. An OSI-service is that capabi

46、lity of an OSI-service-provider which is offered to OSI-service-users at the 5.1.2 An OSI-service definition is the complete expression of the behaviour of an OSI-service-provider as seen by its OSI-service-users. An OSI-service definition does not describe the internal behaviour of an OSI-service-p

47、rovider. There are many mechanisms that may be specified to provide an OSI-service. It is thus fundamental that the conventions used to define an OSI-service allow an USI-service definition to be expressed totally independently from any subsequent specification of the protocol or protocols which sup

48、port that OSI-service. 5.1.3 To make proper use of an OSI-service, it is necessary for an OSI-service-user to reference the OSI-service definition. As a result, an OSI-service definition constrains the behaviour of the OSI-service-users. Nevertheless, it is not the purpose of an OSI-service definiti

49、on to express the complete behaviour of OSI-service-users. ITU-T Rec. X.210 (1993 E) 3 ISO/IEC 10731 : 1994 (E) 5.2 The general model of an OSI-service definition 5.2.1 communication (connectionless-mode. connection-mode, multi-peer, etc.) in all seven layers. This clause describes a general model for the definition of an OSI-service which is applicable to all modes of 5.2.2 An OSI-service-user and an OSI-service-provider interact at a OSI-service boundary in an open system. The interactions between the OSI-service-user and the OSI-service-provider constitute an abstract interface at the


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