CEPT ERC REPORT 25-1998 Frequency Range 29 7 MHz to 105 GHz and Associated European Table of Frequency Allocations and Utilisations (Brussels June 1994 Revised in Bonn March 1995 a.pdf

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CEPT ERC REPORT 25-1998 Frequency Range 29 7 MHz to 105 GHz and Associated European Table of Frequency Allocations and Utilisations (Brussels June 1994 Revised in Bonn March 1995 a.pdf_第1页
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CEPT ERC REPORT 25-1998 Frequency Range 29 7 MHz to 105 GHz and Associated European Table of Frequency Allocations and Utilisations (Brussels June 1994 Revised in Bonn March 1995 a.pdf_第2页
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CEPT ERC REPORT 25-1998 Frequency Range 29 7 MHz to 105 GHz and Associated European Table of Frequency Allocations and Utilisations (Brussels June 1994 Revised in Bonn March 1995 a.pdf_第3页
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CEPT ERC REPORT 25-1998 Frequency Range 29 7 MHz to 105 GHz and Associated European Table of Frequency Allocations and Utilisations (Brussels June 1994 Revised in Bonn March 1995 a.pdf_第4页
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CEPT ERC REPORT 25-1998 Frequency Range 29 7 MHz to 105 GHz and Associated European Table of Frequency Allocations and Utilisations (Brussels June 1994 Revised in Bonn March 1995 a.pdf_第5页
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1、ERC REPORT 25 -w European Radiocommunications Committee (ERC) .,. -.*.”. . %. within the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEFT) FREQUENCY RANGE 29.7 MHz TO 105 GHz AND ASSOCIATED EUROPEAN TABLE OF FREQUENCY ALLOCATIONS AND UTILISATIONS Brussels, June 1994 revised

2、 in Bonn, March 1995 and in Brugge, February 1998 STD.CEPT ERC REPORT 25-ENGL 3778 O 2326434 0035227 523 11111 Copyright 1998 the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEpT? STD-CEPT ERC REPORT 25-ENGL 1798 I 2326414 0015228 4bT II ERC REPORT 25 FREQUENCY RANGE 29.7 M



5、3Tb I ERC REPORT 25 Page 1 FREQUENCY RANGE 29.7 MHz TO 105 GHz AND ASSOCIATED EUROPEAN TABLE OF FREQUENCY ALLOCATIONS AND UTILISATIONS 1 INTRODUCTION Following the World Administrative Radio Conference in 1992 which allocated spectrum to new services in the 1 - 3 GHz frequency range CEFT began to de

6、velop a general plan to promote the harmonised European use of frequencies within the band 1350 - 2690 MHz. Particular importance was attached to the early development of such a general plan in order to provide a framework for the implementation of the decisions of WARC-92 and the consequential chan

7、ges required, in a harmonised way, throughout CEPT member countries and to provide the necessary guidance for European radio equipment manufacturers to commence production. Since then CEPT has endorsed the principle of adopting a harmonised European Table of Frequency Ailocations and Utilisations by

8、 the year 2008. This work is being progressed by the CEPT ERCs European Radiocommunications Office FRO) through a series of Detailed Spectrum Investigations SIS) which consider in turn different frequency ranges. The frequency range 960 - 3400 MHz has not yet been covered by a DSI. However, the freq

9、uency range 860 - 3400 MHz is due to be covered by DSI Phase II during 1998/99. Therefore, in view of the urgency of requiring a common European position in the spectrum between 960 - 3400 MHz and the timescales involved in the production of the DSIs it was decided to take advantage of the work alre

10、ady being undertaken by CEPT for the frequency band 1350 - 2690 MHz by extending the frequency range to cover this broader band. The frequency range 29.7 - 960 MHz was covered by DSI Phase II and the range 3.4 - 105 GHz was covered by DSI Phase I which has lead to an agreed frequency allocation and

11、utilisation plan. 2 WARC-92, WRC-95 and WRC-97 Due account has been taken of the relevant decisions of the World Radio Conferences WARC92, WRC-95 and WRC-97 and of strategies developed by other international fora concerning, in particular, the introduction and development of mobile and mobilesatelli

12、te services. 3 EUROPEAN TABLE OF FREQUENCY ALLOCATIONS AND UTILISATIONS A European Table of Frequency Allocations and Utilisations for the frequency band 29.7 MHz to 105 GHz expected beyond the year 2008 has been developed and is attached as Annex 1 to this Report. Although the implementation of thi

13、s Table has been arranged for the year 2008 it is expected that CEPT member countries will endeavour to implement, as soon as possible, as many parts of the Table as they are able. It is also expected that the Table will be used as a source document by CEF member countries for the development of Rec

14、ommendations, Decisions, and European Common Proposals (ECPs) for future Radio Conferences of the ITU dealing with this frequency range. This Report and its associated table will be reviewed periodically and revised as necessary by the ERC taking into account the results of World Radio Conferences,

15、future DSIs, ERC Decisions and other relevant developments. 4 CEPT DECISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS During the preparation of the Table account was taken of work already completed by CEE in respect of systems expected to operate in this frequency range. The ERC Decisions and ERC Recommendations, which

16、are relevant to this frequency range, have been incorporated into the Table and are listed in Annex 4. 5 MILITARY REQUIREMENTS Liaison with military authorities from CEPT countries has also been necessary in view of their use of, and requirements in, this frequency range. Although no single represen

17、tative military body exists for all CEPT member countries, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) has a Joint CivivMilitary Frequency Agreement (NJFA) which was felt to be a useful basis from which to develop a view of military frequency requirements. A forum that allows both civil and milita

18、ry frequency managers from all CEPT countries to meet STD-CEPT ERC REPORT 25-ENGL 3998 I 2326434 0035230 038 II ERC REPORT 25 Page 2 has also been established by CEPT. This forum established a project team (JFW) which has looked in detail at the requirements for harmonised military usage of spectrum

19、 to meet the needs of both NATO and non-NATO CEPT countries. The results of the studies by JFT1 are reflected in the Table. Military requirements vary both between activities and countries. In some countries national requirements may be more than the harmonised band, in other countries for the time

20、being there may be no national requirements in a specific harmonised band. In general, the harmonised military bands should provide a common military frequency resource in order to ailow systems to operate in common border areas, facilitate common exercises and Peace Keeping Operations (PKO), includ

21、e the core frequency assets for day-to-day training, exercise, combat readiness and employment and support electronic countermeasures CM) training. Any spectrum reorganisation should aim at a provision of a common military frequency resource in accordance with the ECA. STD-CEPT ERC REPORT ZS-ENGL 19

22、98 2326414 OOL5231 T54 I ERC REPORT 25 Page 3 ANNEX 3 EUROPEAN TABLE OF FREQUENCY ALLOCATIONS AND UTILISATIONS IN THE RANGE 29.7 MHz TO 105 GHz EXPECTED BEYOND THE YEAR 2008 EXPLANATORY NOTES TO THE TABLE The heading of this table includes five columns, with the following contents: Column 1: Freciue

23、ncv Band Indicates the frequency band referred to in that row of the table Column 2: RR Region 1 Allocations and relevant footnotes Contains in each frequency band: - Current RR Article S5 allocations which correspond to Region 1. - Current RR Article S5 footnotes - Underlined footnotes are addition

24、al allocations to one or more CEPT member countries. See Annex 3 for description of RR Article S5 footnotes. Column 3: European Common Allocation CECA) Contains in each frequency band: - Allocations of major use or major interest in CEPT member countries expected beyond - RR Art. S5 footnotes affect

25、ing a major number of CEPT countries beyond 2008. 2008. Column 4: Maior utilisation This column includes where appropriate in each frequency band and for the services allocated - The major uses in CEPT member countries expected beyond 2008. - Mention of systems expected to be in use in a major numbe

26、r of CEFT member countries in the European Common Allocation: beyond the year 2008. Mention of specific utilisations of a given service does not preclude the use of other services mentioned in the European Common Allocation. Column 5: Notes This column indicates where appropriate in each frequency b

27、and: - EU footnotes (see Annex 2 for description of footnotes). - Mention of relevant ERC Decisions andor ERC Recommendations approved by the ERC. - Where applicable, the date of entry into force of: a) a specific allocation of the European Common Allocation column. b) ERC Decision I ERC Recommendat

28、ion mentioned in the utilisations column. c) major utilisation contained in the utilisation column. - Any other relevant information such as the nature of use of a major utilisation. In respect of defence systems two terms are used with the associated definitions: 1) Common militan tuning range :- A

29、 common military tuning range is normally a recommended tuning range for radio equipment operating across hannonised military bands. Such a tuning range forms the basis for planning of future military equipment procurement. 2) Hannonised militarv band:- A frequency band which is in general military

30、use in Europe and identified for military utilisation in the European Common Allocation Table (ECA). Such a frequency band forms a basis for military use and planning. The band can be shared between civil and military users according to national requirements and legislation. STD.CEPT ERC REPORT 25-E

31、NGL 1998 I 2326414 0035232 770 9 EXC REPORT 25 Page 5 Frequency band RR Region 1 allocation and relevant footnotes European Common Allocation Major Utilisation Notes EU1 EU2 29.700 - 30.005 MHz FIXED MOBILE MOBILE Defence systems. Radio microphones, under study. Defence systems. Radio microphones, u

32、ndei study. 30.005 - 30.01 O MHz SPACE OPERATION (satellite identification) FIXED MOBILE SPACERESEARCH MOB1 LE EU1 EU2 30.01 - 37.50 MHz FIXED MOBILE MOBILE PMR. EUlEU2EU27 Defence system. Radio microphones 30.01 - 34.90 MHz. Model control 34.995 - 35.225 MHz (exclusive allocation). ERC Recommendati

33、on CEPTIERCIREC 70-03. The bands 30.3 - 30.5 MHz and 32.15 - 32.45 MHz are harmonised military bands. EU1 EU2 RA continuum measurements. MOB1 LE except Aeronautical Mobile Radio Astronomy s5.149 PMR. Defence systems. 37.50 - 38.25 MHz FIXED MOBILE Radio Astronomy S5.149 FIXED MOBILE MOB1 LE PMR. Def

34、ence system. EU1 EU2 39.0 - 39.2 MHz is under study as a harmoniced band for meteor-scatter applications. EU1 EU2 38.250 - 39.986 MHz 39.986 - 40.020 MHz FIXED MOBILE Space Research MOB1 LE Space Research PMR. Defence systems. FIXED MOBILE S5.150 MOB1 LE EU1 EU2 PMR. Defence systems. Defence systems

35、. ISM. General SRD. PMR. Defence systems. PMR. 40.02 - 40.66 MHz 40.660 - 40.700 MHz 40.70 - 40.98 MHz EU1 EU2 MOB1 LE S5.150 ERC Recommendation CEPTIERCIREC 70-03. EU1 EU2 MOB1 LE 40.980 - 41.015 MHz FIXED MOBILE Space Research S5.160 55.161 MOB1 LE Space Research EU1 EU2 Defence systems, PMR. Defe

36、nce systems. EU1 EU27 This is a harmoniced military band. 41 .O1 5 - 44.000 MHz FIXED MOBILE S5.160 S5.161 MOBILE ERC REPORT 25 Page 6 Frequency band 44.0 - 46.4 MHz 46.4 - 47.0 MHz 47 - 48 MHz 48.0 - 48.5 MHz 48.5 - 50.0 MHz 50 -51 MHz 51 -52 MHz 52 - 54 MHz 54 - 61 MHz RR Region 1 allocation and r

37、elevant footnotes FIXED MOBILE S5.162A BROADCAST1 NG - S5.162AS5.163 S5.164 S5.165 S5.169 S5.171 European Common Allocation MOB1 LE S5.1 62A MOBILE except Aeronautical Mobile S5.162A LAND MOBILE S5.162A S5.164 LAND MOBILE S5.162A 55.164 LAND MOBILE S5.162A 55.164 LAND MOBILE Amateur S5.162A 55.164 L

38、AND MOBILE Amateur S5.162A S5.164 LAND MOBILE S5.162A S5.164 LAND MOBILE S5.162A S5.164 Major Utilisation PMR. Defence systems. PMR. Defence systems. PMR. On-site paging in the band 47.00 - 47.25 MHz. Defence systems. PMR. CAB. Defence systems. PMR. General CRD 49.50 - 50.00 MHz. Defence systems. PM

39、R. Defence systems. PMR. Defence systems. PMR. CAB. Defence systems. PMR. CAB. Defence systems. Notes EU1 EU27 This is a harmonised military band. Geographical sharing with wind profiler radars in the range 46 - 68 MHz. EU1 EU27 This is a harmonised military band. Geographical sharing with wind prof

40、iler radars in the range 46 - 68 MHz. EU1 EU2 EU3 Geographical sharing with wind profiler radars in the range 46 - 68 MHz. EU1 EU2 EU3 Geographical sharing with wind profiler radars in the range 46 - 68 MHz. EU1 EU2 EU3 Geographical sharing with wind profiler radars in the range 46 - 68 MHz. EU1 EU2

41、 EU3 Geographical sharing with wind profiler radars in the range 46.0 -68.0 MHz. EU1 EU2 EU3 Geographical sharing with wind profiler radars in the range 46 - 68 MHz. EU1 EU2 EU3 Geographical sharing with wind profiler radars in the range 46 - 68 MHz. EU1 EU2 EU3 ERC Recommendation T/R 25-08, Annex 2

42、b, ML paired with 61 - 68 MHz. Geographical sharing with wind profiler radars in the range 46 - 68 MHz. ERC REPORT 25 Page 7 31 -68 MHz Frequency RR Region 1 allocation band and relevant footnotes BROADCAST1 NG - S5.162A 55.164 S5.165 S5.169 S5.171 74.8 - 75.2 MHz 75.2 - 77.7 M Hz 77.7 -77.8 M Hz 77

43、.8 - 84.6 M Hz 68.00 - FIXED Aeronautical Mobile S5.149 S5.174 95.175 - S5.177 55.179 74.80 MHz AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION s5. I 80 s5. I ai FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile - s5.175 s5.179 5.184 s5.187 84.6 - 85.0 M Hz 85.0 - 87.5 I European Common Allocation LAND MOB1 LE S5.162A S5.164 MO

44、B1 LE MOBILE except Aeronautical Mobile Radio Astronomy s5.149 AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION s5. I ao s5. I 81 MOB1 LE MOB1 LE MOBILE MOBILE MOBILE Major Utilisation PMR. Defence systems. PMR. Defence systems. PMR. Defence systems. IlClMarker beacons. PMR. Defence systems. PMR. Defence systems. PMR.

45、Defence systems. PMR. Defence system. PMR. Defence systems. Notes EU1 EU2 EU3 ERC Recommendation T/R 2508, Annex 2b, FB paired with 54 - 61 MHz. Geographical sharing with wind profiler radars in the range 46 - 68 MHz. EU1 EU2 EU4 ERC Recommendation T/R 2508, Annex 2b, ML paired with 77.80 - 80.25 MH

46、z. EUIEUZEU4EU27 ERC Recommendation T/R 25-08, Annex 2.b, ML paired with 80.25 - 84.60 MHz. 73.3 - 74.1 MHz is a harmonised military band. RA continuum measurements. RA: 73.0 - 74.6 MHz for solar wind monitoring. EU 1 EU1 EU2 ERC Recommendation T/R 2508, Annex 2b, ML paired with 85.00 - 87.50 MHz. E

47、U1 EU2 ERC Recommendation TR 25-08, Annex 2b, Single frequency. EUIEU2EU27 ERC Recommendation TiR 2508, Annex 2b, FB paired with 68.00 - 74.80 MHz. Hannonised military band EU1 EU2 ERC Recommendation T/R 2508, Annex 2b, Single frequency. 79.0-79.7 MHz. EU1 EU2 ERC Recommendation T/R 2508, Annex 2b,

48、FB paired with 75.20 - 77.70 MHz. ERC REPORT 25 Page 8 RR Region 1 allocation and relevant footnotes BROADCASTING S5.190 BROADCASTING 55.194 AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION s5.197 AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) S5.111 S5.198 S5.199 55.200 S5.201 AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) S5.202 S5.203 S5.203A S5.203B SPACE OPER

49、ATION (space-to-Earth) SATELLITE (space-to- Earth) SPACE RESEARCH (space-to-Earth) (space-to-Earth) S5.208A 55.209 Fixed Mobile except Aeronautical mobile (R) 55.204 S5.205 S5.206 S5.208 METEOROLOGICAL- MOB1 LE-SATELLITE European Common Allocation BROADCASTI NG BROADCASTI NG AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION S5.197 AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) S5.200 MOBILE-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) AERONAUTICAL MOBILE S5.199 S5.200 AERONAUTICAL MOBILE (R) S5.200 S5.201 S5.202 METEOROLOGICAL- SATELLITE (space-to- Earth) MOB1 LE MOB1 LE-SATELLITE (space-to-Earth) S5.208A S5.209 Space Operation (space- to


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