CGSB 4 2 NO 11 2-M89-CAN CGSB-1989 Textile Test Methods Bursting Strength - Ball Burst Test《纺织品试验方法 钢球式顶破强力试验》.pdf

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CGSB 4 2 NO 11 2-M89-CAN CGSB-1989 Textile Test Methods Bursting Strength - Ball Burst Test《纺织品试验方法 钢球式顶破强力试验》.pdf_第1页
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CGSB 4 2 NO 11 2-M89-CAN CGSB-1989 Textile Test Methods Bursting Strength - Ball Burst Test《纺织品试验方法 钢球式顶破强力试验》.pdf_第2页
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CGSB 4 2 NO 11 2-M89-CAN CGSB-1989 Textile Test Methods Bursting Strength - Ball Burst Test《纺织品试验方法 钢球式顶破强力试验》.pdf_第3页
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CGSB 4 2 NO 11 2-M89-CAN CGSB-1989 Textile Test Methods Bursting Strength - Ball Burst Test《纺织品试验方法 钢球式顶破强力试验》.pdf_第4页
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CGSB 4 2 NO 11 2-M89-CAN CGSB-1989 Textile Test Methods Bursting Strength - Ball Burst Test《纺织品试验方法 钢球式顶破强力试验》.pdf_第5页
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1、Governmentof CanadaCanadian GeneralStandards BoardExperience and excellenceExprience et excellenceGouvernementdu CanadaOffice des normesgnrales du Canada CAN/CGSB-4.2No./No11.2-M89Supersedes/Remplace CAN/CGSB-4.2Method/Methode 11.2July/Juillet 1977Extended/ProlongeeApril/Avril 1997Reaffirmed/Confirm

2、eeNovember/Novembre 2004Textile Test Methodes pourMethods epreuves textilesBursting Strength Ball Resistance a leclatement Burst Test Essai declatement a la billeICS 59.080.30National Standard of CanadaNorme nationale du CanadaCopyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license

3、with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-The CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD (CGSB), The STANDARDS COUNCIL OF CANADA is the co-ordinatingunder whose auspices this National Standard of Canada has been body of the National Standards System, a federat

4、ion ofdeveloped is a government agency within Public Works and independent, autonomous organizations working towards theGovernment Services Canada. CGSB is engaged in the production further development and improvement of voluntaryof voluntary standards in a wide range of subject areas through the st

5、andardization in the national of standards committees and the consensus process. TheThe principal objectives of the Council are to foster and promotestandards committees are composed of representatives of relevantvoluntary standardization as a means of advancing the nationalinterests

6、including producers, consumers and other users, retailers,economy, benefiting the health, safety and welfare of the public,governments, educational institutions, technical, professional andassisting and protecting the consumer, facilitating domestic andtrade societies, and research and testing organ

7、izations. Any giveninternational trade, and furthering international co-operation in thestandard is developed on the consensus of views expressed byfield of standards.such representatives.A National Standard of Canada is a standard which has beenCGSB has been accredited by the Standards Council of C

8、anada asapproved by the Standards Council of Canada and one whicha national standards-development organization. The standards thatreflects a reasonable agreement among the views of a number ofit develops and offers as National Standards of Canada conform tocapable individuals whose collective intere

9、sts provide, to thethe criteria and procedures established for this purpose by thegreatest practicable extent, a balance of representation ofStandards Council of Canada. In addition to standards it publishesproducers, users, consumers and others with relevant interests, asas national standards, CGSB

10、 produces standards to meet particularmay be appropriate to the subject in hand. It normally is aneeds, in response to requests from a variety of sources in both thestandard that is capable of making a significant and timelypublic and private sectors. Both CGSB standards and CGSBcontribution to the

11、national interest.national standards are developed in conformance with the policiesApproval of a standard as a National Standard of Canada indicatesdescribed in the CGSB Policy Manual for the Development andthat a standard conforms to the criteria and procedures establishedReview of the

12、 Standards Council of Canada. Approval does not refer toCGSB standards are subject to review and revision to ensure thatthe technical content of the standard; this remains the continuingthey keep abreast of technological progress. Suggestions for theirresponsibility of the accredited standards-devel

13、opmentimprovement, which are always welcome, should be brought toorganization.the notice of the standards committees concerned. Changes toThose who have a need to apply standards are encouraged to usestandards are issued either as separate amendment sheets or inNational Standards of Canada whenever

14、practicable. Thesenew editions of standards.standards are subject to periodic review; therefore, users areAn up-to-date listing of CGSB standards, including detailscautioned to obtain the latest edition from the organizationon latest issues and amendments, and ordering instructions,preparing the sta

15、 found in the CGSB Catalogue, which is published annuallyThe responsibility for approving National Standards of Canadaand is available without charge upon request. An electronicrests with the:version, ECAT, is also available. More information is availableabout CGSB products and services at o

16、ur Web site Standards Council of Albert StreetSuite 200Although the intended primary application of this standard isOttawa, Ontariostated in its Scope, it is important to note that it remains theK1P 6N7responsibility of the users of the standard to judge its suitability

17、for their particular purpose.The testing and evaluation of a product against this standard mayrequire the use of materials and/or equipment that could behazardous. This document does not purport to address all thesafety aspects associated with its use. Anyone using this standardhas the responsibilit

18、y to consult the appropriate authorities and toHow to order Publications:establish appropriate health and safety practices in conjunctionwith any applicable regulatory requirements prior to its use.CGSB neither assumes nor accepts any responsibility for any by telephone (819) 956-0425 orinjury or da

19、mage that may occur during or as the result of tests, 1-800-665-2472wherever fax (819) 956-5644Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements ofthis Canadian standard may be the subject of patent rights. CGSBby mail CGSB Sales Centreshall not be held responsible for ide

20、ntifying any or all such patentGatineau, Canadarights. Users of this standard are expressly advised thatK1A 1G6determination of the validity of any such patent rights are entirelytheir own responsibility. in person Place du PortagePhase III, 6B1Further information on CGSB and its services and standa

21、rds may11 Laurier Streetbe obtained from:Gatineau, QuebecThe ManagerStrategic Standardization Divisionby email ncr.cgsb-ongcpwgsc.gc.caCanadian General Standards BoardGatineau, Canada on the Web www.ongc-cgsb.gc.caK1A 1G6Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with C

22、GSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-La presente Norme nationale du Canada a ete elaboree sous les Le CONSEIL CANADIEN DES NORMES est lorganisme deauspices de lOFFICE DES NORMES GENERALES DU coordination du Systeme national de normes, une federationCA

23、NADA (ONGC), qui est un organisme relevant de Travaux dorganismes independants et autonomes qui travaillent aupublics et Services gouvernementaux Canada. LONGC participe adeveloppement et a lamelioration de la normalisation volontairela production de normes facultatives dans une gamme etendue de dan

24、s linteret national.domaines, par lentremise de ses comites des normes qui seLes principaux buts du Conseil sont dencourager et de promouvoirprononcent par consensus. Les comites des normes sont composesla normalisation volontaire comme moyen dameliorer leconomiede representants des groupes interess

25、es aux normes a letude,nationale, dameliorer la sante, la securite et le bien-etre du public,notamment les fabricants, les consommateurs et autres utilisateurs,daider et de proteger le consommateur, de faciliter le commerceles detaillants, les gouvernements, les institutions denseignement,national e

26、t international et de favoriser la cooperation internationaleles associations techniques, professionnelles et commerciales ainsidans le domaine de la normalisation.que les organismes de recherche et dessai. Chaque norme estelaboree avec laccord de tous les representants.Une Norme nationale du Canada

27、 est une norme, approuvee par leConseil canadien des normes, qui reflete une entente raisonnableLe Conseil canadien des normes a confere a lONGC le titreparmi les points de vue dun certain nombre de personnesdorganisme delaboration de normes nationales. En consequence,competentes dont les interets r

28、eunis forment, au degre le plus eleveles normes que lOffice elabore et soumet a titre de Normespossible, une representation equilibree des producteurs, utilisateurs,nationales du Canada se conforment aux criteres et proceduresconsommateurs et dautres personnes interessees, selon le domaineetablis a

29、cette fin par le Conseil canadien des normes. Outre laenvisage. Il sagit generalement dune norme qui peut apporter unepublication de normes nationales, lONGC redige egalement descontribution appreciable, en temps opportun, a linteret national.normes visant des besoins particuliers, a la demande de p

30、lusieursorganismes tant du secteur prive que du secteur public. Les normesLapprobation dune norme en tant que Norme nationale du Canadade lONGC et les normes nationales de lONGC sont conformesindique quelle est conforme aux criteres et methodes etablis par leaux politiques enoncees dans le Manuel de

31、s politiques pourConseil canadien des normes. Lapprobation ne porte pas surlelaboration et le reexamen des normes de lONGC.laspect technique de la norme; cet aspect demeure la responsabiliteEtant donne levolution technique, les normes de lONGC fontde lorganisme delaboration de normes accredite.lobje

32、t de revisions periodiques. Toutes les suggestions susceptiblesIl est recommande aux personnes qui ont besoin de normes de seden ameliorer la teneur sont accueillies avec grand interet etservir des Normes nationales du Canada lorsque la chose estportees a lattention des comites des normes concernes.

33、 Lespossible. Ces normes font lobjet dexamens periodiques; cestchangements apportes aux normes font lobjet de modificatifspourquoi il est recommande aux utilisateurs de se procurer leditiondistincts ou sont incorpores dans les nouvelles editions des plus recente de la norme aupres de lorga

34、nisme qui la preparee.Une liste a jour des normes de lONGC comprenant desrenseignements sur les normes recentes et les derniers modificatifsLa responsabilite dapprouver les Normes nationales du Canadaparus, et sur la facon de se les procurer figure au Catalogue deincombe au:lONGC publie chaque annee

35、. Cette publication peut egalementConseil canadien des normesetre obtenue sur demande, sans frais. Une version electronique,270, rue AlbertECAT, est egalement disponible. Des renseignementsBureau 200supplementaires sur les produits et les services de lONGC sontOttawa (Ontario)disponibles a notre sit

36、e Web 6N7Meme si lobjet de la presente norme precise lapplication premiereque lon peut en faire, il faut cependant remarquer quil incombe alutilisateur, au tout premier chef, de decider si la norme peut serviraux fins quil envisage.La mise a lessai et levaluation dun produit

37、en regard de lapresente norme peuvent necessiter lemploi de materiaux oudequipement susceptibles detre dangereux. Le present documentComment commander des publications de l :nentend pas traiter de tous les aspects lies a la securite de sonutilisation. Il appartient a lusager de la norme de se rensei

38、gneraupres des autorites competentes et dadopter des pratiquespar telephone (819) 956-0425 oude sante et de securite conformes aux reglements applicables 1-800-665-2472avant de lutiliser. LONGC nassume ni naccepte aucuneresponsabilite pour les blessures ou les dommages qui pourraientpar telecopieur

39、(819) 956-5644survenir pendant les essais, peu importe lendroit ou ceux-ci sonteffectues. par la poste Centre des ventes de lONGCGatineau, CanadaIl faut noter quil est possible que certains elements de la presenteK1A 1G6norme canadienne soient assujettis a des droits conferes a un brevet.LONGC ne pe

40、ut etre tenu responsable de nommer un ou tous lesen personne Place du Portagedroits conferes a un brevet. Les utilisateurs de la norme sontPhase III, 6B1informes de facon personnelle quil leur revient entierement de11, rue Laurierdeterminer la validite des droits conferes a un brevet.Gatineau (Quebe

41、c)Pour de plus amples renseignements sur lONGC, ses services et lesnormes en general, priere de communiquer avec:par courrier ncr.cgsb-ongctpsgc.gc.caelectroniqueLe GestionnaireDivision de la normalisation strategiquesur le Web www.ongc-cgsb.gc.caOffice des normes generales du CanadaGatineau, Canada

42、K1A 1G6Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CAN/CGSB-4.2No./No11.2-M89Supersedes/Remplace CAN/CGSB-4.2Method/Methode 11.2July/Juillet 1977Extended/ProlongeeApril/Avril 1997


44、neral Standards Board Standards Council of CanadalOffice des normes generales du Canada Conseil canadien des normesPublished September 1989 by the Publiee, septembre 1989, parCanadian General Standards Board lOffice des normes generales du CanadaGatineau, Canada K1A 1G6 Gatineau, Canada K1A 1G6 Mini

45、ster of Supply and Services Canada 1989 Ministre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada 1989No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut etre reproduite daucunethe prior permission of the publisher. maniere sans la permission prealab

46、le de lediteur.Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARDOFFICE DES NORMES GENERALES DU CANADACOMMITTEE ON TEXTILE TEST METHODS AND TERMINOLOGYCO

47、MITE DES METHODES POUR EPREUVES TEXTILES ET TERMINOLOGIE(Membership at date of reaffirmation)(Composition a la date de confirmation)PML Consulting Marsh, P. PML ConsultingChairperson/PresidentCanada Revenue Agency Allen, L. Agence du revenu du CanadaRentex Mills Inc. Baig-Mirza, A. Rentex Mills Inc.

48、Bodycote ORTECH Bauerle, J. Bodycote ORTECHThe Incredible Clothing Company Bergs, A.M. The Incredible Clothing CompanyNational Defence Bourget, S. Defense nationaleNational Defence Carrick, D. Defense nationaleLogistik Unicorp Inc. Carriere, S. Logistik Unicorp Inc.REETEX Charlebois, J. REETEXLincoln Fabrics Ltd. Cochran, B. Lincoln Fabrics Ltd.Chatel Votre Nettoyeur Demers, A. Chatel Votre NettoyeurDifco Performance Fabrics Inc. Duhamel, D. Difco T

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