CGSB 4 2 NO 36-M89-CAN CGSB-1989 Methodes Pour Epreuves Textiles Permeabilite A L-Air《纺织品透气性试验方法》.pdf

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1、CANlCGSB-4.2 No./N0 36-M89 TEXTILE TEST METHODS MTHODES POUR PREUVES TEXTILES AIR PERMEABILITY PERMABILIT LAIR Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB-4-2 N0.3b-

2、NA7 Xt = 1874650 0011420 57T CANICGSB-4.2 No./N0 36-M89 NATIONAL NORME STANDARD NATIONALE OFCANADA DUCANADA TEXTILE TEST METHODS MTHODES POUR PREUVES TEXTILES AIR PERMEABILITY PERMABILIT LAIR This method supersedes issue of July 1977. La presente mthode remplace ldition de juillet 1977. Prepared by/

3、Preparee par Canadian General Standards Board -5 Standards Council of Canada lOffice des normes generales du Canada - Conseil canadien des normes a Approved by/Approuvee par le Published December 1989 by the Canadian General Standards Board Ottawa, Canada K1 A 1 G6 Minister of Supply and Services Ca

4、nada - 1989 Publie, dcembre 1989, par lOffice des normes generales du Canada Ottawa, Canada K1 A 1 G6 Ministre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada - 1989 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the publisher. Aucune partie de cette publication

5、ne peut tre reproduite daucune maniere sans la permission pralable de lditeur. C Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CANICGSB-4.2 N0.3b-fl89 tt 1874650 0011421 426 Th

6、e CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD (CGSB), under whose auspices this standard has been developed is a government agency within the Federal Department of Supply and Services. The CGSB is engaged in the production of voluntary standards in a wide range of subject areas through the media of standards c

7、ommittees and the consensus process. The standards committees are composed of representatives of relevant interests including producers, consumers and other users, retailers, governments, educational institutions, technical, professionai and trade societies, and research and testing organizations. A

8、ny given standard is developed on the consensus of views expressed by such representatives. The Ministers Advisory Council on CGSB reviews the results of the consensus process. The CGSB has been accredited by the Standards Council of Canada as a national standards-writing organization. The standards

9、 that it develops and offers as National Standards of Canada conform to the criteria and procedures established for this purpose by the Standards Council of Canada. In addition to standards it publishes as national standards, the CGSB produces standards to meet particular needs, in response to reque

10、sts from a variety of sources in both the public and private sectors. Both CGSB standards and national standards developed by the CGSB are developed in conformance with the policies described in the Policy Manual for the Development and Maintenance of Standards by CGSB. CGSB standards are subject to

11、 review and revision at any time, so as to ensure that they keep abreast of technological progress. Suggestions for their improvement, which are always welcome, should be brought to the notice of the standards committees concerned. Changes to standards are issued either as separate amendment sheets

12、or in new editions of standards. An up-to-date listing of CGSB standards, including details on latest issues and amendments, and ordering instructions, will be found .in the Catalogue of Standards and Qualification and Certification Listings which is published annually and is available without charg

13、e upon request. Although the intended primary application of this standard is stated in its Scope, it is important to note that it remains the responsibility of the users of the standard to judge its suitability for their particular purpose. Many tests required by CGSB standards are inherently hazar

14、dous. The CGSB neither assumes nor accepts any responsibility for any injury or damage that may occur during or as the result of tests, wherever performed. The CGSB takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted with any item connected with this standard. Users of this stand

15、ard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights are entirely their own responsibility. Further information on the CGSB and its services and standards may be obtained from: La prsente norme, a et labore sous les auspices de lOFFICE DES NORMES GENERALES DU CANADA

16、 (ONGC), qui est un organisme fdral relevant du ministre des Approvisionnements et Services. LONGC participe a la production de normes facultatives dans une gamme tendue de domaines, par lentremise de ses comits des normes qui se prononcent par consensus. Les comits des normes sont composs de reprse

17、ntants des groupes interesses aux normes a ltude, notamment les fabricants, lec consommateurs et autres utilisateurs, les dtaillants, les gouvernements, les institutions denseignement, les associations techniques, professionnelles et cornmerciaies ainsi que les organismes de recherche et dessai. Cha

18、que norme est labore avec laccord de tous les reprsentants. Le Conseil consultatif du Ministre pour IONGC passe en revue les dcisions prises par consensus. a Le Conseil canadien des normes a confr a IONGC le titre dorganisme rdacteur de normes nationales. En con therefore, users are cautioned to obt

19、ain the latest edition from the organization preparing the standard. The responsibility for approving National Standards of Canada rests with the: Standards Council of Canada 350 Sparks Street Ottawa, Ontario K1R 7S8 dans lintrt national. Les principaux buts du Conseil sont dencourager et de promouv

20、oir la normalisation volontaire comme moyen damliorer lconomie nationale, damliorer la sant, la scurit et le bien-tre du public, daider et de protger le consommateur, de faciliter le commerce national et international et de favoriser la coopration internationale dans le domaine de la normalisation.

21、Une Norme nationale du Canada est une norme, approuve par le Conseil canadien des normes, qui reflete une entente raisonnable parmi les points de vue dun certain nombre de personnes comptentes dont les intrts runis forment, au degr le plus lev possible, une reprsentation quilibre des producteurs, ut

22、ilisateurs, consommateurs et dautres personnes intresses, selon le domaine envisag. II sagit gnralement dune norme qui peut apporter une contribution apprciable, en temps opportun, a lintrt national. Lapprobation dune norme en tant que Norme nationale du Canada indique quelle est conforme aux cntere

23、s et methodes tablis par le Conseil canadien des normes. Lapprobation ne porte pas sur laspect technique de ia norme; cet aspect demeure la responsabilit de lorganisme redacteur de normes accredit. II est recommand aux personnes qui ont besoin de normes de se servir des Normes nationales du Canada l

24、orsque la chose est possible. Ces normes font tobjet dexamens priodiques; cest pourquoi il est recommande aux utilisateurs de se procurer ldition la plus rcente de la norme aupres de lorganisme qui la preparee. La responsabilit dapprouver les Normes nationales du Canada incombe au: Conseil canadien

25、des normes 350, rue Sparks Ottawa, Ontario KIR 7S8 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB-4.2 N0-3b-MB7 XX 187itb50 0011423 2T7 CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD

26、 OFFICE DES NORMES GNRALES DU CANADA COMMITTEE ON TEXTILE TEST METHODS COMIT SUR LES MTHODES POUR PREUVES TEXTILES (Membership at date of approval) (Composition a la date dapprobation) Dominion Textile Inc. Celanese Canada Inc. University of Sherbrooke Royal Canadian Mounted Police Du Pont of Canada

27、 Ltd. University of Alberta Professional Association of Cleaners and Department of National Defence Launderers of Quebec Canadian Carpet Institute The Wool Bureau of Canada Ltd. Department of National Revenue, Department of Consumer and Corporate University of Manitoba Department of Consumer and Cor

28、porate Affairs Consultant Customs and Excise Affairs Consultant Ontario Research Foundation The T. Eaton Company Canada Ltd. Consoltex Inc. Sears Canada Inc. Alberta Department of Public Works Department of Supply and Services The Retail Research Foundation of Canada Patons & Baldwins (Canada) Inc.

29、Technitrol Canada Ltd. Canadian General Standards Board Audet, A.J. Chairman/Prsident Biron, C. Broadbent, A. D. Carroll, G. Clarke, N. Mrs./Mme Crown, Dr E.M. Demerc, A. Dolhan, P. Mrs./Mme Edwards, D.S. Graham, M. Hurley, M. Ms./Mme Kasem, Dr M.A. King, Dr M. Law, L.D. Ms./Mme Mitton, M.T. MissiMl

30、le Monk, W.B. Mortimer, R. Muniak, E. Mrs./Mme Neussler, P. Patel, A. Rashid, M.A. Sanders, B.A. Scraton, K. Ms.lMme White, J. Wishart, P. Ms./Mme Randall, J. Mrs./Mme Secretary/Secrtaire Dominion Textile Inc. Celanese Canada Inc. Universit de Sherbrooke Gendarmerie royale du Canada Du Pont du Canad

31、a Lte . Universit dAlberta Association professionnelle des nettoyeurs Ministre de la Dfense nationale et Buandiers du Qubec Institut canadien du tapis The Wool Bureau of Canada Ltd. Ministre du Revenu national, Ministre de la Consommation et des Universit du Manitoba Ministre de la Consommation et d

32、es Corporations Expert-conseil Douanes et Accise Corporations Expert-consei I Fondation de recherches de lOntario La Compagnie T. Eaton Canada Lte Consoltex Inc. Sears Canada Inc. Ministre des Travaux publics, Alberta Ministre des Approvisionnements et La Fondation canadienne de recherche pour Paton

33、s & Baldwins (Canada) Inc. Technitrol Canada Lte Services le commerce de dtail Office des normes gnrales du Canada Acknowledgment is made for the French translation of this National Standard of Canada by the Translation Bureau of the Department of the Secretary of State. Nous remercions le Bureau de

34、s traductions du Secretariat dtat de la traduction franaise de la prsente Norme nationale du Canada. CANICGSB-4.2 NO./No 36-M89 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CA

35、NICGSB-4-2 N0.3b-M89 Yt D 1874650 0033424 135 National Standard of Canada Norme nationale du Canada TEXTILE TEST METHODS . CAN/CGSB-4.2 CGca OGC MTHODES POUR PREUVES TEXTILES I Ottawa I Air Permeability Permabilit a lair I No./No 36-M89 Supersedes Issue of Remplace ldition de JulyiJuillet 1977 1. PU

36、RPOSE AND SCOPE OBJET 1.1 This method measures the air permeability in terms of La prsente mthode permet de mesurer la permabilit a the number of cubic centimetres of air passing through lair en termes du nombre de centimetres cubes dair qui one square centimetre of fabric per second when the passen

37、t au travers dune surface dun centimetre carr de differential between the air pressures on opposite tissu, en une seconde, lorsque la diffrence entre les sides of the fabric is equal to 12.7 mm of water. It is pressions dair sur chacun des cts du tissu est gale applicable to all types of fabrics and

38、 to a variety of une pression deau de 12.7 mm. Cette mthode sapplique a other permeable materials in sheet form (Note 1). tous les types de tissus et une gamme dautres matires permables sous forme de feuille (remarque 1). This method may require the use of materials and/or La prsente mthode peut nce

39、ssiter lemploi de matriaux equipment that could be hazardous. This document ou dquipement dangereux. Le prsent document nentend does not purport to address all the safety aspects pas traiter de tous les aspects lis a la scurit de son associated with its use. Anyone using this method has utilisation.

40、 II appartient lusager de la mthode de se the responsibility to consult the appropriate authorities renseigner auprs des autorits comptentes et dadopter and to establish appropriate health and safety des pratiques dhygine et de scurit conformes aux practices in conjunction with any existing applicab

41、le rglements en vigueur avant de lutiliser. regulatory requirements prior to its use. 1.2 e 2. PRINCIPLE PRINCIPE 2.1 The differential between the air pressures on opposite sides of the specimen is adjusted to the required value and the rate of air flow through a known area of the specimen is determ

42、ined. La diffrence entre les pressions dair sur chacun des cts du spcimen est rgle la valeur requise et le dbit dair traversant une surface connue du spcimen est dtermin. 3. APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS PUBLICATIONS APPLICABLES 3.1 The following publications are applicable to this Les publications suivan

43、tes sappliquent la prsente method: mthode: 3.1.1 Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) CANICGSB-4.2 - Textile Test Methods: Office des normes gnrales du Canada (ONGC) CAN/CGSB-4.2 - Mthodes pour preuves textiles: No. l-M - Precision and Accuracy of No l-M - Prcision et exactitude des mesures Measu

44、rements No. 2-M - Conditioning Textile Materials for No 2-M - Conditionnement des textiles pour fins Testing. dessais. Note 1: A test procedure utilizing a higher pressure Remarque 1: Un mode opratoire utilisant une pression plus (250 mm of wafer) is available in the method described in leve (250 mm

45、 deau) est explique dans la mthode dcrite ”High Pressure Porosity Instrument - RAE Design“, dans la brochure AERO 11 1219R intitule High Pressure Porosity pamphlet AERO 11 1219R (Royal Aircraft Establishment, Instrument - RAE Design- (Royal Aircraft Establishment, e Farnborough, Hants, England). Far

46、nborough, Hants, England). Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB-4*2 N0-3b-fl89 * L874b50 OOLL425 07L 3.2 4. 4.1 5. 5.1 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 7. 7.1 7.2 Reference to

47、the above publications is to the latest issues, unless otherwise specified by the authority applying this method. The source for these publications is given in the Notes section. APPARATUS A device capable of forcing air through a known area of fabric while also providing means of adjusting and meas

48、uring both the flow of air through the test area and the pressure differential established between opposite faces of the specimen (Note 2). The instrument should be calibrated regularly. TEST SPECIMEN The test specimen shall consist of a full width sample of fabric of sufficient length to provide ten test areas in accordance with par. 6.3. PROCEDURE Condition the specimen in accordance with Clamp the test specimen in the testing device, taking care to smooth out any wrinkles or creases before clamping. Adjust the air pressure differential to 12.7 mm


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