DIN 18331-2016 German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Concrete works《德国建筑包工合同条例(VOB) 第C部分 建筑合同(AT.pdf

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DIN 18331-2016 German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Concrete works《德国建筑包工合同条例(VOB) 第C部分 建筑合同(AT.pdf_第1页
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DIN 18331-2016 German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Concrete works《德国建筑包工合同条例(VOB) 第C部分 建筑合同(AT.pdf_第2页
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DIN 18331-2016 German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Concrete works《德国建筑包工合同条例(VOB) 第C部分 建筑合同(AT.pdf_第3页
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DIN 18331-2016 German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Concrete works《德国建筑包工合同条例(VOB) 第C部分 建筑合同(AT.pdf_第4页
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DIN 18331-2016 German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Concrete works《德国建筑包工合同条例(VOB) 第C部分 建筑合同(AT.pdf_第5页
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1、 S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 6 E n g l i s h p r i c e g r o u p 8 N o p a r t o f t h i s t r a n s l a t i o n m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t p r i o r p e r m i s s i o n o f D I N D e u t s c h e s I n s t i t u t f r N o r m u n g e . V . , B e r l i n . B e u t h V e r l a g G m b H ,

2、 1 0 7 7 2 B e r l i n , G e r m a n y ,h a s t h e e x c l u s i v e r i g h t o f s a l e f o r G e r m a n S t a n d a r d s ( D I N - N o r m e n ) .I C S 9 1 . 0 1 0 . 2 0 ; 9 1 . 1 0 0 . 3 0!%t+“2568108www.din.deD I N 1 8 3 3 1G e r m a n c o n s t r u c t i o n c o n t r a c t p r o c e d u r

3、 e s ( V O B ) P a r t C : G e n e r a l t e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c a t i o n s i n c o n s t r u c t i o n c o n t r a c t s ( A T V ) C o n c r e t e w o r k s ,E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n o f D I N 1 8 3 3 1 : 2 0 1 6 - 0 9V O B V e r g a b e - u n d V e r t r a g s o r d n u n g f

4、 r B a u l e i s t u n g e n T e i l C : A l l g e m e i n e T e c h n i s c h e V e r t r a g s b e d i n g u n g e n f r B a u l e i s t u n g e n ( A T V ) Betonarbeiten,E n g l i s c h e b e r s e t z u n g v o n D I N 1 8 3 3 1 : 2 0 1 6 - 0 9C a h i e r d e s c h a r g e s a l l e m a n d p o

5、u r d e s t r a v a u x d e b t i m e n t ( V O B ) P a r t i e C : C l a u s e s t e c h n i q u e s g n r a l e s p o u r l e x c u t i o n d e s t r a v a u x d e b t i m e n t ( A T V ) T r a v a u x d e b t o n ,T r a d u c t i o n a n g l a i s e d e D I N 1 8 3 3 1 : 2 0 1 6 - 0 9SupersedesD

6、I N 1 8 3 3 1 : 2 0 1 5 - 0 8www.beuth.deDocument comprises 20 pagesDT r a n s l a t i o n b y D I N - S p r a c h e n d i e n s t .I n c a s e o f d o u b t , t h e G e r m a n - l a n g u a g e o r i g i n a l s h a l l b e c o n s i d e r e d a u t h o r i t a t i v e .11.16 DIN 18331:2016-09 2 A

7、 comma is used as the decimal marker. Foreword This document has been prepared by the Deutscher Vergabe- und Vertragsausschuss fr Bauleistungen (DVA) (German Committee for Construction Contract Procedures). Amendments This document differs from DIN 18331:2015-08 as follows: a) the document has been

8、editorially revised; b) the references to VOB/A have been updated; c) the normative references have been updated as of 2016-04. Previous editions DIN 1967: 1925-08, 1933-02, 1937-01, 1943-05 DIN 18331: 1958-12, 1974-08, 1976-09, 1979-10, 1988-09, 1992-12, 1996-06, 1998-05, 2000-12, 2002-12, 2005-01,

9、 2006-10, 2010-04, 2012-09, 2015-08 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the refere

10、nced document (including any amendments) applies. DIN 488-1, Reinforcing steels Part 1: Grades, properties, marking DIN 488-2, Reinforcing steels Part 2: Reinforcing steel bars DIN 488-4, Reinforcing steels Welded fabric DIN 1045-2:2008-08, Concrete, reinforced and prestressed concrete structures Pa

11、rt 2: Concrete Specification, performance, production and conformity Application rules for DIN EN 206-1 DIN 1045-3:2012-03, Concrete, reinforced and prestressed concrete structures Part 3: Execution of structures Application rules for DIN EN 13670 DIN 1045-4, Concrete, reinforced and prestressed con

12、crete structures Part 4: Additional rules for the production and the conformity of prefabricated elements DIN 1054, Subsoil Verification of the safety of earthworks and foundations Supplementary rules to DIN EN 1997-1 DIN 1960, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part A: General provisions

13、 relating to the award of construction contracts DIN 18331:2016-09 3 DIN 1961, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part B: General conditions of contract relating to the execution of construction work DIN 4030-1, Assessment of water, soil and gases for their aggressiveness to concrete Part

14、 1: Principles and limiting values DIN 4030-2, Assessment of water, soil and gases for their aggressiveness to concrete Part 2: Sampling and analysis of water and soil samples DIN 4159, Floor bricks and plasterboards, statically active DIN 4160, Bricks for floors, statically inactive DIN 4166, Autoc

15、laved aerated concrete slabs and panels DIN 4213, Application in structures of prefabricated components of lightweight aggregate concrete with open structure with structural or non-structural reinforcement DIN 4223 (all parts), Application of prefabricated reinforced components of autoclaved aerated

16、 concrete DIN 18057, Concrete windows Dimensioning, requirements, tests DIN 18202:2013-04, Tolerances in building construction Buildings DIN 18299, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) General rules applying to all typ

17、es of construction work DIN 18309, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) Ground treatment by grouting DIN 18313, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction con

18、tracts (ATV) Diaphragm walling DIN 18314, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) Sprayed concrete work DIN 18316, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction con

19、tracts (ATV) Road construction Surfacings with hydraulic binders DIN 18333, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) Cast stone work DIN 18335, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specif

20、ications in construction contracts (ATV) Structural steelwork DIN 18349, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) Repair work on concrete structures DIN EN 206-1:2001-07, Concrete Part 1: Specification, performance, produc

21、tion and conformity DIN EN 445, Grout for prestressing tendons Test methods DIN EN 446, Grout for prestressing tendons Grouting procedures DIN EN 447, Grout for prestressing tendons Basic requirements DIN EN 1051-1, Glass in building Glass blocks and glass pavers Part 1: Definitions and description

22、DIN 18331:2016-09 4 DIN EN 1520, Prefabricated reinforced components of lightweight aggregate concrete with open structure with structural or non-structural reinforcement DIN EN 1536, Execution of special geotechnical work Bored piles DIN EN 15037-2, Precast concrete products Beam-and-block floor sy

23、stems Part 2: Concrete blocks DIN EN 1992-1-1, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings DIN EN 1992-1-1/NA, National Annex Nationally determined parameters Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings DIN E

24、N 1992-1-2, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures Part 1-2: General rules Structural fire design DIN EN 1992-1-2/NA, National Annex Nationally determined parameters Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures Part 1-2: General rules Structural fire design DIN EN 1992-2, Eurocode 2: Design of concr

25、ete structures Part 2: Concrete bridges Design and detailing rules DIN EN 1992-2/NA, National Annex Nationally determined parameters Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures Part 2: Concrete bridges Design and detailing rules DIN EN 1992-3, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures Part 3: Liquid r

26、etaining and containment structures DIN EN 1992-3/NA, National Annex Nationally determined parameters Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures Part 3: Liquid retaining and containment structures DIN EN 1997-1, Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design Part 1: General rules DIN EN 1997-1/NA, National Annex Na

27、tionally determined parameters Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design Part 1: General rules DIN EN 12699, Execution of special geotechnical works Displacement piles DIN EN 12812, Falsework Performance requirements and general design DIN EN 13670, Execution of concrete structures DIN EN 15037-2, Precast con

28、crete products Beam-and-block floor systems Part 2: Concrete blocks DIN EN ISO 17660-1, Welding Welding of reinforcing steel Part 1: Load-bearing welded joints DIN EN ISO 17660-2, Welding Welding of reinforcing steel Part 2: Non load-bearing welded joints DIN 18331:2016-09 5 Contents Page 0 Details

29、required for drafting the specification of works . 5 1 Scope 10 2 Materials and components . 10 3 Execution of work 11 4 Associated tasks and special tasks 13 5 Settlement of accounts 15 Annex A (normative) Definitions of building elements . 19 0 Details required for drafting the specification of wo

30、rks The following information supplements the general information specified in DIN 18299, clause 0. Without this information, a specification of works as required in 7 ff., 7 EU ff. or 7 VS ff. of VOB/A (DIN 1960) cannot be properly drawn up. This information does not form part of the contract. The

31、specification of works shall, in particular, include the following information as and when applicable. 0.1 Site information 0.1.1 Depths and types of foundation of, and loads from, neighbouring structures. 0.1.2 Details of excavation work. 0.1.3 Type, position and constructional details of adjacent

32、components against which the concrete is to be placed. 0.1.4 Type, constructional details, dimensions and location of any scaffolding installed by other contractors, and schedule for the installation or removal of such scaffolding. 0.1.5 Wind action. DIN 18331:2016-09 6 0.2 Details of execution of w

33、ork 0.2.1 Type, position, dimensions and number of building elements, etc.according to the definitions in DIN 18331, Table A.1, accounted for separately according to concrete, formwork and reinforcement. 0.2.2 Requirements and specifications according to DIN EN 1992-1-1 in conjunction with DIN EN 19

34、92-1-1/NA, DIN EN 1992-1-2 in conjunction with DIN EN 1992-1-2/NA, DIN EN 1992-2 in conjunction with DIN EN 1992-2/NA, and DIN EN 1992-3 in conjunction with DIN EN 1992-3/NA; documentation regarding, for example, concrete type, properties of hardened concrete, exposure class, moisture class, strengt

35、h class, water resistance. 0.2.3 Use of concrete of special composition (e.g. lightweight concrete, fibre reinforced concrete, concrete with added pigment, concrete containing white Portland cement), special placement techniques (e.g. for underwater concrete or vacuum dewatered concrete). 0.2.4 In t

36、he case of exposed concrete surfaces, e.g. classification of visible surfaces, texture (detailing, where necessary, the formwork system and facing, surfaces produced without formwork), colour, sectionalizing, form of joints, edges, holes for ties and putlogs, formwork joints, reinforcement joints wh

37、ere members join, more stringent requirements for floor soffits and the resulting work (e.g. protection against falling flash rust particles), number of specimen surfaces, details of reference surface(s), 0.2.5 Single-face formwork, facing (e.g. templates), special techniques. 0.2.6 Type, location,

38、dimensions, drawings, design and execution of scaffolds for structures according to subclause 4.2.6. 0.2.7 Use of scaffolds by other companies, special requirements. 0.2.8 Reassembly of scaffolds for the purposes of other contractors. 0.2.9 Provision of scaffolds, tarpaulins or other means of protec

39、tion over and above the period of the contractors own use. 0.2.10 Any surfaces which are sloping or curved, or which change level. 0.2.11 Grades, dimensions and quantities of reinforcing or prestressing steel. Any use of special steels. Corrosion protection. Special forms to which the reinforcement

40、is to be bent, e.g. helices, loops. DIN 18331:2016-09 7 0.2.12 Details of any special reinforcement layout (e.g. greater reinforcement ratio for beams integrated in floors), or of special joints in the reinforcement (e.g. welded or bolted joints, reinforcement boxes). 0.2.13 Type, number, location a

41、nd dimensions of recesses and the like. 0.2.14 Type, number, location, dimensions and masses of embedded fixtures, e.g. anchor rails for lifts. 0.2.15 Type, location, dimensions and design of working, movement, dummy, structural and construction joints, formwork joints, and ends, connections to/junc

42、tions with adjacent building elements. 0.2.16 Number, type, location, dimensions and constructional details of concrete surfaces that are without joints. 0.2.17 Requirements regarding placement of concrete against existing building elements (e.g. maximum rate of rise in concrete level). 0.2.18 Type,

43、 design and dimensions of inclined surfaces on floors, walls, beams and girders, of brackets and haunches, and of mouldings projecting from their surfaces. 0.2.19 Constructing acute or obtuse-angled corners. 0.2.20 Any increase in concrete cover (e.g. for dressed surfaces). 0.2.21 Any particular req

44、uirements for spacers. 0.2.22 Type, condition and strength of structural base (e.g. type, thickness and compressibility of insulating, separating and protective layers, damp-proofing). 0.2.23 Any special form which the building elements are to have or any special properties the surface of the concre

45、te is to have (e.g. for waterproofing or the application of protective coatings or wall coverings). 0.2.24 Any particular requirements regarding the curing of concrete and the use of separating agents or curing agents. 0.2.25 Surface treatment of surfaces produced without formwork. 0.2.26 Any requir

46、ements regarding fire and radiation protection, damp proofing, and sound and thermal insulation to be observed. 0.2.27 Requirements resulting from the erection of electrical installations (e.g. earthing and lightning protection systems). 0.2.28 Any particular requirements regarding the design of bas

47、e enlargements and pile caps and their reinforcement. 0.2.29 Mechanical, chemical and dynamic conditions to which materials and components will be exposed after installation. 0.2.30 Levelling surface irregularities in the background/base. 0.2.31 Protection of components, equipment, etc. DIN 18331:20

48、16-09 8 0.2.32 Any separate parts of the work prior or subsequent to the main work. 0.2.33 Any experts opinion to be taken into consideration in doing the work. 0.2.34 Position and constructional details of sliding joints. 0.3 Details not included in the specifications of this standard 0.3.1 If specifications are to be made that are not included in the specifications of this standard, they shall be described separately and clearly in the specification of works. 0.3.2 Such specifications may be of

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