DIN CEN TR 15868-2012 Survey of national requirements used in conjunction with EN 206-1 2000 English version CEN TR 15868 2009《需要与EN 206-1-2000标准一起使用的各国要求调查 英文版本 CEN TR 15868-2009》.pdf

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DIN CEN TR 15868-2012 Survey of national requirements used in conjunction with EN 206-1 2000 English version CEN TR 15868 2009《需要与EN 206-1-2000标准一起使用的各国要求调查 英文版本 CEN TR 15868-2009》.pdf_第1页
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DIN CEN TR 15868-2012 Survey of national requirements used in conjunction with EN 206-1 2000 English version CEN TR 15868 2009《需要与EN 206-1-2000标准一起使用的各国要求调查 英文版本 CEN TR 15868-2009》.pdf_第2页
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DIN CEN TR 15868-2012 Survey of national requirements used in conjunction with EN 206-1 2000 English version CEN TR 15868 2009《需要与EN 206-1-2000标准一起使用的各国要求调查 英文版本 CEN TR 15868-2009》.pdf_第3页
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DIN CEN TR 15868-2012 Survey of national requirements used in conjunction with EN 206-1 2000 English version CEN TR 15868 2009《需要与EN 206-1-2000标准一起使用的各国要求调查 英文版本 CEN TR 15868-2009》.pdf_第4页
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DIN CEN TR 15868-2012 Survey of national requirements used in conjunction with EN 206-1 2000 English version CEN TR 15868 2009《需要与EN 206-1-2000标准一起使用的各国要求调查 英文版本 CEN TR 15868-2009》.pdf_第5页
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1、April 2012 Normenausschuss Bauwesen (NABau) im DINPreisgruppe 33DIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e. V. Jede Art der Vervielfltigung, auch auszugsweise, nur mit Genehmigung des DIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e. V., Berlin, gestattet.ICS 91.100.30Zur Erstellung einer DIN SPEC knnen verschiedene Ve

2、rfahrensweisen herangezogen werden: Das vorliegende Dokument wurde nach den Verfahrensregeln eines Fachberichts erstellt.!$yjz“1867187www.din.deDDIN CEN/TR 15868berblick nationaler Anforderungen, die im Zusammenhang mitEN 206-1:2000 verwendet werden;Englische Fassung CEN/TR 15868:2009Survey of natio

3、nal requirements used in conjunction with EN 206-1:2000;English version CEN/TR 15868:2009tat des prescriptions nationales utilises avec lEN 206-1:2000;Version anglaise CEN/TR 15868:2009Alleinverkauf der Spezifikationen durch Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin www.beuth.deGesamtumfang 138 SeitenDIN SPEC

4、 18206DIN CEN/TR 15868 (DIN SPEC 18206):2012-04 2 Nationales Vorwort Dieses Dokument (CEN/TR 15868:2009) wurde vom Technischen Komitee CEN/TC 104 Beton und zuge-hrige Produkte“ erarbeitet, dessen Sekretariat vom DIN (Deutschland) gehalten wird. Der fr die deutsche Mitarbeit zustndige Arbeitsausschus

5、s im DIN ist der als Spiegelausschuss eingesetzte Arbeitsausschuss NA 005-07-02 AA Betontechnik“ des Normenausschusses Bauwesen (NABau) im DIN. Dieses Dokument enthlt unter Bercksichtigung des DIN-Prsidialbeschlusses 1/2004 und der Entscheidung der zustndigen Gremien im Normenausschuss Bauwesen (NAB

6、au) die Englische Fassung des Technischen Bericht CEN/TR 15868:2009. TECHNICAL REPORT RAPPORT TECHNIQUE TECHNISCHER BERICHT CEN/TR 15868 June 2009 ICS 91.100.30 English Version Survey of national requirements used in conjunction with EN 206-1:2000 tat des prescriptions nationales utilises avec lEN 2

7、06-1:2000 berblick nationaler Anforderungen, die im Zusammenhang mit EN 206-1:2000 verwendet werden This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 3 February 2009. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 104. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, C

8、yprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B

9、-1000 Brussels 2009 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. CEN/TR 15868:2009: E EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMIT EUROPEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPISCHES KOMITEE FR NORMUNG CEN/TR 15868:2009 (E) 2 Contents Page Forewo

10、rd 3 1 Scope 4 2 Location of national requirements .6 3 Exposure classes.8 4 Constituent materials . 27 5 Limiting values 35 6 Methods for minimising the risk of damaging ASR 57 7 Use of additions 62 8 Intermediate compressive strength classes 75 9 Conformity and certification 76 10 National provisi

11、ons related to additional or different requirements . 84 11 Production control 96 Annex A National minimum aggregate categories for normal weight aggregate concrete used in general construction 99 Annex B Limiting values . 117 Annex C Use of Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag . 135 DIN CEN/TR 15868

12、 (DIN SPEC 18206):2012-04 CEN/TR 15868:2009 (E) 3 Foreword This document (CEN/TR 15868:2009) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 104 “Concrete and related products”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document

13、may be the subject of patent rights. CEN and/or CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. DIN CEN/TR 15868 (DIN SPEC 18206):2012-04 CEN/TR 15868:2009 (E) 4 1 Scope This CEN Report provides a summary of national requirements used with EN 206-1:2000. The aims

14、 of this CEN Report are to: a) provide a picture of how EN 206-1 is being applied in practice; b) identify areas where EN 206-1 is being interpreted in different ways; c) identify areas where CEN Member Countries have found simplification to be necessary; d) identify additional national requirements

15、; e) show areas where CEN Member Countries have found it necessary to override the requirements of EN 206-1. EN 206-1 uses the phrase national provisions. However, recent CEN Guidance wishes to retain this term for regulatory requirements only. This survey uses the term national requirements to incl

16、ude regulations, standards and other documents that form the basis of local practice. As a summary of national requirements, the information in this CEN Report is incomplete and may have been subject to later revisons. It is insufficient and not intended to provide the basis for design and specifica

17、tion: for this the national requirements (see Table 1.1) should be studied. Table 1.1 identifies CEN Member Countries who did not respond to the questionnaire. The other tables in this CEN Report only include information from CEN Member Countries who responded and CEN Member Countries who did not re

18、spond are not identified. DIN CEN/TR 15868 (DIN SPEC 18206):2012-04 CEN/TR 15868:2009 (E) 5 Members of Ad Hoc Group Professor Tom Harrison, Convenor Dipl.-Ing. Anette Berrig Dr. Ir. Claude Bleiman Dr. Manuel Burn Dr. Ir. Hans Cornelissen Dr. Michel Delort Dr. John Moore Dipl.-Ing. Udo Wiens CEN Memb

19、er Countries CEN Member Countries Austria AT Latvia LV Belgium BE Lithuania LTCyprus CY Luxembourg LU Czech Republic CZ Malta MT Denmark DK Netherlands NLEstonia EE Norway NO Finland FI Poland PLFrance FR Portugal PT Germany DE Slovakia (Slovak Republic) SK Greece GR Slovenia SIHungary HU Spain ES I

20、celand IS Sweden SEIreland IE Switzerland CH Italy IT United Kingdom UKAffiliates Albania AL Bulgaria BG Croatia (Hrvatska) HR Romania RO Turkey TR DIN CEN/TR 15868 (DIN SPEC 18206):2012-04 CEN/TR 15868:2009 (E) 6 2 Location of national requirements Table 1.1 gives the title of the documents that co

21、ntain the national requirements, together with an English translation of the title. Any person wishing to design and specify concrete in another CEN Member Country should consult the documents cited in Table 1.1. Please note that the documents will be written in the national language(s) of the CEN M

22、ember Country. It should also be noted that the survey was conducted during 2005 to 2006 and the answers reflect practice at that time, which may not be the same as current practice. Table 1.1 Location of national requirements CEN Member CountriesaLocation of national requirements Austria NORM B 471

23、0-1: Beton Teil 1: Festlegung, Herstellung, Verwendung und Konformittsnachweis (Regeln zur Umsetzung der NORM EN 206-1) (Concrete Part 1: Specification, production, use and verification of conformity (Rules for the implementation of NORM EN 206-1) Belgium NBN B 15-001: Supplment la NBN EN 206-1 Bton

24、 Spcification, performances, production et conformit NBN B 15-001: Aanvulling op NBN EN 206-1 Beton Eisen, gedraging, vervaardiging en conformiteit (Supplement to NBN EN 206-1: Concrete Specification, performance, production and conformity) Cyprus No response received Czech Republic CSN EN 206-1 Zme

25、na Z2 Denmark DS 2426: Beton Materialer Regler for anvendelse af EN 206-1 i Danmark (Concrete Materials Rules for the use of EN 206-1 in Denmark) Estonia No response received Finland Suomen rakentamismryskokoelma, B4 Betonirakenteet, Liite 3: Kansallinen liite standardiin SFS-EN 206-1 (National Buil

26、ding Code of Finland, B4 Concrete structures, Annex 3: national Annex to standard SFS-EN 206-1) Informative Guidance document: Betoninormit 2004, Suomen Betoniyhdistys (Concrete Code, Finnish Concrete Association) France National annex included in the NF EN 206-1 standard Germany DIN 1045-2: Tragwer

27、ke aus Beton, Stahlbeton und Spannbeton Teil 2: Beton Festlegung, Eigenschaften, Herstellung und Konformitt Anwendungsregeln zu DIN EN 206-1 (DIN 1045-2: Concrete, reinforced and prestressed concrete structures Part 2: Concrete Specification, properties, production and conformity Application rules f

28、or DIN EN 206-1) Greece No response received Hungary No response received Iceland No response received Ireland National Annex; published with I.S. EN 206-1 as a single document. Italy UNI 11104: Calcestruzzo Specificazione, prestazione produzione e conformit Istruzioni complementari per lapplicazion

29、e della EN 206-1 (Concrete Specification, performance, production and conformity, Additional provisions for the application of EN 206-1) DIN CEN/TR 15868 (DIN SPEC 18206):2012-04 CEN/TR 15868:2009 (E) 7 Table 1.1 (continued) CEN Member CountriesaLocation of national requirements Latvia No response r

30、eceived Lithuania No response received Luxembourg DNA EN 206: Document National dApplication luxembourgeois de lEN 206-1: Bton Partie 1: Spcification, performances, production et conformit (DNA EN 206: Luxemburgish national application document of the EN 206-1: Concrete Part 1: specification, perfor

31、mance, production and conformity) Malta There are no national provisions, but in the past, local industry has used recommendations in European, British or German standards Netherlands NEN 8005:2004: Nederlandse invulling van NEN-EN 206-1: Beton Deel 1: Specificatie, eigenschappen, vervaardiging en c

32、onformiteit (Dutch supplement to NEN-EN 206-1: Concrete Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity) Norway NS-EN 206-1 National Annex Poland No response received Portugal The Portuguese requirements are in the National Annex to NP EN 206-1 and to NP ENV 13670-1 and in the followin

33、g National Civil Engineering Laboratory (LNEC) specifications, referenced in the NA of NP EN 206-1 LNEC E 461:2004: Metodologia para prevenir reaces expansivas internas (Methodology for avoiding internal expansive reactions) LNEC E 464:2005: Metodologia prescritiva para uma vida til de 50 e 100 anos

34、 face s aces ambientais (Prescritive methodology for a 50 and 100 years design working life under the environmental exposures) LNEC E 465:2005: Metodologia para estimar as propriedades de desempenho do beto que permitam satisfazer a vida til de projecto de estruturas de beto armado ou pr-esforado so

35、b as exposies ambientais XC e XS (Methodology for estimating the concrete performance properties allowing to comply with the design working life of the reinforced or prestressed concrete structures under the environmental exposures XC and XS) Slovakia STN EN 206-1: Zmena 1 Concrete Part 1: Specifica

36、tion, performance, production and conformity supplements EN 206-1 with the national provisions STN 731210: Water-proof concrete and concrete types of the specific characteristics (Resistance to abrasion, Concrete for the massive constructions Low hydrating warmth) Slovenia SIST 1026: Beton 1.del: Sp

37、ecifikacija, lastnosti, proizvodnja in skladnost Pravila za uporabo SIST EN 206-1 (SIST 1026: Concrete Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity Rules for the implementation of SIST EN 206-1) Spain Spain has not adopted EN 206-1 Sweden SS 13 70 03: Betong Anvndning av EN 206-1 I

38、Sverige (Concrete Application of EN 206-1 in Sweden) Vgledning fr val av exponeringsklass enligt SS-EN 206-1, Betongrapport nr 11, Svenska Betongfreningen (Guidance for selection of exposure class according to SS-EN 206-1, Concrete report No 11, Swedish Concrete Association) DIN CEN/TR 15868 (DIN SP

39、EC 18206):2012-04 CEN/TR 15868:2009 (E) 8 Table 1.1 (continued) CEN Member CountriesaLocation of national requirements Switzerland SN EN 206-1:2000: Beton Teil 1: Festlegung, Eigenschaften, Herstellung und Konformitt (mit Nationalem Vorwort und Nationalem Anhang) (SN-EN 206-1:2000: Concrete Part 1:

40、Specification, performance, production and conformity (with National Preface and National Annex) SN EN 206-1:2000/A1:2004: Beton Teil 1: Festlegung, Eigenschaften, Herstellung und Konformitt (SN EN 206-1:2000/A2:2005: Concrete Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity) Ergnzung z

41、um Nationalen Anhang NB der Norm SN EN 206-1:2000: Teil 1: Verwendung von Zementen und Zusatzstoffen gemss dem Prinzip der gleichwertigen Betonleistungsfhigkeit (in Arbeit) (Amendments to the National Annex of the SN EN 206-1: Part 1: Use of cements and mineral additions according to the equivalent

42、performance concept of concrete properties (in preparation) Ergnzung zum Nationalen Anhang der Norm SN EN 206-1:2000: Teil 1: Anwendung des k-Wert Konzeptes gemss dem Prinzip der gleichwertigen Betonleistungsfhigkeit (in Arbeit); der Anhang wird Nationaler Anhang NC genannt (Application of the k-val

43、ue concept according to the principle of the equivalent concrete performance) United Kingdom BS 8500: Concrete Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206-1 Part 1: Method of specifying and guidance for the specifier Part 2: Specification for constituent materials and concrete a None of the CEN affi

44、liates chose to respond to this survey. 3 Exposure classes In Table 2.1 exposure classes that have been grouped together are given. A significant number of CEN Member Countries have found the need to simplify the system. In its simplest form this reduces to interior, outside, severe and (chemically)

45、 aggressive. A significant number of CEN Member Countries have grouped classes (not always in the same way). For example, XC3 and XC4 are grouped together and often the XF1 is combined with XC4 and XF2 with XD3 or the concrete quality is the same. However, not all CEN Member Countries have to consid

46、er freeze-thaw action and so it may not be possible to group the carbonation-induced corrosion exposure classes (XC) and freeze-thaw exposure classes (XF) at a CEN level. The reasons for grouping them together vary and include: a) simplifying the system to meet local needs; b) one exposure class can

47、not exist without the other exposure class in the local environment; c) not easy for engineers to select one exposure from another; d) the resulting concrete specification is the same. Some CEN Member Countries have not grouped the exposure classes, but have the same quality of concrete for several

48、exposure classes. If they are following EC2, this may lead to different minimum covers to reinforcement, but the same concrete quality. DIN CEN/TR 15868 (DIN SPEC 18206):2012-04 CEN/TR 15868:2009 (E) 9 As the examples in EN 206-1:2000, Table 1 are informative, Table 2.2 shows the extent to which the

49、 informative examples have been adopted in CEN Member Countries and gives the additional national examples of these exposure classes. There is a clear message in the responses showing that the informative examples for the XC1 and XC2 exposures should clearly identify that the water is non-aggressive. The responses to Table 2.3 show that EN 206-1, Table 2 is applied to the majority of situations in CEN Member Countries including m

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