DIN EN 12405-1-2011 Gas meters - Conversion devices - Part 1 Volume conversion German version EN 12405-1 2005+A2 2010《煤气表 换算装置 第1部分 体积换算 德文版本EN 12405-1-2005+A2-2010》.pdf

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DIN EN 12405-1-2011 Gas meters - Conversion devices - Part 1 Volume conversion German version EN 12405-1 2005+A2 2010《煤气表 换算装置 第1部分 体积换算 德文版本EN 12405-1-2005+A2-2010》.pdf_第1页
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DIN EN 12405-1-2011 Gas meters - Conversion devices - Part 1 Volume conversion German version EN 12405-1 2005+A2 2010《煤气表 换算装置 第1部分 体积换算 德文版本EN 12405-1-2005+A2-2010》.pdf_第2页
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DIN EN 12405-1-2011 Gas meters - Conversion devices - Part 1 Volume conversion German version EN 12405-1 2005+A2 2010《煤气表 换算装置 第1部分 体积换算 德文版本EN 12405-1-2005+A2-2010》.pdf_第3页
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DIN EN 12405-1-2011 Gas meters - Conversion devices - Part 1 Volume conversion German version EN 12405-1 2005+A2 2010《煤气表 换算装置 第1部分 体积换算 德文版本EN 12405-1-2005+A2-2010》.pdf_第4页
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DIN EN 12405-1-2011 Gas meters - Conversion devices - Part 1 Volume conversion German version EN 12405-1 2005+A2 2010《煤气表 换算装置 第1部分 体积换算 德文版本EN 12405-1-2005+A2-2010》.pdf_第5页
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1、April 2011 Translation by DIN-Sprachendienst.English price group 32No part of this translation may be reproduced without prior permission ofDIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).ICS

2、91.140.40!$nn$“1757501www.din.deDDIN EN 12405-1Gas meters Conversion devices Part 1: Volume conversion (includes Amendment A2:2010)English translation of DIN EN 12405-1:2011-04Gaszhler Umwerter Teil 1: Volumenumwertung (enthlt nderung A2:2010)Englische bersetzung von DIN EN 12405-1:2011-04Compteurs

3、de gaz Dispositifs de conversion Partie 1: Conversion de volume (Amendement A2:2010 inclus)Traduction anglaise de DIN EN 12405-1:2011-04SupersedesDIN EN 12405-1:2007-08See start of applicationwww.beuth.deDocument comprises pagesIn case of doubt, the German-language original shall be considered autho

4、ritative.11503.11 DIN EN 12405-1:2011-04 A comma is used as the decimal marker. Start of application The start of application of this standard is 1 April 2011. National foreword This standard includes safety requirements. This standard has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 237 “Gas meters”

5、 (Secretariat: BSI, United Kingdom). The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Gastechnik (Gas Technology Standards Committee), Working Committee AA Gasmessung. EN 12405 consists of the following parts, under the general title Gas meters Conversion devices: Part

6、 1: Volume conversion Part 2: Energy conversion Part 3: Data loggers Part 1 of this standard sets out the requirements for the construction, performance, safety and conformity of gas-volume electronic conversion devices associated to gas meters, used to measure volumes of fuel gases of the 1stand 2n

7、dfamilies as in DIN EN 437. Only three kinds of conversion are dealt with in Part 1 of this standard: conversion as a function of temperature only; conversion as a function of pressure and temperature with constant compression factor; conversion as a function of pressure, temperature and compression

8、 factor. Amendments This standard differs from DIN EN 12405-1:2007-08 as follows: a) after Subclause 8.7 “Durability”, the following new subclauses have been inserted: 1) 8.8 “Repeatability” 2) 8.9 “Reliability”; 2 DIN EN 12405-1:2011-04 b) Annex A (normative) “Type test” has been extended by the fo

9、llowing subclauses: 1) A.18 “Short time DC power variations” i) A.18.1 “Objective” ii) A.18.2 “Reference to standards” iii) A.18.3 “Procedure” iv) A.18.4 “Acceptance criteria” 2) A.19 “Surges on supply lines and/or signal lines” i) A.19.1 “Objective” ii) A.19.2 “Reference to standards” iii) A.19.3 “

10、Procedure” iv) A.19.4 “Acceptance criteria” v) A.20 “Power frequency magnetic field” vi) A.20.1 “Objective” vii) A.20.2 “Reference to standards” viii) A.20.3 “Procedure” ix) A.20.4 “Acceptance criteria”. Previous editions DIN EN 12405: 2003-10 DIN EN 12405-1: 2006-04, 2007-08 3 DIN EN 12405-1:2011-0

11、4 4 This page is intentionally blank EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPENNE EUROPISCHE NORM EN 12405-1:2005+A2 October 2010 ICS 91.140.40 Supersedes EN 12405-1:2005English Version Gas meters - Conversion devices - Part 1: Volume conversion Compteurs de gaz - Dispositifs de conversion - Partie 1: Conversi

12、on de volume Gaszhler - Umwerter - Teil 1: Volumenumwertung This European Standard was approved by CEN on 15 March 2005 and includes Amendment 1 approved by CEN on 6 July 2006 and Amendment 2 approved by CEN on 19 September 2010. CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulati

13、ons which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN Management Centre or to any CEN member. This Eur

14、opean Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the n

15、ational standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Swit

16、zerland and United Kingdom. EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMIT EUROPEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPISCHES KOMITEE FR NORMUNG Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels 2010 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No.

17、 EN 12405-1:2005+A2:2010: EEN 12405-1:2005+A2:2010 (E) 2 Contents Page Foreword 91 Scope 102 Normative references 103 Terms, definitions and symbols . 123.1 Terms and definitions . 123.2 Symbols 153.3 !Classification“ . 173.3.1 Mechanical classes . 173.3.2 Electromagnetic environmental classes . 174

18、 Principle of measurement . 174.1 Conversion as a function of temperature . 174.2 Conversion as a function of pressure and temperature 174.3 Conversion as a function of pressure, temperature and deviation from the ideal gas law . 184.4 Correction of the volume at measurement conditions 195 Rated ope

19、rating conditions 195.1 Specified field of measurement 195.1.1 Specified measurement range for gas pressure 195.1.2 Specified measurement range for gas temperature . 195.1.3 Gas characteristics 205.1.4 !Base conditions“ 205.2 !Environmental conditions“ 205.2.1 Ambient temperature range 205.2.2 Humid

20、ity range . 205.2.3 !Mechanical environment“ 205.2.4 Electromagnetic environment 205.3 Power supply 206 Construction requirements . 206.1 General 206.2 Casings . 216.3 Indications 226.3.1 General 226.3.2 Electronic indicating device . 236.4 Inputs for volume conversion 246.5 Battery powered conversi

21、on device 246.6 Security devices and alarms 257 Installation requirements 257.1 General 257.2 Temperature transducer . 267.3 Pressure transducer 268 Performance . 268.1 Reference conditions 268.2 Rated operating conditions 278.3 Maximum permissible errors 278.3.1 General 278.3.2 Error of conversion

22、288.3.3 Specific errors for a gas-volume conversion device, type 2 . 288.4 Conditions of matching the constituent elements of a conversion device type 2 . 288.5 Influence factors 29DIN EN 12405-1:2011-04 EN 12405-1:2005+A2:2010 (E) 3 8.6 Disturbances 298.7 Durability 298.8 !Repeatability“ 298.9 !Rel

23、iability“ . 309 Tests of conformity . 309.1 Verification of the construction requirements . 309.2 Verification of the performance requirements . 309.2.1 Test conditions 309.2.2 Samples of gas volume conversion device type 1 required for testing 319.2.3 Samples of gas volume conversion devices type 2

24、 required for testing 349.3 Test report 3410 Marking . 3411 !Installation and operating instructions“ 35Annex A (normative) Type test . 37A.1 General conditions 37A.1.1 General 37A.1.2 Additional conditions specific to gas volume conversion devices type 1 37A.1.3 Additional conditions specific to ga

25、s-volume conversion devices type 2 37A.1.4 Test procedures . 38A.1.5 Verification of the construction requirements . 39A.2 Accuracy tests under reference conditions 39A.2.1 Objective . 39A.2.2 Reference to documents . 40A.2.3 Procedure . 40A.2.4 Acceptance criteria 40A.3 Effect of ambient temperatur

26、e 40A.3.1 Objective . 40A.3.2 Reference to documents . 40A.3.3 Procedure . 40A.3.4 Acceptance criteria 40A.4 Effect of damp heat, steady state test . 40A.4.1 Objective . 40A.4.2 Reference to documents . 40A.4.3 Procedure . 41A.4.4 Acceptance criteria 41A.5 Effect of damp heat, cyclic test 41A.5.1 Ob

27、jective . 41A.5.2 Reference to documents . 41A.5.3 Procedure . 41A.5.4 Acceptance criteria 42A.6 Electrical power variation . 42A.6.1 Objective . 42A.6.2 Reference to documents . 42A.6.3 Procedure . 42A.6.4 Acceptance criteria 42A.7 Short time power reductions 43A.7.1 Objective . 43A.7.2 Reference t

28、o documents . 43A.7.3 Procedure . 43A.7.4 Acceptance criteria 43A.8 Electrical bursts . 43A.8.1 Objective . 43A.8.2 Reference to documents . 43A.8.3 Procedure . 43A.8.4 Acceptance criteria 43A.9 Electromagnetic susceptibility . 44A.9.1 Objective . 44A.9.2 Reference to documents . 44A.9.3 Procedure .

29、 44DIN EN 12405-1:2011-04 EN 12405-1:2005+A2:2010 (E) 4 A.9.4 Acceptance criteria 44A.10 Electrostatic discharges . 44A.10.1 Objective . 44A.10.2 Reference to documents . 44A.10.3 Procedure . 44A.10.4 Acceptance criteria 45A.11 Overload of pressure (only for type 1 and pressure transducers) . 45A.11

30、.1 Objective . 45A.11.2 Reference to documents . 45A.11.3 Procedure . 45A.11.4 Acceptance criteria 45A.12 Effect of vibrations 45A.12.1 Objective . 45A.12.2 Reference to documents . 45A.12.3 Procedure . 46A.12.4 Acceptance criteria 46A.13 Effect of shocks . 46A.13.1 Objective . 46A.13.2 Reference to

31、 documents . 46A.13.3 Procedure . 46A.13.4 Acceptance criteria 46A.14 Overload of pressure (mechanical) 46A.14.1 Objective . 46A.14.2 Reference to documents . 47A.14.3 Procedure . 47A.14.4 Acceptance criteria 47A.15 Durability 47A.15.1 Objective . 47A.15.2 Reference to documents . 47A.15.3 Procedure

32、 . 47A.15.4 Acceptance criteria 48A.16 Alarms operation . 48A.16.1 Objective . 48A.16.2 Reference to documents . 48A.16.3 Procedure . 48A.16.4 Acceptance criteria 48A.17 !Repeatability . 48A.17.1 Objective . 48A.17.2 Reference to standards . 48A.17.3 Procedure . 49A.17.4 Acceptance criteria“ 49A.18

33、#Short time DC power variations 49A.18.1 Objective . 49A.18.2 Reference to standards . 49A.18.3 Procedure . 49A.18.4 Acceptance criteria$ 49A.19 #Surges on supply lines and/or signal lines . 49A.19.1 Objective . 49A.19.2 Reference to standards . 50A.19.3 Procedure . 50A.19.4 Acceptance criteria$ 50A

34、.20 #Power frequency magnetic field . 50A.20.1 Objective . 50A.20.2 Reference to standards . 50A.20.3 Procedure . 50A.20.4 Acceptance criteria$ 50Annex B (normative) Pressure transducers 51B.1 Scope 51B.2 Rated operating conditions 51B.2.1 Specified measurement range for pressure . 51DIN EN 12405-1:

35、2011-04 EN 12405-1:2005+A2:2010 (E) 5 B.2.2 Environmental class 51B.2.3 Power supply . 51B.3 Construction requirements. 51B.3.1 General 51B.3.2 Casings . 51B.3.3 Indications 51B.4 Performances . 52B.4.1 Reference conditions 52B.4.2 Rated operating conditions 52B.4.3 Maximum permissible errors 52B.4.

36、4 Influence factors 52B.4.5 Disturbances 52B.4.6 Durability 52B.5 Tests of conformity . 53B.5.1 Test conditions 53B.5.2 Tests 53B.5.3 Sample of pressure transducers required for testing . 53B.6 Marking . 53Annex C (normative) Platinum resistance thermometer sensors . 54C.1 Scope 54C.2 Operating rate

37、d conditions . 54C.2.1 Specified measurement range for temperature 54C.2.2 Environmental class 54C.3 Construction requirements. 54C.4 Performances . 54C.5 Marking . 55C.5.1 Required markings 55C.5.2 Verification mark 55C.6 Metrological verifications . 55C.6.1 Type approval 55C.6.2 Initial verificati

38、on . 56C.7 Verification procedure. 56C.7.1 Visual inspection . 56C.7.2 Type testing (type approval) . 56C.7.3 Samples of PRT required for testing . 56C.7.4 Initial verification . 56Annex D (normative) Temperature transducers . 58D.1 Scope 58D.2 Rated operating conditions 58D.2.1 Specified measuremen

39、t range for temperature 58D.2.2 Environmental class 58D.2.3 Power supply . 58D.3 Construction requirements. 58D.3.1 General 58D.3.2 Casings . 58D.3.3 Indications 58D.4 Performances . 59D.4.1 Reference conditions 59D.4.2 Rated operating conditions 59D.4.3 Maximum permissible errors 59D.4.4 Influence

40、factors 59D.4.5 Disturbances 59D.4.6 Durability 59D.5 Tests of conformity . 60D.5.1 Test conditions 60D.5.2 Tests 60D.5.3 Sample of temperature transducers required for testing 60D.6 Marking . 60Annex E (informative) Model type test report for conversion devices . 61DIN EN 12405-1:2011-04 EN 12405-1

41、:2005+A2:2010 (E) 6 E.1 General 61E.1.1 General remarks. 61E.1.2 Number of pages 61E.1.3 Laboratorys identification 61E.1.4 Applicant . 61E.1.5 Identification of device(s) submitted for testing 61E.2 Accuracy tests under reference conditions 62E.2.1 Ambient temperature during the test. 62E.2.2 Test

42、equipment used . 62E.2.3 Test results . 62E.3 Ambient temperature . 63E.3.1 Effect of dry heat 63E.3.2 Effect of cold 64E.4 Effect of damp heat, steady state test . 66E.4.1 Ambient temperature during the test. 66E.4.2 Test equipment used . 66E.4.3 Test results . 66E.5 Effect of damp heat, cyclic tes

43、t 67E.5.1 Ambient temperature during the test. 67E.5.2 Test equipment used . 67E.5.3 Test results . 68E.6 Electrical power variation . 69E.6.1 AC power supply 69E.6.2 DC power supply or battery supply . 71E.7 Short time power reductions 72E.7.1 Test equipment used . 72E.7.2 Test results . 72E.8 Elec

44、trical bursts . 73E.8.1 Test equipment used . 73E.8.2 Test results . 73E.9 Electromagnetic immunity 75E.9.1 Test equipment used . 75E.9.2 Test results . 75E.10 Electrostatic discharges . 75E.10.1 Test equipment used . 75E.10.2 Test results . 76E.11 Effect of an overload of static pressure 76E.11.1 A

45、mbient temperature during the test. 76E.11.2 Test equipment used . 76E.11.3 Test results . 77E.12 Effect of vibrations 78E.12.1 Ambient temperature during the test. 78E.12.2 Test equipment used . 78E.12.3 Test results . 78E.13 Effect of shocks . 79E.13.1 Ambient temperature during the test. 79E.13.2

46、 Test equipment used . 79E.13.3 Test results . 79E.14 Mechanical resistance to overload of static pressure . 80E.14.1 Ambient temperature during the test. 80E.14.2 Test equipment used . 80E.14.3 Test results . 80E.15 Durability 80E.15.1 Ambient temperature during the test. 80E.15.2 Test equipment used . 80E.15.3 Test equipment used .

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