DLA MIL-H-21303 D-1973 HOT CUPS LIQUID ELECTRIC《电液保温杯》.pdf

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1、Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-biLL*H-21303D ML-STD-i29 MLL-STD-130 MIL-STD-i94 MIL-STD-794 MIL-STD-882 System Safety Program, for Systems and Associated Marking for Shipment and Storage idenLificatiop Marking of U. S. Military Prope

2、rty Standard General Requirements for Electr cal Equipment Parts and Equipnent, Procedure for Packing and Packaging of Subsystems and Equipment: Requirements for (Copies of specifications and standards required by suppliers in connec- tion with specific procurement funccions skould be obtainc(? fran

3、i the procuring aobluity or as directed by the coatracting officer ,) * 2,2 Other publications, The following documents form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the issue in eEPcct on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal shall apply

4、. NATIONAL SANITATiON FOUNDATON (NSP) Standard No 4 Gommwcia Cooking and Warming Equipment List of Food Service Equipment (Application or copies should be addressed to the National Sanitation Foundation, P, O. Box 1468, Ann Arbor, MI 48106.) UNDERi!KITI?RS1 LARORATORLYS, INC. Standard Ka 197 Commerc

5、ial Cooking Equipmeqt (Applcarian for copies cnould be addressed to Underwriters Laboratories, liic., 207 East: Ohio Si., Chicago, IL 6052.1; 1655 Scott Blvdv, Santa Clara, CA 99059; 2500 Dundee Rd., Hox 247, Korthbrook, IL 60062.) NATIONAL ELECil2C.41, MANTFACTURERS ASCOCJATION (NEMA) cs 1-109 Test

6、s- (Application for copies should be addressed to the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 155 East 44th St., New York, m- 10017.) DEPARTMENT OP LABOR. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AMINISTRATION Occupational Safety and Iicalrh Act (OSHA) Standards, with Supplemental Revisions (Applicatio

7、n for copies should he addressed to the Superintendent, of Docuinonts, U. S. Government Printing Ofice, Kashngton, DG 20402.) 3. R!lQUIPl3ENTeC 3,1 Prexoduction sample. Unless otherwise specified (see G.2), before production is connienced, a sample of the required hot cup covered by this epecificati

8、on shall be submitted cr made available to the contracting officer or his authorized representative for examination and approval in accordance with 4.2. Appsoval of the preproduction sample authorizes the commencement OC 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without

9、license from IHS-,-,-MIL-H-2L303D 73 m 777770b 0237742 2 mr . NIL-H- 2 1303D a production, but does not rexieve the suppli.er of the responsibility for com- pliance with the detail provisions of this specification. The preproduction sample shall be manufactured in the same facilities to be used or t

10、he manufac- ture of the production items. * 3,2 Standards. * 3.2.1 LL. The hot cup shall conform to the appl-icable requFements of UL Standard No 197. * Certification. Prior to the approval of the preproduction sample, or prior to comiencing production, the supplier shall submit catisfacory

11、evi- dence to the contracting officer or his authorized representative that the hot cup he proposes to furnish under this specification meets the applicable require- ments of UL Standard Wo 197, Acceptable evidence of meeting the applicable requirements of these standards shall be the L label, or th

12、e LrG listing mark, or a certified test report from a recognized, independent testing laboratory acceptable +o the Goernme.it, Fndicating that zhe hot cup has hex? tested and conforms to the applicable requirsaen.ts of iIL Standard No 197. * 3.2.2 E, The hot clip shall coiiforn to the applicable req

13、iirements of NSF Standard No 4. * 3,2.2.1 Certification, The supplier shall submit satisEacCory evj-dence to the contracting officer or his representative that the hot cup he proposes to furnish under this specification meets the applicable requirements of XSF Standard Xo 4 as folLc?ws: (1) A listi.

14、ig in the current edition of NSP “Listing of Food Service Equipment“ or display of the YSF Seal on the finisheidard Xo 4 shall be submitted prior to app;ccal of the preproduction saniple. 3.3 Waterials. X.atr-rie!c shall confcrm to the applicable spec+-ficarions and reqriireprients speclfied heroin,

15、 defined shall be of the qrtalLty ncrrr,alt- usd i-. hie ria:QEac:uzers ctzndazrl cmmicrr-ia1 iteE. Selrction of nare:ials net specifically 3.3*1 Steel, csrboii siieet. Czr5ori steel cfeot i.ra1 cUr,form to cold- rolled coxnercial qdzlir: OE G Class A. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or

16、 networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3.4 Design. deeigns, Type i, designed to operate on 23 vole DC, and Typa II, designed to operate an 115 volt AC, 400 Hza for use in appropriate hot cup brackets specified in MIL-U-7525, designs shall include Q themostat to co.itro1 the following fmc

17、tions: Provide protect.ion when operated it? a dry condition, Hot cups cyxified herein shall consist: cf two basic Both Type I and If hot cups shall ke scitahle The hot cup a. b. operations. C. AllcviaLe the necessity OE attention by creimiec during flight CQIILIO “boil-ouor“ when used iii an aircra

18、ft cahin wich pressuriza- tion correspondlng to 5,000 EccL c?ieacion above sea lsvel. OP both Type X arid If hot cups shall be 35 52 Eluid ounces. in accordance with thc maqufacturars sLan.ard practice. cups shall generally COiifKtII Lo Figures 1 and 2, respectively. Each type hot cup nhaLL contrisr

19、 of the following: assembly, a handle, a tdo-proi.gcd electrical plug, a heating e-ement, aiid a thermostai-. The Srim capacity 3.5 Consiruction. Details noL specifically defined hrreinaFter shall be tlpe I and 11 hot An outer shell, an inner shell, a lid 3.5.1 Outer shell, The uuteL she11 shall he

20、constructed of ccrrcsion resisting steel oonformiiIg to 3.3.2 or 6f carbon steel conEorniing to 3.3.1, 3.5.2 Inner slicll, The iniicr she12 shall be canstrocted of corrosion resisting stccl conforming ta 3.3.2, copper conforming to 3.3.3, ar nickel conforming to 3,3,5 (see 6,2). 3.5.3 Lid assembly.

21、The periphery OE the lid shall be rounded as shown In Figures 1 and 2, in arder to provide good closure and strength, shall be shaped to return all condensate and splash to the inside rif the cup, The lid shall be faseaned securely to a hinge arm, The other hinge arm shall be fastenad to the cup. AI

22、1 hinge parts shall be sufficicatly strong to per- mit repeated slanunng of the ljd without bcea!age, The lid assembly shall be replaceable. 3.5.4 Mandle. Each Lot cup shill1 be equipped with a handle that: incor- porates n guard to prorzct the tisers timd from the outer shell heat, combinatioo hand

23、le arid guard shall k of plastic in accordance with 3.3.4 and shall be attaclizd to the uuter shell in such a manner so as not te create a eafcey or sanitation problem. replaceable in the event of fracture?. * 3,5,5 Electrical plug. The electrical plug shall be located as indicated on Figures 1 eiid

24、 2 for Typz I and II ho: cups respectively. trical PhJg connections penetrate tLe outer shall, they shzll be potted with a suitable compouned or peeling. x Scratched (smaL1). Colcr ot hviqb lever tip and har?dle not black, D iinens ions Not as specified in Fig 1 ctr 7, or does nct fit kacket of HIL-

25、II-7525 X fiarkifig Sot as specified, x X X X 4.3.3,2 End product tectinq. All iiot cups shall be tested as specified in paragraphs 4.4,3 and 4.4,6, 4,O expressed iri terms of defects per hundred unlts, sasple hot cups shall be tested in accordance with para 4.4.2, 4.4,4, 4.4,5, 4.4,7, and G.5.g- Us

26、ing an hspectian level of C-TEPA standards, Part ICs 1-109. this test shall be cause for rejection of that cup, Failure to pass 9 _. . I O Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-H-21303D 73 9999906 02399Li9 5 I.lIL-Ii-21303D 4.4.3 Pottin

27、g arid cup leak test The sample hot cups at ambi iit coiidL- tioiis (80 F maxinium) shaE1 be immersed tocally in water which is heated to 200 P 25 F foc a perioc! of 10 niinutes. Leakage (indicated by air bubbles) between the inner and euter shells or around the electrical pin potting shall be (160

28、for rejection of that: parthular cup. capacitv shall conferni to the requirements specified in 3.4. 4.4.4 Nec co!tcnt. fhc saniplc cup shall be filled 97ith water and the 4.4.5 Cperatioii. Al1 hot cups shall be filled with 30 ounces of watet at 70 25 F arid operated at rated voltage. closed. KO flui

29、d shall escape from insid2 tlre cup durtq the heating of the fluid. After Clic maxiau operating temperature lias been reached, the lid s1:all be opened to the maximum positicii. lid shall drip outsi.de thc cup. The lid of the cup shall be “slie temperature of the water shall reach 175 25 F in 12 22

30、minutes. Xone OE the coiidmsate on the inside of the The thermostat shall meet the requirements of 3. 6.C 4.4.5 ElccLcical rhai;icteristics, Imedistely hllosrinz the tecL speci- fied in 4.4.4 the siimp!e hot wps shall be tested to verify that they meet the eloserical cbnrncreristics and power consum

31、ption required in paragraph 3.6.3 except t!iat Type II hot: sups may i:c tested using 115 V, 60 Hz in lieu of 380 to 420 fiz. 4.4.7 Drv operalion. Th. sample tuns s?inlI 1112 coiiiiected to a power source arid permitced to cui: c(inLiniiously, dry, for 24 hours, Failure shall he cause to reject the

32、entire lot. 4.4 .b Preparation fa; dr:ivez-.-. The insnector sball ascertain that t5c prep,irntoa for dclivcry riqi-irciwiitx 05 1inL cqs conEsrrr, L.1 this sped fientien, 5.1 Packai;ig. Packag5ng cf hot cups shall be level A, E, or C os speci- Elcd (see 6.2) in accordance with KIL-STD-79 equivalent

33、 to 5000 eot eleuatioii, foc heating Liqdids such as hot chocolate drinks, cof- fee, an if required, specify length (see 3.5.6). f. Selection of applicable levels of packaging and packing (see 5). 6,3 The margins of this specificaf5on are marked with an asterisk to indi- cate where changes (addition

34、s, modifications, corrections, deletions) from pre- vious issue were made. This was done as a convenience only and the Governmerit assumes JO liability whatsoever or zy inaccuracies in these notations e idders and suppliers are cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document based OE the ent

35、ire content irrespective of the marginal notations and relationship to the previous issue, Custodians: Army - GL Xavy - AS Air Force - 84 Preparing activity : Air Force - 84 Review activities: Air Force - 45 Army - MD . /?. Project nuniber: 731.0-0434 11 f7 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1973 -716-542/386!3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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