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1、. .-. .a71A-A-5127721 January 1986COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTIONTEST KIT, ENTEROBACTERIACEAE DIFFERENTIATIONThis Conunercial It. Mannitol oxidationInositol oxidation6: Sorbitol oxidation7. Rhamnose oxidation8. Sucrose oxidation9. Melibiose oxidation10. !lnygdalinoxidation11. Arabinose oxidationMotility

2、;$ Gelatin liquification14. H2S production15. Indole formation (Kovacs reagent)16. Arginine Deh drolase17. iLysine Oecar oxylaseOrnithine Oecarboxylase;: Tryptophane Deaminase20. Urea reduction21. Catalase (H20z)Nitrate reduction;: Voges-ProskauerShall be supplied with an incubation tray with a lid.

3、Shall be supplied with instructions, a differential chart, and report sheet(s) toassist in the identification of organisms.After a test strip has been prepared and inoculated in accordance with themanufacturer s instructions, or anism identification shall be facilitated by usingfthe differential cha

4、rt, or a re erence manual that contains an interpretation schemefor use in identifying bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae and other clinicallysignificant gram-negative in an 18-24 identification procedure.Not less than 16 months of the expiration dating period shall remain at the time ofdeliv

5、ery to the Government.The Enterobacteriaceae differentiation test kit shal1 be free from%i%h detract frcm its appearance or impair its serviceability.Unit. Each (EA). One kit consisting of 25 sets of media strips together with 25TiilZ5ationtrays/covers, 25 report sheet instructions and a differentia

6、l chart, asa71specified , constitutes one unit.FSC 6550DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.AMSC N/AProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTION A-A-51277Quality Assurance Pro

7、visions. Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract orpurchase order, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspectionrequirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract orpurchase order, the contractor may use his own or

8、any facilities suitable for theperformance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved bythe Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspectionsset forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assuresupplies and service

9、s conform to prescribed requirements.Records. Records of examinations and tests performed by or for the contractorshall be maintained by the contractor and made available to the Government upon theGovernments request, at any time, or from time to time, during the performance ofthe contract and for a

10、 period of three years after delivery of the supplies to whichsuch records relate.Inspection. Inspection.,as used herein, js defined as both examination (such asvisual or auditory investigation without the use of special laboratory appliances orprocedures) and testing (determination by technical mea

11、ns of physical and chemicalproperties) of the iten. ,;Tests shall be conducted on the media strips, to check the positive andneg!%ochemical reactions of the media to different viable cultures that includethe following:1. Klebsiella pneumonia (ATCC 138832. Enterobacter cloacae (ATCC 1304713. Proteus

12、vulgaris4.(ATCC 13315)Pseudomonas aeruginosa .(ATCC 10.145)The tests shall be conducted in accordance with manufacturer s instructions. Thebiochemical reactions shall be recorded and canpared with a suitable reference forexpected biochemical reactions.The sampling “fortesting shal1 be in accordance

13、with commercial practice.Contractor certification. The contractor shall certify that the product offeredmeets he sallent characteristics of this description and conforms to the producersown drawings, specifications, standards, andquality assurance practices. TheGovernment reserves the right to requi

14、re proof of such conformance prior to firstdelivery and thereafter as may be otherwise provided for under the provisions of thecontract.2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-a71,0Ia71COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTION A-A-51277Regulatory requirem

15、ents.Federal Food, Orug and Cosmetic Act. If the product covered by this documenthas been determined by the U. S. Food and Orug Administration to be under itsjurisdiction, the offeror/contractor shal1 comply, and be responsible for complianceby its subcontractors/ suppliers, with the requirements of

16、 the Federal Food, Drug andCosmetic Act, as amended, and regulations promulgated thereunder. In addition, theofferor/contractor shall ccmply, and be responsible for canpliance by itssubcontractors /suppliers, with the requirements of al1 other applicable Federal,State, and local statutes, ordinances

17、, and regulations.Recovered materials. The offerorlcontractor is encouraged to use recoveredmaterial in accordance with Public Law 94-580 to the maximum extent practical.Preservation, packaging, packing, labeling, and marking. Unless otherwise specified,preservation, packaging, and packing shal1 be

18、to a degree of protection to precludedamage to containers and/or contents thereof under normal shipping conditions,handling, etc., involving shipment frcm the supply source to the receiving activity,plus reshipment from receiving activity, and shall conform to applicable carriersrules and regulation

19、s, Intermediate and exterior package quantities and labeling andmarking shall be as specified in the contract andlor order.The following National Stock Number is covered by this document:6550-01-046-2912The following National Stock Number covers a reference manual for identifyingbacteria of the fami

20、ly Enterobacteriaceae and other clinically significantgram-negative bacteria.6550-01-167-2617Ordering data (Intermediate/exterior packagebe specified in the contract and/or order).MILITARY INTERESTS:Custodians:Army-MDNavy-MSAir Force-03CIVIL AGENCY COORDINATING ACTIVITY:VA-OSSPGC 537193quantities and labelingPREPARING ACTIVITY:DoO-MBAgent:OLA-DMand marking mustProject No. 6550-0035Location S3-8-9Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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