ECA 186-6E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for Method 6 Mechanical Robustness of Terminals《无源电子元件测试 方法6 终端的机械鲁棒性》.pdf

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ECA 186-6E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for Method 6 Mechanical Robustness of Terminals《无源电子元件测试 方法6 终端的机械鲁棒性》.pdf_第1页
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ECA 186-6E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for Method 6 Mechanical Robustness of Terminals《无源电子元件测试 方法6 终端的机械鲁棒性》.pdf_第2页
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ECA 186-6E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for Method 6 Mechanical Robustness of Terminals《无源电子元件测试 方法6 终端的机械鲁棒性》.pdf_第3页
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ECA 186-6E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for Method 6 Mechanical Robustness of Terminals《无源电子元件测试 方法6 终端的机械鲁棒性》.pdf_第4页
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ECA 186-6E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for Method 6 Mechanical Robustness of Terminals《无源电子元件测试 方法6 终端的机械鲁棒性》.pdf_第5页
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1、EIA 186-bE 78 m 3234600 0028b02 3 m - 7 ANSI/EIA RS-186-E-78 Approved October 27,1978 EIA STANDARD STANDARD TEST METHODS FOR PASSIVE ELECTRONIC COMPONENT PARTS METHOD 6: MECHANICAL ROBUSTNESS OF TERMINALS 66E I (Revision of RS-186-D;Method 6) OCTOBER 1978 Engineering Department ELECTRONIC INBUSTRI s

2、ecure lead in clamp as shown in (b). STEP 3 Rotate chuck thru 360“ at a rate of epproximately five seconds per 360 rotation, Successive rotations shell be in alternate directions. A total of 3 such 380“ rotations shall be performed. During this test the chuck shall rotate around an axis which Is fixed with respect to the padded clamp, or vice versa. The chuck shall have no appreciable end play during rqtatlon. TYPE V TORSION - Wire Lead Termlnals 1 ORQUE TORQUE TYPE VI TORSION - Thrneded Trminili FIGURE 1 -TERMINAL TESTS

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