ECA 186-9E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for Method 9 Solderability《无源电子元件测试 方法9 焊锡性》.pdf

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ECA 186-9E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for Method 9 Solderability《无源电子元件测试 方法9 焊锡性》.pdf_第1页
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ECA 186-9E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for Method 9 Solderability《无源电子元件测试 方法9 焊锡性》.pdf_第2页
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ECA 186-9E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for Method 9 Solderability《无源电子元件测试 方法9 焊锡性》.pdf_第3页
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ECA 186-9E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for Method 9 Solderability《无源电子元件测试 方法9 焊锡性》.pdf_第5页
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1、T EIA lb-9E 78 3234600 002bL 7 = ru ANSI/EIA RS-186-E-78 Approved October e7,1978 9 b a oa pc ELECTRONIC COMPONENT PARTS STANDARD TEST METHODS FOR PASSIVE c - METHOD 9:s SOLDERABILITY Ly EIA STANDARD Errgineering Departmenb (Revision of RS-186-0, Method 9) OCTOBER 1978 ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIM ASSOCIATI

2、ON EIA 186-9E 78 m 3234600 0028bl19 9 m NOTICE EIA engineering standards are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating mis- understandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, iind assisting the purchaser in selecting and

3、obtaining with mini- mum delay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such standards shall not in any respect preclude any member or non-member of EIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Standards, nor shall the existence of such standards preclude their v

4、oluntary use by those other than EA members whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationdy. Recommended standards are adopted by EIA without regard to whether or not their adop- tion may involve patents on articles, materials, or processes. By such action, EM does not assume

5、 any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the recommended standards. This Standard contains the major technical contents of International Electrotechnical Com- missiori Publication 68-2-20, Test T: Soldering, Solder Bath Method. It differs fro

6、m the IEC Publication 68-2-20 only in test control and procedure wording. . These differences are, weil known to the US. Committee of Experts for the,International Electrotechnical Commission Technical Cdfnmittee 50 and resolution of these differences will be sought in future meetings of TC-50. PubI

7、bhed by ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION Engineer- Department 2001 Eye StreetpN. W.Washiion, ID. C. 20006 PRICE: $3.0 RS- 186-93 Page 1 STANDARD TEST METHODS FOR PASSIVE ELECTRONIC COMPONENT PARTS METHOD 9 SOLDERABILITY (From EIA Standard RS-178-B and Standards Proposal No. 1271 formulated under th

8、e cog- nizance of the EIA P-9 Committee on Test Methods and Procedures.) INTRODUCTION This Test Method forms a part of the EU Standard RS-186 which contains test guidance, definitions and standard test conditions. 1. 2. 3. 3.1 a PURPOSE The purpose of this test standard is to determine the solderabi

9、lity of solid lead wires, terminals, and other terminations which are normally joined by means of soft solder. (is Standard shall not be construed as a production procedure for soldering operations. The solderability determination is made on the bask of the ability of the terminal of the part to be

10、wetted by a coat of new solder, to verify that the treatment used in the manufacturing process to facilitate soldering is satisfactory, and that this treatment has been applied to the required portion of the part designed to accommodate a soldered connection. The applicability of this test standard

11、as to the size of the terminals tested should he considered before use in the referencing specification. The solder temperatures and the dwell times given in this standard are normally limited to component parts with terminals up to 17AWG wire size or 0.045 inch (1.14mm) in diameter. Variation in po

12、t temperature, Paragraph 7, and the immersion procedure, Paragraph 8.2, of the standard will provide for specifications that include larger type terminals. SCOPE This standard defines a test for solderability of solid lead wires, terminals, and conductive accessories of component parts which are to

13、be joined b a soldering operation involving the use of rosin type wires not greater than 0.045 inch (1.14 mm) in diameter. For larger diameter wires, stranded leads or other parts, the test procedure may be modified as outlined in Paragraph 10. This standard includes test conditions which may be sel

14、ected and referenced as condition 1, or 2 as per Paragraph 7. flux and solder of the types covered by QQ- J -571. The specific times and temperatures are for lead DEFINITIONS Solderability The property of a metal surface which allows it to be wetted by solder; wetting being defined as the formation

15、of a uniform, smooth, unbroken film of solder adherent to a base metal. EIA LBb-YE 78 m 3234600 002b2L 7 m - RS-186-pE Page 2, 3.2 Lead Wires Por the purpose of this test standard, the lead wire is simply the wire portion of the component that is to be soldered. 4. REQUIREMENTS The surface to be tes

16、ted shall be fluxed and immersed in molten solder under clearly defined condi- tions (Paragraph 8). Defects such as pin holes, rough spots, dewetted areas or uncoated base metal shall not constitute more than 5 percent of the area tested when measured as described iq Paragraph 9. 5. EQUIPMENT 5.1 So

17、lder Pot A thermostatically controlled, electrically heated solder pot with a capacity of at least 2 lbs. shall be used. The temperature control shall be capable of maintaining the solder at the temperatures indi- cated in Paragraph 7. 5.2 Dipping Device , A dipping device having a vertically acting

18、 dipping arm, of a motor-driven cam jig design and capable of controlling the rate of immersion and removal (emersion) of he parts as per Paragraph 8.2 may be used. A suggested dipping device is shown in Figure 1, although other suitable devicw may be used in accordance with Paragraph 8.2. 5.3 Optic

19、al Equipment A microscope capable of 1OX magnification, equipped with a reticue having circles with diameters of .005” (.127 mm), ,010” (.254 mm), and ,020” (.Ei08 mm), and a ring fluorescent light source shall be used to examine parts, 6, MATERIAL 6.1 Solder The solder shall be composition Sn 60 co

20、nforming to the latest revision of Federa Specification QQ-S-571, Solder; Lead Alloy, Tin-Lead Alloy, and Tin Altoy; Flux Cored Ribbon and Wire, and Solid Form or ASTM B-32, Grade 60B. 6.2 Flux The flux shall be of a non-corrosive type composed of 25 percent by weight of rosin and 75 percent by weig

21、ht of alcohol. The rosin shall be class A, Type 1, grade W conforming to Federal Specifica- tion LLL-R-626, Rosin, Gum; Rosin, Wood; Rosin, Tall Oil, The alcohol shall be 99 percent isopropyl alcohol, The flux shall be free of additional activators. EIA Lb-SE 78 W 3234b00 0028622 9 W RS-186-9E Page

22、3 a rn I .3 PERCENT DEFECTS U I 1 I U m m I I I U I 6 PERCENT DEFECT8 8 PERCENT DEFECTS FIGURE I SUGGESTED DIPPING DEVICE FOR SOLDERABILITY TEST a 5 EIA lb-9E 78 m 3234600 0028623 O m RS-186-9.E Page 4 7. TEST CONDITIONS Test condition Solder Fahrenheit Celsius Flux 1 SN 60 450 ,+ 10 232 f 5 See 6.2

23、 2 SN 60 520 f 10 271 f 5 See 6.2 8. TEST PROCEDURE Unless otherwise specified, Test Condition 1 shall be the standard. Parts shall be checked in an “as received” condition from the supplier, and care shall be exercised to prevent contamination of the surfaces to be tested, by grease, perspirants, e

24、tc, 8.1 Flux Application Specimens for Test Conditions 1 and 2 (Paragraph 7) shall be immersed in the flux specified in Paragraph 6.2 to the minimum depth necessary to cover the surfaces to be tested. Unless otherwise specified in the individual specification, specimens with wire leads shall be imme

25、rsed to within 0.125 inch (3.18 mm) of the specimen body; terminations not attached to the specimen body shall be immersed 1 inch (1905 mm), Surfaces to be tested shall be immersed in the flux for a period of from 5 to 10 seconds and,then immersed in the solder bath 15 to 20 seconds later. Heat sink

26、s may be used to protect heat sensitive components. 8.2 Solder Dip The molten solder specified in Paragraph 6.1 shall be stirred with a clean stainless tell paddle to assure that the solder is at a uniform temperature and composition, Dross and burned flux shall be skimmed from the surface of the mo

27、lten solder immediately prior to dipping. After fluxing the specimen, the flux covered termintion shall be immersed in the molten solder to the depth specified in Paragraph 8.1. The immersion and emersion rates shall be 1 f 0.25 inch (25.4 6.4 mm) per second and the dwell time in the solder shall be

28、 5 f 0.5 seconds. For dipping the specimen, a mechanical device as des- cribed in Paragraph 5.2 is recommended, However, by mutual agreement between user and vendor, a manual operation simulatiiig the above conditions may be used. The specimen shall be allowed to cool in air. Residual flux shall be

29、removed from the specimen by dipping in.clean isopropyl alcohol. If necessary, a soft clean cloth shall be used to remove all remaining flux. 9. EVALUATION Component leads or lead wire shall be examined with the equipment specified in Paragraph 5.3 using a magnification of 1OX. Examine a one inch (2

30、.54 mm) length of the dipped lead starting 0,125 inch (3.18 mm) from the component body. Examine the specimens visible surfaces in 120 degree increments. (Approximately 1/3 of the circumferential area can be seen.) Determine the size of nonwetted or dewetted areas using the reticule and record the n

31、umber in each category. Repeat this procedure for the remaining 2/3 of surface by rotating in 120 degree increments, Refer to Paragraph 11 and Table 1. All other parts shall be examined with a magnification of 4X to 1OX. Figure 2 may be used as a guide to determine percentage defects. To assist eval

32、uation and for referee purposes the pictures and requirements in Appendix A of Method 208 of MIL-STD-202 are applicable. I I- .- c EIA LBb-qE 78 = 3234b00 0028624 2 RS- 186-93 Pagi 5 CAM FOR 6 EC DWELL TW IN 8olMR BATH k 1 MICROSWITCH FOR MOTOR WUOFF) rn I FIGURE 2 SOLDERABILITY COVERAGE GUIDE rc EIA 186-9E 78 = 3234600 0028625 4 B =14; C = 7 Then zi =A+4B + 16C = 28 + (4 x 14) + (16 x 7)= 196 From table: % Defects = 3.8

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